
Monday, September 2, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Luna the Lunatic can go to prison

    1. Luna was coming along so well for resident "baddie," but all this confessing would never happen. The people are too stupid to figure it out for themselves so they waste a perfectly good character. Sheila is going respectable, so it will look bad when Stefy slaps and punches Sheila holding an aluminum walker.

    2. All the other women have done as much as Sheila ever did. The difference was they were just rich and could buy their way out.

  2. Lynn, Luna can't stop with the "deserving" 🙈 The Zende connection is just piling on an already messy storyline full of potholes. And the "best sex" 🤢 so needless...
    If Finn is so smart to start thinking all this, how come he's not smart enough to run directly now to Luna's building? That's the easiest part!
    Boo, what a snooze.

    1. It's good that he spoke to his mom first. That way, if anything were to happen to him, at least one other person would know where he was headed. Even though he suspects Luna might have something to do with his wife's disappearance, I think he could possibly be still in shock about Luna but not quite believing that she could hurt Steffy.

    2. Milla, exactly!! I continue to be so sick of hearing what Luna deserves!! She’s an entitled little monster and nothing more! And I also mentioned days ago that the phone sitting right by the front door and Bill not noticing it every time he leaves the house is beyond ridiculous. So Finn runs (3 steps to the front door) and discovers it today! Give me a damn break!!! This show continues to outdo itself in how absurd it can become! Then at the end with Finn’s and Li’s expressions when Finn said he has to find Steffy!! How fricken corny can this SL get??!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Please let this end soon. We’ve had more than enough absurdity already!!

    3. It’s Labor Day in the US, so I assumed the show wouldn’t be on today. I was surprised in seeing a new episode available.

    4. Lynn happy Labor day!
      I know, it was like a parody. Like "we must find Scooby!" Everyone said it's ultra predictable and stupid to have Finn figure it out, but right now I wish he would just be quicker and do it already so we move on from this nonsense. Steffy in a cage was absolutely pointless (albeit amusing in the beginning). The worst she could have done was tell RJ who Luna obviously doesn't give a crap about anyway. Ultra over-reaction all over the place. And her telling Steffy all her "secrets" - how idiotic?! For what? I'm more and more convinced that the actress is just willing to go away so they said okay may as well make her the villain, our tiny brains can't come up with a better thing.

    5. I can't believe this. Luna was totally out of it after the party at Eric's, sitting down in front of the guest house Zende lives in, longing for water. Why on Earth would she have pretended to feel like shit with no one around? Now they are trying to make it look like it was all an act. To expose her mother? Why? Back then, she didn't even know Tom Star(r?) was going to show up and that she would need the drugs to kill him. And why couldn't she just tell people about her mom's mints, acting all concerned? Wasn't it Poppy who admitted it before Luna even knew? She might as well have not. This SL is so stupid, I'm mad at the writers lol.

      Lynn - what an adorable picture of you and your dog <3
      Labor Day? Sounds like a day where all the pregnant women in the US are about to give birth lol. Happy belated Labor Day :)

    6. Koyasha I was thinking all the same things. Luna's whole behavior around the Zende period was not consistent with how she's justifying it now. The problem is that intelligent viewers are never heard and they keep pulling this kind of crap for those who don't think or don't care about common sense.

    7. Thanks ladies!
      Koyasha, you are cracking me up! That is what Labor Day sounds like! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      But it’s just a Monday off work that we otherwise wouldn’t get. 😁
      And you’re both dead on with this ridiculous storyline. Clearly the writers have no bloody clue what they are doing. 😳😳😳

  3. Thanks Bob.

    Finn go to the apartment!!!!!!

  4. I can't wait for Luna to get exposed... Li get her!!!

  5. Oh, come on now Luna. She had it so hard growing up? Hope grew up with her mother's lifestyle, having stepdad after stepdad after stepdad traipsing in and out of her life, yet survived it for the better. Luna experienced her mother living a carefree life and, based on what we know, it has always been just Poppy and Luna. No men or stepdads in and out of her life. Please Luna!

    And how exactly did Zende fit into Luna's plans? She should have just said she was bored with RJ's mediocre performance. But to say Zende fit into her plans? How???? What purpose did sleeping with Zende serve?

    1. No purpose, Elle. She couldn't even have been bored already with RJ, because they had just the one time (and she was a virgin though who knows if they keep that part)! Those writers are now rewriting everything Luna ever did to fit that evil image. It's like they had someone else in mind to be the killer, but then the actress said she wanted out and they decided to change her whole story...
      Hope had a very secure and financially stable childhood. The guys that were her step-dad's (Nick and Ridge) and her mom adored her. She received everything that Luna is shown to want. So the comparison may not work completely, but still Luna's reasoning that her upbringing made her into a monster is exceptionally bad writing.

    2. At this point M, I'm inclined to believe that Luna was not a virgin at all! Although, how she would have been able to fake that, I don't know. But I agree, Luna being this twisted, evil mastermind seems sudden. Maybe the writers always meant for her to be a Jeckyll/Hyde type given her super sweet, never been in love, still a virgin, excellent worker outlook. But the sudden switch was poorly done. They could have given us bits and pieces here and there to let us know that she wasn't as she appeared. Unless, they opted for the "shock and awe" factor.

      Brooke, I know she's been married to more than 2 men. Whip and Bill immediately come to mind. So Hope has had more than 2 stepdads. Hope grew up privileged, Luna did not however, Luna was able to come to LA and land an internship at Forrester and became involved with a Forrester heir. She could have gotten everything she wanted without resorting to murder and kidnapping. She hit the jackpot with RJ for the simple reason he is heir to both Forrester and Marone fortunes. Bill has 3 sons who will not stand by and watch Luna take their father's wealth. Luna clearly did not think this through. Lol.

