Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-12-23 Full episode B&B 12th April 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-12-23 Full episode B&B 12th April 2023


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Their lives are all about getting the new and next guy, floating from bed to bed so why Brooke cares about temporary Thomas as the next blip on Hope's screen seems unusual. They never worry about how it affects the kids..

  2. Hope was always about truth, well, that seems to be changing. Whether she wants to admit it or not she is falling for Thomas, anyone such as her husband with Thomas' face on it that is a sign she is falling for Thomas. I bet subconsciously she is getting frustrated with Liam and she not recognizing that.

  3. What exactly did Taylor do "in Africa"? Or is it like Hope's vision - it just happened, we are not supposed to ask 😅 I miss HT 😩
    Fast forward through all the giggly moments with the Forrester men🤢

    Hope was pulling a "Ridge" in the beginning 😂 standing mute and not answering the question asked, even the head tilt was there 🤦🏻‍♀️ not confirming and not denying, not able to make a choice in this regard. Are we sure she's not his daughter? 😅
    Ahhh but kudos for the apology and admitting she was projecting. That's the Hope I like with awareness, kindness and fairness. Not sure if she was completely honest considering her confusing thoughts recently, but if I were her I'd probably also want to work through them myself before sharing.

    1. Milla Taylor was doing a stint in Doctors Without Borders in Africa. Helping victims of warfare, genocide etc.

    2. @Milla Taylor did some missionary work. Yeah, I think I care much of the new Taylor's giggly attitude it doesn't make her act as an adult. I think Hope has been catching the "Ridge syndrome."

    3. I think Hope was quiet because she isn’t ready to face her feelings or what that indicates about her perfect marriage to a perfect (choke) man. Liam has caused her apt of pain through the years.

      I have wondered since the beginning of Lope that if Brooke hadn’t pushed so hard, claiming Liam was Hope’s destiny etc of Hope might have found someone much better suited to her than Liam. He’s acted like a whinging, spoiled wee suk most of the time he’s been on the show.

      I think Hope deserves better. One can love someone who is completely wrong for them. It doesn’t mean one should be married to them. They have no spark, no chemistry, it seems they have nothing in common except their daughter.

      I’m not hating on anyone, it’s just how I see them. I think the fact Liam always believes the worst of Hope in any situation is a big red flag. He says he trusts her but he really doesn’t or he would give her the benefit of the doubt.

    4. I don't think Liam *always* believes the worst of Hope. He's had one episode one grave mistake with the mannequin. But apart from that his recent reactions were about Thomas, not about Hope. Even in the last episode Hope was sitting on Thomas 😅 and Liam lashed out at him and kicked him out of the office. He won't stop repeating how much he trusts her, let alone how insanely proud he is of her. He loves her so much that when she changed her mind he accepted it. When she lashed out at him in the last episode, but then made up he was again open and loving. I've said it before - since he's been in a family with her and a father to their daughter (and father figure to Douglas) Liam has grown as a person. His reactions to Thomas are nothing out of the ordinary for a man who has to deal with the guy who caused hell in his life. Even the fact that he's raising his son is a testament of his love for Hope.

    5. PS but BBFan I know you're not hating and of course you're free to see things as you see them! 🤗 that goes without saying!

    6. Oh milla sometimes i miss those days were liam was the perfect handsome man 😂😂😂

    7. Well gals, Hope always thought that Liam was her Mr. Right when he is Mr. Wrong, he has cheated on her, he doesn't always allow her to explain herself when there is an issue, and if he did trust Hope then he should not bother to in getting into the middle of things and trust her to handle her own problems herself. I think Liam is going to end up becoming a single Dodo brain boy (can't call him a man because I don't see him as one). I'm surprise that back when she got scandal for hanging around Liam when he was still married to Steffy and just that day got Steffy to sign the annulment, that Hope would be in the public eye with Liam. When that happened I thought her values would mean nothing to those young girls who were thought highly of her. When i saw that one young girl who admired Hope and was disappointed, I didn't think anyone would believe in Hope again, BUT the soap proved me wrong she is still in business.

    8. Hope is with Liam because of her mother's insistence. From Day 1, Brooke has been practically forcing Hope to forgive Liam's cheating ways and be with him. She insisted that her virgin daughter sleep with Liam who was still married then also convinced her to shack up with him. And his most recent indiscretion with Steffy during mannequin-gate, Brooke again insisted that Hope forgive Liam and put their family back together. I never understood why a mother would want someone like that for her daughter. Brooke also insists that Liam is a good man. What's so good about him? He's a waffler, weak and cannot think for himself. He's always questioning and second-guessing his actions like he's never sure how he should act. Hope deserves so much better than Liam and I hope she finds someone who is completely devoted to her.

    9. Makes me want to 🤮 when I keep hearing about how much morals Hope has. Seriously????? She wouldn't even have Beth id she hadn't slept with Liam while he was with Steffy and raising their child. 🤦🤦🤦🤦Also,what is going on with Wyatt's life? Nothing on Flo and what happened to why she'snot with him. Same old storyline s, 🤷

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    11. Oh really annulment papers was already signed and guess what something you missed why liam left steffy
      You know why right or your selective memory couldn’t remember 🥱🥱

    12. Mmysh, do you have to attack everyone who has a negative comment about Hope? Your comment about the poster's memory is uncalled for. She was commenting on the show and characters.

    13. So you can but we can’t
      Sure you will agree with her
      I wonder if its the opposite
      Did i comment on your posts today
      I guess not so please stop the charade
      All this attacks just because we are able to take it up with you and prove you wrong in so many occasions
      Im not the one who started with nasty words
      Go check
      But when you attack me or others just because you don’t like our opinions we will and i will stand up and defend myself
      Lynn suffered for so long
      It seems now its my turn
      Just practice what you preach
      And play the poor innocents
      Or its hypocrisy

    14. I don't level personal attacks against people if they don't agree with me. And I certainly do not attack every single poster who makes a negative comment about Steffy or Taylor.

      And when did I attack Lynn?

