Monday, August 21, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-21-23 Full episode B&B 21st August 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-21-23 Full episode B&B 21st August 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Wait till Liam finds out about Hope and Thomas lol

  2. Yeh Hope "find Yourself " so you can go back to your waffling husband who's true love is Steffy. Guess he forgot that when he got to your house. Let's leave the Thomas crap out, He was a decent guy until the script writers came up with the evil scenario for him. UGH . Maybe Ridge, Brooke, Steffy, Liam all should take a long good look in the mirror.

    1. So thomas being a psychopath murderer its the writers fault
      But how liam and hope are acting its theirs
      How funny 😄

    2. But Hope staying with an emotionally abusive, controlling, selfish, lying, cheating, Liam is sooo much better for her! What a great example wee Beth has of how a woman should be treated 🙄🙄.

      Brooke is being completely selfish here. It’s none of her business. It never ends well for Hope when she follows Brooke’s advice! She should have dumped Liam after the last time he cheated on her instead of letting Brooke pressure her into staying in that sham of a marriage. Why does she want her daughter to be destroyed over and over in the name of Destiny?

      We all know staying together for the kids especially when BOTH parties are involved with other people never ends well and the children end up more hurt than they have to be!

    3. The only time I remember when Thomas was "a decent guy" (apart from recently, but it's too early to know if it's permanent) was when he was a kid. Only those who didn't see him blowing up cars, setting houses on fire, lying about sleeping with Brooke to get shares and whatnot can call his past decent 😀

    4. Indeed milla
      And really what an example for beth that her mother staying with her father ( although i don’t support it now)
      But sure being with the man who hurt and abused almost each member of her family is a wonderful example 🥱

    5. And milla there is one time as a grown man thomas was good is when he exposed vinny in switching the paternity test and got liam and bill out of prison which still they got there because his friend was doing him a favor

    6. Yes Mmysh I remember that. He has had decent moments for sure, just not overall sustained decent behavior. And going out of your way to plot against and harm (also physically) someone is way above waffling inconsiderate actions.

    7. Sure it is
      All his crimes should be excusable and forgiven and look the other way
      But oh waffling what a crime ( and im not defending liam)

    8. It was a boring episode today. Just gonna say I like both Steffy’s and Hope’s hair longer. The short hair makes Steffy look older. And Hope’s hair just looks ordinary now.

    9. I didnt find it that boring
      Although i watched while putting the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaning after dinner 😂😂😂

      Lynn i heard there was an earthquake in L.A
      Is that true and are you near that
      I hope you are doing ok dear

    10. Hi Mmysh! 🤗🤗
      Yes, there was an earthquake this weekend. And as a completely unrelated weather condition, we had a LOT of rain that caused flooding in many areas. Mother Nature decided to let loose on Southern Calif this weekend! Luckily, we were not affected by either. Plenty of rain, but definitely not hurricane conditions that were expected. Thank you for checking! 💕

    11. Yeah, I clearly missed the episodes when Thomas was a “decent guy.” Like Milla pointed out….outside of his very recent good behavior, he’s been a “not good guy” for many years!

    12. I think we can all agree that neither Thomas nor Liam is viable husband material. Thomas has a long history of being EVIL, and Liam is a chronic waffling CHEATER. Hope should run for the hills and Steffi better hold onto Finn.

    13. I also don’t think Hope should return to Liam but should also reconsider her behavior. She’s not innocent or perfect.

  3. Thank you Bob xxxx
    I sure wouldn't want Brooke for a mom lol

  4. Replies
    1. Most likely, she'll decide to go back to Liam and then find out she's pregnant.

    2. Or she’ll try and get Liam back.. wonder when he’ll cop to chasing Steffy! I’m thinking he strings Hope along just to keep her from Thomas and refuses to take her back.

    3. I think so too. He has to be in control of both of them. Just like he said today, Hope was talking about the cookies and Beth..Liam- "I wish I could persuade (he really meant control) you that easily.

  5. Did Liam professing his love to Steffy happen in an alternate world??? Because everyone is back to where the storyline was after Rome happened. Steffy and Liam talking to each other like the last 2 weeks of Liam begging her back didn't happen. Brooke and Ridge behaving like they didn't discuss Liam saying he is in love with Steffy.

