Friday, July 19, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-19-24 Full episode B&B 19th July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-19-24 Full episode B&B 19th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. 🤣 Newspapers? 3 people happened to buy a newspaper & take it to their workplace today? Please. Newspaper are such a rare purchase now. 🤣 📰🗞️ 🤣

  2. Karma is coming for Steffy - compliments of a Logan! 🤣🥂🤣

    1. Karma has always skipped over Stefy but she needs a devastating comedown for all her miserable misdeeds.

    2. Compliment?? Really?? Renee, she was acting so cheap 🤮

    3. "Compliments of" is used to identify a source of gift, free item, or service. So, Hope will be the one to bring the karma to Steffy. I agree she was acting cheap, but it appears it is mostly an act to get back at Steffy.

    4. HO....peless won't be bringing anything to Steffy.....Finn tells Steffy that HO has put the moves on :D Karma is coming for HO!

  3. Oh here comes little slut Logan!!
    Hopefully Finn tells Steffy and they both confronts her. Dream on little Logan!! Lol

  4. I had to laugh at Hope saying Steffy got everything she wanted like she, Princess Hope who grew up on an estate and was handed her every desire on a platinum platter should be pitied 😂🤣😂! Is she serious? She is a spoiled entitled brat who is only got her line HFTF because she was Brooke’s daughter, so WTF does she get off having a go at Steffy??

    Hope’s play for Finn is beyond disgusting! Her behaviour is so cheap and low! She better never say anything to her mother again! She is deliberately targeting a happily married man with a family!

    I hope Finn puts her in her place! By the by, this didn’t happen because Finn was sitting there telling her how amazing she is. He literally looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in that room. Finn told her she couldn’t be talking like that to him. I hope he sees he can’t be friends with Hope because she is out to destroy his marriage!

    And why is Hope modelling the collection when they pay models to do that specific task??? Especially sitting around in lingerie with the door wide open, please!

    It is all about revenge. I don’t believe for a second that she has real feelings for Finn. She is jealous that Steffy has a loving husband who doesn’t chase other women and she has never had that, because she wanted Liam at any cost.

    Hope made her bed with Thomas and needs to grow up. She was never going to commit to him and it was totally selfish to hang onto him instead of letting him go find a woman who could love, accept and commit fully to him.

    Hope now wants to kill Finn’s love for Steffy, which is why she brought up Steffy being “mean” to her etc . She just wants to take him away to prove she can and to hurt Steffy.

    Hope was mad that Steffy had to actually remind her to do her job, instead of walking around like she owns the place. Hope has no business hanging around the CEO office.

    Steffy was a brat to Brooke today which wasn’t called for. I don’t like seeing her act that way. For sure Brooke and Ridge should keep it to their home, but it’s not the first romp at FC and won’t be the last.

    Watching the preview, Katie needs to mind her own bloody business and stay out of Bill’s. She is his ex wife, that is not her house despite her saying that recently. She doesn’t get to choose Bill’s paramours, anymore than he can choose hers.

    She doesn’t own Bill and needs to stay in her lane.

    1. Totally agreeeee on everything.
      Spoil brat got HFTF all because of her mommy Brooke.
      She doesn't even have a real job. That line is her toy/hobby.
      Finn pls put her on her place and plus say can't be friends anymore. That will show spoil slut brat not to mess with Steffy and Finn marriage!!!!!
      And Katie youre the EX wife!!! Those Logans thinks they are entitled to be in everyone's life/business!!

    2. I agree ladies, tramp like her :D The Logan's manipulate EVERY single situation to THEIR advantage......sad sluts from the

  5. Hope is definitely a Hopeless cause!

  6. Steffy becomes really mean person...

  7. Can't really say this is a new side to Hope .She just used Thomas for sex, she knew his feelings for her and considering that they shared such a complicated past she still used him. Now in her fickleness the new boy toy is Finn. She is Brooke's daughter after all. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree..I hope Finn puts her in her place.

  8. Oh god hope ....🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾

  9. Yeah right, Hope would go even harder after Thomas to get back at Steffy... Thomas whoooo?
    Buahahahah you won't get rid of the Logans, keep dreaming, delulu woman. And just grow up already with that tired old "another Logan", it's not 2004 anymore. Get over it.