    15. Not you but she suffered the same campaign
      But elle since we are here only 3 regulars and we don’t bring steffy or Taylor unless necessary like these false attacks
      It happened a lot IF we didn’t
      So yes dear elle since its only 3 of us who post against thomas or the his family
      So yes you reply to all posts with negative opinions about steffy and Taylor
      So sorry dear when someone attack me and call me names i will return the favor

    16. Elle, Taylor has 1:1 insisted the same for Steffy to be with Liam, be damned what happened between them. I remember very well Hope and Liam's wedding when she arrived ready to even speak up there (which led to the cake fight). Stop bringing up Brooke into the grown-up people relationships. Whatever the moms did or didn't do, those (albeit spoiled) kids are responsible for their own relationships.

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. As for Liam, you can trash him as much as you want because he's so committed to Hope, that only makes me like him more. I haven't been around here that long but I believe you weren't so "Hope deserves better than Liam" when she was fighting Steffy over him. So I'm not buying this concern for Hope with regards to Liam (who is now so much better than then) for one second.

    19. It actually more and more reminds me of the fox and the sour grapes story.

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    21. Milla, Taylor didn't move hell or high water for Steffy to be with Liam. If that was the case, Steffy would be the one stuck in a marriage with Liam right now while having feelings for someone else. On the contrary, Taylor did not bat an eye, nor was she disappointed when Steffy chose to marry Finn instead of Liam, so what are you talking about?

      And I did not bring Brooke into "the grown-up people relationships," that was BBFan who first talked about Brooke pushing for Hope to be with Liam, followed by Elizabeth who said that Liam was wrong for Hope. I was simply agreeing with them, that's all.

      And you're right, you haven't been around here long so stick to commenting on what you know, not what you believe. I don't care one iota whether you like Liam or not or whether my trashing him makes you like him even more. For the record, I was a Steam fan at the very beginning of their relationship however, once the back and forth with Hope began, I quickly jumped off that train. You see, I'm a Steffy fan first and foremost, and Liam simply was not good enough for her so I was not willing to support her being with weak, waffler Liam the way Hope fans support Hope being with him. I'm not a die-hard Hope fan but I like her enough to feel that she doesn't deserve a weakling like Liam. He's no man, that's why he ended up in prison because of his father and why Thomas was the one that had to save his behind. Sour grapes? Not at all, M.

    22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    23. Milla I remember this scene after liam asked for annulment in the first marriage
      And hope and liam wanted to get married immediately but sure steffy refused to give that
      Im not gonna go with details using hope postponing sex till marriage against her
      Six month was long 😂😂
      I Remember old Taylor rushing to ridge with this determination look in her face say steffy is still in love with liam
      We should do something about
      A lot of events happened after that
      Or when she pushed steffy to accept hope’s ending her marriage so liam can leave his grieving wife and be with her daughter so hope will be with her son
      At that period hope was good and nothing like her mother
      But steffy respect hopes pain and took the high road and stood up against her mother unsympathetic idea
      Both of them brook and Taylor interferes
      But we only hear about brook

    24. Steffy chose to marry Finn instead of Liam"?? 😅 there wasn't a choice involved, Liam dumped her. Finn was her only choice. And before that Taylor was pushing for them relentlessly, from the moment Steffy decided to pursue him and took Hope's ring without considering what the proposal means, neither did Taylor she was all "go for it" and from then on insisting he is her husband. The only reason she didn't push as much was because she wasn't there on the show. When she was, she pushed and Steffy was really stuck in a limbo because he was never committed to her as long as Hope was around. This is not the case now when Liam is committed to Hope. Ever since Liam came into the picture both Hope and (especially) Steffy were grown up and capable to make their own decisions. That's why the only ones with a Brooke problem in the Hope-Liam area are Brooke's haters, there was never a theme on the show blaming her for her daughter's relationship issues.

      And regarding your position on Hope-Liam, fine, as you wish. If you (and I mean you, BBFAN and whoever else is against him) don't care, then no need to either bring him into my conversation or pile on when another one of you does. If he's just a waffler who Steffy is lucky to be rid of, then why are you even talking about him? Or is it another reason to bash Brooke.

    25. And Mmysh photographic memory for the win again! Thank you for reminding me the details around Taylor's oh so hands-off attitude 😂

    26. You are welcome dear ❤️❤️

    27. PS just to clarify - of course you can write whatever you want, my point was that to me when Liam is bashed for no good reason, when Brooke is blamed for her grown-up daughter's relationship with him progressing, that's inconvincing and will always look like unresolved anger about how he dumped Steffy. You're free to disagree.

    28. OMG - Milla, I was also laughing so hard when Elle said…”Steffy CHOSE to marry Finn instead of Liam.” Oh my gosh, what are the FF’s smoking?? Gosh Milla, we must have missed a whole bunch of episodes because I never saw one minuscule ounce of an option for Steffy to marry Liam!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      It must be one of those things that Elle “just knew” was gonna happen. Super powers and all!!!!

    29. It's late here, just watched today's show and read all the comments. All I can say is wow with a 🤬 face.
      Bbfan..Liam does not trust Hope even though he says he does, and treats her like a child as well as smothering Brooke just pushing her for more.
      Elle the personal attacks are getting to the point nobody wants to comment or have already left the blog. Mmysh I don't want to hear I'm playing the victim, a follower, a 5 yr old with nothing to say and never fail to disappoint. Some of us have different opinions. Maybe you should start a MEL (Mmysh Elle Lynn) blog. Hope might disappoint you. Just my opinion

    30. And the FF’s wonder we get so incensed! Maybe because they literally just make crap up and present it as fact!! Do they think we are that stupid that we will just go along with all their bullsh*t???!!
      Well, I’m only speaking for myself because Milla, you pretty much always have a cool head! 😊

    31. Lynn I also had to smirk there, imagining Steffy as the Bachelorette at the final 😅 bestowing her rose (or whatever they give) to Finn much to Liam's heartbreak 😁 Not!

    32. Omg exactly what I'm trying to say. Everyone just makes things up because we don't agree

    33. Just like Elle and I saw a scene that was cut from a lot of videos posted on social media...we were told it's just something we made up because we wanted to believe that's what really happened.

