
Friday, November 1, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-1-24 Full episode B&B 1st November 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-1-24 Full episode B&B 1st November 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. So, Hope leaves with nothing but a cell phone - no purse or keys. Nice car, Carter. The evil side of him came out when he heard the news. Brooke is going to be one mad Mama. More to come...

    1. There are so many bad names I want to call steffy right now she’s not right and I almost want to believes she’s jealous not be a slut like Hope but then again, Hope is not a slut. She was telling the truth. Screw Forrester.

    2. It definitely looks like there will be some war so Steffy won't get away unscathed. I for one am glad they won't work together for some time. It was getting annoying both of them going on and on the same way against each other. Now Hope is free from the Steffy cloud over her head. I really hope she does something new now, anything.

    3. Carter.... what does he mean they won't get away with this? Why doesn't he ask Hope what happened and then just go and explain it to Ridge?

    4. Elle, Carter was emotionally affected himself and hearing Hope was fired was enough to push him over the edge. I don't think Hope will let him explain on her behalf that he was the object of her seduction ๐Ÿ˜€

    5. Lmao. That would be awkward. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    6. Right now I hate all of you that live in a warm, tropical climate and don't observe DST, you know who you are.๐Ÿ˜  That's it. That's my rant. Later I'll lock myself in the bedroom and catch up on Fridays show.

    7. Oh D. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

    8. Elle sweetie, don't take it personally. There are other ppl on here basking in sun and warmth. So I hate you all right now. ๐Ÿ˜‡The way the day went I had to vent. Reading comments I have to watch and see what I missed. ❤️

    9. After just watching the first half: I wonder if Katie (as a fellow Logan) would be just as supportive if she knew it was Carter that Hope was expecting. Glad Eric is alarmed with Carter's daunting dream, said flat out NO, and I don't think will trust him much longer. Steffy really did act on rage right now, but she did ask Hope 3 times to explain herself. Hope, probably not thinking she would be fired on the spot, didn't want to out Carter. He's the only one supporting HFTF, and has the dream of taking power of FC. Hope's all for that.

    10. No worries, D. I'm affected by DST too. I now have to wait an additional hour to watch the show because y'all decided to turn the clock back an hour! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    11. Lol. Standard time sucks!!! Hate that it’s dark at 5 pm!

  2. Hopeless the victim ONCE AGAIN ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ maybe if you weren't a sex crazed maniac you wouldn't be in this position right now ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿšฉ from being in tears right to sex on the brain when big deal Carter pulled up ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ hostile takeover in progress ๐Ÿค” go start your own company Carter, take them HOgans with you ‼️

    1. 100% ageee
      BYE Hope - HFTF and Carter- COO!!!

    2. That is ridiculous steffy was all on liam now she want respect she never care about hope or else and taylor another hypocrite one she new Caroline ask of Ridge to get back with his Brooke since she dying for classy act ans professional point of view she decide to fall for Ridge is that a jock poor writhing

    3. Unknown ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    4. H2 wtf you talking about lol. Steffy never wanted Liam or she would be with him right now lol. Hope got what she deserves.

    5. Yes H2... Taylor knew that Caroline wanted Ridge to be with Brooke because she was dying, so she took him away... that's when Brooke married for Steffy... she' s a piece of ๐Ÿ’ฉ's all going to blow up in her face once karma gets on her ass...and Ridge is such a wuss...and that's a compliment... Thank you Bob ❤️... Have a great weekend ๐ŸŒผ❣️

    6. unknown you must not have watched this show for very long, Stephie is the s*** and has always chased after any man that hope was with, going back to her first boyfriend Oliver. She seduced the bill when he was married to katie, and when he ditched her, she tried to kill herself and Liam came to check on her knowing that his dad was dumping her and he saved her life and then she latched on the him. You are so misinformed. Watch some old shows back to win Hope was about 16 and you will see the snake that Steffy really is. Hope isn't a sex crazed Maniac for God's sake! That would be Steffy who can't keep her legs closed even screwing her own father-in-law and even had to get a paternity test for both of her kids not even knowing if the first one belong to her father-in-law or not. Check your facts

    7. H2. You are right on target girl! Stephanie never had respect for anybody else's marriages a relationships. She messed around with Bill when he was married to katie, with every single boyfriend that hope ever had, chased after Liam like a b**** in heat, and like I said to someone else here, she didn't know if her own father-in-law was the father of her first kid or not and then had to have a paternity test with the next one. S**** come from everywhere, even on the mountain girl! I guess Steph is supposedly just a high class one. Taylor is no saint either and it makes may want to throw up how they keep acting like Steffy and Taylor are both saints. Nobody ever bothers to bring up their trash. Taylor has been with every single Forester manner self, even Brooke's son Rick

    8. The difference is that Brooke targeted married men! Engaged men! Men in committed relationships. She made a sport out of it! She slept with 2 of her daughter Bridget’s husbands, including right after Bridget miscarried!

