
Friday, April 8, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-8-22 Full episode B&B 8th April 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-8-22 Full episode B&B 8th April 2022


  1. Is that Liam singing in his flashbacks?

    1. I was thinking the same thing, nice:)

    2. Yes liam singing Steam song which was written by Casey for the Wyatt married to Steffy story

    3. Happy to be back all, SC actually made that recording back for the Monaco Trip where Steffy and Wyatt were married and Quinn and Eric got back together. He went for a walk missing Steffy… I think Hope is terrified Liam will leave her once Steffy recovers. Liam knows Steffy Is the love of his life, so does Hope!

  2. cannot believe my cat woke me up so early that there is only one other comment haha

  3. Liam: "And I- ee -I -ee will always love you. Come back or I'll be saddled with those kids."

    1. Hope will be more than happy to be the mother for all the children.

    2. She gotta stay in a comma long enough to drop that load she's pregnant with now. See that belly!

    3. True- Hope will take all the kids. What's another nanny to her? Pay people to do what you don't want to. Like collecting Beanie Babies. They are there when YOU want to play with them.

    4. The idle rich. More time for her to find out what Brooke does next.

  4. Thank you Bob xxxx
    Yes guys liam singing
    Casey wrote the song when Steffy was married to Wyatt
    Sounds like Liam wants to come home

    1. Who cares!
      I hope Finn isnt really dead..He is one and only man from Steffy

    2. O Come on The poor HopeLess They 3 Times HomeWrecker is multiple Times with a Married Man Sleppt and in the End Pregnant From her High Risk Prego Stepsister Husband got !!!

    3. Wow, nina. It is obvious that some folks care. What’s the matter, dear? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

  5. I thought today's show was anticlimactic. Ridge & Liam both pouring their ♥️ out to Steffy telling her how much they love & need her to come back. Sheila & Li on the verge of a cat fight. The best part was when Thomas confronted Sheila; however, we didn't get to hear Sheila's response to Thomas's question. Maybe Monday...

  6. In the End want He Say Really My Wife ???

    1. Luisa. Thought the same thing.

    2. Nothings for good. Steffy wouldn't be riding in on ballons, horses motercycles etc getting married to the same doormat.

    3. I thought the same thing, Luisa. My wife or my love!

  7. Replies
    1. What the heck? Has the budget been slashed so much that these geniuses cut loose a fan favorite, forget about the rest of the cast and hyperfocus on one boring storyline ad nauseum for months at a time? Jack should be there as well as Eric at the minimum. They are almost begging for The Bold and the Beautiful to be cancelled.

  8. If they try and put stuffy and Liam back together l will stop watching. Makes me angry they have Liam there all crying and saying l love u. Finn was a way better fit for steffy. Lost a good character from the shower. Can't stand Sheila but the actress portrays her well.

    1. Liam aka Lame is not the most loyal dude. Boo coincidence he and Bill were discussing how great Steffy is just last week.

    2. We all say we'll quit watching but here we are- watching some real drivel.

    3. No, really, I have been watching since 1992, but I started losing interest about 3 years ago. I used to care when I missed an episode, but not anymore. If they re-unite Steffy and Liam, that really is it for me. Sorry Bell, and Bob it won/t matter if there are ads then.

    4. Liam has always loved Steffy to his very core. We saw it time and time again. Even the last time they slept together, he told her that he still loved her. He even told Hope that he still loved Steffy, she was bothered by it for a while, then she took him back anyway. And people say that Taylor is a doormat.

    5. Elle ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  9. I meant to say from the show not shower.

    1. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Everyone needs soap ๐Ÿงผ in the shower ๐Ÿšฟ ! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. Good one, Unknown. lol

    3. aagh we all know ya thinking like so many other female fans. we want finn to be the soap in our shower๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿค—

  10. Li seemed angry at Ridge & Taylor and with good reasons. Everybody only thinks about the murderer's feelings and don't seem to care about the fact that Finn was in fact LI's son...well everyone except Baker. God even Hopeless thought of Sheila first. What's wrong with the writers???

