Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-22-23 Full episode B&B 22nd August 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-22-23 Full episode B&B 22nd August 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Both Liam and Hope are unfaithful to each other... and Steffy too

    1. Ridge thinks Thomas owes HIM an explanation about Hope. None of his f'in business. Brooke and Ridge are so far out of their jurisdiction demanding answers! Would they have answered all these personal questions? Did Brooke and Ridge have people barging in on them in bed? Brooke is reduced from leading lady to old nosy crone. Ridge is his usual @ssbite self and the little pipsqueak RJ telling Thomas he needs to let Hope go back to Liam? Someone needs to give RJ his first capital punishment of spanking over Thomas' knee. Permissive parents bring on real bratty kids. Say whatever they feel like and have no respect for anyone. Hope and Thomas should refuse to answer any of this BS. Their Personal business is none of anyone else's business.

    2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙄🙄

    3. 👏👏👏 I second that. It is their personal business. At their age? They don't need to explain to Mommy and Daddy or anyone else what they want to do.

    4. @WitchyPoo
      Couldn't agree more👍🏽love this comment.

    5. This show is becoming totally disgusting. Brooke and Ridge know that Liam loves Steffy but they are still trying to sway Hope into staying with Liam. Everyone is butting into their grown children's lives when it is not any of their business. Liam is again trying to control Hope. If he can’t have her, he doesn’t want anyone else to have her either, so he is getting into her head again! Hope, don’t be so weak that you let everybody sway you away from what you want. Tell them to butt out, that you want Thomas.

  2. The peanut gallery needs to SHUT UP! These are 35 year old grownups capable of making their own decisions.

    1. Exactly, brava 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  3. How about that 😀😀 Thomas was a distraction, she was looking for excuses for her disgusting behavior and (my favorite) can’t recognize herself in the mirror. It *is* too late, Hope, sorry, Liam still wants a divorce. But she listens to whatever is whispering in her ear. It was Liam and Brooke and first now it will be Thomas. How about forming an own opinion who you love and want, Hope?

    "There's only one thing I can do.".... What's kidnap her on a helicopter?

    Steffy is way too kind to Liam to baby him through this faux soul-searching and act like he didn’t profess love for her and now returning like a pal to talk about Hope.

    "Unless... Cupcakes are involved" 🤣🧁

    1. Or is he??? Brooke and Liam once again undermine Hope’s self confidence and Brooke is setting her up to be hurt! Liam has no intention of being with Hope. He just doesn’t want her with Thomas! He wants to be right, and to bend Hope to his will.

      Seriously, Brooke just can’t help herself. Hope will open herself up to more pain when Liam rejects her and end up even closer robThomas than afore, watch!

      Hope is once again telling Brooke what she wants to hear, just like when did in the office before telling Thomas she didn’t mean any of it! I think Hope feels trapped, you can see her crawling back into her sad shell again with Liam and Brooke pressuring her and telling her how she’s lost etc. it is sad she’s losing all the progress she made. Brooke saying she respects Hope standing up for herself then shoving her back towards Liam! If anything encourage Hope to be alone and let her family support her. She doesn’t need Liam and his lying, cheating, emotionally abusive bollucks. SMDH 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    2. Haha the progress she made? What's that? Jumping into bed with another man three seconds after her marriage went on the rocks. If that's the progress then good for her for losing that. She demands to be treated like a grown-up but guess what - grown-ups own up to their mistakes and stand by their choices. If she wants to be treated like a grown-up she should act like one.

      Brooke shouldn't encourage her to be with Liam when she knows he professed love for Liam. She should tell her that. And encourage her to be on her own to figure out what her grown-up ass wants because apparently it's so damn hard to know at 35+.

    3. Liam was making sure Steffy knows he cares about the mother of his child, he has absolutely no intention of going back to Hope. He closed that off the second he saw her with Thomas. There is nothing she could say that would make him forgive her. If she’s pregnant with their baby they may reconcile but neither of them is the same and they don’t really want to be married anymore!

      I had to laugh and Brooke and Liam! Of course Hope isn’t the old Hope who let you rule her life for her and think for her! Cannae have that! Oh no, must get her back in submission role. There there dearie. Don’t worry your pretty wee head, we’ll do all the thinking for you. There’s a good lass. 🙄🙄😂🤣😂

    4. *love for Steffy 🤣(but it's actually only Liam Liam loves)

    5. Hope is a baby if she can't make a choice and stand by it. So she's treated like one. Grown up treatment is not demanded. Everyone is responsible for their own lives. I am Hope's age and wouldn't allow to be treated like that. Because it's embarrassing past the age of 20.