    34. Oh D its boring especially with you
      I don’t interact with you until you reply to me and most the time i reply according to the nature of your mention
      Remember the james show right
      So please don’t play the honest with me your comments are there
      So spare me the fake hypocrisy lecture
      And still its not your blog (thank goodness 😂) to tell us to go
      Another childish suggestion
      What about you starting one while you have the good days with no one proves you wrong where only agreeing
      Who do you feel me suggesting that while this blog is not mine
      Childish right
      And thanks for spare me some words i didn’t have to write 😂😂
      If hope disappointed us trust me we will not defending her blindly and find unrealistic pathetic excuse
      unlike others 😂😂 even with murder and a potential rape
      So just ignore my comments
      Because it gives a hard time so it will better for u
      And saving your time in the memorizing 😂
      And i will ignore yours
      But we are her to stay 😊

    35. Ok d you were not a part of that conversation actually you were just agreeing with elle
      And i told you of course you do wasn’t talking about the scene
      And i told elle its wired the cut and thanked her to look into it
      And her i apologized to HER officially for misjudged

    36. And D one last think
      Telling what happened despite how we or you analyze it its not making something up
      I never did that
      But the unreal events like for example the post above or brook slept with thomas
      Or brook paid someone to rape a women
      That is make up or lies to be frankly
      So no for us we don’t make things up
      We misjudge, analyze wrong
      Let our love to the characters blinded us
      But we don’t twist logic or life standards or make thing up to serve our narrative

    37. Mmysh, how do you have such an excellent memory for detail from years ago??!! I’m in awe of your memory!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      Extremely impressive!

    38. 🥱 😫 😦 carry-on 🤬

    39. No dear that’s all you can go to sleep now 😂😂

    40. Thank you..glad of the approval

    41. You are most welcome
      Sleeping is heathy and good for a beautiful skin

    42. I’m laughing at the comment Steffy wouldn’t sign annulment papers , so a teenager could marry her husband! So just because Hope wanted to be with Liam who CHOSE to marry Steffy she should give up her marriage??? Really? No one forced Liam to marry Steffy.

      Mmysh you are a straight up bully. I’m sick of your nasty comments to anyone who disagrees with you or Lynn.

      Citing that years ago the blog was one sided which it hasn’t been for a very long time… and there are more than 3 LFs here.. please 🙄🙄🙄 is no excuse for your ugly behaviour to 99% of posters on this board.

      I understand you want to drive all FF into the ground so you can have all LF all the time. Good luck with that!

    43. D - you crack me up. No one wants to comment ? There are literally tons of comments on today’s and recent days’ episodes. What are you talking about “No one wants to comment??” 😂😂😂

    44. BBFAN "No one forced Liam to marry Steffy. " that's the truth and also noone forced him to marry Hope or her to marry him. Grown-up people. But as long as we can find sth to blame Brooke, let's have a go at it no? Brooke was supportive of her daughter, of course! But that's because Hope wanted the man she met and fell in love with who also fell in love with her. And yes that pearl-clutching moment that she gave her lingerie for the first night - oh the horror! If she was ready to marry him before that, Sex would be part of the deal obviously so the attire provision hardly warrants the lengthy rants I've seen here. And neither does whatever you all are trying to pass as meddling and pushing that led to Hope's marriage. What led to it, to issues in it and the developments in it was her, Liam and the people they had to fight who wanted to split them up (usually the Forrester kids). Not the mama's. They can be annoying in their support, but are not the ones driving the developments.

    45. Oh bbfan before i started you need a math lesson for sure
      So now we all now how steffy took liam and how she was a doormat waiting for him
      Anytime hope is not available
      And she didn’t sign coz she has no self respect and dignity forcing a man to stay with her ( oh annulment like i was never mrs liam spencer) 😂😂😂 how pathetic
      Im bored explaining the obvious and baring your lies while we all know what happened
      Are you going to add the brook paid someone to rape a women
      It can cone in handy
      And again NO ONE is trying or care if you stay or leave
      No one is trying to force you to leave
      Don’t mix us with you
      Again your comments are still there
      We can copy paste easily
      Just stop playing the snow white
      Its good to have you here coz its nice proves you wrong
      It will be boring just us
      We will not be enjoying just bashing characters all day one sided like how you used to have the blog and drove anyone who dose not like you characters out
      But yeah people always think others aslo have the same intentions as theirs
      Sorry to ruin that for you not be able to twist things
      Its upsetting i get it 😂

    46. And don’t flatter yourself with this conspiracy theory that i want to dive out or what ever
      Because i don’t and don’t care
      But im sure you will not believe it because even with us you know better
      So imagine thomas telling you that
      So hope will not be the only one seeing him 😂😂😂

    47. *correction* Elle I am so sorry. My comment above should have been the MML blog..(Mmysh Milla Lynn). So so was late and didn't read it before I hit publish. 😳 😢

    48. Lynn yes there are tons of comments but 95% are between Mmysh, Milla and you.

    49. So don’t read them 😂😂😂

    50. Mmysh you literally know nothing about me but love to write ugly lies about me to justify being a bully. That’s on you, I have a right to my opinion so does every poster here. Your daily attempts or humiliate and stomp myself, Elle, D, Barbara, Pauline, Colly etc is disgusting. I don’t blame Colly for stepping away from your toxic mess. We miss her voice here.

      Your inability to act like a human isn’t my fault and whatever nasty lies you want to attribute to me because of fictional characters is on you. Your need to protect fictional over real humans that you take great pride in stomping speaks to your own character. Say what you like about me, I know it’s so far true. But you keep doing you… heavens help any of us who don’t kiss your arse.

    51. 👏 👏 👏 well said.