    1. Writers are so bored with the small selection of people living in L.A. Everyone knows there's only the Forresters, Logans and Spencers and a few hangers on to come up with romantic entanglements. Everybody has slept with everyone else and their sister, father, brother and cousin.

    2. And everyone has been married to everyone else at some point

  11. Has a soap ever explored a throuple or a polyamory relationship?
    Perhaps it's overdue.
    While not as exciting to the fan base since there is no sneaking around or getting caught,no blowups or breakups, it has the psychological drama of insecurities and how to divide household chores.

    1. Most of them have explored it- they just didn't know it at the time.

    2. WE in Germany Try That now in Our Oldest Dayli Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten , Look by YouTube LuMo = Luis & Moritz !!!
      Luis has Girlfriend & Boyfriend at the Same Time !!!

  12. Ok Baker where is the camera footage the murderer is sitting right behind you

    1. Good to see that the actor can still appear @ 70 years old but shouldn’t Deputy Chief Baker be retired by now after all of his years of service and how likely would he, rather than some LAPD detectives appear? I suppose it’s possible as the higher-ups in the department do make their presence known for high profile cases. LOL

  13. Has Lt Baker not been contributing to his 401k?
    Liam should be with his kids. Steffy has her family. Kelly needs at least one parent.

    1. Liam is at the bedside of the love of his life! Ugh, why couldn’t they let Steffy and Finn be happy for five seconds before killing him off and having Liam circling Steffy again! That montage was NOT about Kelly it was all about him still being in Love with Steffy!!!

  14. Maybe this is all just a bad dream? Like on that show Dallas. I just don't want Finn to be dead.

    1. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ❤️

    2. Oops that heart was meant to be a laughing emoji..

  15. How about when Sheila made sure Lt Baker knew that she was Finn's birth mother? No doubt that was to remove her as a suspect, because it would be extremely rare for a mother to murder her own child.

    1. Yep, that’s exactly why she did.. and she is so desperate to see Finn because she needs an excuse as to why her DNA is on him.. so she can say she touched him when she said her last goodbye..that’s why she was pacing because she needs to cover her tracks in regards to that..

    2. Sheila just wants to French Kiss her son one more time. We don't want to see her grope him if she thinks no one is looking. There are some raunchy women on soaps, Sheila kinda takes the urinal cake.

  16. I thought Ridge's comment to Li about we will make sure that Hayes knows about Finn was a bit presumptuous. What if, God forbid, Steffy dies, why would Ridge assume that Hayes stays with the Forresters. If there is no will, Li would have just as much right to request custody
    of Hayes as the Forresters.

    1. I see your point but Hayes and Kelly are siblings. It would be wrong to separate them unnecessarily.

    2. I thought the same thing. I felt as though they were basically saying that because Finn is gone, Li has no place in her grandson's life.

    3. Elle, that is what I was trying to say. I agree the siblings should be raised together, but I also feel the grandparents should have opportunities to visit with their grandchildren. I felt Ridge dismissed Li by saying that. Li is the best person to tell Hayes all about his Daddy.

    4. I agree all.. the way ridge said it, was like they were never going to see Li and Jack again after this?? It was odd!! And you are right unknown, Li would be the best person to tell Hayes all about Finn, considering the forresters only knew him for a year..

  17. One would think that a high class restaurant in a high class area would be concerned about muggings of the rich who frequent their restaurant and have cameras everywhere, especially in the alley way.? But of course it’s a soap and they only have cameras that only pick up those who are cheating!!

    As I said yesterday, I think Li has worked out it is Sheila, and that the stage of grieving she is at which is obvious that it’s anger, and she is angry at everyone including steffy.. it sounds aweful, but when she said to Taylor yesterday something along the lines of she hopes steffy will b ok, “for the kids” sake.. I think she is has worked out it’s Sheila and blames the forresters because if Finn did not hook up with steffy, Sheila would not have come back into his life.. she knows Sheila only popped up out of nowhere the day he married a forrester and that’s why..