    6. @ Milla I love it when Steffy said to Liam, "I don't know if you are hearing yourself?" Are you planning to fix your marriage. Oh, I think Steffy knows that he did profess his love for her, BUT she is ignoring because she is still in love with Finn. I believe Steffy trying to open his eyes and say, hey, Liam I'm not going to break up my marriage just because Hope kissed Thomas, and she told him the other time when Liam kissed her at the beach house, that she is a happily married woman and that he needs to respect that, which we can see he doesn't, yet he is still pursuing Steffy and she is kicking him to a curb. We know how Liam is not used to that.

    7. Yes I thought the same Elizabeth. Still If i were her I would throw it in his face that he's a waffler who came to try to shit on my marriage last week and now is coming to discuss his still wife and how he's trying to bring her back to the light. Oh and in the process trash my own brother and expect what exactly from me?

    8. Elizabeth, exactly!!! Brave!!! Steffy said she wants to put her family and marriage back together.

      She wants Liam to grow up. I don’t Liam is good for either woman and they are well shot of him.

    9. Liam is a narcissist, he only loves himself!!

    10. @Milla I don't get him, here he says he loves Steffy and right in front of her face, he trashes her brother, I think Liam needs to go see a psychiatrist himself, when was the last time he had his brain under maintenance?

    11. All I heard was Hope say "you're right, mom." And all I saw was Hope's sad face? For someone who just had an awakening about herself, why isn't she happy?

      I think Hope's biggest problem is that she wants to please everyone and give them what they expect of her. Her time with Thomas was the happiest I had seen her in a very long time but, here come Liam and Brooke with their debbie downer selves wanting Hope to go back to what they want her to be. Hope has kow-towed to their expectations of her for way too long.

      As for her maturity, I would say that finally waking up to the fact that she will never be #1 in her husband's heart and choosing to walk away from that toxicity is the most mature thing someone can do for themselves. She was not being rebellious in any way. She fought to hold on to her sanity when she first realized she had feelings for Thomas and also fought to stay close to her husband. She finally gave in when it became too much for her. How was she being a child?

    12. If she really realized that then why is she confused? Why not standing her ground to Brooke and to Liam if she wants Thomas or her independence or whatever she wants (if she really knows) but instead is being influenced.
      Of course she’s not happy about realizing who she has become. There’s nothing to be happy about being a cheater who risks her family. And if she’s so happy with Thomas, again why not just be with him and instead goes to break up? (From what it looked like)

    13. And if you’re right that she wants to please everyone that’s another trait of immaturity. For such big life decisions like who to love and if to tear up apart family, a grown-up should know what’s at stake and what’s to do. Definitely not saying to go back to Liam but just to make up her mind and not be a wuss.

    14. Elle. You're so right. She's trying to be the Hope everyone wants. And Milla why is she so confused? Maybe because she has everyone telling her.."Have you lost your mind? This is not you. You don't love Thomas, you love Liam and your perfectly happy family..etc she is not happy with her life with Liam and you can see it? No?

    15. Exactly D. She stood up to Brooke and Liam just fine before but everyone feels they should be telling her how to feel and what to do. And Liam USED Beth's birthday to do quite a number on her. That was very manipulative! Then Brooke just came and poured it on even thicker. My hope is that she decides to take some time to herself and really think things through before breaking Thomas' heart.

    16. Elle I agree. She needs time away from everyone telling her who she is and how she should feel. I really think Thomas is going to give her that space and I believe she really has strong feelings for Thomas. (Despite his past) Now Brooke and Liam might be a different story about giving her the space she needs. 😔. We'll see.

