Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th January 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th January 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Zende gets on my nerves! what happened to Paris?

    1. Steffy wants to say to Thomas, If you didn't kill Emma, then I didn't kill our cousin. That's our stories and were sticking to them. Look out Zander !

    2. Zende is acting like a jealous immature child. I am sick of it Zende needs to grow up.

    3. Zende needs to go back to Paris (the city in France)

    4. Personally I find zende pretty hot. I think if choose him over RJ

    5. I think zenda is sexy,compared to r j whom looks like a washed up no tan boy!

    6. Yes, Zende is very easy on the eyes.

    7. RJ is a bright kid who did not want to be involved in the family business at all. Why doesn't he stop sucking on that silver spoon that he was born with and give Zende a chance to shine. He claims to understand why Zende is upset and feels sidelined, but has he tried to back away or talk to his dad about letting Zende design instead? (I've missed episodes, so I'm not sure if he has).

    8. Oooh Zende, that lovely african american hispanic combo produces beautiful looking people!!! yum, yum

  2. I don't miss Paris one single bit-- never did like her much.

  3. Well I believe that Dr.Finnegan should stick to medicine & his miracle cures, because a good detective he is not. Xander himself said he had no conclusive proof, only speculation. Finns aggressive manner is wearing on my nerves.

    1. It’s all gonna come out….one way or the other. Even if Finn lets it go (which doesn’t seem likely since it seems he’s falling for Hope)….with Xander back in town, new things surrounding the accident will get revealed.

    2. Couldn't agree more. 👏👏👏👏👏.
      Finn's true DNA is trying to get out, maybe to rival Thomas. Finn shouldnt throw stones at glass houses. It will all come shattering down on him.

    3. Oh boy. Finn seems to be falling for Hope? Based on what exactly?

      So let me see. Hope daydreams about Thomas, sees Thomas while making love to Liam, kisses Thomas in Rome, but she doesn't seem to be falling for Thomas because she is devoted to her husband. Yet, Finn who has fought his way back to Steffy from almost dying, fought to keep his marriage together when Liam tried to come between them, and bum-rushed Thomas last week for shouting at his sister (Finn's wife) is now seemingly falling for Hope because he thinks she deserves better than Thomas? Wow.

    4. Just a hunch that’s where things are headed, Elle. We’ll just have to wait and see.

  4. Come on Xander tell the rest of the story
    Tell Finn of your own involvement
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Yeah Xander can tell Finn his own involvement which is following: Thomas threatened me. I think he actually did say it. Xander wanted to tell the truth so many times, all of them did. The only person wanting to bury it was Thomas. Nobody's behavior (except the doctor who stole Beth) comes close in evil and lack of any remorse to Thomas'.

    2. Milla, dare I say it…..oh hell ya!! !!!!!!EXACTLY!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. Exactly milla
      I remember him going to hope‘s house but guess who he saw there
      Tommy ( imagine me saying it like Rachel said JULIE 😂)
      But i really wish mandy can tell us her version of the show

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. If I'm not mistaken, didn't Xander know about Beth long before Thomas did? Why didn't he say anything to Hope? To protect Zoe? Why wait until Thomas found out to suddenly realize that he had a moral obligation to tell Hope the truth? If he had told Hope from the start, all of what happened next would not have happened. Thomas would have found out together with everyone else. Now, he wants to play high and mighty about Emma dying? She didn't have to die if he had done the right thing to begin with. Maybe that's why he has held on to this for so long. Not so much because he thinks Thomas is the bad guy, but because he blames himself for what happened to Emma.

    6. No she didn't have to die if someone wasn't chasing her. I don't know the exact number of days Xander knew and Thomas didn't. But one of them was threatening and chasing Emma. It wasn't Xander.

    7. Exactly milla if Thomas wasn’t chasing her she wouldn’t die

    8. So elle according to your post
      I think the blame should be In Taylor
      If Taylor didn’t ask doctor reese that she is looking for a baby to her daughter and the money is not an issue
      And they went with adoption through the right channels
      So nothing of that would happen
      It would be even better
      Beth will be with her mother at her first moments in life
      Hope wouldn’t go through grieving along with liam and both of their families
      And thomas will not be involved in all the disgusting evil misdeeds he did to a lit of people including his own son
      But im sure that’s doesn’t make sense to you since it’s involving Taylor
      While its the same logic blaming xander
      Or maybe it is since its still and serves as an excuse for thomas 😂

