Monday, July 8, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-8-24 Full episode B&B 8th July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-8-24 Full episode B&B 8th July 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. Li needs to take her what she says with love and stick a sock in it. Li is nothing but a nosy overinvolved intrusive mother. No person wants this kind of advice from someone who ruined their own life with such a sleezebag for a husband that impregnated every female that would have him. She's lucky Finn doesn't just leave the room to get away from her.

  2. I think what is clear now (if it wasn’t already clear before), is that Hope DOES NOT want to marry Thomas. I’m so glad she didn’t say yes. If she would have, Thomas most likely wouldn’t have said what he said after he asked her. I’m sure he would have jumped for joy!! But she said NO…..again. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. This proves that Hope is dead serious about her answer. Otherwise she would have caved since she knows Thomas and Paris are going to be married very soon.
    Hope is acting erratic though. You can tell she is already going to start fantasizing about Finn again. And just 5 mins ago she was obsessing over Thomas. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
    Hope….go home and spend time with your daughter. You keep saying how you want to focus on Beth and your career right now. So do it!! You don’t need a man at this time. Take a few mins to breathe!

    1. Thomas asking Hope again was wildly disrespectful towards Paris, his fiancée in the other room 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don't know who in their right mind would have said yes to someone acting like this. I hope now she finally gets it through her head that she can't have her cake and eat it too. Thomas comes with a ring and that's it.
      Finn was acting exactly like I said he would - he is no fan of Thomas and always will maintain that Hope is amazing and deserves better. I wonder if the show will reintroduce Liam and Steffy and have them kiss some more this time someone sees and tells him. Which then pushes him to Hope. Or will Steffy with her own vintage behavior push him away all on her own. And then Hope will be the one saying how much better he deserves. Or maybe Sheila will orchestrate something...

    2. Milla, agreed. What if Paris would have walked in during that proposal? I actually expected her to.
      And yes, Hope needs to move on. It’s not her business who Thomas marries. Thomas is gonna do what he’s gonna do.
      I definitely think Sheila will try to orchestrate something between Finn and Hope. I gotta say this whole Finn and Hope thing has gotten very drawn out. I expected something to have happened with those two by now. And yes, you called it on what Finn was going to say to Hope! That’s all it’s gonna take for Hope to start wanting Finn again. Lol.

    3. I think y'all misunderstood that scene. Thomas was not trying to disrespect Paris, he was proving a point to Hope. He already knew that she was going to say no, that's why he did it. To show her, once and for all, that they both want different things and that he is fine with that now. For me, I still don't believe that he loves Paris the way he says he does however, it was the first time that I actually believed him when he said that he is moving on from Hope. And unless Hope herself stops their wedding, I think this is the end of Thope. That's what I saw in that scene.

    4. I'm proud of Thomas and the mature way in which he is handling Hope. He is not trying to hurt her, just trying to protect himself. I'm glad to see him doing so much better and not falling back into old patterns.

    5. Elle, no matter what Thomas may or may not have been trying to prove, Milla is right….it was inappropriate. Can you imagine what Paris’ reaction would have been if she would have seen that??!! And is anyone listening to Thomas’ words….”I asked you multiple times, Hope. And each time you turned me down.” All that does is scream to Paris that she’s second choice. I would want my fiancée to CHOOSE me, not default to me because the real woman he wanted just couldn’t commit. That’s just pathetic.
      Besides Thomas didn’t know for sure what Hope would say. He saw how upset Hope was over the news of him and Paris. For all he knew, Hope could have had a change of heart.
      I still say he is absolutely fooling himself….consciously or subconsciously….I guess we'll find out which is true sooner or later.

      But I do agree that Thope is over!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      Time for Thope fans to move on.

    6. Elle of course he wasn't trying to disrespect Paris, but the result is there. Imagine your fiancé proposing in the next room to another 😅 "to prove a point". Doesn't make it any less cruel to Paris. He wasn't even thinking about her which is not better than if he was trying to disrespect her. Especially like Lynn said - Hope could have said yes. When someone asked her (I think Brooke) if she had a change of heart, she mumbled that it doesn't matter.
      But yes either way it looks like Thope has ended, at least for now.

    7. But Lynn, according to Thomas, he did know what Hope would have said, which was "no." I believe that if Thomas was still holding on to hope that Hope would accept his proposal, he would not have gotten engaged to Paris. It seems that he has come to the realization that Hope only wants what is best for her and he has accepted that, and decided to move on for himself.

