
Friday, April 22, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-22-22 Full episode B&B 22nd April 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-22-22 Full episode B&B 22nd April 2022


  1. So once again hope should sacrifice something for steffy??! Ok

    Don't see Liam going along with it for too long though. He hates lying.

    Maybe he himself will be the one to tell steffy about Finn and hayes.

    1. What is Hope sacrificing? She and Brooke should not even be there!!!

    2. Hope the spoiled princess never sacrifices anything! Anyone with a soul would understand that with the trauma they should be understanding I mean what Hope can’t bear for Steffy to have a day or two to process her trauma really?? How selfish can she be??

    3. So you are saying hope has never sacrificed anything for steffy ....really?

      Tell me something...what did you think of Taylors expression when Bridget told Brooke that the detective is interrogating steffy.. eh??

      Wasn't mommy looking a little worried there that steffy might remember some things? Because she knows its bye bye Liam.

      Yall could say what yall want about Brooke and hope ...they are always on the mark.

      Can't wait for Taylor to drown herself in some liquor for being a gullable ass all these months. She deserves it.

      Glad to see ridge is doing his own thing and getting steffy to remember though.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Cassie-I agree with you about Hope and Liam sacrificing for Steffy. Sick of everyone not thinking this should be upsetting her. My big question is why in the hell was Sheila in the room? She didn't need to be in there while she was being questioned. I can't believe Ridge didn't ask her to leave. Some crazy stuff is all I can say.

    6. I wondered the same thing Maddy. Why was Sheila even there? C'mon now!

      Not sure why everyone is up in arms about Steffy blocking out her memories of Finn and the shooting. It's not like this has never happened before in the history of traumatic events experienced by someone. But I guess it's because Liam is involved. If Steffy repressed the memory and went back to when she and Wyatt were married, I guess it would be okay. 🙄🙄

      And when has Hope ever sacrificed for Steffy? 🤔😂🤣

    7. BBfan101 How many women do you know that would let their husband play let's pretend we're still married with their ex-wife? Hope is Liam's wife and Hope and their marriage should be first priority. Liam has a responsibility to take care of Kelly, but not Steffy. Steffy is the ex and Hope is the present. If the table was turned, I highly doubt if Taylor, Ridge or Steffy would be ok with Liam pretending to be Hope's husband if he was married to Steffy.

    8. @elle

      Oh girl...I'm tired of schooling you.

      Let's go back ....

      Steffys RV accident in Cabo. The lie Bill made up ...and ridge and Taylor wanted Liam to stay with steffy because she was supposedly dying.
      Liam wanted back with hope...she's was all he was thinking about.

      Beth storyline.

      Thomas and hope marriage....and adopting Douglas (Taylor Couldn't get rid hope fast enough)

      (please do not remind of hope manipulating Thomas a bit...I saw it) Etc...

    9. You forget Brooke and Hope demanding that Liam walk away from the life he was living with Kelly and Steffy, his fiancé! They demanded that he go marry Hope and love with her and their baby conceived during his marriage to Steffy!!! They had no care for the damage to Kelly, or hurting Steffy! Liam could have supported his EX Hope and their love child while remarrying Steffy as he wanted to and living with Kelly! Instead we all know that Brooke and Hope were relentless in their guilting and manipulating and Steffy had enough and said go be with Hope! Hope didn’t sacrifice, she was selfish when they thought Beth died. She wanted to wallow in grief and resented Steffy having Kelly with Liam when she has lost her baby. She took Douglas as a replacement! Hope pushed Liam away because her plan for a perfect life didn’t work out. Because she knew she never should have demanded he be there with her and walk out on Steffy and Kelly! Without Beth, there was NOTHING binding those two together, nothing!

      Hope always wants the story book ending, she cannot handle reality.

      If Hope wasn’t hanging around the hospital it would not even be an issue that Steffy thinks Liam is her husband. Hope doesn’t trust Liam, she knows he still loves Steffy and is worried this will bring him back to her again. If she was actually secure it would be an annoying issue but nothing more. Brooke is adamant because she knows Hope is in trouble.

    10. @BBfan101

      Why are you constantly repetitive??!
      Sounds like you rehearsed what to say everytime.

      Change it up a bit. Write your points...not a whole book. said theirs nothing binding Liam and hope except Beth...oh hunny😆.
      🥱🤔 hmmm ...what was it that bind Liam and hope from the beginning??! Think Cassie....think😏🤭🤫

      You already I won't remind you. Stay well in fantasy land.

    11. @BBfan101

      Why are you constantly repetitive??!
      Sounds like you rehearsed what to say everytime.

      Change it up a bit. Write your points...not a whole book. said theirs nothing binding Liam and hope except Beth...oh hunny😆.
      🥱🤔 hmmm ...what was it that bind Liam and hope from the beginning??! Think Cassie....think😏🤭🤫

      You already I won't remind you. Stay well in fantasy land.

    12. Couldn't say it better @BBfan001.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Lol Cassy @ schooling me.

      I'll give you Cabo, but everything else was Hope's stupidity not sacrifice. When they lost Beth, Hope chose to walk away because she couldn't bear the loss of Beth and she wanted better for Liam. Sacrifice? More like walking away from her marriage. If that was sacrifice, then Steffy signing divorce papers in Aspen and telling Liam that he was free to be with Hope was sacrifice as well. Or after their first miscarriage when Steffy went to Paris and Liam showed up and she told him that the doctor said that she could never again get pregnant, and she told Liam that he is free to be with Hope because she can give him a family, that was sacrifice too.

      As for Hope marrying Thomas, sacrifice? No, just plain stupidity. Hope somehow felt that unless she married Thomas, Douglas will never be happy. What an idiotic thought. And she actually went through with it. And this was following from your same example when she left Liam because she lost Beth. So you really cannot count it as 2 instances of supposed sacrifice.

      A for effort though. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    15. Casey u haven't been watch u mean Steffi not hope Moran the hole logen dirty women need to go

    16. Did I miss Finn’s funeral?

    17. NO. They're just pretending Finn never existed so they can start the puke inducing Steffi Liam hope triangle. It's fu**ing infuriating. Total disrespect to Finn and his portrayer Tanner Novlan. There's no doctor in the world that would tell them to go along with this stupid lie. Only on soaps. I happen to know a real person who suffered brain trauma and memory loss of her daughter being killed in a car accident with her. They didn't delay telling her for even a few hours. This is storyline is beyond stupid. Just another prop to put hope and Steffi against each other over lame ass Liam. I can't wait till Steffi leaves for her maternity leave so we don't have to watch this shit every day.

