
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-26-22 Full episode B&B 26th July 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-26-22 Full episode B&B 26th July 2022


  1. Bill as Clara Barton just not believable. Li could have had all kinds of damage that would look like Bill had done if she had died on him. Yes Bill, it is a weird look for you. Picking up a stranger in an alley just not believable. Li with her usual cheery personality- Bill likes hard to get. Taylor saying "get away" to Deacon, but they are wearing the same color which is true love in soap opera land. AHA! Liam knows Li so let's move this story along folks!
    Sheila looks a lot like Brooke Shields psycho characters in middle age. Very similar looking. Li and Bill would be a funny couple.

  2. Once they got Li talking she went on and on

  3. They will drag this storyline out until Friday. Now Li has to convince Liam and Bill she is not delusional and Finn really is alive. 🥱 🥱

    1. All she would have to do is say let's get in the car and I'll show you

  4. Sheila is getting on my nerves this is too much dragging it out smdh

  5. Bob, thanks for the short time I've watched your blog, however this is my final visit.
    Just a tip for you, more ppl may sign up with your other blogs if you'd curb the bullying allowed with some of your regulars. Seemingly the tip should've gone without saying but IJS. Good luck goin forward.👋👏

    1. Bullying? If it's directed to you just grow up and ignore it, if it's not, ignore it.

    2. To MeMeMeMeMeeeeee, If it's directed at you or anyone why should you ignore it? Don't make it your final visit, give it back triple dose to them. Those "regulars" who indulge in this childish crap are ignorant Neanderthals and are the reason this blog which was once an entertaining place to visit has degenerated to this level. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen and stop writing paragraph after boring paragraph retelling what we have already watched.

  6. I couldn't help cracking up seeing Sheila painting her toenails black, lol. Why is Taylor telling Deacon what's going on with Steffy? That's none of his business. She doesn't need to tell this man everything that's going on with her and her family. There's something about this version of Taylor i find to be very annoying. I'm glad this storyline with Finn is finally going to start wrapping up this week.

    1. Taylor and Deacon are friends. She can talk to him about whatever she likes. They are also co-grandparents to Douglas since he was adopted by Hope, and Kelly is Hope's stepdaughter. There is a family connection there. Brooke tells everyone Steffy's business... certainly her mother should have the right to talk to someone. Who is Taylor supposed to talk to? Ridge went back to Brooke so she really cannot just speak with him.

      Sheila humming and doing her nails was hysterical. It's just the most natural thing in the world to sedate Finn and probably has him restrained to the bed now. SMH.

      Li recognized Liam, they met at the wedding and at Steffy's home. She didn't know Bill. Clearly she felt safe to let him know she's alive and to try to get help for Finn. He would also know who Sheila is to help her.

      I can see Liam and Bill rushing over to Li's house, knocking out Sheila and Bill puts him on the Spencer jet to Monaco to go to Steffy. I just hope they hurry it up. Bring us a Monaco reunion already... JMW must be finished with Mat leave soon.

      I'd really like to see Li and Bill together. She would be very good for him and he might finally get over his obsession with Brooke. Katie was never really his love anyway. He cheated on her very easily. It will be interesting to see where the writers take this.

    2. @BBfan101 Well, I think Deacon wanted to make a move onto Taylor but she doesn't want to make a relationship with him because of what her Prince Charming (Ridgey baby) thinks about Deacon. Hello Taylor, Ridge may never be yours ever again, so let's move on DEAR, your wasting time in your life by staying single all for a Dingbat of a man. Li started talking again as soon as she heard Liam's voice. As for Li's place I think she just rented a place to hide Finn, after all, she did some NO NO's herself and she was trying to hide. As for Li and Bill, I doubt it, she may go back to her Jack.

  7. @MeMeMeMeMeeeee what bullying?? People have different opinions but it's all in good fun here. Sometimes more amusing than the show itself. Seriously? Bullying? Lmao 🤣
    Thank you Bob. Alot of us enjoy this blog.

    1. Agree... Bob has banned the bullies... lol. Disagreeing with you Memememe isn't bullying. I didn't see anything on here that should be offensive or in anyway bullying.

  8. Look, Elle, they gave her a shower and a comb eheheheheheh. :0)

    1. Lmao. Well it's about darn time! And voila! Now she can speak. Just one of the many benefits of a good, refreshing shower! 😁

    2. Ahahahh never underestimate the power of good hygiene 😂🤣😂🤣

  9. SO sick of hearing Sheila tell Finn how much she loves him! She has said it at least 3 times per episode, maybe more. We got it. I'm ready for this storyline to end. Tired of the hotel/hospital room, and seeing Sheila in various stages of crazy. It's time for some fresh scenery and dialogue.

    1. Here here! 🥂 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  10. WHOOP WHOOP.....i LOVE Taylor and Deacon together :D