    When chief baker arrived and was talking, Sheila could not have looked guiltier, and I had to laugh when Sheila said she was Finn’s birth mother and the way he looked at her and the way he said you are?? And again today, as I sad yesterday, when Li and Sheila were arguing, and Li said again that she is looking after Finn, and Taylor looked at Li with that same look, like she suspects something is up..

    I think Finn is still alive, and I think he is in a coma and Li is going to hide the fact he is still alive to protect him from Sheila.. if Sheila thinks he is dead, Li might be thinking she will leave now, or if she thinks it’s Sheila, that she will get caught and go to prison.. then way later down the track, Finn will come back, but steffy will have moved on with Liam.. I hate that they are going back to another reunion of steam.. I am over them two together..

    And I am betting that steffy will be pregnant with Finn’s child, and he will come back when she gives birth to it.. even though logically a baby would not survive, I am betting in soap land that’s what’s going to happen.. she will get back with Liam, and be pregnant with Finn’s baby, and Finn will come back just in time for her to give birth?? That’s all of my predictions!! And diatribe!!

    1. Hey, Colly, sounds as good as anything! ๐Ÿ˜„

    2. I know this is a soap, but can someone tell me if the industrial laws in America, would allow a restaurant to have an employee sleeping on the premises in a broom closet? Doesn't America have Industrial Inspectors checking on these premises? Please advise me.

    3. I am not sure Oldham because I live in Australia and our laws r different??

    4. @oldfan, I am sooo sorry, damn autocorrect..

    5. Excellent predictions, Colly. I, too, am starting to wonder if Finn might still be alive. I love Steam but I hate the back and forth with Lope and would much prefer that Finn is alive and he and Steffy can stay married. I fear though that the writers will be highlighting Liam's true feelings for Steffy which will cause problems for him and Hope.

    6. The Department of Health does inspections but it’s all about cleanliness and temperatures. The restaurant owners or management would be the decision makers as to what specific rooms are used for, e.g. a bigger establishment could have a manager’s office, etc. I don’t see a conflict with Deacon in the janitor’s closet because he isn’t around food or beverages which would be served to customers.

    7. Attention: Unknown. I am appalled that you see no problem with an employee sleeping in a janitor's closet. No human being should be treated like that simply because he is in a low paid position. That is exploitation of the worst kind in a first-world country like America. In Australia that restaurant's owner would have been hauled before an industrial tribunal and fined to the hilt and the business shut down. I have been a union delegate and have attended tribunals where illegal accommodation has been perpetrated on employees by greedy exploitive employers and business owners. There is no way it would go unpunished in our industrial or indeed our legal system. Shame on you and your draconian ideas.

    8. Really? Well let me call Il Giardino to tell them your concerns ... what? It isn’t real? It’s for the storyline, you kook. Deacon chose this place to hang his hat rather than live in the hotel room with Sheila. Do you see his beloved Brooke giving him a leg up? Restaurant workers make more than ever now but rent in LA is very high. The show missed an opportunity for the audience to see how hard it is for felons to acclimate back into society. Chill, silly oldfan.

    9. I guess she would rather Deacon sleep next to the dumpster.

    10. Just for the record Unknown, soap or not, showing that an employee can be treated like that and not helped to find more suitable accommodation is only encouraging employers to do same in real life. When rent is high, you share digs. Might happen to you one day. I do agree with you about the missed opportunity re felons to re-enter society. It' winter here, I am chilled, at least my wine is.

  18. There is a new article where Tanner Novlan tells how Brad Bell notifies him of Finn’s demise and how JMW was equally shocked. It says Tanner exited the Bold and Beautiful in April 2022 on his Wikipedia page. Other spoilers also point to Sheila planting evidence in Deacon. I’d rather Finn be alive for a later reveal and another go between Steffy and Liam sounds tiring.