    18. Are you Cassy or Cassie? Your name is spelled differently on your own post. Maybe it’s both? Thanks, girl. 😄

    19. Drs and hospital will LIE to everyone and say the person is getting better even with no response and is intubated and they do it to stretch out their fees and milk insurance. They let us think he was getting better- until they got bored with it and said we should take him off life support. We were shocked because of the lies. So... Drs LIE shoulda had consequences for them. Hospitals must watch soaps for ideas too.

    20. steffy was shot and nearly killed shes not to blame for her memory loss so it looks like brook and hope could be more understanding of the situation at the moment. and show some compassion as they would want others to do if it were flipped around. its not like its gonna go on forever bridgette has done told brook and hope twice that now is not the time to force info on her and cause more trauma. im figuring it will be kelly that says something about finn or hayse thats gonna start snapping our girl steffy back into reality.but for now brook and hope both need to back off shut the hell up stop making it all about them and their hurt feelings.. they need to just take their asses on back home to logan mannor. and stay out of it.its not their place to decide what steffy should or shouldnt be told and they have no sayso in her medical treatment.

  2. I'm surprise Bill didn't come to the hospital, after all besides Brooke he had also a thing for Steffy. Aws for Brooke I would love to punch the living daylights out of her and stick glue into Hope's mouth.

    1. Brooke is unbelievable! I could not believe that she actually accused Taylor of using Steffy's condition to drive a wedge between Liam and Hope. Because ever since Taylor came back, she has been plotting a way to get Liam and Steffy back together and finally came up with the perfect solution. Have Steffy shot to the point of near death so that she would be so terrified that she would block it out and go back to a time when she and Liam were married (fingers crossed). Ridiculous!

      And here are the Brooke fans lapping up the garbage coming out of Brooke's mouth. 🙄

    2. There is no way in the world any sensible wife would let their husband play make believe marriage with their ex. Hope is Liam's wife, she and their marriage are Liam's priority over Steffy. Liam has responsibility toward Kelly, but not Steffy. Steffy is the ex, Hope is the present. Liam should not have even been at the hospital going down memory lane to start with. He should have been home taking care of Kelly. Brooke and Hope should have been home helping him. Steffy's welfare is Ridge and Taylor's responsibility, not Liam's. If Liam wants to know how Steffy is doing, a phone call should be sufficient.

    3. Joy, therein lies the problem! Liam is still I. Love with Steffy! He wanted to reunite with her and be a family with her, and Kelly! He was distraught when he found out Hayes wasn’t his! Liam is there because he loves Steffy and cannot imagine life without her!

      Hope knows it! That’s why she is at the hospital, she’s scared Liam will go back

    4. @Joy, you still don't have it. Liam is married to Hopeless is Lame problem. He should know is not that Steffy call him to come to the hospital. He is there by his own.

    5. Sorry Joy, but Hope chose to take Liam back after he slept with Steffy and after he admitted to her that he still loved Steffy. Hope put herself on the back burner because Liam made it clear who his priority is.

      When Finn came into the picture, Liam was all over him because he felt he was not good enough for Steffy. When Deacon shared the news that Steffy was shot, Liam ran out of there like Usain Bolt running toward the finish line. Hope didn't even have time to process that Steffy was shot before her husband was out the door.

      It is clear that Steffy is Liam's priority. There he is thanking Hope for being so patient. What he should do is try to be sensitive to her by telling her that they should go home. Liam has not left the hospital since Steffy was brought in.

    6. I agree with Joy 1000%! Liam should have kept his ass at the house, as should Sheila and Brooke and Hope. Stopping by once for a few minutes is fine, but there's no reason in hell why any of them should be lingering around the hospital for days. They act like they care about the kids so much, yet they're constantly dumped on a nanny or Aunt Donna to raise them. Beyond stupid. The writing on this show is insulting to intelligent people.

    7. We're not intelligent people if we watch this stuff.

    8. It looks to me that with all the budget cuts, the Bold and the Beautiful have only one camera 🎥. Therefore, the cast in this storyline must all be at hospital currently.

    9. It doesn't matter why Hope and Liam are together, they are still husband and wife and Hope should be more priority over Steffy. Liam should be home taking care of his children, including Kelly. No one, especially a "world renowned Doc" like Taylor should expect Hope to share her husband. If Taylor was married to Ridge, I am sure she would not play make believe if Brroke was in Steffy's position. If Steffy was really too fragile to know the truth, she would be too fragile to be questioned by Lt. Baker.

    10. @Joy. Totally agree with both your comments. Most intelligent thing I've read all day. 👏👏👏

  3. I think nextweek will be promising for all of us,steff will regain some memory taylor will bring hayes to see her.

    1. My guess is that Steffy remembers Deacon’s voice which gives Sheila the idea to plant evidence in his closet. Rut roh.

    2. Unknown, OMG. If you didn't read the spoilers, which I never do, and thought of this on your own, then that's a very good analysis regarding Deacon.

    3. Nah ... it’s just that we viewers can see what might come because we’ve been soapy fans since childhood and the writers are lazy and still follow the same old fashioned redundant formula. Guessing Steffy would think she’s still married to Liam seemed likely as it’s been done multiple times on various soaps. Most spoilers are just guesses by the soap magazines or are so generalized like horoscopes which tell us nothing. I like to hear viewers guesses to see what comes to fruition. We are all probably better writers than the crew on this show. I really have no idea but how about Deacon comes to the hospital and runs into his ex, Bridget? Go ahead, J, I’d like to hear YOUR guess of what might transpire.

    4. If it were up to me, like a lot of posters were saying, that Finn isn’t really dead or like another Unknown said a few weeks ago that Finn has a twin, an evil twin like Sheila. I replied that Sheila is Sara Smythe’s twin and her children, Daisy and Ryder, are sketchy twins so it is entirely plausible. I hope that the writers are more creative than we are and somehow bring Tanner Novlan back to B&B.

    5. Finn could always return as a ghost 👻. LOL

  4. Brooke is beyond the pale! What a selfish cow! Poor Hope seriously 😒? Hope isn’t going through anything but a wee inconvenient moment. Steffy is fighting to survive but hey as usual Brooke doesn’t care at all if she destroys Steffy and in turn harms Kelly and Hayes who need their mummy!