    17. Hope says the quiet part out loud…..”Mom, Thomas loves me….he really loves me and only me. And I “CARE about him. Or I have feelings for him”….I don’t remember her exact word.
      Please note : She has NEVER once said…..she loves Thomas or is in love with Thomas. I always listen intently when she discusses her feelings for Thomas. And it’s never once been said!!! Here’s what Hope does love or is “in love with”…..an IDEA of someone loving her like Thomas does!! That’s the only thing she actually loves when it comes to Thomas. All the FF’s know this is true whether they admit it or not
      And FYI….I do not have undying allegiance to certain characters like many posters do. If someone turns into a hypocritical A-Hole (like Liam has done) I will drop them off my list of favs like a hot rock!! Liam is that hot rock. He makes me so sick these days! Hope should NOT reunite with Liam. End of story. And what I will also say is that Hope should NOT pursue a relationship with Thomas! Hope should absolutely be on her own!!! Be a grownup just like Milla said!!
      None of these people can be alone for 5 minutes.
      Hope may have found forgiveness in her heart for what Thomas has done to her over the years. But that does NOT equate to pursuing a romance with someone who did those heinous acts to her!! No fricken way!!! Can you imagine if something like this would have happened in real life??? My guess is no self-respecting woman would ever fall in love with the man who concealed her daughter from her for MONTHS for his own selfish gain!!!!! It’s beyond disgusting!!

    18. Elle, D, I agree 💯, Liam did intentionally use Beth’s birthday to “manipulate” Hope into staying away from Thomas.. He has no intention of reuniting with her, he just wants her away from anyone else so he has her on a string, ready and waiting if things don’t work out with Steffy.. As Liam put it, he wants the “old Hope back”, the one who was always ready and waiting for her turn with him!!

    19. Bfan, exactly, Brooke AND Liam are setting her up to get hurt.. Liam was giving off vibes to Hope yesterday that he might reconcile.. He has NO intention of reconciling.. He said the divorce papers were I filed in his car, to start off the conversation, putting in Hopes head there might b an option for them, then went into using Beth’s birthday as the perfect opportunity to manipulate her even further.. he is playing with her like a little puppy dog in training.. My favourite was his comment about how he wishes Hope was as easily “persuaded” as Beth with cookies!! Really!! I would have have slapped him so damn hard I would have left a permanent hand indent on his face.. that would have been end of conversation, then I would have said, sorry gotta go I have plans with Thomas!!

    20. * not filed, and in his car

    21. Hi, Colly 🙋🏼‍♀️. You made me laugh imagining the visual of Hope giving Liam a well-served smack. 🫱🏻👊🏼🤭

    22. Hi love!!❤️❤️❤️ yes, that’s what I would have done, and so hard it would leave a permanent indent 🤣🤣🤣 to remind him that I am not the dog , he is.. how insulting was that!! He basically told her she is a dog that’s hard to train!! That’s the most insulting thing he has ever said to her.. I can’t believe no one else mentioned that 🤣🤣🤣

    23. Exactly a real grown up would not allow to be treated like a child and be influenced. How come it only happens to Hope and suddenly everyone is to blame (of course when that everyone is Brooke, because any reason, right?). The way people treat me is how I allow them to when I’m not a kid anymore.

    24. Lynn I also noticed that Hope absolutely doesn’t say she loves Thomas, she only cares that he loves her and only her. It seems all of them need therapy and to realize there are other men and women out of their families to sleep with.

    25. And I agree with the part of the undying allegiance, it seems we have that in common. Those guys arent my family or closest friends, so I don’t support them no matter what. When they turn socio like Liam or cheaters like Hope, they go on a blacklist. I don’t even wish Steffy for Liam now 😅

    26. Hope said “she has feelings for Thomas”, not “cared about Thomas”.. and judging by the way she was when she was talking to Thomas, she is now extremely conflicted as to what to do.. her conversation with Thomas was more about Liam reminding her of what he did in the past.. it was obvious she is struggling as to “what she SHOULD”, rather than what “she wants TO do”.. I got the impression that Thomas was correct, Liam got in her head, then Brooke iced the cake!! I don’t think she wants things to end with Thomas.. She was picturing what Beth said about her favourite part of the party, being with Hope and Liam.. problem is, Liam does not want to reunite with Hope, at least while Steffy and Finn are on rocky ground and he thinks he is going to get her back..I think Liam did what he did, because Steffy rejected him and told him to leave, and he was shocked when she did that, his face said it all.. he thought once he professed his love she was just going to kick Finn to the curb, but instead she made him leave.. so I think he is trying to keep her hanging in the wings as long as possible, so if he doesn’t get that chance with Steffy, he can run back to Hope.. he is a manipulative dog..

    27. None of what Liam does or says would matter if Hope "womans up", decides what SHE wants and who SHE loves (how hard can it be?!) and lives her life. She has a mouth and can tell Brooke "I love Thomas and I want to be with him" and the same to Liam. But I guess it's not the case. All she wants is for "someone to love only her" which as Lynn pointed out is the only thing she ever brings up about Thomas.