      Brooke stole Bill from her sister Katie more than once, she even helped gaslight her to steal Will so she and Bill could raise him together.

      Brooke cheated on her husband with his sons! She cheated on her husband with his brothers!

      Steffy NEVER slept with Bill while he was married to Katie. That was Brooke!

      Steffy is no angel and she doesn’t pretend to be. Hope is no angel but pretends she is and queens it over everyone!

    9. Brooke has reformed her behaviours that way and I give her props for that! She admits she hurt others and has done her best to keep Hope from repeating her mistakes.

      Steffy grew up and has changed her ways too. She’s completely devoted to her husband and children.

      For me, I see Hope as completely lost and acting out! She’s only going too receive pain by following her current path.

    10. I like that you highlighted the changes in both women, BBFan. There has definitely been growth on both sides.

    11. @Kidd, I don't need a refresher course from you, you sound like two other people here on this blog‼️ where was I even talking about the past, I'm talking about what happened on this specific episode, PAY ATTENTION and stop communicating on my posts‼️๐Ÿšฉ

    12. @H2 ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Hopeless giot what she deserved by being fired‼️ she really does take after her mamma ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿšฉ

  3. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ good for you Eric ๐Ÿฅณ Carter cannot be trusted, he has turned on you once before and he has done it again by siding with the HOgan's ๐Ÿคฃ Hopeless and Carter actually suite eachother, neither of them can be trusted ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ

    1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
      Hopefully they see the real Carter. Doesn't respect FC vision and real meaning of it.

  4. Thks Bob. Have a good weekend.

    Wow Hope was mouthy at the end (in from of those models/interns) Steffy kept her pose as a real CEO would.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
    So glad to see Ridge was standing beside Steffy and backing her up.

    The end Hope face was lust, needs a man again to safe her line. Cause she doesn't do anything just her poor designers. BYE HFTF!!!!๐Ÿค—
    Carter face was revenge.
    Pls let Eric, Ridge and Steffy find out their COO does not have his head straight, his priorities are shifted. And fire the COO.

    1. Yea like who the fuck does Hope think she is, Steffy gave her 2 chances to explain why she was parading in lingerie at the office and she stood there like some fool. And Carter mark my words is gonna also get fired neither him or Hope have skills to design that was Ridge and Thomas and Eric. Carter all he thinking about is with what's between his nasty ass legs with his slender man looking ass. Like he needs to disappear and never Come back. All he does is sleep with these bored house wives.

    2. @NOEMI ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Why the secret, IF her and Batman were in love then by all means, she could have told the truth but alas, she has something to hide ๐Ÿค”

    3. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  5. It's one thing if Hope was actually going after Finn, but she wasn't.
    The beginning of a rivalry. Carter and Hope vs. The Forresters. I definitely see trouble ahead for Brooke and Ridge. ☹

    1. Forever 36, you are right. Hope couldn't tell Steffy about Carter so she took the fall. Not a good position to be in, but if she hadn't kissed Finn.....

    2. There is NO reason that Hope can’t tell Steffy about Carter other than she doesn’t WANT to! Carter had no issue with it… it was Hope’s condition for dating Carter!

    3. End of the day, she had no business wearing lingerie from BB that was there for models in the office environment!

      Either way she was planning a seduction in the office! It’s completely inappropriate and a firing offence.

      Forrester isn’t paying her to have sex with Carter in the design office where Zende and RJ work.

    4. NOEMI you like several others that comment here obviously don't know the history of the show. Steffi elentlessly pursued Liam and anybody else that hope was ever with. She is jealous of Hope and always has been. Always after a man who was already taken just like Bill and cheated on Liam with his own dad and had to get a paternity test then. Had to get another paternity test with her son because she cheated on sin with Liam while he was married to Hope again

    5. Kidd would that be while Steffy was married to Liam and fending off Hope??

  6. Hope pretty stupid getting into lingerie at the office. Don't mess with Steffy ...

    1. Steffy should have been Cruella deVil for Halloween! ๐ŸŽƒ

    2. NO Renee that role belonged to Brooke dressed like it 2 days prior. So sit down somwhere.

    3. NO, I am not sitting down somewhere. I hope Carter doesn't take this sitting down either. I would love to see a new company formed with mostly FC employees that competes with FC. I think that would make a great story line.

    4. Renee Carter is a talentless hack who can't even design same goes for Hope that's why she used Thomas to design her line and made it successful. All Carter care about is getting that puss from Hope. He's a traiterous bastard and Hope is a hoe.