    9. Mmysh, 🔨 🔨 💯 💯

  5. Xander has an axe to grind because he was fires
    Finn you are gambling with your marriage

  6. Look at Thomas pleading his case to Steffy. Too funny. Always the manipulator, Thomas!!
    Luna 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. So proud of the way you handled yourself with that snake Zende. Zende is slimy! Never used to think that of him, but he has turned into a nasty, vengeful person.
    And I loved the flashback scenes showing Thomas chasing Emma. Xander has it exactly right!! Thomas absolutely played a huge part in Emma’s death just like some of us have been saying!
    And per the spoilers, Steffy is going to ask Thomas to give her all the details of what went down that night, because clearly she doesn’t know.
    Very happy Xander actually saw the GPS history. I couldn’t remember if he’d actually seen it or just knew Thomas (guilty Thomas) had erased it!

    1. He saw it and told Thomas so thomas deleted it

      Anyway I didn’t watch it yet this episode
      But it seems a good one

      lynn you can watch episodes 8171, 8172
      I think thoams will tell steffy the same that he told ridge with some crocodile tears and sure he will hide some details
      But watch how ridge were so shocked and sad and ashamed of being his father
      And what he said that’s even if he didn’t kill her but what he did was worse
      But we have still some making excuses for that psychopath behavior

      And it was nice see the old liam and hope
      And the love scene between them is full of love, passion and yearning
      No comparison to the disgusting 🤮 lust scenes with her abuser

    2. I will re-watch, thank you Mmysh!!

    3. Btw I loved how Xander didn't say things he was not sure of like "I think he pushed her car". The way he said it was the way it was. It shows credibility of the storyline and that there will be something to dig out that people don't know. I can't wait to hear what Thomas admits too, Lynn!

    4. Thank you so much, Mmysh! I watched the key moments of both of those episodes. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
      I hope all the Thomas lovers will watch those 2 episodes as well!! Very, very eye opening. Yes, Ridge is disgusted with what he finds out. And the only reason he chooses to help Thomas is because Thomas is his son! Not because he believes for a minute that Thomas is innocent!!!
      Those were key episodes to rewatch, and I like how you can fast forward on YouTube and you don’t have to watch the entirety of the episode. Those crocodile tears were exactly that!! Thomas - poor Thomas - always the victim! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 BULLSHIT! His tears were coming from his thoughts of his dad abandoning him and of him going to prison!! Absolutely no remorse for the young life he helped to snuff out!!! Disgusting beyond disgusting!!
      Oh and there have been some viewers who said Emma didn’t even know it was Thomas chasing her. Well we saw by rewatching the old episodes that was NOT TRUE! Thomas admitted to Ridge that Emma knew it was him chasing her!
      Thanks again for pointing us to those episodes! 🥰🥰🥰

    5. Milla, I hope Thomas tells Steffy the whole truth. But I’m thinking it will definitely be sugar coated. If she really wants to know the whole story, she should talk to Ridge!

  7. I'm glad Luna politely shut Zende down. For a minute I was afraid she was going to agree to have dinner with him. And good for her saying she's going to tell RJ about Zende's sneaky dinner invitation. If she keeps it a secret Zende can use that to make it seem like more than it really was. And, if I were RJ I would tell Ridge I don't think I can work with Zende. He clearly has so much animosity toward RJ it would get in the way of anything productive. If Zende is really a talented designer he would eventually get his chance to show it. He needs to stop the whole "RJ is the golden child" thing. Grow up, whiney boy. Or take your talents somewhere else.

  8. If I was Zende, I'd move to another fashion company. That would be easier. No inner pain every day, no jealousy. Finn and Steffy are going to have lots of arguing next weeks. Soon is Liam able to find his way back to Steffy. Steffy needs someone to talk to, and there's no one else but Liam. Finn doesn't believe Steffy but neither is Liam. We haven't seen Liam for a while.

  9. Steffy: he's just protective of ME.
    I hate to break it to you Steffy but... 😅 it's not you. And "I told Finn he can no longer communicate with Xander?" What are you, his jailor?

    Ah I love Zende, I don't care 😂😂 he's a bastard but this dark charm is mmm. It's the actor, he's just so smooth.

    Thomas you just have no conscience whatsoever do you? What else is new.

