The Bold and the Beautiful 11-25-24 Full episode B&B 25th November 2024
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- Days of our Lives
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- The Young and the Restless
Wow Hope is a conniving witch! Playing on Carter’s emotions to keep him on side and ready to steal the company!
ReplyDeleteRidge is an idiot! Listen to what Brooke is telling you! I felt horrible for Brooke. Ridge is so thick sometimes seriously. Good on her for getting through to him. She must be hurting knowing Hope betrayed everyone and is pushing Carter to destroy the Forresters.
I think Ridge was more in shock, he was battling to grasp what he was hearing because never in a million years did he think his bestie would do this to him. It was a lot of information to process but don't underestimate Ridge, his no idiot.
DeleteCarter's bestie treating him like the 'mailroom' boy ain't a walk in the park either. Ijs
DeleteUnbelievable that Steffy never picked up on the Love Connection. I wonder if for the next 3 episodes we have to listen to Ridge lamenting on how Carter ..his bro, dear friend...stabbed him in the back!!! Well he did it to Eric ( his family who he respects, which means nothing ain't gonna happen until December.. Geezee!!!!
DeleteYes Hope is good at conniving, manipulating and playing on Carter's emotions.Now the love word comes out, she is pushing him to do it. I'm still not sure yet if he is really falling for it. BBFan, yes sometimes Ridge is an idiot and needs more than a pine cone to knock sense into him, but this time? He knows Carter wouldn't do this unless he is pushed, and someone is pushing. Brooke's explanation, "Carter didn't get what he wanted, he had great ideas for the company", that Eric, Steffy and Ridge didn't agree with, so this was his way of handling it. Ridge reply, "so your daughter and Carter planned a coup to take over the company because HFTF was cut?" Then he asked Brooke, how long she knew they were a couple. He might be slow but he's putting 2 and 2 together.
DeleteI think Ridge gave Carter the unsigned copy.
Hope is going around like Lady Macbeth, dressed in her robe, plotting Ridges demise. Pulling Carter's strings while seducing him
ReplyDelete💯% Hope is a disgusting tramp ‼️
Delete100% HOpe
DeleteOh so Brooke can support her Hopeless daughter but Ridge can't support his daughter 😂😂
ReplyDeleteRidge shouldn't be shocked, Carter has betrayed Eric before 🤔
I can't stand HOpe's manotinis voice 🤮 new fresh ideas, FC doesn't belong to you Hopeless,when will you get that through your adolescent brain🚩
SFTV sealing the deal with nooky 🤮
I don't get Brooke, in house fighting, I wonder who started it, YOUR offspring ‼️ she went after Thomas to get to Steffy, she went after Finn to get to Steffy now she's taking over FC to get to Steffy, YOUR DAUGHTER STARTED IT ALL BROOKE, SHE NEEDS MENTAL HELP🚩 she's playing Carter like a fiddle, she knew he would come up with a plan and through manipulation, a few tears and SEX she would FINALLY get to Steffy ‼️🚩 Hopeless is a tramp like her mamma ‼️🤮 she is MORE than a bitch‼️
and you're less than a dumb blog parasite
DeleteShe's worse than her least she was following her heart.....And poor idiotic Carter believes this was all his plan... She's like Gypsy Rose...pushing the knife into her hitmans hand while asking to be rescued. Claiming she was trying to protect him... no she's protecting herselself to be blameless
DeleteThey forget one thing Steffy Forrester
ReplyDeleteAll Carter wants is dipping his wick in most of the ladies at Forrester but Hope and Carter you are no match for Steffy
You both signed your demise
Because it's fraud
And signed under loyalty
Thank you Bob xxxx
Mandy 💯% correct, Hope makes my skin crawl, she's an evil snake and EVERYTHING that she has done and STILL doing is to get to Steffy.
Delete100% agreee
Deleteits not fraud. Ridge and Steffy willingly and knowingly sign the papers under sound mind and readable eyes. Carter even offered to rewrite the papers, he put the papers in Ridges hands to peruse. Ridge was very aware of Carters signature on the papers. What Carter did was use their trust to his advantage but he didnt commit fraud.
DeleteA attorney can't betray his client
DeleteHope is literally the worse type of woman to walk this earth. The type that manuipulates men to get what she wants. Brooke at least does what she does because of her warped sense of destiny and love. But Hope.....