    52. All the things you mentioned are applies to you
      And was is funny the only comment we saw from colly in a long time was attacking lynn personally
      So as i said its all there
      Multiple of times you said too many things didn’t happened in the show just to bash brook or other characters with the what about when while this character is not a part of the original discussion
      You stated call us hypocrites then when we defend ourselves oh you are the bullies
      All of that just because our valid points about your characters and just put the the how the events actually happened
      It’s upsetting i know
      Go back check your old comments then come and lecture us with these words which only applies to you

    53. This comment has been removed by the author.

    54. D whatever did I do to you or anyone else so that my name is mentioned all of a sudden? 😅

    55. Good points milla
      Proves a lot
      Sorry you have to go through this
      I just defend lynn about a personal attack on her
      Then replied to a paise lecture about only our comments which was hilarious
      Without any insult only with no one focusing anyone to read and we are staying
      Then the all starts to though up the dirt
      And including u just proves its not about nothing but us stating things straight
      Which it seems we are not allowed too but only them
      Anyway its all here im so comfortable with that

    56. Mmysh thank you for the support. But don't you worry. I am not offended or angry, just got curious what I did 😅 🤗

    57. Glad to know dear ❤️❤️❤️

    58. D - I know you always see the FF’s through your extra large rose colored glasses, but take another look. Elle and BBFAN comment plenty!! And in fact, it was clearly a Freudian slip when you said maybe we should make this Blog “MEL”. Then you wrote….”Mmysh, Elle, Lynn.” Ya, you meant Elle, but then corrected yourself later cuz God forbid you offend one of your FF’s. Toooooo funny!!!!

  4. @Milla I notice a lot lately your comments are saying that they are being removed, that's strange.

    1. Elizabeth sometimes I delete when I see spelling and grammar mistakes that bug me 😂 or something not explained well that is easy to "attack" hahahah 😅 don't you worry 🤗 btw I'm glad you're commenting again!!

    2. Milla, sure would be helpful to have an edit button!!

    3. And like button
      We should have a group in social media 😂

    4. Mmysh, 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Denial, it’s not just a river in Egypt!!! Hiding the truth of having feelings is the first step on the road to the dark side 🫣🫥 . Brooke knows Hope isn’t being honest with herself or her mum. Hope’s face said it all.

    If she opened up to Brooke it could help work through her feelings and avoid trouble down the road. Now she will be struggling even more.

    Poor Taylor, Ridge is putting her firmly in friend zone with his respect and admiration. Find someone new Taylor, just not someone your BFF has been with previously, please 🙏🏻.

    1. Hope isn't ready to admit to herself how she really feels about Thomas. She is still struggling with coming to terms with it. Once she does that, then she will open up to Brooke.

      I believe Taylor put Ridge in the friend zone long before Ridge did. Once she and Brooke became friends, she made the decision to put herself first and not go back to a man that has little to no respect for her.

    2. Well she sure is ANXIOUS to get Ridge over at the house for that family dinner for someone who has made the decision to put herself first. She’s about ready to pick him up and carry him to the house to ensure it happens!!! 😂😂

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Seriously Taylor, you are worried about picking up on Brooke’s giggle? Now ain’t that the pot calling the kettle!! 😂🤣🤣😂Ridge’s interactions with Taylor seem very platonic now. But I still say she will sleep with him if given the opportunity. She always has been putty in Ridge’s hands and that clearly hasn’t changed. She couldn’t plan that family dinner fast enough!! Way too desperate if you ask me!!

    Well Elle, are you finally willing to agree that Brooke’s first inkling / concern about Hope was the night Hope came barging in and read her the riot act? Or are you still in denial on that point and saying Brooke already knew? Not sure how today’s episode could have been any clearer in making it obvious to you when Brooke’s concerns about Hope started.

    Today Hope stated multiple times she does not have “feelings” for Thomas. But clearly she is struggling with the images that pop into her head. She will need to work through it. Hope is embarrassed and confused about why her mind goes there sometimes. So this is not over. But as the LF’s have stated, Hope loves her hubby, Liam. She will NOT destroy her marriage to be with her abuser, Thomas!
    And whatever these thoughts are, they too shall pass! We won’t be seeing Hope and Thomas in bed together anytime soon!

    1. Actually the giggles comment came from thomas first 😂😂 as i saw
      it coz i watched it on FB

      And it seems hope is really struggling with a lot of stress
      Tell now i think she maybe has feelings or just an attraction which i don’t like it
      But also i read some comments on FC its really interesting and got a lot of sense
      But all of it contains that hope will got hurt
      So we will wait and see
      But as you said lynn i hope this storyline will not be dragged for so long
      I tried to make it a short comment 😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Mmysh, you are probably right on Thomas saying it first. I just thought it was funny that “Giggles” would make any comment about Brooke’s giggle when the only one who has a giggle issue is Giggles herself. 🤣🤣🤣

      And yes, I agree…Hope is struggling. We’ve all known that. Honestly, I don’t think Hope knows what she’s feeling. And as I said in another comment days ago, she is mad at herself for the thoughts that are popping into her mind. She knows she is NOT ‘that person.’ But as mentioned earlier….the power of suggestion… - Steffy accusing her of having feelings for Thomas. Then Brooke’s talk about how she was always attracted to the ‘bad boys’ when she was younger, has placed a seed into Hope’s mind. That’s where this is all coming from. And now she can’t shake it.
      This is all gonna turn out fine. Hope just needs to work through it. And she needs to work through her issues with Liam so that the tension in her marriage goes away.

    3. Oh Unknown….you so desperate to have Hope turn into the bad girl. But sure just go ahead and keep saying “It’s gonna happen very soon.” I always get a kick out of that. 😂😂😂
      So what is very soon to you?? A week, a month, a year? Just curious so I can be sure I don’t miss it!! 😂😂😂😂

    4. I think a big part of Hope’s feelings for Thomas is that she was pushed at 17 yrs old to believe Liam was her destiny and she must be obsessed with marrying him at all costs.

      She didn’t even know who she was or what she wanted. Yet her mum just knew Liam was the one for her. Most mums would encourage her to go out and see the world, grow up, experience life then if she as a woman still thinks Liam is the love of her life then go for it. I think pushing an immature teenager who felt abandoned by both her parents in many ways into a lifelong relationship/ commitment has harmed Hope.