    1. Liam isn’t saying he forgives Hope and wants her back, he just doesn’t want her with Thomas!!! He can’t help himself, he has to control her!

      Liam runs straight to Steffy, why go to work Liam or to your da’s place or wherever you’re living.

      Brooke knows Liam has been saying he’s in love with Steffy etc yet is pushing Hope back to him again??? Wth?? She’s a terrible mother! Yes out your daughter with a waffle king who will continue to hurt her. She’ll beg and Liam won’t come clean about kissing Steffy twice and trying for a third when she told him to leave.

      Enfants losing Hope, making her doubt herself and destroying her confidence oh look Brooke and Liam right back their old tricks. Hope don’t bend over and take what they are pushing on you. Stand up for yourself please! She’s reverting to the lost person who shuts up and takes their abuse.

      Brooke is so damn selfish, it’s not about you! Stay out is your daughter’s marriage and respect her choices for once!! Only Beth gets to have her parents I guess. Brooke is such a hypocrite with all the marriages and families she destroyed over the years, including her own!!

      Say what you want about Taylor but she doesn’t want to see her daughter throw away a loving marriage for waffles!

      I’m glad someone is crying Thomas in on what’s happening. Oh well.

    2. Brooke definitely needs to mind her own damn business. Hope needs to shut her down and stop being such a wussy doormat.

    3. She really does. Look where all her motherly advice got her daughter. And why doesn't anyone ask Hope where she stands with Thomas?? They think she has lost her mind because she's not doing what they want for her. Thomas can't say much, he was blindsided by what happened in Rome. Then next scene where is Liam??? with Steffy. smh

  6. I hope Liam ends up alone. Steffy with Finn and Hope with Thomas:))

  7. I want Finn and Steffy back together. I can't see Liam and Hope together. Liam can't get over Hope kissing Thomas (he doesn't even know about them sleeping together). And Liam has told Steffy he will always be in love with her. I agree with Liam not understanding how Hope could be attracted to Thomas after everything he did.

    1. Yes but as her ex it’s none of his bloody business who she sees. He can’t give up control or treat her like an adult. Neither does Brooke. She treats Hope like a child who cannot reason or make decisions!

      Liam saying he doesn’t trust her judgement??? Who the hell is he to talk? Trying to destroy Steffy’s marriage and tying with Hope to manipulate her to stay away from Thomas. What a selfish git!!

  8. Are we mistaken or did Flo not have anything to do with the whole Beth situation and everyone forgave her. Why do we have to make Thomas a monster like he came up with taking Beth. Smh, this mess is annoying!

    1. @Dee, thank you...Flo and the doctor come up with the evil plan. Someone said that That Thomas treated for not talking the true.... still she choosen herself instead of putting an end at her cousine misery. I don't remember Flo having that hard time for the Beth story, she even become Logan.....

    2. We are flo or the doctor involved romantically with hope now in tbis storyline????
      I guess they don’t
      It doesn’t mean that they are not guilty
      But the doctor is in prison
      Flo went to prison and was welling to stay there but she got out because ridge wanted to cover for his son causing emma’s death
      And she was struggling with guilt and the logen cut her out even after she donated her kidney to save kaite’s life
      Something thomas never did to redeem himself
      And Thomas back then was FAMILY
      Not like flo or the doctor
      So he supposed to tell at lest his sister
      So now flo or the doctor are not related to hope being with thomas
      So yeah they came up with plan but thomas use it to his advantage
      That’s doesn’t make him less guilty

    3. Also, Thomas is guilty of many more atrocities that just the Beth storyline. If we're to believe he's changed for the better, then I guess we have to do the same for Sheila? Or do we just forgive and forget Thomas because he has a pretty face and a good body? I'm not sure how this is supposed to work😂

    4. Indeed hilary spot on
      Sheila has more murders than tommy but he is no different
      But forgiveness and 1000000 chances apply for him only lol

    5. Thomas has gone to therapy and tries to redeem himself. Something Sheila has never tried.
      I hope Thope see their way through this.