    28. Colly you are right that Liam is acting so cruel dangling the unfiled divorce papers when he has no intention to fight for the marriage. At least that's what he's been saying these past days, he changes loves more often than some people change sheets.

    29. "he changes loves more often than some people change sheets." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    30. @Milla, not sheets, how about underwear! I hope Liam is left with no one. I hope that both Steffy and Hope both reject his controlling, obsessive ass and throw him to the curb. He really deserves someone to bash his head in for being an abusive waffler. Steffy also needs to remember him leaving her on the ground crying when she was pregnant and he left her.

    31. Milla, yes….every time she talks about Thomas it is always about HIS commitment to HER. Thomas loving just her, and how that makes her feel. It’s never….oh Thomas is so smart, or handsome or funny. Or we have so much fun together. Nope nope nope.
      Like I said above, she loves the idea of Thomas as far as what he gives her mentally / emotionally. But that is not the basis for a successful relationship.
      She can buy herself a golden retriever and accomplish that very thing.

    32. And the truth is, if Liam were as committed to her as Thomas is, she would choose Liam any day of the week.

    33. Yes Lynn. Those were also her last words to him before she jumped in bed with him. "I want the man who wants only me". That's so sad to have this low self-esteem. And low criteria - the only man she’ll never have to worry about Steffy with. Thomas has professed love for Hope for decades but she never said the word love with regards to him.
      I somehow think they won't file them divorce papers so soon or something will happen to stop it (pregnancy). When they want to divorce couples it is swift - like with Brooke and Ridge.

    34. Milla, 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  4. Agree.they're being treated like 15yr olds. Brooke is so relentless trying to make Hope believe that Liam is who she loves and should be with. It's sickening especially when Brooke knows Liam loves Steffy. Liam doesn't want Hope with Thomas but he doesn't want her either. He should shut up too. Let Hope decide who is right for HER.

    1. That was a reply to Unknown.

    2. Exactly D brava!!!!! Couldn’t have said it better!!

    3. Well, Brooke may think she has won, but she is in for a surprise very soon, I heard that there is going to be a storyline of Hope being pregnant, but the question is when, and if that happens Brooke will NOT be a happy camper.

    4. D, I'm so tired of Liam. Doesn't the actor want to go on vacation or something? I'm tired of seeing him.

    5. I am also totally sick of seeing and hearing Liam

    6. D, Liam doesn’t want Hope with ANYONE!! He wants her on a string ready and waiting like she used to do, patiently waiting her turn for him to come to her.. I can’t bet even if it wasn’t Thomas and someone else, he would do the same thing.. He wants her alone, ready for when he needs someone when things blow up in his face.. He is a narcissistic pig, just like his dad.. Bill has taught him well on how to treat women!! He doesn’t want her but doesn’t want anyone else to have her either…

    7. Colly, remember when Finn first came into the picture and how Liam was against him being in Steffy's life? Then, mannequin-gate happened and, what did Liam do? Run straight to Steffy suggesting to her that they can be a family again. As time went by, he appeared to have accepted Steffy being with Finn but now, given the demise of his own marriage, he's back to "hating" on Finn and subtlety attempting to manipulate Steffy into giving him another chance.

      And is it me? Or do both Steffy and Hope seem to be in a trance-like state whenever Liam is spewing his crap?

    8. They do! But what about Liam is so captivating that he puts them in a trance?! He's a dickhead of the highest order

    9. Elle, exactly!! Liam will ALWAYS run to the other when things don’t work out the way he “expects” it will.. it was so obvious when Finn first came on the scene that Liam was jealous.. Liam being Liam, has always had both Steffy and Hope waiting for their turn with him.. The look on Liam’s face when Steffy told him to leave, and even as he walked off and looked back , it was like “really? That not how it supposed to happen”?? He just “expected” that as soon as he told Steffy those things, she would have jumped at the chance!! Hope has also been giving him the cold shoulder till todays show.. I remember the shock on Liam’s face when Hope showed him she took her rings off, his immediate reaction was, “oh, you took your rings off BEFORE ME”, with a baby voice to make him sound even more pathetic and whiny than usual.. Then she served him the divorce papers!!🤣🤣🤣 I think those actions stunned him and REALLY stung his ego!! Which outright proves what a dick he is!! I can’t even look at him anymore, nevermind listen to him.. Because both Steffy and Hope have not been fighting for him as per usual, and been doing the opposite, Liam is really trying so hard now to get them both back in line!! His line!! And yes Hilary you are right, there is NOTHING REMOTELY, not one iota of anything about Liam that is captivating!! 🤣🤣🤣 more like repulsive..