    Xander and the GPS!! 🤩🤩

    1. Milla, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Indeed milla Steffy said she forbid Finn from talking to Xander... lol...
      First of all... Is she Finn's wife or his mommy 😂
      Second thing - as i see it if she demands such thing from Finn it means that she believes that Thomas might be guilty and something might come out of this.
      She's clearly scared. I don't think that she forgot that her brother planned to kill Rick. She knows he is capable of hurting a person that goes against him and even murder is not something he is not capable of.
      Of course Thomas is lying that he had nothing to do with Emma's death, if he is honest why so scared
      Go and face xander yourself
      But he keeps lying with no remorse or sympathy so much for the "changed man" thing.

    3. Mmysh I was thinking of Rick also when rewatching those eps you shared. Thanks to Katie it was mentioned then, it should be mentioned now too. To highly how delusional Hope really is. And no I don't care how much time has passed. You try to kill my brother, that's what you remain in my memories with for life. But now the Emma story is unfolding and I can't wait. Whatever happens, Thomas will pay in some ways or another.

    4. Totally agree
      Ok a woman maybe can forget someone be bad to her brother
      But her child and if he succeeded she will be spending the rest of her life grieving
      No way
      She can forgive sure for her not for him
      Be like this with him it’s unrealistic and stupid

    5. Mmysh I am watching now 8172 and omg the Brooke and Bill scenes 🥰🥰🥰 even when they're not intimate the chemistry is 🔥🔥how howwww could she reject him for that loser Ridge. Even though the way he spoke to Thomas was so good, so powerful! I can only hope that Steffy grills him the same way and goes "what did you do when you stopped?! Nothing, you did nothing. You just left her there?"
      And omg that "why are you apologizing to me? I didn't have my kid ripped away from me.... Or maybe I did" gosh that's writing!

    6. Oh and he mentioned the helicopter escape too 😁nobody ever talks about the helicopter but me 🤣

    7. Yes milla actually i was thinking of you during bill’s scenes you know me not a fan 😂😂
      But yeah thomas made ridge so sorry for him that he wanted to do anything to get him out of this mess and then he went and made that deal with flo without even consulting with brook or hope
      So yeah no body can be testifying and the evidence was deleted so sure the police will not be able to build a case

    8. Mmysh the only hope of Thomas facing consequences is if he confesses to Steffy like he did to Ridge and she makes him take responsibility. The same way she spoke out at Ridge and Taylor's wedding about his CPS plot. Maybe she'll speak at Thomas and Hope's 😅🫣

    9. And Bill in those years was at his hottest omg 🙈 I'd take him any day and he's almost 30 years older than me.

    10. The actor is really looking good even now
      He is over 60 now I guess
      But for me no one like the goat
      The marvelous CR7
      The one and only Cristiano Ronaldo 😂😂😂😂

    11. And i hope steffy will do that
      But im not counting on it because what she did back in the CPS SL
      Because Douglas was involved in that story line
      But i hope she will

    12. Ahahah Mmysh you are looking at the younger stars ⚽, I'm looking at the (not yet) silver foxes 😏 yes he's 61 🙈

    13. He is not a start
      CR7 is the celebrity of the celebrities 😂😂
      Im sure when he gets in his 70’s he will still look the same
      This man is a school in everything not only football
      A role model for the next generation
      I really admire him

  10. Zende should find another girl.

  11. Xander and the GPS. 🤔
    I read or heard somewhere that apparently California laws doesn't deem a person responsible for not rendering assistance at an accident scene etc. or something to that effect. I may be wrong. Your laws are very different to ours here in Australia So Thomas is innocent by a technicality. 😏

    1. I've been saying this all along. Glad someone else has brought it up. Thank you!

    2. Correct - Good Samaritan Law doesn’t apply in Calif. But he could be charged with vehicular assault. He could get up to 4 years in prison.

    3. Vehicular assault? 4 years in prison? For NOT running Emma off the road?

    4. Elle. We will never agree on that point. Emma was scared and felt threatened. And every clip I’ve watched shows he was chasing her. I really hope you rewatch those episodes Mmysh asked us to check out. Actually it is mentioned on this days comments somewhere. Because she told us on Tuesday’s episode.

    5. It probably won't go to any legal venue, if it didn't the first time. So many much worse crimes where they really physically caused the death weren't pursued legally. Here I don't expect Thomas to even see a cop. But he will pay in another way.

  12. The Good Samaritan law does not exist in California. You are not legally obligated to help or call for help. But thankfully most have a functioning moral compass.

    1. That's correct, Debbie. The only thing Thomas is guilty of is not being in a good mental state. I'm happy that he is finally getting the help he needs and is committed to ongoing therapy. Xander, on the other hand, holding a grudge for this long? Not a good sign. Lol.