ReplyDeletedated both brothers cuz she loved the power
slept with a married man to get pregnant to get rid of her rival
toyed with Thomas who she knew was crazy about her, over ruled her husband Liam and brought him back to work to save her line
Tried to blame her wanting to divorce LIam on his past with Steffy when she simply was longing for a man she could manipulate because he only wanted her
Blamed Thomas for their break up when she knew from the get go she was never going to give him her heart or marry him and then blamed Steffy
Chased Finn because she wanted to get back at Steffy and decided she was better for him than his wife while claiming she wasnt a homewrecker
And she is clearly playing Carter because she was never interested until she needed a side kick. All she had to do was start her own company because she already has a name....shouldnt be too hard
Lol….Brooke is having to CONVINCE Ridge. Brooke ROCKS! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
ReplyDeleteAnd Ridge is completely clueless as usual!!
And Hope said multiple times to Carter…..”We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
Brooke needs to find a pinecone! 😂
DeleteLynn she's only saying that to keep her hands seemingly clean. She literally SHOVED his hand to sign on the dotted line
Deletei know of a situation where someone witnessed someone being cheated on and the person told their mom. Her response was to tell her daughter that she was wrong and. she probably mistook the guy for someone else because that guy would NEVER do his wife that. She swore he worshipped the ground his wife walked on. Sometimes it takes time to process an unfathomable betrayal which i think is Ridge's predicament. He's in denial......for now.
Lynn, I am starting to think that Hope is very manipulative. When she is saying things like: "We don't have to do this if you don't want to," she is catering to Carters belief that she is sacrificing so much and has done for years, and that Steffy is the big bad wolf. Yes, Steffy is, but to go down the path Hope is going down now, doesn't make it any better. She should have held her head high and just waited for Steffy's karma, instead of forcing karma on her. It might her herself in the process. So the while she is saying these things to Carter, he is getting more and more protective of her, and will do what she so nicely say they don't have to do :P
Deleteit might hit herself in the process, I meant
DeleteMalin, on prior episodes I would agree with you. Hope would say…..”Carter, you need to make the final decision.” And then 2 minutes later she would remind Carter how badly the Forresters wronged her….which to me seemed like she was head tripping him. But on today’s episode she seemed like she was being more sincere. Now that it’s ‘real’ and they have the signatures needed to move forward with the coup, Carter is feeling guilty because he knows Ridge trusts him and he is betraying his best friend, but also I think Hope is feeling a bit guilty too.
DeleteI think Hope is extremely excited to see a man do something so huge for her, and that is mainly what she is focused on.
Don’t get me wrong, this whole plot is extremely deceitful, not to mention illegal. I’m just pointing out that Hope seemed more genuine today when she told him he didn’t need to go through with it.
As usual, Hope’s aphrodisiac is men who will move heaven and earth for her. She definitely needs counseling….no doubt about it. But then Steffy clearly needs counseling as well.
Yes, I agree, Hope gets turned on by men who does huge things for her, but in return they get turned on when she gets so happy for what they do for her. She is playing the sex game, like Brooke used to do back in the day. She says she loves Carter, but I am starting to think she loves what he can do for her more than she loves him. She is starting to get powerhungry, cause she can see the finishline, where Steffy has nothing to say anymore. And that turns her on too. Because Carter will confide in her, and she can probably play that to her advantage.
DeleteBut when this is said, Brooke didn't tell them she knows, so Ridge has an advantage now. What he will do, remains to be seen, but he might play Carter a bit before he goes for the kill, so to speak. He needs to plan things perfectly now, since he has this advantage.
Hope didn't seem guilty to me. She's absolutely basking in the euphoria of Carter coming to her rescue and she wants to hold on to that feeling for as long as she can, all the way to when Carter presumably fires or demote Steffy.
DeleteMalin is right, Hope is not being sincere about Carter not going through with it. I bet if he decided not to do it, Hope would once again remind him of how Ridge and Steffy rejected his ideas.
Elle, we’ll see. I still think I saw something different in her interaction with Carter today. Maybe she just needed Carter to show her he’d really go through with the signature process with Ridge. And now that they can actually take over FC, she will back down. Time will tell.