    Hope is being a brat too! Bridget told them even the neurologist says not to tell Steffy, you can tell Brooke is going to go in and tell her just to hurt her.

    Makes me sick!

    1. How was Ridge ever married to this narcissist Brooke when she has such disdain for his children and no respect at all for their mother even while all she is going through her daughter nearly being killed? Yes. Throw the selfish cow and her calf out now!

    2. BBfan101- I think Brooke and Hope have every right to be upset. It's like they said how long are they supposed to keep up the charade? I'd really like to know how they're going to play all this out with Hayes. And is Kelly going to see her not reacting to her son the way she should? Is she going to want to keep him, hold him, or anything? She's obviously not going to believe it's her baby if she doesn't remember. This is all stupid and they should have went a different route with this story line. I'd like to know if half the people on here that are coming down on Brooke and Hope would be okay if they were put in the same situation. I kind of doubt it. Another point is that this isn't just about Steffy and her life this is also about Liam, Hope, and the kids lives. So I guess I'm a little bit tired of everybody thinking about poor Steffy.

    3. Maddy, I was with you up until the part about this being about Liam, Hope and the kids' lives. How in the world is Steffy blocking out a memory of her dead husband and she herself almost dying about Liam, Hope and the kids?

      I honestly can't blame Hope for feeling a little antsy. She is well aware of how her husband feels about his ex-wife and mother of his child. If it were me, I would feel insecure too. However, I do blame Hope for deciding to stay with Liam after he cheated on her with Steffy, told her that he still loved Steffy and almost had another child with the woman he admitted to still loving. Hope allowed her pride and self-esteem to go out the window in favor of settling. What can she say now except "Mom, Liam loves Steffy..."

      As for Brooke... why is she even there? She doesn't even like Steffy.

    4. Bbfan101 Bridget said as her neurologist it's best to give her time not that she consulted with her neurologist

    5. Steffy has been awake what one day in soapy time? I don’t think we’re supposed to believe this will go on for weeks or months etc. Be reasonable, I understand it would be annoying for Hope totally get that. How ex, give Steffy a second for her brain to reboot! That was a horrific situation. No one would expect Hope or anyone else for that matter to recover the second they woke up! Honestly if it were any other character on the show it would be a no issue. Personally if it were Hope who went through that I would be supporting the same tactic to let her remember and play along. I know someone who went through trauma and temporarily thought they were their deceased sibling. The doctors told us the same thing and they did remember and recover… it was a difficult situation especially for their spouse! No one would have thought of forcing the death etc on them at that time. It would have been cruel and some who knows what damage to their psyche.

      That is all Ridge and Taylor are asking. Give Steffy a minute so her brain can process. Bringing Hayes is a good idea. The fact is it isn’t about Hope and Brooke. I agree with Elle there.

      Liam is choosing to be there with Steffy before she woke up and Hope has to deal with his ongoing feelings for Steffy. She knew about them and chose to be with Liam so it was her choice and knowledge that something like this could happen and Liam would run to take care of Steffy as a woman he loves, not as his ex wife/Co parent!

      Brooke is being ridiculous, like they planned this to get Liam and Steffy together. It’s not a rational thought pattern. There is no compassion in her heart and she has no business being there. Brooke has never had any use for Steffy and was never supportive of Ridge’s kids and always demanded he prioritise hers that excepting RJ (maybe) are not even his!

    6. It doesn’t matter Unknown 3:17 PM but piqued my curiosity. I couldn’t find a thing as to what specialty Bridget focuses on as a physician but what was interesting is her typical incestuous soap opera past which had slipped my memory. She had sex with Ridge in a mineshaft; had a stillborn with Nick; had a miscarriage with her sister’s husband, Dante’s fetus; remarried Nick then got pregnant by his father-law so she should have a 12 year old, Logan, staying at Hope’s daycare, too; asked Katie to help her and Nick reunite but it backfired when Katie started a relationship with him, etc., etc. LOL

    7. No Bridget didn’t , she isn’t a neuro she’s an A&E dr. She said she and Steffy’s neurologist agree, she told them she was getting a neuro consult because of the memory issues, remember??

    8. I'm with you Maddy. No one would go along with this idiocy. I feel like some of these commenters have an unhealthy obsession with Steff and Liam's relationship. It's not normal to be so invested in fake people. Whether or not you like certain characters, the fact is that this is not how the situation would be handled in the real world.

    9. Soap opera doctors are the most fantastic and skilled on the planet. Remember on Days Exie? and Kayla both did brain surgery, heart transplants in their spare time of saving everyone in the hospital.
      They are not silly specialists like today's real life doctors.

    10. Yes that’s right Hilary. They never let the truth get in the way of their stories.
      After the way Steffy treated Hope recently, which was nothing short of appalling, I wouldn’t be playing this stupid game. No one in the real world would, not only did she put Hope down terribly, but she also attacked her mother. I don’t know anyone who would tolerate the way Steffy has treated her and still turn the other cheek.

  5. Lame and Hopeless shouldn't be there in the first place, but there are be protagonist, now it's all about Hope happiness,Hope sacrifice for Steffy, what sacrifice?

  6. Is anyone having commercials every two minutes??
    Anyway the Login's should not be there for no reason at all. Brooke never lost a child snd Hope never lost a sister so leave this family in peace.
    No one wants to take sleepy Liam away from you guys. Ridge doesn't want you even Brooke Logen so get on home and cry.

    1. Ik heb iedere 2 minuten reclame. Erg hinderlijk!

    2. I agree completely! And yes these every minute commercials are ridiculous!

    3. I am confused too as to why they are there. Hope should be at home with Beth. And I am guessing that Brooke is no longer fixated on the outside force that made her drink. Maybe her powers are diminishing. She's so close to Sheila and yet, she hasn't picked up that Sheila is the outside force.

    4. Oh, Elle ... 😆🤣😂😝😅

    5. Agree Elle. Hope is there to stake her claim on Liam and Brooke is there to cause problems and create her never ending drama because Steffy is stealing the spotlight after all. I mean first she has the audacity to have her husband murdered and then get herself shot and have memory loss! How dare she pull attention away from precious Hopeless and Brooke ?? 🤔🤔🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    6. Yes having adverts, then two repeats of same lines, then black screen then it resumes. I’m grateful to watch but it is tedious dealing with the new streaming site.