    5. How many times have Steffy been in lingerie at the office with Liam have even made out in the office with Finn, just like Ridge &Brooke and others. When are they going to find out about Liam kissing Steffy twice. How many times did she respect Liam and Hope marriage. Brooke was with Ridge befire he met Taylor. What went on and in this case didn't go on is personal not business. She didn't fire her because of something business related it was personalnrelated, not a good CEO.

    6. Big, that would be while Steffy was MODELLING that lingerie which was part of her job!!!

      Kissing her husband is nothing compared to what others have gotten up to!

      Hope certainly never respected Steffy’s marriages to Liam!

      Hope broke off her engagement to Liam and he had every right to move on and marry Steffy!

      Hope lost her virginity to Liam while he was married to Liam!

      Hope told Liam to divorce Steffy after she had a miscarriage because she wanted him.

      Hope chased Liam and got pregnant with Beth while he was married to his pregnant wife, Steffy!

      Sorry no feeling sorry for Hope.

      As for Brooke having Ridge first? She was an affair, she married his father for his millions!

      Ridge didn’t want to MARRY Brooke. He just wanted to sleep with her!

      Taylor he loves and wanted to marry!

      I remember Brooke showing up naked in the steam room to seduce a very married Ridge!

      Bell Jr has recently rewritten the history to pretend it was love at first sight for Bridge… it wasn’t!

    7. Liam was married to Steffy lol not Liam ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคช

    8. BBFAN, Ridge has happily married Brooke MULTIPLE times and calls her the love of his life and his destiny. How can you possibly say Ridge never wanted to marry Brooke?!! Let that go already!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Lynn in the early days, … OP claimed Brooke and Ridge were together and Taylor took him away.

      Ridge was a total player , seeing multiple women at a time. He used and played with Brooke. I believe she was in love with him, but in the beginning he was just sleeping with her.

      He loved and married Taylor.

      Later on he definitely fell in love with Brooke. And says she’s the love of his life 100% agree. But that isn’t how they started out!!!

    11. Lynn I never said that Ridge never loved Brooke!

      He clearly loves her very much, I was only addressing the beginning of their story.

  7. Carter go sit down somewhere when your ass gets fired too you biscuit slender man looking ass motherchucker. Hope had it coming to and she still hasn't told him why she got fired too. See how manipulative Hope is towards men. That's how the Hogans are they use men to get their way in life cause they don't know how to do one damn thing without a man in their life. Steffy gave Hope 2 chances to explain to her why she was in lingerie at the office when she suppose to be working for her line, instead she stood there once again acting a victim. The way the writers have made Hope is utterly trash. She need to be written off again from the show.

    1. Hey Noemi, Lawrence Saint-Victor is one of the writers, so I doubt he would write his character to be the one who loses and gets fired.

    2. Soh, wow. Didn't know that.

  8. Hope, u dont need the witches steffy and taylor...

    1. Hope is a talentless hack who used Thomas for sex and to save her line. She's nothing but a slut from the valley like her mother. Steffy and Taylor were right about her. Don't be salty.

    2. Yes she don't need of witch Brooke ! the slut of the valley.

  9. the daughter of the "slut of the valley" and in turn a "slut of the valley"... The fruit never falls far from the tree..

    I don't feel sorry for her! Truth or not, she was half naked to have sex with Carter to manipulate him and keep HFTF...

    She should have been fired a few years ago when Steffy saw her spreading her legs in front of her husband Liam, father of her child! It should have been done ages ago...

    1. I love how these hogan fans wanna defend Hopeless to us Steffy fans. Look at what Hope has done in FC. Her line has been failing for over a year now and she has done nothing to make it better the 3 chances Steffy gave her then she goes and kisses Finn a married man to steal him away from Steffy. Now she goes and sleeps with Carter cause he gave her the attention she desperately wanted and uses him to disrespect and undermine Steffy. A real CEO would have been fired her skankass years ago. Her line sucks that's why nobody wants to buy it. Now she runs to Carters slender man looking ass like he gonna do something. Hope they fire his raggedy ass as well. Ungrateful twat. What you'd expect from a man who goes around sleeping with bored housewives.

  10. I knew it, I knew Carter will cross to the dark side ๐Ÿ˜ it may not be so outrageous him and Hope striking out on their own now that they have both been rejected.
    Let's hope it's something interesting and not lame.
    And Luna and Poppy are back ๐Ÿคฉ I'm especially excited to see what happens with Luna. I was sure they won't just strike her from the show. Way too much potential.

    1. PS this storyline could definitely benefit from some evil Thomas ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ I hope he returns in time for the fun.