  5. Replies
    1. Like when Brooke told Liam that Kelly didn’t matter and the only baby that matters was the one Hope was carrying???

      I mean Liam was living with Kelly since her birth and Logan fans had NO problem with ripping her father out of her life!!!

      I think Finn is a better father to her than Liam ever has been. It’s a joke he suddenly cares.

      Brooke broke up enough families to get a daddy for her kids and had no problem ripping Ridge from his own children! Total hypocrisy here.

      The fact is Liam has been a lying cheat for years and Hole would be better if being a single mum rather than staying with the waffler.

      Not to mention Liam doesn’t want Hope back, that’s all in Brooke’s head!

    2. Is the child you're referring to Liam? 😂

    3. I thought they meant a new child Hope is pregnant with.

    4. There are actually 2 children involved here. Thomas and Hope share a child as well.

    5. Bfan, 👏👏👏 and yes Elle, people forget she has two children…

  6. Brooke giving Hope relationship advice is a real chuckler...The" Ho" from the valley as Stephanie used to refer to her, married more times than Elizabeth Taylor and to every man in the Forrester family. Let's see here Liam has made it clear to Steffy, Ridge ,wyatt that Steffy is the love of his life....So Ridge maybe you should have told little RJ to put a lid on it and STFU with Thomas standing there. Show the guy some respect .

  7. TY Bob.
    Brooke of all people on this earth giving advice on how to react with it all. This program is going down the drain.

  8. Liam got to Hope and now Thomas is letting Hope go back to Liam so that Liam can tell Hope he still wants a divorce.. its so sad that its almost funny

    1. I am sure that is exactly what Thomas will do. He will put his feelings on the back burner so that Hope can reunite with Liam.


  9. I am sick of Brooke and Liam and the pipsqueak RJ needs to go back where he was last year

  10. It is crazy how Hope needs a brain. She can't even think or help herself. I think it would be great if she is pregnant with Thomass kid.

    1. What Brooke and Liam are doing is emotional abuse. You can see how much stress it's putting her under, to a point now that she can't think for herself or trust her own judgment.

    2. There's concern and there's manipulation. What Liam did, bringing up all that stuff from the past was meant to play with Hope's mind. Then, here comes Brooke heaping it on some more.

    3. Agree..and he's doing that for what reason? Just to try and control her. And he talks about Thomas's manipulating tactics. Brooke? Well it's just Brooke..mother of the year.

    4. Elle no signs yet? Is your daughter saying I don't want to do this anymore? 😮‍💨

    5. Haha. She's ready for him to be out. The doctor told her if she doesn't go into labour by end of the week, he will have to induce.

    6. Ladies, I think most people here have forgotten that, when Hope got back from Rome, and the big conversation had , then Liam said he wanted a divorce, Hope was shocked that he went straight to that, and she put the question to him if he wanted this sudden divorce because of Steffy.. Liam’s response was that he had not thought of Steffy, then next breath, said, BUT “I am now”, then smiled and shut the door and left..

      I loved how Brooke said she loves that Hope is having self respect for herself, then next breath, encourages her to do the opposite, KNOWING what Ridge told her about what Liam said to him.. Seriously.. Then she says “we Logan’s never give up”, this is all Brooke and this competition between Logan’s and forresters.. She can’t stand the thought that Liam admitted to loving Steffy and wanting her back, but she can’t let that happen can she..

      What mother in her right mind would hear that, and Hope telling her that’s been an issue and a big part of why she doesn’t want Liam anymore, but pushes harder than ever, using Beth to do it?? It’s beyond me.. Hope , remember what Liam spat at you when he walked out the door!!

      Brooke shut your trap and let Hope decide what’s best for her.. Why would you want her to go through what you did with Taylor??? I also see trouble brewing between Brooke and Ridge after yesterdays conversation, and even the way she was today, she was pretty “smug” telling them that Hope and Liam are probably going to reunite!! Brookes true colours are starting to shine through now she is more confident in her relationship with Ridge, which is exactly what I said was going to happen!!! Let’s wait and see!! She seems to think that they will reunite if Hope wants to, completely ignoring the facts of what Ridge told her.. She really is that arrogant!!