  19. I think the actress who plays li is terrible! Every line she delivers sounds unnatural and rehearsed. 8 have always thought that. And I'm sorry, but she just didn't seem upset enough. If my only child had just died, I'd be torn apart! She just doesn't come across at all as a mother who just lost her child.

    1. Hilary, I think that the reason she is not acting so distraught is because either he is still alive but in a coma like steffy, which would also explain Jacks absence because he would be by Finn’s side, or she is going through the denial/anger stage of grief?? She is lashing out at the forresters as well, so if he is gone, then she is probably in shock and denial/anger stage.. sometimes it takes a while for some people to get to that acceptance/devistated stage, especially if it was so unexpected and the people left behind had no warning or time to prepare, and even more so when the nature of someone’s death is like this one, raising questions like why, and over a robbery etc.. but I think he might still be alive?? The writers might be leaving a door open to bring him back if they need to..

    2. Why are you sorry, Hilary? It was nice to see a Japanese actress in this role but the actress who plays Li stinks. I thought perhaps it’s because English is her second language but I watched a half dozen videos of her work on IMBD and she’s one dimensional and delivers her lines exactly the same way in every role. Interestingly, Naomi Matsuda is 45 and handsome Tanner Novlan turns 37 on April 9th but being mother and son was believable - her acting not so much.

  20. I hope the waiter that was watching says something about Sheila being with steffy and that they went to the alley.. ? But of course, the writers will forget that they put that in there.. even if Sheila tries to set deacon up, I think the detective will b smart enough to see through it..

    1. They may bring that out later on as the investigation goes deeper.

  21. Why I feel like Finn is not dead ?? And I must say steffy is such a damn awesome actress!!

    1. Not many of us could pull off being unconscious. LOL Seriously, though, it’s harder to act dead. Tanner said he had to hold his breath for long periods when Finn died and he couldn’t see whether the camera was on him so was not breathing longer than necessary.

  22. li stil talking as if finn is still alive has now caught ridges inquisitive look. i wonder if sheila is gonna do something to li to get her out of the way so she can sneak in to see finn .also wonder if shes gonna try to further harm steffyto keep her from waking up and telling who shot her and finn.

  23. li still talking as if finn is still alive and catches an inquizzical look from ridge this time. im wonddering if sheila wil do something to li next so she can sneak in and see finn i also wonder if shes gonna try to harm steffy worse to keep her from waking upand telling who shot them. liam tellss steffy kelly and hayesneed their mother and i need my then he stopped. was he about to say wife? or what ??

  24. Young Steffy looks a lot like Miley Cyrus ๐Ÿ˜… but really good to see some memories. However I hope she gets together with Bill, there was always something so satisfyingly forbidden about their relationship and how madly he pursued her at some point ๐Ÿ˜€ they have great chemistry and both are so hot. And it's high time we get to see more of him.

  25. Still can't believe they killed off Finn!! Dumb idea!! And Liam shouldn't be professing his love 4 steffy while she's in a coma and he has a wife at home waiting 4 him.. Thomas is becoming a lot more fun to watch now that his mental health is doing better!! I'd still like to see him.with hope!! He adores her and obviously Liam is still hung up on Steffy.. wonder if that's the next relationship twist: Hope and Thomas, Liam and Steffy..

    1. One thing Liam has never been successful at doing is hiding his true feelings for Steffy.

  26. Loved those scenes with Liam at Steffy's bedside. And the flashbacks. Reminded me how good Steam were together. Liam even brought up their Bob Hope marathons. That was always their thing. Something that Hope never appreciated. Liam saying "my..." and he stopped. I'm sure he was going to say "my love." Liam never stopped loving Steffy and I believe that this will be revisited in the Lope relationship when Hope remembers that Liam admitted to her that he still loved Steffy when he told her about them sleeping together and her possibly being pregnant with his child.

    Nice episode. I'm beginning to think that something's up with Li where Finn is concerned.