    7. Why does Brooke even want gasbag Ridge? He's an old fuddy duddy now, maybe that's why she is always cheating or about to. Between her and Quinn, they go after every guy if someone else is interested in him. Brooke must have taken Ridge for enough money to live on, got the house. Brooke would have done Deacon if he had better diggs than a mop-room hovel.

    8. 🤣😂😅😆, Booklover

    9. What do the squares mean Unknown?

    10. It appears that emojis don’t always come through ... there are multiple different laugh emojis.

  7. If steffy doesn't even remember Finn why doesn't she question Sheila being in the room??
    It makes no sense..

    1. Valid point ... ruh roh, writers.

    2. Unknown- you did make a good point about Steffy not reacting to Sheila being in the room. Are we saying that Steffy has forgot all of her past and only remembers Liam being her husband? We all know how Steffy hates Sheila so why isn't she having some kind of reaction to her being there?

    3. Right unknown everyone keeps saying why is she there but Steffy hasn't said anything about Sheila Carter being in her hospital room????

    4. Steffy did lol she said “her” and Sheila when she first woke up!!! Her mind is currently scrambled so we can’t expect her to wake up and be processing logically after a horrific trauma the day before. This is soap time and this like the day after it happened, two at most.

  8. Can we all agree that Taylor needs a shower and change of clothes?

    1. Yes, and throw away the sweater that covers Taylor's hands. It feels like we have been looking at it for a month!

    2. This is like never ending New Year’s Day and Brooke’s ugly outfit for two weeks straight or Hope’s week plus of the same pajama outfit when she found out about Liam and Steffy!

    3. Taylor must be rank as hell, but since covid (when she didn't shower or change for days,) figures why bother? Maybe I can keep Brooke away if I'm a little funky smelling. What she would say was I can't leave my injured child's side. (Except to scarf at the hospital cafeteria) Mac and cheese here I come.

    4. Both Taylor & Shelia need to go to their respective homes & shower & change clothes. Odds are at least one of them probably had an accident in their pants during the close call on the hospital roof! 🤣

    5. I did notice Brooke’s ugly-ass mustard slacks today with an out-of-style denim jacket. Did she borrow the slacks from the zoot suit Hope wore for weeks not long ago? You know, the one she stole from Jim Carrey’s wardrobe for The Mask movies.

    6. Brooke has been wearing the worst outfits. All too young for her and her body. She's in pretty good shape, (for her age) but age tends to have squinks on the body- Enough to not have the look intended for a particular outfit. It all looks too young and too small. Looks lumpier than the person even is.

    7. Agreed...Taylor is starting to look grungy...Ridge has also been in the same clothes for days...How long have they been at the hospital??

    8. It’s all suppose to be the same day or within the first 24/48 hours. Hope has been in the same outfit Brooke too. It’s soap time so it can be the same day for two weeks like the New Years story line.

  9. Was Finn killed off so we could be put through this nauseating threesome again??!! Steffy is too good for this crap. A lame Liam, indecisive, pathetic, whimpy man child.
    After maternity leave, please give her a real man. A powerful, successful, mature wealthy MAN with a mansion befitting the strong beautiful CEO. Then we can watch the man child whimper in his cave in the backyard of his MIL house.

  10. Thanks Bob and can't wait for Monday. But can't believe Sheila still has the guts to hang around and listen to when they are going to catch who did the shooting !

    1. Chief Baker ought to be suspicious of Sheila!

    2. Chief Baker needs to confer with *Detective Douglas* leading crininologist in their town.
      (*Detective Douglas - originally coined by Unknown)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Kelly's braids are really cute. I guess Super Nanny Amelia can do it all-- watch Hope's kids along with Steffy's at a moment's notice, *and* get a four-year-old to sit still long enough for two beautiful French braids. I wonder if Bridget is eventually going to get her own storyline, or if they just brought her back to be the one medical doctor character on the show, now that Finn is gone.

    1. I love how Hope steals Steffy’s nanny at will, emmm Steffy pays her not you! 😆

      Poor Amelia is Erich with Beth, Douglas is with his father where he belongs. Hope should be at home taking care of her daughter for once in her life. Beth is always at daycare, Auntie Donna, Brooke’s, the nanny etc. Hope doesn’t even work most of the time she sits around whinging lol.

      Steffy and Finn took care of their bairns when they weren’t working. Steffy did that when she was a single mum and worked from home some days to spend more time with her babies.

    2. These guys never actually work. They all have daughter and son-in-law jobs that are imaginary as a way to give them money. How Brooke kicked Ridge out and claimed the house would be interesting to know.

    3. BBfan101- wow. Now you're saying Hope stole Steffy'nanny? Are you for real? How about the fact that the nanny is a caregiver to Steffy's kids and they are use to her. Why would they get someone different to watch her? You Hope and Brooke haters don't give much thought to things.

    4. Hope makes Amelia watch Beth who is not Steffy’s daughter and Hope has her own daycare. She just uses Steffy’s nanny all the time. How is that okay??

    5. Amelia should be minding Hayes and Kelly it’s her job, Beth isn’t!!

    6. Maddy Hope constantly says Beth and Douglas are with Amelia. Amelia isn’t their nanny, she is Kelly and Hayes! I can see Douglas because he’s Steffy’s nephew and spends time with the wee ones. Beth is Hope’s responsibility and she has no reason at all to be at the hospital. I wouldn’t expect Hope to watch Kelly and Hayes because she has resented Kelly from day one and doesn’t take care of her own child.

      Steffy for a nanny for continuity of care because she was a single working mother with long hours and Liam was chained to Hope 24/7 and wasn’t helping with Kelly for the better part of a year when it was all about Hope and her trap pregnancy then Hope and Beth.

      Don’t compare that to Hope just dumping her bairn on whoever , every chance she gets.

    7. Did any of you notice when Liam caught up to Taylor, Brooke, Hope & Bridget, he said that Kelly left with Amelia. How would that go down? Does Amelia have a minibus and she would have to load Kelly along with Douglas, Beth and baby Hayes. Liam would meet up in the hospital parking lot and take Kelly to see her mother while the rest waited inside the vehicle? She wouldn’t have left them at Hope’s daycare alone. It just seems like a lot of trouble for one person when Brooke and Hope could make themselves useful instead of loitering at the hospital being Liam’s and Ridge’s guard dogs. If they are that insecure, Sheila is available to help with the kiddies.