    7. Colly! ❤️ glad to see you back and you're ok. Getting worried after no reply to emails but I know the work you do is under appreciated and time consuming.

    8. Hey love, yes I am sooo sorry, I also got influenza B AND pneumonia and was in isolation in hospital for 2 weeks.. I thought I was going to die.. I was so sick I don’t even remember going into the hospital or the first few days.. plus my elderly parents are moving up to Brisbane and I been helping them put their house on the market and clean out etc.. it’s a big job.. I am still trying to get over the sickness too, just so tired all the time.. it really took it out me then running up and down to the coast for my parents, long trips and driving.. I haven’t been able to work the past two months cause of all of this.. but I will go through and find your emails love.. I am really sorry I havnt responded recently.. ❤️❤️❤️

    9. Congrats 🎈 🥳🍾, Elle, my daughter was due May 6th and didn’t give birth until the 17th!! 🤯 but that’s completely normal with firsts and the natural birth went well. She was so sick the whole pregnancy, we assumed it was a girl - wrong - a very healthy boy. 👶🏻 She, hubby & baby are coming out next month to meet Great Grandpa. You are in for so much fun. 🎠👏🏻🤩😁

    10. Oh, Colly 🥺 … so sorry to hear that. Best wishes for steady improvement and to allow your friends and family to help you along the way. 🥰

    11. Unknown, thanks for the insight. So, she should (hopefully) start getting contractions by the weekend! I'm really excited. I literally can't wait. It's a bit tough, even for me. 😂 She's doing well though.

    12. Colly, so sorry to hear of your health situation. Happy that you're doing much better, even if you're extremely busy. Will keep you in my prayers. 🙏🏻

    13. Ach Colly, sorry to hear you’ve been so poorly Love. We are so glad you are back with us! Prayers for return to full health for you 🤗🤗🤗🤗

    14. Aaawe thanks Ladies ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I am ok, just really tired.. How EXCITING ELLE!! I can only imagine how excited you are!! You’re going to b the bestess GLAM MA ever.. what a lucky bubba!! I am a long way off having grand kids, but can’t wait all the same.. it’s going to be so nice to get to just enjoy them, then hand them back after you pumped them up 🤣🤣🤣 make you post as soon as he/she arrives!!

  11. Yeah hope most probably go back to Liam , and that’s when she finds out she’s pregnant and Liam , will find out that hope slept with Thomas, then another whole story line , wow this isn’t going to end

  12. Unless she won’t tell him that she slept with Thomas until they do paternity test, and it’ll end up being Liam’s baby after all

    1. That’s how I expect it too. Everyone will think it’s Thomas because of the week long marathon and because it was sooner, but… 😅

    2. The last time Liam and Hope slept together was before Rome. Rome was the first week of July. That's almost 2 months ago. If this storyline has to happen, Liam and Hope will have to make love soon.

    3. Well it is 8 weeks before anyone falls pregnant and knows about it they’ll never make love ever again , Liam with hope

    4. When they find out they pregnant I meant

    5. And also common logic and time are very elastic things in soap world 😅 it could well have been that Hope was pregnant when sleeping with Thomas 🤢

    6. That's true, Milla. I was thinking that, in the soap world, if there's to be a WTD, they usually have the woman sleep with the men within a very short time frame, not weeks apart.

      Unknown, I am really hoping that Hope doesn't reunite with Liam and sleeps with him.

  13. Did Liam hold back is tongue when he was explaining to steffy how he get thru to Hope. Liam " I Lov; no, I care about the mother of my child" lol 💀

  14. Now Hope is confused. Aww, what a shock! So maybe she regrets jumping into bed with Thomas so soon. Imagine that. I blame Liam too. He was way too quick to declare the marriage was over as soon as Hope walked in the door from Rome. I don't think Hope should be with Thomas, but I don't think she should be with Liam either. Her fears about Liam's feelings for Steffy are valid. Even if they (Liam and Hope) did get back together, Liam will always be an argument or misunderstanding away from running to Steffy.

