
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy once again keep coming to Deacon's house to bother Sheila... -_-

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Steffy barging into Sheila's house to menace her. Sheila now has the right to stab Steffy to death. Would be exactly the same self-defense.

    3. Can't stand Sheila and Deacon mealy-mouthing to Steffy and Liam. They don't OWE them anything. Sheila paid her debt. Steffy is right back at Sheila with her entitled self-righteous indignations and needs to be flattened face first on the floor.

  2. Steffy always wears her gangsta black leather when she goes to confront Sheila. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ And she just barges right in! Not OK!! Steffy needs to keep her discussions between Finn and herself. Going to Sheila’s to confront her doesn’t accomplish anything other than to piss Sheila off.
    I liked Liam today. He had some good points.
    It’s highly unlikely that Luna would be pregnant if she were on the pill. And if Zende truly used a condom as a second precautionary measure, it’s damn near impossible. Maybe we are gonna find out Zende didn’t really use a condom. Otherwise this pregnancy (by Zende) is just another completely ridiculous storyline.

    1. They are all ridiculous storylines. That's why they are funny to watch.

    2. True….I suppose. It would just be nice for the audience to be able to connect the dots once in a while. And the SL’s they have been going with lately defy all odds.

    3. Lynn they better not drag out the reveal of that test result till mid episode, then someone walks in, Poppy hides it and we have to wait till Monday. I'll flip out.
      I laughed so much when Liam said "A. Sheila said it (that she wanted to save Steffy) which - uuuuggh" πŸ˜… that's exactly what I've been saying.
      Steffy never learns. I've never seen anyone so determined to get slammed by a psychopath over and over...

    4. Milla, for sure. You absolutely called that….Finn and Deacon are simply taking Sheila’s word for it. And it’s not like Sheila has ever lied about anything. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Maybe Sheila should have stabbed Steffy, since Steffy came into Sheila’s home without permission and threatened her. Lol.

    5. Hahah lol yes, a stab for a stab. That reminds me how Liam said with such pathos to Deacon that "killing someone will always haunt Steffy" - as if it's her first time! She's already killed her cousin and never even remembers it, she definitely won't be haunted by this one.

    6. @Milla When they hear it from Sheila, that she said she wanted to protect Steffy.... yeah, right, and who can confirm that she was trying to protect Steffy? No one... HEARSAY. Youtube the Objection Hearsay song made from the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial, that is what is playing in my head every time when Sheila says she tried to protect Steffy 🀣

    7. Malin lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    8. Now Sheila should go to the police and press charges against Steffy for barging into her home without permisson and for threatening her πŸ˜‚ that would be funny. Anyway, Sheila is not the only psycho here that's a fact!

    9. That's actually something Sheila could/should have done a while ago. How many times has Steffy barged in her house and even assaulted her... Just stay away Steffy.

    10. Blade forrester πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Steffy has every right to barge in on Sheila. Sheila is a psycho and trouble.

    1. Every right? Nah, she is basically invading someone elses apartment without even waiting for the okay to enter. Sheila said: Wait a sec, or something, and Steffy just opens the door. But your second point about Sheila being a psycho and trouble is the exact reason to why you don't poke the bear. Steffy is insane herself to just barge into a psychos home like that, and potentially make matters even worse for herself, and her family. Like when her and Finn got shot in that alley. Steffy had to go and poke the bear, and be up in a Psychos face. She should just leave Sheila alone, as much as she can, not seek trouble. She could tell Finn f.ex that, okay, it's okay for this psycho to see you, even the kids, but if she is gonna see the kids, I need to be there, she is never gonna see them without me being able to see to their safety. What is gonna happen now is that Sheila is gonna get provoked, by Steffy being in her face, making things 10 times worse. Finn will have to sneak around to see his birth mother and then someone finds out and shit hits the fan.

    2. Malin, perfectly stated. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    3. @ Lynn That Steffy hasn't learned by now, is a mystery to me 🀣 Getting shot didn't even teach her a lesson in not poking the bear. Keep your friends close, but your enemy closer... that is what Steffy should have learned

    4. Malin, the episode where Finn was trying to explain to Steffy that Sheila was still alive was when I realized Steffy is NOT the sharpest tool in the shed. Watching that conversation take place was beyond painful.
      Maybe Steffy is hoping she will get the chance to kill Sheila in “self defense” again, and this time it really will be the lady with 9 toes.
      But that’s only if Li doesn’t get to Sheila first. The two women that Finn loves….Steffy and Li both want bio-mom 6 feet under!!

    5. @Lynn, yeah, I was sitting here like: Steffy... you really this dumb? Get it into your head already... she had it explained Idk how many times, and still didn't get it, until finally!!! I mean, when my dad came to tell me, in November 2000 that my husband had died... he had the same name as one of my grandfathers, so I was like: Okay, well he was old now, so kinda expected... my dad was like, no, not your grandpa, the father of your kids (he was only 25)... I was like: That is impossible, I talked with him on the phone yesterday. But when my dad then started to explain. I just collapsed to the floor, cause then it went in... Steffy was in denial, she didn't want to get it into her head, she didn't want to see the possibility even that Sheila was still alive.

    6. Oh my gosh, Malin….I am so sorry! That is tragic to hear that your husband died so young. 😒😒

    7. Im sorry malin you had to go through that
      May his soul rest in peace

    8. @Lynn and @Mmysh Thank you both <3 yeah, it was really sad. Took many years to get 'over' it, but you never really do, in a way. It just gets easier to bare with time

  4. Like no woman knows when they are ovulating

  5. The baby is RJs baby not xenders

  6. Ridge needs to close his mouth about Sheila! Bill Spencer pushed him out of a Airplane and left him for dead and he did NOTHING about it! He sounds like a weak man judging Sheila a woman and allowed a man that tried to Murder him get off without a day in jail!

  7. Brooke has no right to judge Zande after all the lying, cheating, Manipulation she committed for years and years!

  8. Zande should tell Brooke atleast he did not have a child with his daughter husband like she did and lied and lied! Zande remind Brooke how that hurt Bridget her daughter!

  9. Steffy is an arrogant bitch...She's got alot of nerve barging into Deacons' appartament and running her mouth at Sheila...I know that Sheila has done alot of horrible things in the past...but Steffy is no Angel...she' s going to get what She deserve... Thank you Bob ❤️

  10. How long will they continue ignoring that Steffy killed 2 persons and not just this Sheila lookalike ?? Stupid Liam telling Deacon that the poor little thing will have to live her life with "that", it sure never caused her any trouble living with the fact that she killed her cousin!

    1. Liam forget that she slept with his old man while married to him so its no surprise he forgot about aly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. Steffy can do whatever she wants and never goes to jail and she knows that. She has never done anything wrong. I'd like to see she suffering at once. She is the boss and Finn has nothing to say. Finn and Hope would be better together. Hope at least wants to understand Finn's feelings. Steffy never does it.

  12. Poor Steffy getting it from all sides
    How can Sheila be forgiven when she tried to murder Steffy
    Several times
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. They are even since steffy shot Sheila first
      Now its second round πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