    2. I am very invested in what is going to happen to Carter! As for Hope, she'll be back at FC in no time. This was all a misunderstanding.

      Thomas is definitely needed back asap!

    3. But not just Thomas, evil Thomas ๐Ÿ˜‚ or at least manipulative Thomas.

    4. Nooooooo Milla. Just no. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    5. Hahaha Elle, you can't deny Thomas and evil Thomas have different sets of qualities ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm not saying he should go completely back to his darkest days but what about some relatively harmless shenanigans a la CPS? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    6. If I'm to be honest, I don't care one way or another, as long as I get to see that handsome face, and those dimples, on my screen everyday. I really do miss him.

      And while devilish (I prefer this word to evil, lol) Thomas certainly plays these pranks very well, I like the mature, devoted, loyal Thomas better. And I like how, most times, he stands up to Steffy and does not just let her get away with her behaviour.

    7. Now, if only Hope had accepted Thomas' proposal, she would be happy and in love right now instead of unhappy and without a job! Lmao.

    8. Yes that I like for sure as well ๐Ÿ˜€

    9. What a disgusting display from Steffy and Ridge. There is going to be serious groveling when the truth comes out. It’s going to be sweet watching Steffy eat her words!!
      How ridiculous that Ridge wouldn’t let Hope explain further and he instead says…..”We’ll talk about the details later.” ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. The details, Ridge,….will tell you that Hope did nothing!!!!
      Even when she pointed out to all three of them that she couldn’t have possibly known that Finn was gonna walk in, not a single one of those idiot Forresters thought to take pause!! Ridiculous!!!
      And what’s with Taylor’s comment…..”That was hard to watch”. PLEEEEASE!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. You absolutely loved watching that, Taylor! You are probably going to dream about it for the next week straight! One Logan down, just one to go is most likely what Taylor was thinking!
      Hope should have just blurted it out! If she truly wanted them to know she was gonna surprise Carter, she could have made her voice heard. But she chose to keep that part to herself. I did like how Hope told Steffy she couldn’t care less what Steffy thinks of her!! That’s the God’s honest truth! When is that witch Steffy gonna get water thrown on her and melt??!!! ๐Ÿง™‍♀️๐Ÿง™๐Ÿง™‍♀️
      It’s Carter and Hope against FC! Let the games begin!!

    10. Lynn Ridge definitely acted like a ballless moron, saying nothing at all. He didn't tell Steffy he would support her, she said it herself and after his signature stupid silence, he went with it. Honestly Steffy is more a man than he is, sorry for the sexism. Taylor is just irrelevant so I didn't even notice her in that meeting, she's like a fly on the wall.
      But I don't feel sorry for Hope mostly because I am looking forward to her and Carter regrouping and showing us something fun ๐Ÿ˜€ maybe they will sabotage FC somehow?

    11. Lynn, when Ridge talked about handling the details later, I got that he meant the details about her exit from the company such as handover of company property etc. He said it directly after he told her she had to leave now. But definitely, they will all find out about what really went down.

    12. Yes I think Ridge meant that too. The decision is made and the details are just the formal part around it. Brooke won't be happy at all. She'll know directly who Hope was seducing. Maybe she'll tell?

    13. You ladies may be right about what Ridge meant.
      But maybe he should get the details of what actually happened before he deals with the details of the outcome….her exit.
      I still say Steffy anf Ridge need to pull their heads out of their bums! Just more bad writing. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

    14. Yes Lynn he definitely should (have). That's why I said he acted like I wuss. It was obvious he wasn't convinced that's what happened by the looks he was giving Steffy every time she said that they are in complete agreement. They weren't. He'll be sorry!

    15. Had to laugh at the ending. Squealing tires and making out in the parking lot of FC? So much for being discreet.
      Carter is showing his dark side. Milla, Elle yes Thomas needs to enter the story now. His devilish side, grin and dimples?? can take Carter on and burst his bubble of taking control of FC and Hope.๐Ÿ˜

    16. D, that kiss in the car park was super cheesy and funny.

  11. Hope got herself into this mess but, she didn't deserve to be fired for something she did not do. Steffy acted very unprofessionally today. That SFTV line was uncalled for. Steffy needs to be very careful because this can come back to bite her.

    Interesting that Katie, not Brooke, was the one that was there for Hope today. Hope could not even tell her Aunt Katie who she was really dressed in lingerie for. I wonder how Katie would feel about it?

    I don't think that Ridge is completely onboard with Steffy's decision. I feel like he went ahead with it because it was 2 (Steffy and Taylor) against 1. There is going to be trouble between him and Brooke for this.