    1. Hope's attraction to Thomas is so unhealthy,illogical and offensive.
      ‏No mother could ever be attracted to the man who kept her baby from her for months and let her grieve , just to manipulate her into being with him.
      ‏No mother could ever be attracted to a man who would emotionally abuse his own son to manipulate her feelings and bully the son to keep quiet about such a devastating secret
      ‏Thomas has been a predator and stalker toward Hope. He tried to get her drunk when she was a late teen virgin in love with Liam, so he could push sex on her in the beach tent in Cabo. Sick and disgusting.
      ‏it doesn't matter that he has changed, Forgiveness is fine....A woman might forgive, but would never be attracted to him. His touch would always make her skin crawl...which it used to do back when she almost married him for Douglas's sake
      And then again tried to drug her to rape her
      ‏We all saw him smile down at Emma dying in that wreck he caused and then drive off and leave her there.That makes him a sociopath

      So yeah he can be redeemed from all of that just because he is going to therapy wow
      I don’t want her to be with liam anymore
      All his growth i liked him for is destroyed now
      I don’t agree with brook also to advise hope to stay with liam but the logic of how bad brook is to do that advising her daughter to be with a waffler but at the same time cheering for her to be with her abuser and stalker
      Such logic
      Its really beyond me that anyone can find excuses for such behavior and defend such character but at the same time bashing other characters for much much less

    2. And lame false excuses for him are really laughable

  15. It must be awful to be unable to understand mental illness is not something one chooses. Thomas is doing really well because he is admitting that if Hope goes back to Liam he will have to live with it.
    This is not the Thomas of the past, he would have been stalking Hope and trying to kidnap her. Doing whatever it took to get his own way.
    Liam is the stalker now! Why would Liam want a woman who cheated on him with his own father...GROSS! She still hasn`t owned up to allowing Liam to kiss her on at least 2 occasions It appears to me that Liam is the one who has a screw loose and Steffy is the hypocrite, she needs to sort her own marriage and infidelity out before she starts quizzing Thomas about him and Hope.
    I hope to hell that Hope NEVER goes back to Liam, he is so incredibly abusive. Not that I want her to be with Thomas either, they should bring a new character in for Hope to be romantically involved with, a decent human being. Not Thomas and not Liam, someone respectful, loving and loyal.

    1. Maur...you're so right on so many points there👏👏👏👏

    2. I agree Maur. This show needs some fresh blood, stat!

    3. Maur, sadly, many people don’t understand it.. unless they themselves have had to experience it or watch someone they love like a family member go through it.. it’s sad because many more people go through it these days to varying degrees and issues, and they are still chastised by those who are ignorant and don’t care.. Take Liam, for a man who only grew up with a mother and no father, he still has no respect for women or how to truly love them or treat them.. Perhaps he has learned way too much from his father , certainly how to control them and keep them on a leash, ready and waiting..

    4. I was just reading Scott Clifton Snyder’s Wiki - he’s 38 and a Halloween 🎃 baby. 👻 It says that Liam had a stepfather who was never on-camera. So he did grow up with a father-figure who Liam may also be emulating in addition to Bill. 🤔

    5. I am guessing it’s Bill he is emulating 🤣🤣🤣 he was a good guy and likeable when he first came on the scene and as the years have passed he is getting more and more like Bill in regards to how he treats and disrespects women like they are HIS commodities!!!

    6. Agreed Maur. However, I do think that Thomas will love and cherish Hope completely. I also believe that he is committed to continue working on his issues. Hope supports his progress so, in this regard, I think she will be good for him too.

    7. Why is Liam holding on to what Thomas did in the past? It is so clear that he is a very different person now. I think Liam might be going through his own form of PTSD. He should seek professional help because it is causing him to be obsessed and he is projecting that onto Hope by trying to manipulate her to see things his way. He needs some therapy and maybe he can also deal with his inability to commit to one woman.

  16. Absolutely right Colly and it`s an ugly thing to watch.

  17. I really feel sorry for Thomas. Still being brought down by his past no matter how much his change this time. Yes he kept the secret but he was never the one who stole Beth. Yes all the things he has down were wrong but he has move past that and wants to be a better version of him self. Hope needs to listen to her heart and not what other people think. Liam is a waffler he can't even make his mind up who he wants to be with. Hope and steff are better off with out him. His a great dad but as a partner not so much. He really needs to go soul searching. Hope is better off with Thomas or someone New and Steffy is better off with Finn or someone new. Just not Liam for either women. They deserve better than him. Team Thomas and Hope (Thope)

    1. All of the horrible things Thomas did in the past was as a direct result of his obsession with Hope. It was not about Beth. Keeping Beth a secret was a means of keeping Hope and Liam apart. The real criminals were the doctor and Flo. And even Zoe. She knew what her father did and so she was an accomplice because she kept what he did a secret. All Thomas wanted was a chance with Hope. Unfortunately, he went about it in the wrong way but he knows better now. He has a lot of support from his family and Hope so I hope that the unkind and unfair references to his past does not set him back.