      And Milla, I do not see it as disrespect at all because I am sure Paris would have understood what Thomas was trying to do (y'all think he proposed again because he was hoping Hope would say yes). Paris seems to be overly convinced that Thomas loves her and he no longer loves Hope. I also do not believe that if Hope had said yes to Thomas' proposal, that he would have accepted it. I remember when she finally said that she loved him, he came to the realization that she only said it because he ended their relationship. I feel that his reaction would have been the same if Hope had said yes. He would have realized that she only said yes to stop him from moving on with and marrying Paris. Thomas is very intent on moving on from Hope

    8. Elle we can agree to disagree about Paris' hypothetical feelings if she had walked in on the proposal of her fiance. To me there's no way she wouldn't have been mad/hurt/shocked, especially if she saw Thomas' face while he was proposing.
      But it's amazing that you are saying that Hope only said at long last that she loves him once he ended the relationship. That's what I've always supported - she never said it in their happy times and this was painfully obvious (especially when he was saying it to her and she only looked down).

    9. Lol Milla. I said that Thomas said that. I've always believed that Hope loved Thomas even if she never said it. But isn't that a bit curious though? She loved Thomas when they were together but never said it. Why would she hold back? It just tells me that there is something more going on with Hope than her just not being ready to get married to him. Guess we will see in time. Can't wait for the wedding to see what will go down!

    10. Elle I'm looking here from the perspective of real life and I think the main reason Hope is holding back is that there are such discussions and people keep watching 😅 They always give both "camps" something to hold in the others' faces. One camp can say that Hope never had a problem to say yes and I love you to Liam. The other camp can say that she told Thomas nobody ever moved her like he did etc. The writing is atrocious and yet we hang on to the soap 😂

    11. Lmao! So true! I think we are the sad ones! 😅😅😅😅😅

    12. Lol Elle and yes 😂😂🤗

    13. Yes, we all have our theories. But at the end of all this….I am just beyond happy that Hope still is no closer to marrying Thomas, nor does she want to! If she was “in love” as some have said…then “No” would NOT have been the answer.
      I think if Thomas were to tell Paris what he did with Hope….proposed to her again at their engagement party / 4th of July party…..Paris would have been pissed! But that’s just me speaking from my perspective as a woman.
      Elle, wouldn’t you be pissed if your fiancée did that to you?? Just sayin’. Lol.

    14. And honestly there is no way Thomas could have known what Hope would say. He may have had a strong hunch. But that’s as far as it goes.

    15. Lynn I agree. If Hope really felt Thomas was the one for her, for her future... She would have said yes. When it's the right person, the excuse of not being in a marriage mode/focused on other things simply doesn't apply. We have to remember that Hope spent decades seeing Thomas in a certain way, working to forgive him a new evil deed every year. It's been only a year since she's really started to fall for him. The weight of the years before that can't be that easily balanced by this one year. I know for Thomas is the opposite - he's loved her and wanted her for years... It's tough and by default a little doomed.

    16. Oh it was very evident to me that Hope cannot marry Thomas after he destroyed her life. Hope is sexually attractive to Thomas but her heart could never have her to love the man who once took away her heart, her daughter beth. How can you truly pledge yourself to someone who has brought you so much pain.

    17. Peggy, exactly!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    18. Milla, also spot on!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  3. Hi Bob - please re-post this episode - thank you

  4. What is it with Hope? Why does she keep thinking that Thomas can’t get over her? She definitely has no redeeming qualities anymore. She only wants Thomas because someone else has him now? And Finn is such a smuck too, always telling Hope that she’s too good for Thomas. Just let Thomas alone, that marriage between Thomas and Paris is totally doomed and will implode on it’s own. Paris has always been so naive to begin with and is always trying to steal away men that are truly in love with someone else. She is destined to always be hurt by them. Paris go back to Carter, he is finally free of any entanglements. You both appear to be losers in love with the wrong people.

  5. Why embarras yourself with the crying and begging to say NO to that poor boy anyway 🤦🏾 i realy see steffy's point now . He is not a doll you can keep in your closet that you can take out whenever you feel less of a woman because you let that little puke spencer cheat on you over and over again with the same woman who makes your life hell right now over and over again . Jeezz 🤦🏾🤦🏾have some class Hope

    1. She's really spiralling. Lol @ the little puke. Love your comment! So well put!

  6. A woman's worst enemy is a woman ... grown women bashing Stephy for her clothing lol

  7. Video has been removed pls bring back