      Part of Hope’s attraction to Thomas is that he gets her passion for design and fashion , creating something together. He really listens to her. Liam tells her how she should feel, what she should do and doesn’t have a clue about how much HFTF means to her. How much her identity as a person is tied to her line and her role as the head.

    5. BBFAN, I will be the first to admit she is intrigued by Thomas and even impressed by what she thinks she sees in him “changing and becoming a better man.” But that intrigue…and I will even go so far as to say…’respect and admiration’ she feels for Thomas as a designer does not equate to a romantic relationship. She will stay with Liam. Liam IS her one true love! She has said that countless times over the years. That ain’t changin!!
      And when did Brooke abandon Hope? I wasn’t watching then apparently, because I’ve always seen Hope as one of Brooke’s absolute main priorities - always!!

    6. Your fixation about when Brooke started suspecting that her daughter was attracted to Thomas confuses me, Lynn. I'm not sure if you are trying to prove me wrong or convince yourself that you are right. However, you insisted yesterday that Brooke did not suspect a thing prior to her eavesdropping yesterday then asking Hope "Based on what I just overheard..." Now, here you are today stating that Brooke suspected the night before when Hope blasted her. I see that as progress, especially since I reminded you that Brooke asked Hope the night before if her actions were about her attraction for Thomas. I'm therefore convinced that you will eventually "see the light" and realize that Brooke has suspected that her daughter has feelings for Thomas since last week, possibly even since last year. And that's all I have to say about that. 😌

    7. She is lynn she is
      As i told milla i really miss the old days where liam was the perfect man
      And what is really funny how now its brook fault and according to these comments all the school sweethearts who ended up together are totally wrong
      How their parents did that to them 😂😂
      While Taylor also encouraged steffy to go after liam while he was with hope and engaged to her
      But yeah since steffy already has so much experience with men already so its fine

      And its good that Taylor said it herself how brook help and contained and cared for her kids when she couldn’t
      But thomas ignored that note of course

    8. Elle, my fixation?? How many times have you gone on and on and on and on about how Brooke has known since she had the conversation with Hope and was praising her for her choices! You are truly hilarious! That is what I have been arguing with you about for about a week now!! 😂😂😂🤣
      Obviously Hope went crazy when she barged into her mom’s house and that was clearly her projecting as Brooke guessed after Hope yelled at her!!! I’m not changing my story at all. I will say it again because there appears to be confusion….Brooke was GENUINELY COMPLIMENTING HOPE on last Wednesday’s episode. I hope that clears it up! Lol

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Oh lynn we are gonna laugh 😂 😂
      And then we will see this comment AGAIN
      It wasn’t me a lot of posters goes with that name 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    11. Elle, how are we to take you seriously when you think the only one who speaks the truth is Thomas?? Who, by the way, is a known pathological liar!!! And he clearly lied about putting the mannequin behind the screen as just one tiny example of his lies and deceit. But Brooke (who is always forthright) can’t be taken at her word???? So even though Brooke said to Hope how much she ADMIRED her for being nothing like her, we are supposed to assume Brooke was lying??? Because we can only trust the words that come out of Thomas’ mouth???!!! I just threw up a little in my mouth!! Lol. 🤮🤮🤮
      Sorry, but even you gotta realize how ridiculous your logic is!!! All I gotta say is…..PLEEEEEASE!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. Yes Lynn, fixation. I haven't gone on and on and on and on. On yesterday's blog, you called me out twice regarding Brooke and how long she has been suspicious about Hope's feelings for Thomas. I chose not to respond. Again on yesterday's blog, you called me out a third time, to which I responded once. You then responded to my response and, again, I chose not to respond back. Now today (for the fourth time), you called me out yet again on the timing of Brooke's suspicions so, I responded with a final response on the matter. So yeah, fixation.

      Maybe, this is the pattern other posters have seen which caused them to comment about you trying to get others to submit into accepting your opinions. I have my opinion, you have yours. Let's leave it at that.

      Regarding your above comment, 👆🏻I'm not sure what it's about (maybe because I chose not to respond to your previous comment 🤷🏻‍♀️) so I'm going to choose to not respond again because, as I said before, I'm not sure what it's about.

    14. "when the only one who has a giggle issue is Giggles herself"
      Omg so true 😂 Fake Taylor brought the giggling to the show and as much as I love making fun of it, it just infuriates me that much more. I used to have two exceptional women to like and enjoy their battles (verbal, mud, cake or otherwise) now this woman with no story just giggling... 🤦🏻‍♀️

    15. School Sweethearts? Liam was in his 20’s dating a child! It’s one of the reasons Steffy got a look in. She was an adult not a little girl fantasising about her white knight. Hope was sold a fairytale by her mum and couldn’t deal with reality when it came out Liam was no perfect prince.

      It’s why she ran away every time things got difficult. She stomped off then tried to get Liam back when he moved on.

      Liam isn’t much better, fair play he does the same thing.

      I’m just saying, that as Hope is finally maturing and coming more into her own, the relationship with Liam is changing. There has always been a power imbalance there due to age and being pushed by her mum to accept Liam’s cheating etc.

      Hope is beginning to stand up for herself and push back. She’s fighting for what’s important to her and her right to make her own decisions. Liam isn’t dealing well with that.

      Liam and Hope aren’t good together and eventually, despite her love for him, she may see that and go a different direction.

      I stand by my thoughts that Thomas is attractive not just because he’s a hottie, but as pp stated Hope sees he is changing for the better, he’s so talented and passionate about saving their line and she genuinely enjoys being around him.

      Her inability to get him out of her thoughts means there is something romantic in her towards Thomas.