  18. I'm looking at all the comments in regards to Thomas's mental health/illness prior to him being diagnosed. Unless you have lived with a person who suffers from mental health you really don't know what goes on with them.
    I have a daughter (adopted, my brothers daughter who i raised from 3 months of age) who was hit by a car when she was about 3 y/o. Her neurologist told me she would have issues later in life mentally. Mood swings that would become worse as she grew older.
    Through the years these mood swings did in fact become worse to the extent where she would become and can become extremely violent and volatile. Within 5 mins of these attacks she would snap out of it and become as docile as a kitten. She would hardly remember her actions or even what she said. Ironically her sister (same mother and father) died from a brain tumour at 8 years of age.
    In saying all this I think that Thomas should be given some concessions regarding his actions because of his behaviour caused by his brain tumour.
    He was not responsible for his bad behaviour/decisions during that time.
    Just my thought on the subject.

    1. People just hate Thomas so they don't care that the show might actually be bringing awareness about mental health issues. Instead, they look at the show putting Hope with her "abuser." But who has abused Hope more than Liam?

      Growing up, one of my cousins also suffered with mental health issues and did get quite violent at times. Her parents eventually opted to give her professional care which they themselves were unable to give her.

      I think MA (Thomas) has done an awesome job in this role and continues to do so. Mental health is not a death sentence. People can go on to live normal and happy lives in spite of it.

    2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    3. Austin Deb & Elle
      So we'll said.

    4. Spot on Aussie Deb.. The brain and mind is a very complex thing..

    5. You only have to remember mannequin gate.. He truly thought it was Hope and kissed.. So that alone shows how serious mental health can be.. it’s not a thing that’s easily understood, but to be outright arrogant and judgmental about those who go through this, shameful to b honest!!

  19. You lot are all WAFFLERS you talk alot of crap not real people

  20. do anyone on here know why the auther of this page have never upload updated episode early like Y&R???

    1. Because , both shows are aired on CBS at “different times”, they don’t air both at the same time.. y&r probably airs earlier, and Bob cannot post anything until it’s already aired on CBS because he can’t access the episode until it’s already aired.. But the fact Bob goes to the trouble and does put it up for all of us who can’t watch cbs, is something we should be “great full” for, rather than constantly complaining.. Also keep in mind Bob is not a robot, and has a life outside of posting soap operas for OUR enjoyment.. perhaps a thank you Bob might be more appropriate??!!

    2. LIKED "Because , both shows are aired on CBS at “different times”, they don’t air both at the same time.. y&r probably airs earlier, and Bob cannot post anything until it’s already aired on CBS because he can’t access the episode until it’s already aired"

      all that other shit you said was uncalled for and unnecessary. I asked a simple question that needed a simple answer

    3. You have posted sooo many times having a go at Bob for not uploading at the time you would like it done, even going to the lengths of telling people on this board to “report” him because of it, which was VERY disrespectful AND “uncalled for”, all because it’s not uploaded when it suites U.. I have never once seen a comment from you “thanking” bob for taking the time to upload for all of US, despite him having a life outside of trying to make us all happy.. So with all that said, I will reiterate, a simple thank you bob, rather than “everyone should report him for not uploading soon enough” would be more called for, than anything I said.. Ps. People have told you all this before, not just me, so “carry on”..

    4. listen here muthafucka you do not come for me unless I call you. I dont post on here SOOO MANY TIMES like you put it and I dont even know who the fuck is Bob until you mentioned it. I dont even care to fuckin chat wit anyone here anyway. your stupid azz need to go back and see who the fuck you chatted wit but it wasnt me STUPID! Nothing you sayin make any fuckin sense, you need to take that internet courage and shove it up you azz. You got wrong person, but you really fuckin wit the right one. When came back here I was curious to see if you said something stupid, and you did you. When I publish this, trust.. I wont check "notify me" so I have the last word