    2. Actually Thomas could be charged with vehicular assault. If found guilty, there is a fine and up to 4 years in prison in California. And you don’t have to actually hit the car. Chasing the car and having it result in a crash (in Emma’s case death)…is a chargeable offense in California.

    3. Lynn isn’t also tailgating is illegal in California
      But still its not about what the law is saying
      Its about people moral standards about what we see is the tv

    4. I've never heard of vehicular assault. Tailgaiting, yes. And that's a misdeamnour. They would have to prove that Thomas was chasing Emma, which he was not. Emma was on her phone and not paying attention to the road. Thomas then came up behind her. At no point did we see Thomas chasing her. For most of her drive, she was by herself on the road.

    5. Vehicular assault is a real thing in California. And Thomas absolutely was chasing Emma.

    6. Episodes 8171 and 8172 show it all.

    7. No lynn what happened with Emma in the episodes 8117 and 8118

      The episodes you mentioned are after they knew beth is alive and he was in the hospital after the fall from the cliff in steffy‘s house
      When he knew from douclas that hope was there and went to see her and brook thought he was attacking hope

    8. I am sure you are correct, Mmysh. But in the episodes that you told me to watch on Tuesday, 1-9-24, there were flashback scenes that showed Emma being chased by Thomas on the mountain road. And how she was scared and feeling threatened by the car roaring up on her. That’s what I was referring to when I asked Elle to watch those 2 episodes. It was all flashbacks I was talking about.

    9. You are right lynn
      I misunderstood
      But i don’t think even the exact episodes with all the details will be useful when someone just refuses to believe what their eyes are seeing 🤷‍♀️

    10. Mmysh, I agree. And I also think Milla is right that there will probably end up being no jail time.
      But the part that will make us happy is Hope kicking him to the curb. We have that to look forward to. 😁😁

    11. I think that too lynn
      Losing hope is kinda good karma fir now

  13. I see I haven't missed much at all. It's the same old rhetoric. Sigh.

    Apparently, Thomas is only a psycho when it's convenient for some. But when it comes to him "murdering" Emma, he knew EXACTLY what he was doing and was in his RIGHT (not psychotic) mind. Because his brain injury is not to be blamed for his behaviour, nor did his mental incapacity, which he is getting help for now, cause him to act in ways that normal people won't. I just can't. Lol.

    1. Do can that applies to Sheila then 🤔🤔
      And the injury was waaaay after that
      Finn was in the picture even
      Unless his brain was bleeding for all his life I guess 🤔

    2. Didn’t the brain injury happen after the road rage incident with Emma? I thought the only “crazy thing” Thomas did after he fell and hit his head was talk to the mannequin.
      As far as him needing therapy….lots of people could benefit from therapy, but that doesn’t get you off if you have committed a crime. He would have to be proven mentally incompetent, and I definitely don’t see that as being the case with Thomas.

    3. Thomas is nothing like Sheila. Not even close.

    4. Even if he isn’t as bad as Sheila, still doesn’t mean he isn’t guilty of a crime.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. For his age and presence on screen, he's pretty damn sheilaish 😅

    7. Lynn he hit his head hard on pam‘s desk and that story was in in 2020
      Wasn’t a tumor


      He is the episode

    8. Sheila also has a mental incapacity
      So the principal you are trying to make it as an excuse to Thomas also apply to Sheila I guess
      But apparently it doesn’t

    9. PS Elle he wasn't psychotic in the clinical sense, he was just evil 😅 (and btw that's what I've always called him) but how is that better/a defense argument for Thomas?

    10. Hi Mmysh, I never thought it was a tumor. But I am cinfusing why he was in the hospital. I thought that was the time he was operated on for his brain injury. Didn’t realize he was in the hospital (on those old episodes I watched) as a result of the fall off the cliff. I have no idea how you keep all this stuff straight!!??!!!! 😁😁😁😁

    11. I know dear that you know he never had a tumor
      But we still reading that till this day
      The only result for the brain bleeding injury was the mannequin SL
      and i don’t remember any of us ever blaming him or bashing him for that because it wasn’t his fault and he was sick and has no control
      Actually his instincts were so normal during that
      The mannequin asked him or actually commanded him to kill liam and he fight it and told it he won’t do it
      So maybe the bleeding disabled his evil neuroreceptors 😂😂😂

    12. Mmysh, 🤣🤣🤣🤣. You’re RIGHT!! Maybe Thomas needs to hit his head again. I like the reference to the neuroreceptors!! Too funny!