    And again, in your face - Brooke is back in the business!

    1. I don’t want hope to go after finn
      And omg steffy is getting uglier by the day
      What a hatful disgusting immature brat
      But its funny when someone bash hope for less actions they used to ignore
      Or defend when done by steffy to multiple men not only one 😂😂😂

    2. And can she be more pathetic and obsessed with Sheila
      Finn can give her an orgasm only by bashing sheila
      No need to sleep with her

    3. I loved Hope telling Steffy someone was gonna knock her down to size!!! But quite honestly, WHOA…..Hope really put it out there!! If Finn was truly put off by Hope’s advances, he would have already pushed her away. But they are still standing there about 2 inches away from each other’s faces!! Not sure how this is gonna go, but at least the SL is finally moving forward. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. I see Hope’s attraction to Finn as two pronged. She does find him attractive and I’m sure she’d love to “get to know him” in that way. But today’s behavior seemed more about revenge toward Steffy. I don’t think Hope would have behaved that way if the prior conversation with Steffy hadn’t just taken place. This does put Hope in a precarious position though, because if Finn does back away and tells Hope “No”, then he most likely will tell Steffy what happened, and that could blow up Hope’s future at FC.

      I had to laugh at Steffy’s complete and total hypocrisy as she went off on her dad and Brooke for going at it in the office. Oh Steffy, can any of us even count the amount of times you have done the very same thing??!!!! Only in your case, Steffy….you didn’t even bother to lock the door!!! What a damn hypocrite you are!!!!

      There’s talk about how Brooke is too old for the lingerie line, but I completely disagree. This line she is promoting will be for ‘women of a certain age’ who still take great care of themselves and can pull it off! Her line won’t be intended for the 20-something- year-olds. It will be designed for the more mature woman who still has an active sex life and wants to look sexy for her man. There is no magic age when women stop looking sexy. There are tons of 40, 50 and even 60-something women who still look amazing! I think Brooke’s line will do great!!

    4. I agree with everything you said Lynn,!

    5. Nice to see you on the blog. Hilary! 😊

  10. finn had better not succumb to hopes' attempted seduction. i hope he tells her in no uncertain terms she's out of line. i think he will but i suspect someone will walk in on them, start a rumor & poor finn will have to defend himself.

  11. Hope and Finn will end up in a bed and a pregnancy so both Finn and Liam will have children with both sides. This is b&b

    1. 😂 Hopefully, Hope & Finn have a boy as that would make it easier to keep straight. Liam would be Daddy to Hope & Steffy's daughters. Finn would be Daddy to Hope & Steffy's sons. 😂 Dang! That would be one nutty family tree! 🥜 😂

  12. Oh Gawd, in 2024 Brooke is going to be the face of the bedroom😲. I think Brooke looks amazing. I mean she even managed to get young Hollis attention. But in this real world where I live and I suppose she will be modeling to that same world😏 she will get eaten up alive. Do y'all know that in this day and time that 35 year old females are the knew old lady walking down the street with a cane.. that's right, 35 you are old according to men of this day and time this generation of men are claiming. I hope she is a J Lo of the soap world because at 55 they gave J Lo a pass. Pass 20 years passed their ceiling. Good luck Brooke.
    Boy, Hope just went in for the kill.
    Finn is thinking, I just had to push Liam off my marriage now I have to push his ex wife. Why are these two coming for what Steffie and me have.

  13. I, for one, cannot WAIT for Hope to bed Finn. It would serve Steffy right. Also, when Finn checked Liam, I was here for it and finally saw the actor in him. A Lifetime Serial Killer in the making

    1. I'm also hoping Finn sleeps with Hope, just to piss Steffi off

  14. Thank you Bob 💕... have a good weekend 😘

  15. So Hope never wanted Thomas, we can say she has what we call a flame for him. She'll has never married him because of all the bad things that Thomas did to her in the past. Thomas tries to move on with his life, she still blame Steffy for Thomas leaving her. What's mess this character of Hope Logan.

  16. Maybe this is all in Hope's head. She could be dreaming again...I think it was too straight forward for her normal self, almost out of character, even being pushed by Steffy. Let's Wait and see... not that i would'nt like it...

    1. Hopefully because it won't come true. Finn loves Steffy!!!