  11. I have stayed away from this blog for weeks - but some episodes just scream to be commented on. This was one of those!!!
    OMG - where to begin???!!!
    First off, why does it seem like we have jumped ahead about 2 episodes in today’s episode with Ridge and Taylor ready to board a plane to go see Steffy?!!! Wasn’t it just an episode or two ago where Taylor was talking to “Flavia” from France, the lead grief counselor on Steffy’s case….and Flavia wouldn’t even allow Taylor to SPEAK to Steffy on the phone, because according to Flavia, Steffy was much too fragile and she couldn’t be reminded of anything surrounding “the incident” and apparently speaking to Taylor or Ridge on the phone would set all that negativity back in motion!! And Taylor agreed!! LMAO!! Now an episode or two later we have Ridge and Taylor jumping on the Forrester private jet to go be with Steffy in person in France!!!! WTF??!! Seriously!!?? How did we go from no phone communication to let’s jump on a plane and rush to Steffy’s side in France??!!!! Boy oh boy Flavia, you sure don’t have any control of the situation. And Taylor has no fricken clue which end is up!!!! And how is it perfectly fine that Ridge take off on a week’s excursion to France with Taylor with zero discussion about it with Brooke!!??? Fricken hilarious!!! Really ???? Deacon is not even allowed on the property or anywhere near Brooke, yet Ridge can fly off to France with Taylor for God only knows how long???!!! Ludicrous!!!!!!!
    So let’s get this straight - first Taylor thinks they need to send Steffy and the kids packing so she can “heal from the loss of Finn”, and now they are flying half way around the world to get to Steffy because she is severely depressed….”in the deepest depression”, according to idiot Taylor!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Uhhhhhhh, wasn’t she severely depressed 2 weeks ago when Finn died ???!!!! Taylor is a grade A MORON!!!! Where did you go to school Taylor, “Psychiatry School For Dummies” ??? “The sooner we get there the better…our daughter needs us!!!!” “I wish we were there already” says Taylor. 😂😂😂. Yes, that was you, Taylor, who told everyone Steffy needed to be away from everyone so she could heal. I just wanna smack Taylor she is so dang clueless and annoying. All she says is….”I should have, I should have, I should have, I should have….” Yes, just do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what your gut tells you, Taylor, and you’re sure to do the right thing, you moron!!!!
    And what’s with Taylor’s attempt at that seductive, sexy voice when she talks to Deacon??!! Is she some wanna be 976 porn star call person or aspiring to be in that line of work one day?? 🤣🤣🤣
    Clearly she is still hung up on Ridge, how pathetic she is. Run Deacon, run!!!!
    And for crimeny sakes…QUIT WEARING HALTER TOPS that show off those skeleton shoulders of yours!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮

    Now let’s move on to Bill who talks to Li like she is some ape woman he found in the Amazon who has never heard English and has never been exposed to other humans or society. What the hell is that about?? And why hasn’t Li talked all this time??? Cat’s got your tongue, Li ??? Then she finally does talk and you can’t shut her up!!! Bad, bad, bad writing !!! Li would want to get to Finn immediately!! The minute someone found her in that alley she would be leading them to Finn!!! Post haste!!!!

    And as far as Finn and the wash, rinse, repeat dialogue that goes on day after day after day after day with Sheila, why doesn’t he just punch her in the face and knock that crazy lunatic to the ground??!! You wanna leave, Finn…THEN LEAVE!!! How many time are you gonna get up from that bed only to be put back in it??? Just punch that crazy lunatic and knock her out!!!!!
    He was in Rambo mode not more than an episode or so ago, now he’s this docile little lamb. And if we have to listen to him say to Sheila….I want to see Steffy TODAY, or I want to see Steffy NOW just one more time…..OMG STOP!!!!

  12. And I would be remiss if I didn’t comment on the scene in Wednesday’s (tomorrow’s) episode where little HO BAG Taylor is all snuggled up against Ridge’s shoulder while she sleeps on the plane! What the hell is that about???!! Boundaries, Taylor!!!! Learn some dang restraint. CLEARLY INAPPROPRIATE!!! But then again, you’re nothing more than a little tramp, huh Taylor!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. Whoooooaaaaahhhh, Lynn, clearly that month of ZEN did nothing for you love 🤣🤣🤣 I think zen is as good for you as no mangos for a month for me!!! Not even I am that stressed?? You are so sure brook is ridges great love, so why are you so stressed that he and Taylor are going to be with their daughter who needs them.. do u feel threatened for brook 🤣🤣🤣 and obviously ridge had the conversation with brook or he wouldn’t be on that plane.. and I thought you would be happy if Taylor hooked up with deacon?? I think you need some new incense love ❤️ but I have missed u!! 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Silly Colly, you completely missed my points and glazed right over all the facts where I pointed out how literally absurd Taylor is as a psychiatrist or anything else for that matter! I am definitely not the only one who can’t stand the new Taylor. She is so pathetic!
      As far as Brooke being Ridge’s great love and me being “stressed about it” that is truly hilarious. I do not “stress” about Ridge and Brooke. I save my stress for real issues like global warming. But as far as Ridge and Taylor are concerned, I am always happy to point out “inappropriateness” since all you Brooke haters spend your days pointing out Brooke’s inappropriateness. Just wanted to throw it right back at you!
      I don’t miss the blog at all. Most days I don’t even read the comments. But Tuesday’s episode was filled with more absurdities than usual, and I just couldn’t resist!!

  14. Ah, but Lynn, was it not you that defended brook when someone pointed out that it was “inappropriate “ for brook to be snuggling up on the lounge with Eric when she called him over to cry on his shoulder, we, um, I mean chest.. so I kinda don’t think that Quinn would have been ok walking in on brook laying in Eric’s arms with her head on his chest ?? But according to you, that was ok?? Sorry but no different to Taylor’s head on ridges shoulder.. less inappropriate if u ask me.. where were the boundaries for brook at that moment.. you said she did nothing wrong because they are good friends!! 🤔

  15. Have you missed me love?? 🤣🤣🤣

  16. Yes, Colly, I’ve missed you. 😬
    The difference is, Brooke had no ulterior motives with Eric. Not a single thought of Eric in a sexual manner. But Taylor is still 100% hung up on Ridge. We both know it’s true. Taylor still wants to be the one Ridge chooses. So in my mind they are different. Besides everyone went crazy that Brooke laid on Eric’s shoulder for a brief time. So I’m returning the favor by complaining about Taylor.