    16. 😂😂😂😂 is it to hard to understand the example omg
      And we all know how and why liam got eyes on steffy
      And steffy adult and mature 😂😂😂
      But sure as you like
      Rhe only advantage steffy has was welling to have sex anytime and bill’s support
      We all watched you know
      But sure you are entitled to your opinion like i do
      But when some FACTS are missing
      Or specific events got twisted we will response
      And just to clarify for maybe next time you think a little bit deeper about the example
      This one has nothing to do with liam and hope
      In fact its about the statement that no one that young with no experience yet should got married
      Which is totally wrong of course without generalization
      And yeah maybe there is something romantic maybe not
      And for me its sick because its with her abuser
      But sure logic doesn’t apply to thomas
      So will see and as i said before which it seems you refuse to acknowledge that im not denying that maybe she is but it doesn’t matter
      If she is really falling for him she will be stupid and the hurt is coming her way its on her

      So let is wait and see

    17. The only problem between Hope and Liam was Thomas. They are plenty good together otherwise, even in spite of him. He did a lot trying to split them, even involved his sister, they always came out stronger. I believe that whatever is happening now with Hope, eventually she will realize how insane it was and nothing will come out in terms of a relationship with her abuser. The situation with Liam is so not as those times you can't get over where Brooke was supposedly pushing, when Liam was just Liam to her. Since then Liam has become her family, her daughter's father, her home, the man she comes home to, her husband who took in a child she loved and wanted to adopt (and the most problematic possible child too!), her best friend. You may want to forget all this, but Hope won't.

    18. Yes, Elle…your FIXATION!!!
      It was not always directed at me when you were making your statements that Brooke has known about Hope’s Thomas thoughts for weeks, or possibly years as you said above. You made your comments to your fellow FF’s and I chose NOT to get involved in those threads. In addition to pleading your case to your fellow FF’s about Brooke knowing about Hope’s thoughts about Thomas, you and I have also gone back and forth on this issue MULTIPLE times. Because you are calling Brooke a liar! But the truth is….she in fact gave Hope a very SINCERE COMPLIMENT last week!! In fact it was more than just a single compliment. Brooke went on and on about how proud she is of Hope and all she is and all she has accomplished, both in her personal life as well as her business life. Brooke is in awe of her daughter!!! Absolutely no doubt about it!! And it wasn’t until Hope went batshit crazy and charged into her mom’s house spouting accusations that Brooke got concerned something was amiss. Then she listened by the door at FC the next day and her suspicions were made even stronger by the way she heard Hope interacting with Thomas. And I couldn’t care less who thinks what about me or my comments. There are FF’s who are just as passionate about their opinions!! So if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to call me out for my comments, then have at it! 😂😂😂
      Like I stated 4-5 years ago when I first came on this blog, no one will tell me how to comment. I do what I do, and that’s my business.

    19. Elle, the comment that you claim to know nothing about is self-explanatory.

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. Milla, your last sentence above sums it all up perfectly about Hope. “The FF’s may forget about all this, but Hope won’t.”
      So true! She knows in her heart that Liam is a wonderful husband for all the many qualities you mentioned above. And she truly does adore him!!

    22. Lynn, all I can say is that the daily blogs are there for all to see. I can safely say that I have not been making "statements that Brooke has known about Hope’s Thomas thoughts for weeks, or possibly years as you said above." That would be impossible since it was only last weeek (Wednesday's show) that Brooke had the bad boy talk with Hope where she said "Thomas is a bad boy, and you don't like bad boys." My comment also referred to "possibly since last year" and not "years" as you have stated.

      And speaking of what Brooke said to Hope, since I posted what she said, it has to be that I believed what she said. So how can it be stated that I only believe what Thomas says? If you want to pinpoint only one aspect of Brooke's conversation while ignoring the rest, that just shows that you don't believe what Brooke said when she said that Thomas is a bad boy and Hope does not like bad boys. When Hope said that Thomas was hot, I believed it but you did not. When Liam got into it with Hope about Thomas, I said that he will drive Hope right into Thomas' arms with all that he said to her. So it has to be that I believed what he said. So I am not sure where you got the idea that I only believe what Thomas says on the show and noone else. That is one heck of an exaggeration, Lynn.

    23. Elle, so you admit you said “since last year”…so that would mean “months” as I stated!!! 🤣🤣. After all, it is currently April (last time I checked.) 😬😬😬
      And you are totally cherry picking what Brooke said to make your point. Leaving out important details of a discussion can change its meaning entirely. And you do that A LOT!!!
      Brooke clearly said to Hope on last week’s episode these very words….”It’s not you I’m worried about Hope, it’s Thomas!!” What part of that statement is confusing you???? To me it’s very clear. She was giving Hope all kinds of heartfelt compliments and she followed up all that praise by saying she trusts Hope and NOT Thomas!!
      You can read into things all day long to try to create your narrative, but it doesn’t make them anymore real or legitimate.
      We have talked about this topic about 30 times now. I’m moving on. If you don’t want to look at what Brooke actually told Hope, then that’s on you.
      This discussion has run its course.

    24. Elle, I didn’t read your entire comment until just now. Yes, Brooke also said to Hope…Thomas is a bad boy and you don’t like bad boys. Seems pretty straight forward to me. Actually I could use that statement in my argument. There is absolutely nothing Brooke said that would imply she suspected Hope had any “feelings” for Thomas!!! OK, now I’m done.

    25. And I don’t see Liam driving Hope into anyone’s arms. Liam is doing exactly what he should be doing.

    26. And of course you believed Hope when she admitted to Paris after all the brow beating that Thomas was hot. That suits your narrative, so why wouldn’t you believe that??

  7. Wow! This is the most boring episode I have seen in quite a while! I even finally had to cut it short and not finish watching the darn thing. Golly-gosh.

  8. Brooke made me laugh lol She ain't good girl and true to logan women she was the one destroying relationships
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. 😂😂😂😂 just like steffy and Thomas i guess 😂😂

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It’s enough you cared to write all this about me proving your hypocrisy 😂😂😂
      Oh how fun in this
      Show people their hypocrisy and playing the victim really pisses them off big time
      That’s why you you all attacking me like you used to do before
      Im sure you will read 😂😂😂 since it seems you are reading all of my comments 😂😂😂
      Hypocrisy 🤮🤮🤮

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Mmysh, just keep being YOU!!! ❤️ I’m always so impressed with your memory / detail of past years. It’s crazy good how you are able to remember past episodes like you do!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    7. And I wouldn't give too much attention to the "unknowns" here. It's not math class 😁😁

    8. Thanks sweet ladies ❤️❤️ much love

  9. So first, we had Hope freaking out about not being like her mother. And today, we heard those famous words - "I will not allow it" - from Hope. Dare I think that we are going to see Hope embrace being her mother's daughter?