    The way Baker looked at Sheila when she said she was Finn's birth mom, it was like he was thinking to himself "this whack job? "๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ


    1. Yes Ell, It was nice watching the flashbacks, but personally, I really am over the love triangle with them.. I can’t believe the writers r going to go back there, when so many people are saying they don’t want it to happen.. the writers really struggle to come up with anything decent these days, except for this current one.. it’s like they can’t b bothered anymore and r just hoping and waiting to b axed!!

    2. Hey Colly. The show has actually been renewed for an additional 2 years (2023 and 2024). They'll be sticking around for some time to come. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  27. Maybe the twist is that (like Steffy) Finn has a twin...

  28. An evil twin (like Sheila) & she separated them at birth...

    1. We can only hope - Sheila is a twin to Sara Smythe and has sketchy twins Daisy and Ryder so it is plausible.

    2. great scenario guys!! That would make for a very interesting story line..

    3. I would like to think that Sheila would have mentioned to Finn that he had a twin. Also, Jack surely would have known. Why would he take only 1 child if, as he said, he felt that Sheila was a dangerous psycho?

      However, it is a soap and anything can happen.

  29. Finally...Tanner Novlan and.othera have spoken out. He's definitely a goner

    1. Happy Birthday ๐ŸŽˆ, Tanner Novlan and adiรณs. ๐Ÿ’”

  30. Many of these comments may give helpful suggestions to the writer's for future ideas. Free helpful suggestions.

  31. I highly doubt that the writers read message boards. It’s too bad with some of the creative scenarios presented. I suspect that most soaps will continue to go downhill.

  32. No matter what the spoilers say, I still think that the writers are going to leave the door open for Finn to come back.. the way Li is acting and saying and how adamant she is about Sheila not seeing him.. and the looks on Taylor’s face twice now and also ridge, that it’s like they r confused by what she means when she says she will look after everything with Finn, I am more than sure she didn’t mean the funeral..

    and with jacks absence, I think Finn is on life support in a coma and jack is staying by Finn’s side and Li is a world class surgeon, so I think they r leaving the door open for Finn to come back.. and the spoilers r saying there’s lots in store for steffy, so I still think she will end up reuniting with Liam , possibly even marrying him, but b pregnant with Finn’s child and when she gives birth, Finn will appear.. then that will be a big mess cause her marraige to liam won’t be legitimate, and with Finn returning, there might be problems, because they might also change Hayes’s paternity to Liam being the father, but she being pregnant with Finn’s child from their session before he died..? What a mess all that would be.. and a shock for viewers because even the actors are making it seem like he is definately gone, so they might surprise everyone, especially if their is a big enough uproar about them killing off Finn and reuniting steam.. most people don’t want another steam reunion and rating might drop even lower if they do that.. JMW is going on may leave, but TN is also about to be a dad for the second time, roughly around the same time, and would want to have time off to be with his family, so this scenario could be feasible especially if rating drop..

  33. Production companies have a Social Media Arm, and it is their job to pay attn to message boards and blogs. NO REPLY NEEDED

    1. So Barbara was on to something ... way to go, Barbara. Thanks, ncac.

    2. Unknown lol.. yes she was..

  34. That would explain why they have been starting story lines, then dumping them lately.. perhaps the uproar on the blogs and message boards were taken notice of??

  35. I'm a 100% sure that fin isn't dead. Li knows this that's why she doesn't want Sheila to see the body. she talks about him in the present tense and she mentions that she was going to take care of him. and besides the show glossed over his death like it were nothing.Had his demise been final they would've made a big fuss over a tribute send off for him.

    1. They will probably do that when Steffy's awake.

  36. for some light relief, I'm now off to watch Dr Phil and Judge Judy. Now, there's a woman!!! She'd send Sheila to the gas chamber, Deacon back to the Chain Gang and Liam off to the Cuckoo's Nest. As for Brooke, she could do with a few sessions with Dr Phil, oh la la!