    6. @Aussie Deb Sheila does not even think she has done anything wrong. She either justifies her criminal actions or blames others for "making" her do it. She has absolutely no respect for the feelings of others and expects that they should just accept her. And she has yet to apologize to anyone for the harm she has caused them.

      Thomas owns his crap and actually wants to do and be better. And he shows a lot of respect for Hope. Not just to her face but even when others start questioning him about her. He goes into protective mode and tries not to say much. His love for her has become quite sacrificial as he would sacrifice his own happiness just so that she's happy. Don't know why people even compare him to Sheila. She doesn't have a sacrificial or selfless bone in her body.

  9. Liam's speech to Hope was terrible. He is turning into a real jerk sociopath. Very disappointing. Like in the case of Hope I'm not above admitting it and defending or overlooking awful behavior. This new week, new Liam is astonishing. Every week a new focus - last time it was all about Steffy, Sheila, Finn. Now it's back to Thomas and Hope. Like... Wtf?!

    But I'm glad Hope is starting to see that the way she went for Thomas is not her.

    1. Indeed milla
      Thinking about her daughter and the alternative situation helped opened her eyes

    2. And what brook said was totally right
      Yes hope was at wrong and she is the one went after thomas and initiated the kiss but thomas should have stopped her but sure he is excused he is so in love and brook is wrong for sure lol

    3. Yeah Liam just keeps getting worse and worse. He's awful

    4. Indeed… I start thinking that it’s not worth seeing him win Steffy for the sake of a reunion (which I wanted to see). He has destroyed all of his growth and worse than anything- he keep acknowledging that he’s made mistakes but doesn’t see that he’s making same and worse ones now. That’s insanity as per Einstein.

    5. Indeed milla that’s the exact words for me
      Liam destroyed all his growth he did over the years which made me likes him
      But not anymore

  10. Liam is so farkin' patronizing. "You're not alone. There's a path out." A path out of having a mind and soul and set of values of her own. And he didn't bother to get Hope's response.

  11. Since when is Liam an "awesome father"? What a joke! When hope said that I did a spit take 😂

    1. Although i don’t like him but he is a goid father because we have to take the moms words
      And that’s goes for finn we never saw him doing any fatherly tasks so that’s how it goes i guess

    2. A wonderful father who doesn’t see his daughters for months at a time while he’s obsessing over Thomas or chasing another woman or heh pretending he only has one child because his baby mummy is insecure about getting pregnant with a trap baby! He forgot about Beth ever since he got back from Rome. The child hasn’t seen him in days until his birthday and he didn’t bother to video chat, voice or anything. He was obsessed with breaking up Steffy’s marriage and making his move on her!!

      Just like when Steffy broke off their last engagement because Hope got pregnant for her affair with Liam and she and Brooke were pressuring Liam to be with her. Liam couldn’t make a decision but he forgot all about Kelly to focus on Hope. Oh when they got Beth back Liam forgot Kelly existed because Hope wanted him only with her daughter!!

      Liam is fickle even with his children. Whatever woman he’s with at the time is the daughter he bothers to acknowledge. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🙄🙄

  12. Sorry, she said "amazing father". Either way, wow, I find that hilarious 🤣

    1. Lmao Hillary. And she should have slapped him in the face when he asked her "Have you lost your mind?"

    2. Yeah she should have. I can't believe she just sat there listening to that platitudinous speech! I'd have cussed Liam out

  13. Loved Steffy’s hair and outfit today

  14. Liam thinks Thomas is dangerous. Hmm, really?

    1. Look at who succumbed to the dark side
      answer: Elle to instagram! 😍🤗🤣

    2. Yes! elle_1577. Follow me. I need followers! Lol.

      (I prefer tiktok though 🤣🤣).

  15. Brooke needs to keep to her own skeletons in her closet and keep her nosy busybody self to herself. Oh, her and Liam make me want to puke.🤮🤢 He goes on and on and all the while he's kissed Steffy twice and proclaimed his ever lasting love to her and now running his mouth to Hope. I hope Finn and Hope dump Steffy and Liam.
