
Monday, November 11, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-11-24 Full episode B&B 11th November 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-11-24 Full episode B&B 11th November 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy's outfit is really good this time πŸ‘πŸΌ Ivy and Electra look fantastic too.

    Brooke, stop going to Taylor about Steffy (and vice versa Taylor about Hope). 1. This isn't kindergarten and 2. when was it ever successful to try to convince any of those mamas that her kid is in the wrong? It's just waste of time and embarrassing, especially when she can't tell the whole truth. And also to nudge Taylor to stay away from Ridge, that also never works in either direction πŸ˜… or ask questions you know the answer to.

    Btw as per the spoiler, Ivy knows about human Chucky, weird that she didn't speak up against her niece's name being mentioned in the press.

    1. They introduced "Chucky" 😁the same way they introduced Shela when she found out about Finn and Steffy's wedding.

    2. Yo, indeed πŸ˜€ what are the chances they are related?

    3. I don't know if Taylor is following the right path, but if the treatment she's undergoing gives her even more reason to love Ridge (the main problem), I'm not sure it's the right one.

    4. Mila, maybe another son? This would give Steffy another reason to get involved even if there really isn't one. πŸ˜‚ And speaking of involvement, wouldn’t it be awesome if Shela and Luna got involved in some way in the future? I can definitely see Luna learning a few things from her and having Shela as a role model or mentor and Shela contemplating from afar proud of her heritage while living her life like a normal person.

    5. I loved Steffy's top. I also loved Brooke's top.

      Brooke knows how much Ridge loved Taylor and how hard she fought to get him. She's deathly afraid of losing him to Taylor again, that's why she goes to such lengths.

      And I agree, without all the details, Brooke is beating a dead horse trying to get anyone to understand that Hope wasn't trying to seduce Finn, and that it was all a misunderstanding.

      Milla, Ivy has never been the sharpest tool in the shed (hope I got it right this time, Lynn 😁) so, it's not surprising she didn't give endangering her niece a second thought. 🀣🀣

    6. Elle but the last time Ridge loved Taylor "so much" was when people used beepers. It's been like 5 times more time since then. She should know that Ridge won't stick with Taylor in this millennium. I agree with Yo that Taylor should finally look after herself, especially when her physical heart is on the line. It does look like she's making an effort to put herself first, I'll give her that.
      Haha yes Brooke couldn't convince Ridge with the half-truth, hoping for Taylor was naive.
      I don't remember much from Ivy (except how she took a video of Steffy killing her cousin and then blackmailed her with it when Steffy wanted to keep it a secret), but I like her accent a lot and she's also a beauty πŸ˜€ I hope she has some storyline.
      You're so right about Will. I have never watched his dad's acting but I've seen photos and they look so much alike. Will is a gorgeous young man πŸ‘πŸΌ seems like RJ is off the screen for a bit and focus is now on Will's love life.

    7. PS of course I wouldn't mind one bit, if Ridge gets together with Taylor and leaves Brooke alone to be with a much better stallion 😁 but on a human level, I don't wish her that man, especially now when she's healing.

    8. Elle, yes….perfectly stated. πŸͺ›⚒️πŸͺš⛏️πŸͺ“. Lol

    9. @Lynn Yay for me! πŸ˜€

      Milla, Brooke should be more secure by now indeed. Ridge always returns to her. But the very fact that she acts so insecure whenever Taylor is around (even when she has no need to be) tells me that she might still be afraid of losing Taylor to Ridge. Why? Because she knew how much Taylor meant to Ridge in the past. We have to remember that Brooke firmly believes in destiny. She probably also considers from time to time that Ridge might see Taylor as his destiny given her talk with him recently about him never honoring her. Seems there are some deep-rooted issues there that she has never openly admitted until now. All I know is that when Taylor is not around, all is well in Brooke's world however, as soon as Taylor appears, she gets all flustered and insecure.

    10. Regarding Ivy, other than sneakily suggesting that she and Liam get married (which was Quinn's idea), even though she knew Liam and Steffy were trying to reconnect, she also went after Steffy refusing to leave her alone. It ended in her being electrocuted when Steffy pushed her.

    11. Whoops! That should be "losing Ridge to Taylor" in my above comment at 7:35 AM.

    12. Elle you're right, apart from Brooke, Taylor is the only woman Ridge has had real history with so I guess it's normal. Same with Hope, Liam and Steffy. The two ladies only ever saw each other as a competition and will most likely continue no matter what. Plus Taylor shares two kids with Ridge who have made it clear they are not above acting on their desire to see the parents reunited. Brooke's relationship with Ridge has always been under attack from some side.

      I really don't get the romantic appeal of this Ridge (although the actor is good in other storylines like with Thomas and Eric). He's not charming or interesting and they have barely any memories together (with Taylor 0). At least with the previous one they could remember something and talk about what connects them. I used to be happy when Brooke and Ridge reunited, now it's just bleeeh.

    13. Omg yes poor Ivy is not safe around Steffy πŸ™ˆ I would stay away from Sreffy in her place. Although she got close with Quinn who pushed her from a bridge, so maybe really not the smartest πŸ˜…

    14. Exactly. And here she is again, back in Steffy's orbit. As I said, not the sharpest tool in the shed! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  2. Go Taylor 🀣 using reverse phycology "follow your heart" 🀣🀣 Elektra has a dodgy past πŸ€” Love Taylor's dimples, it makes it seem Asif she's smirking, oh wait, she is, good for you and your beautiful dimples 🀣🀣🀣 lmfao. Oh dear, there's that insecure HOgan with her snarky remarks 🀣🀣🀣 bwaaahaahaaa 🚩 I think Taylor's over Ridge, she's accepted that he will always choose the SFTV, she's just grateful that he helped her with this massive breakthrough.

  3. Maybe Ivy doesn't know how unstable and scary the guy is. I'm sure if she knew she would have insisted her niece remain behind the scenes. I'm excited to have something new happening.
    And Brooke needs stop being so insecure. It shows.
    Having Taylor find a new relationship would be nice, but it's also good to show that she can be okay without a man for a while.

    1. Forever I think Taylor has been without a man for quite a while, since she was with Ridge actually. I wish her a relationship, it would also give her an actual own storyline (someone mentioned that the actress is quite talented).

    2. Poor Electra has a stalker. It’s too bad no one at Forrester is listening to her.

  4. Thank you Bob πŸ’“πŸŒΌπŸ₯€

  5. I don't mean to be off-topic but I just gotta say that Will looks sooooooooo much like his real life dad. I remember when Joshua Morrow first joined Y&R as Nick Newman (he might have been a little older than Will is now), I used to swoon every time he came on the TV. He was so handsome. Just like Will, except he had black hair. 😍😍😍

    1. Elle I know! I can see his father in his expressions and his voice is so like Joshua it is uncanny.

      I remember fancying him even though he is younger than I lol.

      Will and Electra are stunning together πŸ₯°.

  6. Let's talk about hope Carter brook s deception hiding the fact s that hope put lingerie on to seduce Carter her aunt kates X lover why not tell ridge and steffy Eric the truth that hope once again used Stephanie and Eric s family company for sex this is so unprofessional inappropriate behavior and she was not concentrated on her clothes line at all and this is not steffy s fault and ivy is AWSOME

    1. Having sex at the office is unprofessional but, it happens more than you would like to know. 🀭🀭🀭

      For real though, it really does.

    2. Elle how do you know that? 😁😁

  7. Sorry. But this taylor just dont fit.

  8. Back home at last and extremely jet lagged. However had a great holiday in Los Angeles and am catching up on the B&B I missed the rest of the time!

    I hope they move these story lines along.