    Carter - it is not going to end well for him. First of all, why is he acting like Eric and Ridge should just say yes to his ideas for THEIR company? He's angry that Eric said no, then goes to meet Hope, hears the news, and gets even angrier without even knowing what happened! Why didn't he just ask Hope what happened, then go to Ridge and explain? Or are he and Hope so intent on keeping their secret?

    1. Elle Hope didn't deserve it, but it was clear that's how it would go. Steffy made it very clear and she had no way of knowing the truth without Hope opening her mouth to explain. Far be it from me to defend Steffy, but with the info she had she acted in the only way anyone could. (It would be different if Hope had explained and Steffy didn't believe and fired her anyway...)

    2. I agree, Milla. I just found the SFTV comment was totally uncalled for. Why stoop to that level?

    3. Oh yes that definitely was super low.

    4. That comment was low and uncalled for.

      However, it made NO sense for Hope NOT to name Carter! There is more to the story.

    5. She shouldn't have to name Carter. Even as much as Steffy demanded a name, Hope could have simply explained that she was expecting someone else and she would rather not say his name right now. Hope already explained that she had no way of knowing that Finn was going to be at the office and that should have been enough for Ridge and Steffy to take pause. But rather than think about the situation objectively, Steffy was so blinded by her dislike for Hope, that she did not want to listen to reason. Hope can actually sue for wrongful dismissal and make Steffy look like a fool in court, not to mention, highlight her lack of professionalism in handling the matter.

    6. You're right Elle. But we know Steffy. When emotions take over (especially when Logans are involved), she goes with them and can't think or act objectively. I can't wait to see how they respond, especially Carter. Does he go and try to reason with them or directly quits too.

    7. Wow, Ellle…..look at you go….being all objective and stuff!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
      Proud of you!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    8. I don’t think Steffy handled the situation correctly . However she had every right ask Hope why she was hanging out in the design office wearing BB lingerie. Good was being paid to work and had no business wearing the new designs. She was clearly planning to seduce Carter.

      At the very least it was extremely inappropriate for her to be dressed like that in a shared office space. She wasn’t trying samples for her own line. That would be understandable.

      Her not telling Steffy it was Carter was just bring insolent.

      Be fair if anyone else with the exception of Brooke was dressed like that instead of working they would be fired!

    9. BBFAN, Steffy and Finn have gone at it MULTIPLE times in the office. So Steffy may want to lead by example instead of firing Hope before she even knows what happened!
      Regardless of whether Steffy knows it was for Carter or not, she should have listened to Hope when Hope said she couldn’t have possibly known that Finn was going to walk in at that moment. If Steffy is that clueless, then she shouldn’t be running a company! And Hope shouldn’t be fired before the facts are laid out. Steffy is just itching to have Hope gone!

    10. BBFan, it may not be as cut and dry as firing someone because they were dressed inappropriately. Even in a normal company, an employee would be issued a warning first. Also, Steffy did not fire Hope for being dressed inappropriately.

      Given the nature of the business, which is fashion, and the fact that models and other employees frequently don clothing that is not office appropriate, Hope cannot be fired for wearing lingerie. There was literally an entire rack of newly designed lingerie and sleepwear in the design office. This is where new designs are tried on and adjusted. How many times have we seen Thomas have Hope try on his designs as he determined how well it fit and made corrections?

      No matter how anyone tries to spin this, Steffy was 100% wrong in the way she handled the matter.

    11. Lynn, I have always been objective. Don't know how it was never noticed before. But thanks! ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿค—

    12. Steffy completely overreacted, but Hope refused to tell the truth! She could have avoided the entire situation by just saying she thought it was Carter!

      I think her telling whoever walked into the design office (which is usually a designer like her little brother or Zende, NOT the COO) to close the door and lock it without knowing who it was, was extremely bad judgment to say the least!

      Hope stood there with a defiant look on her face and refused to answer. Steffy asked multiple times for an answer. If she was wrong then tell her and Hope refused! There was NO reason for it!

      Neither Hope nor Carter would have been fired. Hope was challenging Steffy’s authority with the assumption that she could be insubordinate like all the times with NO consequences… just like all the times she’s acted out and didn’t get taken to task for it.

      Brooke warned her! Hope ignored her. She’s engaging in very risky behaviour. It’s like she wanted to get caught out.

    13. Totally agree that Hope brought this on herself. She should have just told Steffy about Carter and none of it would have happened. But then, there would have been no drama and nothing for us to talk about. ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. previews show we're not finished with poppy and luna. hmmm, what could possibly be in the works?
    hope is not an interesting character. all she does is give off those faraway daydreamy looks and flirts with all the men.
    i feel for zenda, rj and all the interns that worked for hope.
    why is taylor always at forrester? doesn't she have a job?