    1. Dare to say it all you want. It won’t happen. Lol

    2. I think Hope is feeling a tingling sensation in her whole body when Thomas comes near her. And she is scared of it, scared of what it is doing to her. Will she act on those sensations/feelings? Time will tell...

    3. This is where the steam room set will come in handy, Malin.

      Thomas is by himself in the steam room after a torrid workout. Enter Hope... 🔥 🔥 🔥

    4. Hahah the infamous steam room at FC … hmm. That would be fun. I hope they do recreate some of Brooke’s old office trysts only with Hope and Thomas lol. There’s always that rooftop gym that’s been neglected recently. Or the fitting rooms Hope loves making out in those lol.

  10. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @Unknown I'm convinced that the LFs know that Hope has feelings for Thomas. They just don't want to face the possibility that Hope will fall out of love with Liam and choose to be with Thomas. Because of this, they hold on to every pro-Liam utterance that comes out of Hope's mouth to reassure themselves that Hope loves her husband dearly and not Thomas. And there's nothing wrong with that, except Hope's mouth says one thing but her thoughts say another. Both you and I, Unknown, see the conflict while the LFs prefer to ignore it.

    3. @ Unknown, you are sounding like a broken record. Why don’t you commit to a timeframe since you are so sure of yourself? 🤣🤣
      Sorry Charlie, you are wrong!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    5. Its seems lynn i touch a nerve the one with it wasn’t me 😇
      She thinks she can fool us like she like to fool herself

    6. Elle, I’m guessing that’s your dime-store psychological evaluation of the LF’s. However, you are making this far too complicated. Personally, I simply have faith that Hope will do the right thing. She loves Liam with all her heart and she’s not a cheater. Anything else beyond that is just a waste of thought. So don’t try too hard to figure us out. As I said, for me anyway….it’s just not complicated.
      I’m not saying for a minute there isn’t conflict between her and Liam. And I don’t think any of the LF’s have said that. But Hope will work through it, cuz that’s just what Hope does.

    7. I haven't said there is conflict between her and Liam either. The conflict I am referring to is between what comes out of Hope's mouth and what goes on in her mind.

    8. OK, Unknown - tell you what, I’ll give it 3 months to materialize because I am feeling generous (and confident that Hope will not go there!) I maintain Thomas and Hope will not end up together, nor will they sleep together!

    9. Elle, of course Hope is conflicted. Do you think she is happy about her intrusive thoughts?? NO SHE IS NOT!!

  11. Thomas is not a bad boy he's just unstable

  12. Milla, and all you Thomas haters, the problem between Hope and Thomas is Hope love for Thomas for years!! Also the problem between any couples is the one that is in DENIAL!!

    1. God save us all from a "love for years" that expresses in rejection, hurt and choosing another man over and over...

    2. Oh barbra its an honor to be called the psycho murderer haters
      And the funny sentence about doesn’t prove denial it proves self fooling for the psycho murderers admire 😂😂😂

    3. Barbara, clearly you are watching a different soap than the rest of us!!

    4. Lynn and milla
      But its really im the one who attacking others for not agreeing with me

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.


    6. The old comments are still there
      The bashing dirty names the bullying
      The personal attacks and nastiness etc
      And we keep hearing this broken record a lot ffs left because of us (not milla😂😂 only me and lynn the renegades)
      The truth is the opposite
      Maddy, joy, kid, hilary, maur, a few with unknown name
      And few others i forgot thier names they don’t commenting anymore
      We never used that ladies
      Im sure you both remember how i used to comment when i became a regular ( it’s refreshing to have someone not a steffy fan but give her credit and sympathize with her one the character deserved it, comments from ffs regulars)
      All these things they attacking me about is a reaction, a standing up for my self and my point of view
      It was never the purpose of get any to agree with me
      Which i don’t not have much of a care for that
      But here we go

    7. Yes, Mmysh….you and I are the renegades! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    8. Ahhh I remember those names and you guys are missed! Maur, Hilary, kid especially I remember well. I do hope they return to commenting ❤️

    9. And yet we are the ones who are trying to make them leave while the all here except fir colly hope is is fine but any way
      Its so obvious and clear 😂😂😂

    10. "a standing up for my self and my point of view
      It was never the purpose of get any to agree with me"

      @Mmysh The problem is that NOONE attacks you for your point of view about any particular storyline. But as soon as someone posts something that's anti-Hope, anti-Brooke or anti-Liam, here you come saying shite about Steffy, Thomas and Taylor while making nasty comments toward the poster who made the comment. Again, that is uncalled for.

      Lynn makes anti-Taylor and anti-Steffy comments almost on a daily basis, as well as Milla at times however, you don't see anyone coming at them making personal attacks. When we get into a back and forth with them, it is usually about a particular storyline such as Hope having feelings for Thomas or if Taylor will sleep with Ridge or whether Thomas has truly changed. That's not what you do though. EVERY SINGLE time someone posts something negative about Hope or Brooke, you respond with something about Taylor, Steffy or Thomas and have some personal insult against the poster. It's not cool at all.

    11. And regarding the posters who have left, maybe they are just sick of the drama among the posters. Not because most of them are LFs means that the FFs ran them off. Rather than speak up against their fellow-LFs, maybe they just decided to leave altogether. LFs may all agree on the storylines concerning their faves, it doesn't mean they support the way certain LFs act on the board. And the same can be said of the FFs.

    12. But we are bullies Elle for daring to voice a different opinion.

      Mmysh I have never tried to put people in their place or bully anyone. I was standing up for myself and what I believe happened or viewpoint on characters. The fact that it didn’t align with your extremely biased opinions doesn’t make me wrong etc. I see you castigating any poster who disagrees with you. You leak on the tiniest grammatical error etc.

      You brag about putting FF in their place, or calling them out etc for daring to post something you don’t agree with.

      It’s amazing how we can all watch the same scene and pick up something slightly different. Most of us can agree that things might be interpreted differently. But you viciously attack and ridicule anyone who doesn’t agree with your viewpoint.