    8. It was mentioned before that Thomas is with Douglas. Maybe he agreed to watch Beth while Amelia took Kelly to the hospital.

    9. But Ridge or someone said, "Douglas asked how long kelly and (forgot name) were going to be there? Like old fish in the fridge- When are they going home? So he is at Hope's place.

    10. Brooke looked slightly hesitant after accusing Taylor of using the tragedy to drive a wedge between hope and liam. She looked like oops "I went to far and they could have my 'no help @ss' go escorted by security out the door." Hmmm should I pitch a fit and scream at everyone?

    11. My goodness you're all hilarious 🤣

  12. Prima serie, maar ik stoor me ontzettend aan de grote hoeveelheid reclames tussendoor!!!

    1. Our Dutch friends are saying they are bothered by so many commercials.

  13. why is sheila in the room when stef is questioned? oh i forget it s a soap

  14. There is no way that they should let Steffy leave the hospital without her remembering about Finn or at least being told that she is not married to Liam. Why would Lt. Baker let Sheila be in the room while she is questioned. Sheila is not an immediate family member.

    1. It’s all poetic license which is common on all soap operas. Steffy would have to consent to be questioned by the police AFTER the doctor deems that it will not impede patient recovery. Sheila would not constantly be in Steffy’s room in ICU even if she did have status as the mother-in-law and they would all be masked in the hospital. It’s all silly for dramatization of the storyline.

    2. Joy, Baker was promoted to Deputy Chief a while ago. At 70, I would have retired. LOL

    3. Unknown, I'm surprised they got him away from a hotdog stand long enough to give him a promotion. I am surprised they haven't shown him eating a hotdog at least once during the investigation. Maybe he gave them up after being promoted. Maybe he can afford better food now.

    4. Hot dogs 🌭.aren’t in the new B&B budget. 😂

    5. They could serve the old shriveled up hotdog from the movie theater on Seinfeld. Probably get a great deal on it.

    6. Yes, it's odd that Sheila is showing up in Steffy's room...Isn't she afraid that Steffy will recognize her, and trigger a flood of memories from that night?

  15. Why is Sheila in Steffy's room more than Taylor?

  16. Someone gotta tell Steffy. It's disgusting so see and hear Taylor "Demand" that NO ONE tells Steffy anything. When Bridget told them that Chief Baker was in there hoping to regain her memory, did you see Taylor's scared face? She's soooo darn happy that Steffy thinks Liam is still her husband! It's disgusting! No one is going to tell Steffy she has another kid?? How does that help? Omg when the kid grows up, what is he going to think? "My mom forgot about me, that's why my grandma raised me." Brooke and Hope can see right through this sickening idea. 🤮

    1. Not too long ago, there was an episode where Taylor and Ridge were talking about Steffy and how proud they were of her. Maybe you forgot but in that episode, Taylor specifically stated that she was happy that their daughter found someone who could make her truly happy compared to what she had with Liam before. She said she didn't want Steffy to be stuck in the same cycle like she was for so many years. Why would she now want her daughter to go back to the man who hurt her over and over? That's Brooke's MO, not Taylor's.

    2. @ Fan For 25 years, you said it perfectly!
      And it was nice to see Hope defend herself for once. She tends to let people walk on her. I thoroughly enjoyed Hope taking a stand against Taylor. I expected Brooke to go after Taylor much more than she did. Brooke was biting her tongue for sure. A day or two more of this charade and the TRUTH better come out!!! Taylor continues to be a total idiot! This is soooooooo gonna blow up in her face!!

    3. Yeah elle and bnbfan they always have excuses for hosteffy even they will over their parters for her if she wanted them 😂😂😂😂
      God how pathetic

    4. Taylor would do it just to stick it to hope and Brooke. She's just as nasty a bitch as everyone else on the show, and anyone who doesn't believe it isn't paying attention

    5. @Mmysh What excuse do I have for Steffy? My comment is about Taylor.

      Maybe you should try reading my comment first before making inaccurate accusations.

    6. That’s hilarious. You same folks who bitched about Taylor being a doormat are now complaining that she is laying down some rules for her daughter who was nearly killed? She shouldn’t even have to but it’s difficult to deal with an entitled bully and her whiny daughter.

    7. @ Unknown 1:00 pm, I honestly don’t understand your point. Why we would care if Taylor was a doormat to people she has ZERO authority over…Liam and Hope. Taylor needs to mind her business and spend time trying to get her daughter back into reality land. Maybe go sit by her bedside and chat for a while since that hasn’t happened in hours, instead of demanding and barking orders at Liam and Hope. Taylor should be asking them VERY NICELY for help as they all ease Steffy back into reality land.
      Taylor is only a doormat and over the top sugary sweet to Ridge, who she desperately wants back. Soooooooo transparent!!!
      Liam and Hope have every right to tell Taylor to go pound sand. And I suspect that will happen very soon if she continues to demand things and bark orders. She has ZERO right to dictate what Liam and Hope do.
      And all you Steffy lovers have zero issue with the fact that Hayes has no mommy right now! Too funny!!!

    8. I guess no-one noticed that Brooke and Hope were the ones barking orders at Taylor which caused her to snap and bark right back at them.

    9. Elle, to tell someone what your own intentions are is not the same as barking orders. Taylor has no boundaries. She for some reason thinks she gets final say on how everyone else behaves. She does not have that right. The best course of action is for Taylor to do what she feels is right for her daughter and leave everyone else out of it. Liam is at some point very soon gonna have to tell Taylor that if she refuses to deal with reality, then he can’t see Steffy anymore until Steffy is told the truth.
      That would cause the truth to come out sooner than later. Taylor may have certain rights when it comes to what is said to her daughter, but she certainly can’t force others to keep the lie going if they refuse to. Hard stop.
      Taylor, the “psychiatrist” needs to be at her daughter’s bedside helping her come back to earth, not scheming with everyone in the waiting room about how to keep the rouse going for as long as possible.
      Steffy is much more alert now, time to start coming back to reality, Steffy. Your life is gonna suck - deal with it!!

    10. If Steffy says 'my husband' one more time 🤢

    11. RG, oh my gosh….I couldn’t agree more!!!

    12. Im sick of hearing all of them say “husbin” like rubbish bin 😂 Seriously the word is husbanD lol they all need lessons in annunciation!!!