  13. Hope Stephanie loved Eric so much that she didn't take a dime from the company after the divorce. Greedy Brooke took away Forresters' 51% of their own company and then spent years building her myth of a great entrepreneur on Ridge and Eric's projects. :D

  14. New fashion house Slut from the Valley or Whore of Beverly Hills? :D

  15. TY Bob. Have a great week end!

  16. What a bitch steffy is , the only person to leave the building is steffy her self , I can’t stand steffy I never did like her from day 1

    1. OH well Steffy is the main protagonist of the show she aint going anywhere. The one that should go is Hope slut self using Carter to keep her line.

    2. She’s not using carter at all for her line he came onto her , so there’s no using her

  17. Steffy is the biggest slut with cheating on all her men she should be called the slut of the valley not hope


    1. Steffy did not cheat on all her men! She cheated on Liam once, and while she was dating Finn once during Manniquingate.

      Hope slept with Steffy’s husband for years so stones and glass houses and all that!

      Hope cheated on Liam and with Liam how many times?

    2. She slept with Liam while she was with Wyatt. The who's baby daddy is, Hope had it with Liam and Wyatt, but people forget that.

    3. No. Hope knew it was Wyatt's right away. There was no paternity debacle there.

  18. I’m still wondering who was this mysterious person that called Carter when he was having a meeting with Eric, making him rush out of there to play the knight in shining auto, I mean armor? LOL! Someone must be aware of their secret romance other than Brooke!

    1. It was Hope. As soon as Carter pulled up, he said, "I got your text. What is going on?"

    2. I can’t stand them making Hope so dependent on a man. When her HFTF line first started it stood for good values and independence but after she lost her virginity it really had no message, and definitely lost her purpose. She has no morales or values any more, she really has become a whiney slut that blames everyone else for the problems she has made for herself.

  19. I don't think they can fire Hope after working there so many years for personal reasons and being falsely accused. Carter as a lawyer could make a case against them.
    Finn should realised by now Hope could not have known it was him.

    1. For Carter to take a case like this to court would certainly prove him to be unethical and don’t think he would have any chance in hell of winning, since they would prove that he is involved with Hope. Even though they want to keep it secret, Katie will find out and she always blabs her mouth. I really believe Katie will be mad when she knows because she’ll probably want him back just like she got involved in Bill’s life.

    2. Exactly Roseam. It would be found out that Carter is involved with Hope.

      Steffy fired Hope because she thinks she was trying to seduce Finn, which is incorrect. Finding out that Hope is involved with Carter will make their case stronger.

  20. First of all, why was finn in the design office instead of the office that he knows is stephie's? Why for once in his life didn't he man up to his wife and tell her what happened? And ridge needs to stop kissing his little girls butt. Hope should have locked the door until the right person knocked, but give me a break, Steffy is scared to death that hope is going to do to her what she has done to Hope numerous times. Also want to know why Taylor is always there constantly, she doesn't work there, she has no reason to be there. I know that her daughter works there and visiting or going to lunch with her once in awhile is one thing, and why doesn't she get a life and get her own practice going again. Her opinion doesn't matter in the business what's so ever, and ridge needs to man up and say something..

    1. Taylor loiters. She apparently has nothing better to do. Lol

    2. Finn said the assistant told him Steffy would be working in that office.. she does have meetings with other lines and it is the design office not HFTF!

      I am sorry to disagree but Hope was the one flaunting lingerie and sleeping with Liam while he was married to Steffy!

      Hope moved him onto her mother’s estate and proceeded to throw herself at him while slagging off his wife nonstop!!

      She got pregnant with Beth while Liam was married and his wife was about to give birth!

      Hope was trying to have sex with Liam in the dressing room while Steffy and Kelly were at home waiting for Liam to return !

      Hope moved in with Liam while he was married and slept with him and demanded he divorce his wife !

      Hope tried to stop Liam and Steffy’s wedding, after SHE broke off her own engagement and ended her own relationship with Liam. Steffy had her locked in the gondola to prevent Hope from sabotaging her wedding!!! Yet Steffy is still vilified for that!

      Liam CHOSE to marry Steffy 3 times!!!!!! No one forced or coerced him!

      Hope never accepted that! She chased Liam every time!

      Steffy wasn’t chasing Liam while he was married to Hope!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. BBFAN, I remember like it was yesterday…..when Steffy went along with Thomas’ plan and kissed Liam on her back patio when she knew Hope would see. Steffy WAS trying to get Liam away from Hope. And this was all planned by Thomas in an effort to get Hope away from Liam. Steffy went along with the plan so she could have Liam for herself

    5. Hope wasn’t married to Liam when that happened. She had divorced him!

      That was a dirty trick and I don’t condone it.