      You daily create a toxic and hostile environment here and are soooo proud of it. You have your entourage that all congratulate each other over it.

      It’s not something to be proud of. Most posters just want to be heard and react to what they read without being put under your microscope to be mocked and criticised to death.

    13. Blah blah blah
      Go ladies check your old posts a d according to the rubbish you are now saying you should be disgusted 😂😂😂 with those comments according to the angelic personality you supposedly has now 😂😂😂
      Playing the honest never get old
      The camel can’t see his hump
      But you know of course my comments will not be welcomed and you will start twisting them and make it as bad and about you
      Just because it shows how you like to twist the event to defend the wrongs
      So keep it coming
      Im board reading the whining anyway
      Its a good chance for you to be able to show you real faves while playing the angelic victim 🥱🥱🥱after you starts the insults just because we was able to cornered you inly with mentioning what really happened 😂😂😂
      The stage is your to throw up more ugliness
      I know my point is clear now and im right

    14. You have been holding that for too long now since we came along so you couldn’t interact like the way you used too
      its not heathy so let it out now
      Glad to help 😂😂😂😂

    15. And one last thing elle
      I don’t know why these posters do it post any more and i never thought about it
      Because i don’t believe with conspiracy theory you think about guys
      Maybe because its your intentions so you think everyone in just a like
      Because back you used to say out out in the blog
      What are these logen fans doing here they are running the blog 😂😂 and oh elle how you used to use SFTV in each comment almost

    16. Ruining the blog *
      Oh the old days

    17. I think we can agree to be kinder. Mmysh for your own peace of mind, I wouldn't stick to the past if I were you. I wasn't there, I admit, I hear it used to be nastiness, but now is now. High road is always better ❤️ I can only compare to what I used to read here a few months ago, and now I think we can coexist and comment much better. The characters give us enough material to discuss and it can be fun! I enjoy my little virtual jabs with Elle and BBFan and I hope they too 😁😁

    18. M, things can get a bit intense at times but it's only because we (yourself, Lynn, BBFan, D, Colly, me) get passionate about our faves. Outside of that, I do quite enjoy our camaraderie. ❤️❤️

      At the end of the day, this is a fictional show and the characters are also fictional. I do not understand why posters (real people) have to be insulted for their opinions. But that's just me.

    19. I sometimes wish I could see the faces of the actors if they would read all of our theories and analyses 😅 I'm sure they spend less than 5% energy thinking of "themselves" (their characters) of what we do!

    20. Thanks milla
      But as you see they started not me
      So i just replied with the same language against me
      I agree about the past
      But don’t come preach us with things you don’t practice just because we don’t agree with you
      And then trying to turn their nastiness against me
      The comments are here and its clear
      I didn’t even addressed any of my comments to anyone of them
      And denying doing the same i did with one biased comment which they do it all the time but god forbid i speak about steffy
      And then the attack on lynn that was ok with then since they are so pure
      And my reply to rasom just about none sense comment complaining
      And then she starts the insults against me and lynn
      Instead of giving a good words since they implied how good and neutral they are no they continued the attack s
      And its all there
      So im not at wrong

    21. Mmysh me and Lynn would never attack you. I wish you didn't feel you have to defend yourself against anyone. Our conversation is good and fun, you have such great memory and ability to pinpoint contradictions. Ignore the rest (if you feel you can), I think you can only win from that. I know it's not always easy but in the long run it costs so much less energy. I hope you know I am coming from a place of friendship for you 🤗🤗

    22. I know my dear and you have no idea how much i appreciate that
      I don’t like that either
      But 2 ffs started it
      And even my comment about steffy was not about the one who posted it
      It was about the wrong information in it
      But hiw could i
      So elle instead of pointing where i was wrong coz its about steffy 😂
      she make it all me not the character
      And then the insult in unknown post
      And they started to to continue the attacks since its came from a ffs
      So sorry sure i will reply
      And btw there was so many hurtful attacks on booklover before only me and lynn stood up for her although she bash all the characters especially the logens
      But none of them did anything
      Their follow ff attacked lynn personally
      And they did nothing
      So its only goes for the ffs with them
      Which is fine and they have the right to defend whoever they chose
      But then don’t come and preach us and falsification the facts bullying me then saying im the bully not that i will tolerate
      Playing the victims while they are the attacker
      I know lynn or BOOKLOVER do it need me to defend them but i like to support
      Anyway dear thanks for the support yourself and sorry again for any trouble i caused you especially reading my long posts 😂😂😂😂

    23. No trouble to me at all 🤗 I wish you the best day!!

    24. You too my dear ❤️❤️

    25. Milla I enjoy the banter with you as well. I think we as a whole have tried to temper our word a bit and personally when Hope, Brooke do/say whatever something good I give them kudos. I also comment when they look lovely etc. You are always respectful to others even when disagreeing with them.

      It’s boring if we all agree. I’m just over reading endless diatribes about is horrid FFs lol.

      Enjoy your evening.

    26. BBFan thank you and thanks for saying "diatribes" 😀a new word!

    27. Elle, sorry but I take issue with you saying I say something snide about Steffy / Taylor on a daily basis. I have literally brought up Steffy’s name once in the past week or so. And it was in response to you saying that Hope was trying to get all dressed up for Thomas. So I brought up the fact that Steffy’s GIANT boobs are hanging out in virtually EVERY episode. Aside from that, I have not been talking about Steffy at all. You clearly have me confused with someone else. If you are gonna call someone out, at least have your facts straight first.
      Now Thomas, he’s another story altogether!!! I do bash him daily and will continue to as long as it’s warranted.

    28. Elle, I hope you realize that there has very much been nastiness on both sides. The FF’s don’t fall short in spewing it….not for one minute. So while you are calling out Mmysh, myself and whomever else, I would ask that you recognize your side is NOT innocent here….not by any stretch.

    29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I have to admit reading all of your comments is almost if not better than the show itself.LMFAO!! You all get into more fighting than the old Brooke and Taylor fights on the show.
