Friday, January 20, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-20-23 Full episode B&B 20th January 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-20-23 Full episode B&B 20th January 2023


  1. I hate that Shiela keeps repeating the same thing over and over again

    1. They all keep repeating the same things. Everyone marches over to Bill's house and reads the same script. They all show up empty handed, not even a chocolate bobbka with a hair in it. Bad manners. Call thomas to come over and bring the Hope mannequin and they can have a double date or partner switcharoo.

  2. Brook should agree to be with Bill for a little while or even marry him again to get rid of Sheila. Might be the only way

  3. Come on please let's get to the bottom of this. Is Bill hypnotised, or feeling sorry for himself or what ?!?

    1. @Brendabibigogo I think it's a little of everything

  4. So Bell is making it all about Brooke now even though Steffy was the one he wanted even resorting to blackmail to get her back and hurting liam and now we are to believe Brooke is his one and only but Steffy isnt available anyway and Bill is paying Steffy back?
    Thanks Bob xxxx

  5. Bill is blackmailing Taylor for shooting him? What about the horrible things He & Sheila did in the past?

  6. Sheila Should be going to jail not Taylor. She did more horrible things in the past. Bill has lost his mind.

  7. Bill is brainwashed from that evil witch.

  8. Bill has a trauma. For being rejected:) thans why he is different. Makes sense, nowadays, men are just like glass, they break so easy.

    1. So true! Now he has power over people BUT what they all should do is to cut him out of their lifes totally. Then when he only has Sheila it will not be any fun anymore. Then he might come to his senses!

  9. No comment on the show. There's really nothing to comment about, but loved Brooks outfit. Especially the sweater/jacket.

    1. Agree D. I am so disgusted and disappointed with the show lately, I just have nothing to say.

    2. I agree D, the only thing I can say about it, is maybe they are trying to do a repeat of the Eric and Quinn story.. Powerful rich man falls for misunderstood bad girl?? But yeah, not gonna work..

    3. I do have 1 question because I want watching the soap when Taylor shot Bill. Did they actually show Taylor as the shooter? Today was the first I heard Liam saying he always thought it was him. Was Bill covering for Liam and blaming Taylor?

    4. No D, the shooter was never shown. Liam thought that he did it as he was in a state of confusion over the Bill/Steffy imbroglio..

    5. And Bill accused Ridge whom was arrester. Brooke was the one to make Bill realize it wasn't Ridge but Taylor

    6. No when brook knew bill already knew it was Taylor

  10. Oh kay Bill, so what comes after your statement of "you're right Brooke" cliffhanger.... Could it be "we've had wonderful memories, in a balloon, riding camels, hot love on the Stella Maris, walking hand in hand in Italy but yet you turn to the dressmaker who you say is your destiny?? What am I to do??? So you kick the dressmaker to the curb, Marry me, the real love of your life ,who will treasure you and not look at another woman, and I'll call the cops on Sheila, right now.. That's when the cat fight starts. BOOM!!!

  11. This is getting old. I'm tired of Sheila and Bill, move on to something new.

  12. I think that Bill will ask Brooke to go back with him or else he will keep Sheila. I think he will blackmail her. I kind of like the story if he would do that. But will he??? He seems bewitched like a spell dealing with the stupid necklace.

  13. I have to say, those memory lane clips of Bill and Brooke made me happy. I don't feel that when seeing Brooke and Ridge clips. I would be 100% for Bill & Brooke as a couple if Bill had not gone back and forth between Brooke and Katie. You don't betray your sister like that. BUT if it would get rid of Sheila, I'm sure even Katie would be okay with Brooke being with Bill. Move in with him, marry him! Just get that nasty witch back in prison!

    1. so true bill and brooke together make me also happy to after a long time evil quinn now i hope the will end the chapter sheila alsow it's boring, and i know it's acting but i hate those evil people.


  14. Brooke is about to get a rude awakening. Bill is going to stay with Sheila.
    I hate that they are writing him like this. He's going down a dark path because Katie rejected him.
    Katie was his second choice and she knew that and wanted better for herself.
    Bill is pathetic. This is no one's fault not even Sheila's. He decided to let crazy in. I hope it hurts him and not anyone else.

  15. This story is just too stupid, even for b&b standards. I'm about to stop watching until Sheila is gone again.

  16. What if Sheila gets her claws into Bill's empire. Has anyone thought of that? Then they are all stuffed. Completely.
    And I'm not talking about the little cat fights like between the Spencers and the z Forresters. I'm talking about Sheila have full control over Bill's mind body soul and company. Then we will see the sh*t hit the fan.

    1. I don’t think she could take over his company, that should be controlled by his board of directors, which I believe are his sons

    2. It is really strange how Sheila stays in the room when he is talking to everyone, then answers for him. If they could just get her to leave the room and they might get through to him. She won’t leave his side so others can reason with him. She is trying to keep him isolated from everyone. It is like Stockholm Syndrome

    3. Aussie Deb if this was taking place around 2011 or before, this could be totally the direction they take. Now with the lazy cheap writing, highly unlikely. Would be a great storyline though!

  17. They are all repeating the same lines over and over and over. Sheila and Bill have zero chemistry. Kimberlin Brown is a great actress, but when she is kissing Bill and pulls back and looks at him, I'm sure she's supposed to look loving and passionate, but I'm sorry she looks like she's in pain.

    And what in the world is going on with bill? He doesn't ever say anything to anybody, never smiles, never utters a word. That's just strange and not him at all. Maybe somebody needs to go talk to him when he goes back to work so they'll have him alone. This whole storyline at the moment just makes no sense whatsoever. It's boring. I have to say that the writing of this show has plummeted recently, well really for the last couple of years. They need to bring in more characters or bring back some of the ones that haven't been on there for a long time. They also need to learn to write.

  18. Just wait for his next words LOL "You're right Brooke BUT..."

  19. Now why would Bill and Li be skeening to send Shelia to jail when Bill just got her out of jail?That doesn't make sence.Why does everyone just walk into Bill's house no one has any manners?

  20. Damn Brooke 😍😍😍 how do you keep looking so good!! I missed you!
    It's so cool how KKL and KB have this unending chemistry 😍❤️I don't like Sheila but this great conflict reminds me so much of the glorious BB times...
    Brooke as expected had the best, most directed, heart-tugging approach with Bill. With the best tone, kindest look. No yelling, no crying, no blaming. Probably it won't work directly (though it seems so) but definitely will set sth in motion.

  21. U got to ousted bill out of his company if he doesn't leave shela

  22. Bill, can you please reload today's program??? Ty

  23. why videos keep removing please bring back