      I can understand that Steffy wanted her family back. If Hope hadn’t gotten pregnant, Steffy wouldn’t have sent Liam to Hope and he would not have broken up their family.

      Liam and Steffy were engaged to be remarried once he found out how Bill had lied and deceived him to keep him and Steffy apart!

      There is so much history there. I think people forget that Liam and Steffy had a very happy marriage after they married in Australia!

      If Bill hadn’t interfered, setting up the Sally Spectra debacle, then chasing Steffy and setting her up so he could tu to steal his daughter in law… they wouldn’t have split up and Hope wouldn’t have gotten a look in.

      Lynn it was sad when Liam apologised to Hope for having Kelly! Liam and Steffy had been happily married for years and she was conceived in love!

      Steffy put up with a lot from Liam, as did Hope. He wasn’t worthy of either of them.

      I’m glad Steffy told him no, and Hope did too!

      I hope Hope can find herself and find a new path where she can shine and succeed on her own merits!

    6. BBFan you love bringing up who was married on paper and who wasn't as some way to make Steffy look less guilty and Hope the devil (same with Brooke btw). But people are not as concerned about that as you are. They will never see Steffy as in ANY way better than Hope because some papers were or weren't (yet)signed.

      And also they will never ever be convinced that Liam "cheating with Hope" (again because of legally still married") is in ANY WAY Hope's same fault (or even bigger as you obviously hope) as Steffy cheating ON Liam and ON Finn up to the point of not knowing who fathers her children. They will also never see Steffy as any less slutty for running after every man of Hope's because they weren't married to her.

      You keep hoping that and writing those walls of "history people forget". They haven't forgotten. They just don't care as much as you about who was married to who legally but rather who is acting how.

      Ah and also they will never see Steffy as any less guilty because of how shte told who to leave. She slept with them and cheated. That's what people care about.

    7. And more than that - she cheated and ran after every man of Hope's AND keeps passing judgment decades later because of a kiss. That's what pisses people off. But you'll never get that through your head trying to defend her. Her biggest problem is not that she is/was a slut. It's that she's a hypocrite and bully unable to see at herself but standing there judging the whole world LIKE she is perfect. But you can't stand seeing one critique about her without dragging everything (perceived or true) from other people's past. People who are not even 1% the judgment bullies that she is. That's her problem. But again I know you'll never see it and keep writing walls of "history people forget". I know that will follow also my post now instead of really thinking about what people are trying to say. Don't even know why I bother writing it knowing the way you react will never change.

    8. Wow Milla, that was a full blown rant. At least mine was short and sweet, There was no need for that. Not everyone's opinion is the same as yours. Just saying.

    9. D I miss the moment when I was talking to you. I'm sorry if I have given that impression. Didn't even notice YOUR "short and sweet" rant wherever it was but I was not addessing you. And my ONE TIME "rant" compared to BBFAN'S hourly walls (which were addressed here) is nothing.

    10. Sorry for posting on your thread. Point taken.

    11. This isn't my thread. My response is addressing BBFan's constant posts with the same theme. They are actual constant daily rants on everyone's posts. I don't see you telling her on any of them "wow what a rant" and that people can have different opinions. But when I write ONE response, you feel the need to interject with your "shock" at my post and tell me about your own "short and sweet" post (that I have no idea what it has to do with anything that you are interjecting on). So my only response to you can be... huh?

    12. BBFan, that scene with Thomas setting up Steffy to kiss Liam was the start of her spiral which led to her taking pills, going over to Brooke's wielding a knife and demanding that they give her Kelly back, and culminating with her in the hospital. Some very powerful scenes. Thomas was wrong to use his sister in that way because she was still processing and hurting from losing her family to Hope. She didn't want to kiss Liam and kept telling Thomas that, but he insisted and so, she did it.

      I have to agree with Milla though. As I always say, haters gonna hate. And no amount of insistence on highlighting the way things really went down is going to change their minds.

    13. Ellle, I am not sure if you’re referring to me in your comment “haters gonna hate”. I would hope not. But based on what went back and forth on this thread, I’m not so sure. I wish people would stop using that phrase. It 100% goes both ways. And there is far more Logan hate on this blog most days. But your comment implies the opposite.
      I think that was the reason we agreed we wouldn’t be responding to a certain person’s posts. And that particular individual is definitely a Logan hater. And there are many others that feel the same on this blog. Me mentioning a scene where I saw Steffy kiss Liam so she would get to keep Liam doesn’t make me a hater. Not by a long stretch.