    13. That must be ‘soap opera speak’ ... notice how many actresses, AN who plays Hope is a prime example along with the Phyllis character on Y&R, leave the g off of ing words, e.g., nothing, happening, coming. Sometimes it’s cringeworthy hearing how they bastardize the English language making the errors mainstream.

    14. They are using their "Nascar speak," drop off d's and g's study. Waiting for them to use, "he spun hissef, "he's follerin him," "well lookie there," and other sayings.

    15. Yes, Booklover, and how about the common mispronunciation of pitcher for picture? Educated folks say picture improperly, too. Pretend there is a hands over ears and then a shake my head emoji here.

  17. Hope the angel who lay and seduced a married man with a pregnant wife
    Hope the angel who didnt want Steffy to wake up and Brooke the evil step mother who only thinks of her spoilt princess Get them out and take your trained dog with you!!!
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Don't forget Hope the angel who lived and was sleeping with a married man and was planning a wedding, all while waiting for his wife to sign annulment papers. (Annulment papers that Liam ripped up, BTW). 🤭

    2. 😂😂😂😂👏👏👏

    3. They all behave badly. They like to play limbo with new lows. It's fun to watch because they aren't our problem.

    4. At least Hope has never slept with her father-in-law, nor has she had to have a paternity test to see who the baby daddy was. Steffy has two children and had to have paternity tests for both.

    5. I think the point here was about Hope "the supposed angel" doing all these things. Steffy never claimed to be an angel.


    1. It's unrealistic that a person with a criminal history against the Forrester's would kill and attempt to kill and still stick around until they figure out it was her. Usually, that person would have been in a different country by now. But no, not Sheila.

    2. Sheila is a wanna-be hitman, just not professional. Can't use this as a resume for the mafia. Someone said she's going to plant the gun on poor Deacon, but will be sloppy and have her own prints on it. Rank amateur.

    3. Don’t you think she would keep the gun? She carries it in her purse so she must think it might be needed at any moment. Sheila could plant Finn’s wallet and their jewelry.

  19. The little girl who is playing Kelly is very cute. Did you all see Liam’s eyes go crazy when Steffy kept referring to him as her husband?? Not the eyes of someone who is in love with Steffy! More like the eyes of someone who thinks Steffy has lost her dang mind! Too funny!!!

    1. No Lynn. You should look at it again. Liam's eyes went crazy when Steffy referred to him as her husband IN FRONT OF Kelly. His eyes shifted to Kelly probably to see if Kelly would have had a reaction to what Steffy said.

      Don't you worry. Liam is quite comfortable pretending to be Steffy's husband. He even thanked his wife for being so understanding and patient. Lol.

    2. Elle, keep dreaming. Lol. He had his chance to go back to Steffy plenty of times and he always chooses Hope. Liam dud the exact same crazy eye thing when Taylor demanded everyone keep the lie alive. And Liam couldn’t get out of the hospital room fast enough when Bridget told him Steffy needed rest. But you can dream and hope it turns out differently. But it won’t!

    3. I'm actually not hoping at all for a Steam reunion (want more Carter and Quinn). I just like having fun with y'all Brooke/Hopesters and seeing how everyone's pannies are in a bunch over Steffy calling Liam her husband for 1 day. Lol.

    4. Dearest Elle, another character we totally disagree about. I can’t stand Quinn. Well, I don’t like her for Eric for sure. If she and Carter want to screw like bunnies till the end of time, I couldn’t care less.

    5. Well Lynn, at least we can be cordial despite not agreeing on our favorites. ☺️

      I don't know about Carter and Quinn screwing like bunnies though (🤭), I just think that they are 2 very good-looking people who look great together. 😍

    6. Liam’s eyes said, how do play this without pissing off Hopeless? Liam is 100% there of his own accord and I’ll bet he will continue to stay by Steffy’s side as long as he can. He deeply loves Steffy more than default wife and wants to be her knight in shining armor.

    7. Unknown @ 12:50 pm, you couldn’t be more wrong. I will admit that Liam was very concerned when he heard Steffy got shot and could die. He was acting as someone in shock to find out the mother of his child may die.
      But now that he knows she is gonna be OK, you can just tell he is starting to be less invested in being by her bedside. And now that the big lie has taken hold, he is becoming wary to even be around her because it will just perpetuate the deceit. This fantasyland that Steffy is living in is about to come crashing down around her. And she is going to be worse for the wear when it does. Now she will get to go through two extremely tragic events once she finds out the truth. And it will be all Taylor’s fault…the world renowned psychiatrist!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  20. Steffy is a broken record!! And Taylor has zero right barking orders at everyone.
    I am not sure if it’s just me that noticed, but there are new pics of Brooke in the intro to the show. Quite a few pics of Brooke and I don’t recall seeing any of Taylor. Honestly not sure if there is even one. Lol
    It’s super clear who the writers favor! Go Team Brooke!!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    1. Bell Jr has rewritten history to prop the Logans, it’s no secret that Brooke is his favourite! It doesn’t make her behaviour okay!

    2. BBfan101, I think her “behavior” has been over the top accommodating to Taylor’s little stage show. When Taylor demanded they keep up the lie, Brooke could have easily told her to go pound sand!!

    3. Bbfan bad for you sweetie its his story and his show your fantasy land is not there and your her father in law faker is a ho no morals or self respect
      Im really pity her fans especially who hate brook while steffy is a reflection to her
      How hypocritical and pathetic

    4. If we played a drinking game where we took a shot every time Steffi said "I just want/need my husband" we'd all be trashed! God the stupid repetitive dialogue is giving me a migraine

    5. Lynn and Hilary aren’t you both smart cookies?!
      Finally, some people who aren’t looking at Steffy through rose coloured glasses and can see her for the mean mouthed bitch that she is.

    6. Marusa, absolutely!! Some days we are so outnumbered on this blog I just stop arguing with people.
      As far as Steffy is concerned….it’s always all about HER! And yes, she is EXTREMELY judgmental and mean.

  21. Well, all the brook lovers have suddenly come back out of the woodworks.. and I must say, there is some pretty cold hearted responses here.. firstly, if steffy did not defend brook, she would not be in that bed fighting for her life and would still have her husband..

    Secondly, if your own daughter had watched her husband die in her arms and then she was shot trying to get help for him, what would you do?? If it were your own child?? I am sorry, but I don’t beleive that any of you would defending brook and hope all because they r so friggin insecure about Liam..