    3. i think she was trying to prove a point that RJ was just a little boy. I think its safe to say that Luna was not a virgin when she got with RJ and also, I strongly suspect this is not the first time she has gone after one of her mother's rich men.

    4. Elle Whip was there when Hope was a newborn and the marriage was so short lived (was she even born actually? Didn't he come into the picture only to say she's pregnant by him but it quickly fell apart because it wasn't a real marriage?).
      At the time of the marriage with Bill, Hope was already grown up woman with a formed character (wasn't she even in Europe, before Annika became Hope?) so again hardly any influence on Hope. The main figures in Hope's life were Nick and Ridge.

      I agree Luna would have been able to achieve a lot and in the end be with either RJ or Zende, both were crazy about her. Nothing explains killing those guys and doing any of this crazy shit for such a goal. Sheila and Quinn were written well as crazy villains - you could always follow their twisted thought paths why they did what they did.

    5. @Elle, HOgan has been married 13, yes 13 times....bwaahaahaa :D say no more...lmao Eric Forrester (twice), Ridge Forrester (eight times), Thorne Forrester, Nick Marone and Bill Spencer......according to google she's been married 15 times :D

    6. The fact that you counted/googled this says more about you than about Brooke 🤣

    7. @unknown Agreed, Brooke has been married many times over, lol! However, I was only counting the times she was married after she had Hope in terms of the number of stepfathers Hope would have grown up with. Hope herself has thrown it in Brooke's face more than once about her mother's many indiscretions while she was growing up, hence not wanting to be like her. Luna, on the other hand, has always had a loving mother who did everything for her and her only fault was her carefree lifestyle (according to Luna). It's ridiculous that Luna is now doing all of this because she "had it so hard growing up."

  6. Exactly, Elle. Poor Luna had such a difficult childhood. Boohoo. Poppy may not have been "mother of the year", but she loved Luna. Many children grow up without a mother's love. Be thankful for what you have. With regards to Zende, if Luna wanted to be in a relationship with Zende instead of RJ, then break up with RJ. Yes, it would have been awkward at work, but that is the risk you take when you "fish off the company pier". No reason to attach a bad memory to Eric & Donna's wedding by faking that whole mess with Zende. Luna is a selfish, cruel, ungrateful, cold-hearted murderer with a big sense of entitlement. Prison will be quite the wake-up call for Luna.

    1. Steffy's words, Luna is sick. So true, but she plays the part really well. As far as Zende and why that happened? I think it was the beginning of her master-plan. She made her Mom look guilty of that because of the drugs. Rj, Brooke etc. all believed that. Drugs killed Tom and Hollis so of course Poppy would be the main suspect because Luna was so sweet and innocent. I just wish Finn would hurry up and go with his gut, go check out the apt.

    2. One other thing. I can't believe the phone was sitting there for days? Nobody noticed that? Unbelievable!

    3. And Renee, Poppy seemed to be extremely devoted to Luna and ensured she had everything she had growing up. This sudden business about wanting a wealthy dad and not some has been rock star does indeed make her sound selfish and ungrateful. To think that poor Tom so desperately wanted a relationship with his daughter.

    4. D, I did not think about that with the drugs and Zende. You're right. It's still lame though that she would sleep with her boyfriend's cousin just for that. She was already with RJ. She could have set it up to seem like RJ sexually assaulted her while she was under the influence or something.

    5. @Elle, i think Lunatic was testing her influence on playing victim, she was trying to see who she could fool.....she played it well while it lasted.

    6. She did indeed. I never trusted her though. She was way too much of the sweet, innocent, good girl. I did not buy her act one bit!

    7. But the problem is that at that time, she had no idea Tom was going to show up and that she would "need" to drug anyone. Was Bill even in the picture back then? As far as I remember, the whole Bill being her father wasn't even an option back then, she had no idea her mother had slept with Spencer. I could be wrong, though

  7. Zzz Zzzzz! Wake me up when this shitty script is over... We all know the end of the story and that it's going to drag on for centuries...

    Bell doesn't know how to write something exciting... Either we're bored to death with repetitive dialogues for months or we see oppose the fan bases...

    Really borrring! Please I want Thomas and Thope back! I want Steffy to ask for a divorce from that idiot Finn (and yes, he's a bad actor, either he overacts or he's inexpressive)... I don't like Finn since he's been obsessed with his psychopathic sheila or holy HOpe..

  8. If i liked Finn before, i love him even more now. I'm glad he is not this little push over husband Steffie or B&B was making him out to be. he actually shows that he can think without Steffie and even seems wiser without her influence. He tol Bill what to do and he told his mom what the deal is. He even told Ridge and Brooke he new his wife was missing. So there you go Steffie, when you thought your husband was not listening, he is actually hearing you from miles away. now cut my good doctor some slack please.

    1. @Peggy, maybe if Finn's family wasn't so evil and murdered anyone that got in their way, maybe she would feel different!

  9. Can’t wait till Friday that’s when steffy will be found by finn

  10. Some actors in this show is so predictable.
    Finn reaction to when Bill told him Luna kissed him should have been more shocking. He looked normal. As Lee she acted so shocked so good acting there.
    The story line just took a turn suddenly, it's ridiculous.

  11. Why private video? Please, upload this again.

  12. Private video? Nooo this can't be happening!!! 😭😭😭😭

  13. Where can I watch those episodes now? I'm from Finland and cbs app isn't working here.

  14. Is this video no longer available?