    14. Elle I have to add that back when Mmysh was still posting, she was also relentlessly adding details which the Forrester-loving gang likes to omit when trying to paint Hope/Brooke as the worst (by simplifying what went down) while for everything that Steffy ever did there is an explanation and some detail that makes her "less" guilty. Now we sadly don't have Mmysh posting and me and Lynn don't know all of it (or don't care to remember in such details). This doesn't make only what BBfan says the whole truth and how "events really went down", just means that she remembers her side of the events and the details she likes to repeat the best. And we don't have a Logan supporter with that level of patience to write the same over and over about Hope.
      It also doesn't mean that every post criticizing Steffy needs the same rant with details about her "innocence" plus (irrelevant and one-sided) negative details about Hope for good measure.

    15. And Lynn you're definitely not the hater on this blog. We've seen in the past months what haters really mean and you're worlds far from that. You discuss like a civilized human being. I'm also not calling BBFan a hater, just an overzealous Steffy supporter who can't stand even one critique towards her without giving a whole account of her life and how she's been wronged. And how for everything she herself did wrong there's an explanation, God forbid otherwise ๐Ÿ˜…
      can you imagine if we addressed every (outright hateful) comment about Hope with such text...

    16. My dearest Lynn, no, I was not referring to you being a hater at all! I was generalizing by using the term, but also being specific to the persons who BBFan was responding to.

      This is why I don't get into the defense of any particular character here (other than Thomas, of course). They have ALL done each other dirty and there is absolutely no room to say one is better than the other.

    17. @BBFan, I LOVE your detailed descriptions, it sure pushes people's buttons ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ the truth is a bitch ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


    18. For the record I’m not a Logan hater.

      In fact I liked and felt sorry for Brooke back during the beginning of B&B.

      I thought Stephanie was such a snob and Brooke was a hard working lass who was trying to help her mum support and raise her sisters.

      However, when started going after Ridge and Eric etc that changed over time.

      By the way, I have said multiple times that I don’t agree with Steffy doing something, or she was wrong saying/ doing something, etc. She’s not perfect. Far from. However, I also don’t see her as some evil witch either .

      I’ve acknowledged that Brooke has worked hard and reformed from her previous behaviour etc.

      I don’t like the sense of entitlement that the Logan’s portray as a whole.

      I certainly don’t approve of everything the Forrester family does either.

      I’m just tired of hearing that Hope is this poor little victim, she’s not.

    19. BBFan I know and like I said above, I'm not calling you a hater. All I said was that not every critique of Steffy needs a whole big account of hers and Hope's life to prove that the person critiquing is wrong and that Hope is the worst. But you do you, as people say nowadays.

      I believe you have seen that I give Steffy plenty of credit when it's due as well as a lot of direct critique on Hope when she messes up. Both of those actually happened on this very episode.

    20. Elle and Milla, thank you. ❤️

  21. So how's her aunt Kate going to feel when she finds out brook s daughter hope was trying to seduce her X boyfriend Carter and steffy saw hope as a threat ๐Ÿค” to finn hazes daddy and her family just like brook was to steffy and her family Taylor ridge Thomas

    1. ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘ exactly, she's a disgrace

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Finn never attempted to explain what happened, he just left, nor did Steffy question him!! It was all Hopes fault according to her, Finn needs to grow a pair!! Steffy needs to question him too.

    1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    2. If Finn has any sort of decency and ability to think, Steffy wouldn't even have to question him. He's a bit full of himself now thinking that Hope is so in love with him, it gives he xray vision through the doors and Superman-like speed of changing to match a fall on him by the second ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… ๐Ÿฆน‍♀

    3. @Roxy, he did try and explain but I PERSONALLY think that he was in shock too, even I was in shock ๐Ÿคฃ, I mean, he was saying "Hope get off me" before Steffy even walked into the office. Hope was on top of him, there's no explanation needed for that I guess but he was called to the hospital so we will still hear what he has to say. Pretty much like the night she kissed him at Eric's house, she was on top of him but in the upright position ๐Ÿคฃ

  23. I CANNOT wait until Liam and Katie hear the news ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  24. Bob can you please upload today's episode?? TY

  25. I wasnt too keen on Hope and Carters relationship, but after today, im all for it. Im always a champion for a man who fight and protect and support his woman. B&B put the witches costume on the wrong actress, it should have been on Steffie. Im so tired of hearing the logans out of Steffie mouth. And is Steffie the parent of Ridge, she dont have any respect for her father. too consumed with hate. Carter is right, steffie is running that business to the ground based of her emotions. Im a woman, but some women dont make good leaders. And Finn is letting me down, he knows Hope could not have known he was there. He also knows Hope slipped and fell. Steffie controls her husband and her father. demanding that he never sees his mother. He is a grown man and should be allowed to make his own decisions.

    1. Very good points Peggy! I also wasn't (still am not super) into Harter, but have a lot of respect for Carter for protecting Hope so strongly.
      And yes everything you say about Steffy applies.