    Where is the trust in Liam hope?? U r the one with his ring on your finger remember!! She just regained consciousness for fucks sake.. this has nothing to do with me being a steffy supporter.. it has to do with common sense.. and they claim they r there because they love and care for steffy, yet, they can’t give her even a few hours to even wake up?? Seriously, brook accusing Taylor of trying to match make, WTF, but it doesn’t surprise me though.. brook cares about no one but herself and hope and first and foremost men!! Is she that insecure for her daughter, if so , why?? U have to ask that question.. and the answer is because they know how much he loves steffy.. he even told hope after the night he slept with steffy.. she sent him back to hope..

    Liam could not run out the door fast enough to get to the hospital.. they share a child together.. those who say he should not even b there, wrong, she is the mother of his first child, of course he should b there..?

    The cold hearted mess of brook, hope and their fans is astounding.. even Bridget said she should not be forced to remember yet as it will be detrimental to her recovery.. there is a reason she has blocked it out..

    When people go through a trauma as serious as that, the brand n has to do whatever it has to, so that it can focus on healing.. it will block those memories because it can’t cope with healing the physical and dealing with shock of it at the same time.. it is a natural process..

    She has only been calling ncious for a few hours, for gods sake.. how is it hurting hope if she is so secure in her marraige, to allow steffy some time to recover.. it’s not like she is jumping into bed having sex with him for fucks sake.. if I personally was in that situation, I would not hesitate to allow my husband to do that for a little while till she got her memory back.. because I trust my husband.. and if for some reason, he left me for her, then I would not want to b with him anyway, because I would want a man who was true to me and no one else..

    I think they are very selfish and insecure.. and I cannot beleive brook has turned this into such a drama.. to say “see, this is causing my daughter so much distress”, really, so brook, if this is soooo stressful for hope, imagine the stress for steffy?? Pathetic is all I can say.. and to b honest, I hope brook keeps going the way she is, because ridge will FINALLY see her for what she really is, and we all know the rhym, the *#%* from the valley!!

    1. 👏🏻🎯👏🏻🎯👏🏻🎯👏🏻

    2. I hope IT For Liam Too !!!
      He Almost Lost His true Love of His live Steffy !!!
      They are Stephanie & Eric Part 2 !!!

    3. Wow you’re right Lynn, the Steffy supporters certainly wind themselves into quite a state don’t they?!
      I can’t help but be amused by the fact that they can’t just right a response, they right a novel.
      Guys it doesn’t help your cause by the amount of text involved.

    4. Colly, always the voice of reason. A very sound and intelligent response. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      I wonder how Brooke will feel when she realizes that all this happened because Steffy was defending her. 🤔

      Colly, Brooke and Hope do not care about whether or not the man loves someone else, as long as they get him for themselves. That's why they will always be insecure. The look on Hope's face while she's peeking through the door at Liam and Steffy, she's so scared of what might be happening between them that she doesn't realize that Steffy's memory WILL return and she WILL remember that Liam is not her husband.

    5. Marusa, so glad you are here!! As I said earlier, we Brooke fans typically get outnumbered on this blog. Love your comments! Keep up the good work! 👍🏻

    6. Hold on people, are you actually saying Steffy got shot because she was defending Brooke???!!! Really??? NO, Steffy got shot because she said over and over and over to Sheila the psychopath….”You will never ever ever be a part of our lives.” That’s why Steffy got shot. I don’t understand how you ladies justify your comments. You take one little blip in a conversation and turn it into something entirely different than it actually is. Steffy DID NOT GET SHOT FOR DEFENDING BROOKE. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    7. Steffy got shot for screaming at Sheila that Sheila was going to jail and never being part of her family or see her son and grandson. Steffy was exercising her entitled overblown ego in the face of a known psycho. Steffy believes in herself waaaay too much.

    8. Booklover123, exactly! Thank you for stating the obvious. The way people try to spin things is nonsense. I said pretty much the same thing above.

    9. It was out of character for Steffy to care that Brooke was set up with the booze. So what? She got the result she wanted. Sheila didnt get the result SHE wanted which was adoring fans of her nefarious deeds. Why don't they expose this whole family as people wasting hours at work spying on relatives. (Ajusting the door alightly for best audio accuracy) No one shuts a door so make them slam shut if lightly touched.

    10. Pretty sure she defended Brooke only because she hates Brooke slightly less than she hates Sheila. Not sure what Steffy expected her endgame to be. You don’t meet a known psychopath in a dark alley late at night without a backup plan. She had to know it wasn’t gonna turn out well. No common sense whatsoever. So all the people boo-hooing for Steffy and Finn right now can blame this mess on Steffy not using her brain!

    11. Victim blaming sounds like Brooke lovers! That’s just disgusting! Colly 👏👏👏👏

    12. Exactly, BBfan. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Steffy was shot because she was going to expose Sheila for the label switch on the champagne - that was about Brooke!

      Only a psychopath would kill over a misdemeanor offense (if there is such a law for tampering with a label). That’s how lots of criminals get caught, like Sheila, they can’t keep their mouths shut.

    13. @Unknown 10:18 - so by your logic, it’s Brooke’s fault that Sheila switched the champagne bottle labels??? Seriously, do you you hear yourself talk?
      Sheila rolled the dice by trying to destroy Brooke’s life. And clearly karma bit her in the butt and the person she wanted more than anything in life is now dead because she shot and killed him.
      No matter how you try to spin it, this is NOT Brooke’s fault that Steffy lost her husband, and almost died herself. Steffy is a complete fool for meeting Sheila alone in the ally at night in the first place. You don’t get bonus points for being stupid!! How many times has Steffy warned everyone how psycho Sheila is!!??!! Then she proceeds to meet her alone at night in an ally in a known confrontational situation??? Nothing could be stupider.
      At this point it is what it is. Steffy has lost Finn and she will have to deal with that. End of story.
      And of by the way, Sheila wasn’t worried she was going to jail because of any stupid champagne bottle switch. Steffy said she was gonna go to jail for the rest of her life after she had just shot Finn and wouldn’t let Steffy call 911.
      None of this carnage had anything to do with Brooke. Sheila’s sinister plot blew up in her face. And Steffy’s giant ego allowed her to make a bad decision by meeting with Sheila in the first place. Now both Sheila’s and Steffy’s lives are pretty much ruined. Boo hoo!!

    14. Lynn read what unknown posted. No one is blaming Brooke for what happened. PP is simply agreeing that Steffy was in fact defending Brooke! Steffy was willing to expose the switch even if it meant Ridge going back to Brooke. Sheila tried to use that to keep her 🤫. Steffy wanted everyone to know it wasn’t Brooke’s fault she was drinking. Given how much Steffy doesn’t like her and Brooke detests Steffy and it might hurt Taylor, Steffy wanted to do the right thing.

      Maybe read what poster said instead of pointing fingers. I mean Hope fan already said it’s Steffy’s fault she and Finn were shot! Actually it’s Sheila to blame she’s psychotic!

    15. Exactly, BBfan ... Lynn, you just done went to the cliff and jumped off with your twisted accusations of what I said. I wouldn’t have responded at all to that but, alas, a voice of reason already did.

    16. Lynn honey, not sure what you read but Unknown made no such accusation about Brooke.

      Anyhoo, if y'all really want to get technical, Steffy was not shot because she went off on Sheila. She and Sheila were going at it for a while. The ONLY time that Sheila pulled out the gun was when Steffy said that she was going to tell Brooke and everyone about what Sheila did. Unfortunately, Finn stepped in front of the bullet that was meant for Steffy.

      So to summarize, Sheila first attempted to shoot Steffy because she was going to tell Brooke about what Sheila did then, she actually shot Steffy when she tried to call 911.

    17. *The poor English portion was a movie quote to make a point.

  22. Why in the world are they allowing Sheila in Steffy’s room, especially while she’s being questioned about the night in question??? The room’s not that big that they can’t tell she’s in there!

    1. Agree sunshine, even Bridget thought it was really odd.. ridge asked her to leave twice now and twice she has just let herself into the room.. I am not happy with Taylor allowing Sheila there.. I get that Taylor feels sorry for her, because unlike some others there, she has a big heart, too big, but that’s the difference between her and others.. but she knows steffy hates Sheila, so she should not be allowing Sheila in there.. wake up Taylor!! At least I can admit when my favourites r doing the wrong thing!!

    2. It looked like Sheila walk into Steffy's room behind the others...they did not turn around & it looked like they did not see her.

  23. And she also feels obligated because Sheila saved her life, however, she would not have been in that position and on the roof if it were not for Sheila.. open your eyes Taylor, stop being such a softy..

  24. Dear Bob, it's very annoying to see 11 commercials in 1 episode of B&B. If this is the way we need to watch B&B it's not fun to watch anymore. Do you have a way to stop or at least minimize the amount of commercials it would be so great! But thank you for the uploads. It's appreciated

    1. I don't have the ability to disable ads and reduce the number of commercials. The owner of the video hosting site prohibits the publication of videos without advertising and manages it himself.

    2. Thank you Bob for continuing to publish everyday!! I wish people would quit complaining to you about the ads. You keep telling us you have no control, so not sure what their point is. But please know we REALLY APPRECIATE YOU!!!

    3. 100% agree Lynn. Many thanks to Bob and greatly appreciated. Cheers 🍻

    4. @lynn and D, nobody said "Lynn" or "D" I think I asked Bob! Bob's reaction is nice and professional. But yours not so. I'm gonna tell you something my grandma always told me. If you don't have something nice or helpful to say SHUT THE **** UP!

    5. Still thank you Bob. YOU rock! 🤟

    6. @ Unknown, someone definitely has their panties in a bunch. Lol
      They say the definition of insanity is to ask the same question over and over again expecting to get a different answer. The question has been asked and answered many many times about the commercials. You may want to check yourself. Lol

    7. @ Unknown, sounds like your grandma had a bad case of potty mouth! 😂😂😂

    8. Unknown 1:27 AM, well my grandma always said, “You can’t argue with an idiot,” but I don’t resort to name calling or cursing. 🤣

      **** is open to interpretation. You are making assumptions, Lynn. 😉😆

    9. I appreciate getting to see the show on my time, so I don't care about commercials. If you can't wait for these commercials the alternative is to watch the show on network broadcast time. (Still has commercials, but you'll be complaining somewhere else.)

  25. Well Mr Bradley Bell you did it you got viewers up
    Gradually bringing Steam and got all camps fighting more than ever
    Never seen so many posts Bob lol
    Thank you my friend xxxx

    1. Steam & Tridge are Back zho LowGan Lovers Groupies are Freaks Out , The tabel Turns ,👍👍👍👍

  26. ONE HUNDRED THIRRY TWO comments for a show we all seem to despise....

    1. We don't despise the show. People don't get that no character is better than anyone else. Their histories all reek and are funny as all get out. You can read the motivation on their faces - what they really mean when they speak. Instead of investing in bad story lines, see the humor when things don't go their way- Or are really screwy like Sheila in the ICU room at all.

    2. The show sucks. Yet we watch. No explanation needed

    3. 192 now! I've been watching B and B on this page for a couple years now, and I've never seen this many comments!

  27. I understand that advertising serves to maintain the site but this is too much, you cannot stop every minute, this is something unwatchable

  28. Only the people from the Netherlands a kot of commercials? 2 words and commercials. 1 minuten..commercials..etc

    1. I am From Dresden Germany , Thorsten kayes Birthcountry !!!

  29. I’m still hoping Finn is actually alive and will wake up and name Sheila! I can’t stick Hope and Brooke but Liam is such a weak waffler I really don’t want Steffy stuck back in his orbit. He’s toxic for both women as he always goes back and forth. I still think he loves Steffy, but that doesn’t mean he’s good for her.

    1. Bell is just bringing drama into the boring lives of Hope and Liam. Steffy won’t want to go backward with Liam again in the long run. This will cause strife in Liam’s marriage and with his beastly mother-in-law during Steffy’s recovery. Someone better has got to come along for Steffy, Finn with memory loss? Finn’s twin? LOL

    2. Agreed Bbfan. Liam is pathetic and I really wish Finn can return. I don't even know why the Hope supporters want Liam with her when he clearly (and admittedly) still loves Steffy. She always feels insecure whenever Liam and Steffy spend time together.

      My only hope now is that once her memories return, Steffy will not have any inclination to want to be with Liam.

    3. Amen 🙏🏻, ladies. To TPTB, bring back Tanner Novlan! I suppose we shall have to await JMW’s return from maternity leave to finish up this storyline while Sheila continues to wreak havoc.