DeleteElle, yes she felt so guilty and sex is her way of showing it. If Carter changes his mind she will throw him under the bus and say she was trying to talk him out of it.
DeleteLynn, we'll see. As you know, I'm hoping for Thomas to return and save Hope. She told him that he was her north star, and right now, she needs his guidance. I'm still hoping for her to be redeemed but all I'm seeing is manipulation. I hope she doesn't completely change for the worst.
DeleteI echo BBFan's sentiments, I feel sorry for Brooke. It can't be easy for her seeing what is happening with her daughter. The way she pleaded with Ridge yesterday about how this feud is affecting the people she loves made me sad for her.
D, I have to agree with you. After seeing Hope tell Brooke that she is concerned about Carter crossing a line, I won't be surprised if she does throw him under the bus.
DeleteRidge keeps saying "Hope and Carter" are trying to take the company. It seems he's holding her accountable as well. I'm not sure he will be willing to rehire her now.
Elle and D valid points!
DeleteBrooke was clear that Hope is right in this with Carter!
Ridge would be an idiot to keep either of them if they manage to get control back from Carter!
Ridge is clueless because he cannot think without his daughter Steffie. im so glad this information wasnt revealed to Steffie. Im glad Carter is bringing the heat, Ridge has allowed Steffie to make too many f the decisions especially where his best friend and step daughter is involved. Ridge should have taken that power from Steffie because it involved his best friend and his girlfriends daughter. And now that he knows Steffie was wrong in firing hope over Fin, I wonder what he is going to do now, Brooke? Ridge didnt fight like this for your daughter so why are you fighting for him with Carter. Carter was actually fighting for you, Brooke Logan.
DeleteCarter and Quinn. Fire! Hope and Thomas. Hot!! Hope and Carter. NOT!!!
ReplyDeleteDis One agree 100%!
DeleteThank you Bob ☀️❣️
ReplyDeleteIt's so funny how people keep putting all this on Hope. So Carter is just a mindless puppet who can't make any decisions on his own? The whole plan was his idea. I guess if you hate the Logans it's easy to make Hope the almighty mind controller who can make mere mortal men do whatever she wants. If that was true Thomas would still be with her, and not planning his life with Paris.
ReplyDeleteAt first I was happy to see Hope with anyone other than Liam, Thomas, or going after Finn. Now I can't be happy about her and Carter. ☹☠
And, with regards to their relationship, Carter pursued Hope. The plan & them becoming a couple were both his idea.
DeleteOh no. Them becoming a couple was Hope's idea. When Carter first started getting serious, Hope backed away from him and told him that this was all going too fast for her. It wasn't until the next day, at the board meeting, when Carter became empassioned about Hope and HFTF, was when Hope suddenly decided she wanted Carter after all. Up until that point, Hope's plan was to go after Finn.
DeleteAnd this is why Hope is getting the majority of the blame. Yes, Carter is a grown man capable of making his own decisions but, from the beginning of time (Adam and Eve), a man's good sense will fly out the window because of a woman. And Hope is playing that game very well.
Carter got serious first. He was the first one to initiate the relationship.
DeleteWho cares if he ran after Hogan... He's stupid to be manipulated by that slut from the valley
DeleteYou're correct, Renee. My bad. But to be fair, he had no idea that sweet, full of values Hope would use him for her own gain. Hope was the one who took it there which, again, is why she is getting much of the blame.
DeleteElle Brava 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Renee, some women use the hard to get angle knowing if the fellas has to work harder for it , it keeps him intrigued and he will work harder to do whatever she wants.
DeleteI think for Hope, she isn’t used to not getting her way. She has always been given whatever she wanted so she doesn’t cope well when someone tells her know.
She was genuinely shocked when she was fired because as Brooke’s daughter she has been untouchable no matter what she does or doesn’t do.
She thought someone one would intervene as they always have.
This may be a good life lesson for her if she has to be responsible for her actions for once. She’s in her 30’s and setting a terrible example for Beth.
It’s time to grow up. Any other company would have fired her a long time ago for her insubordination and her lack of performance.
Let’s hope Hope uses this as a growing moment, she probably won’t but we can hope!
Just maybe this is all Carters manipulation. He really showed no interest in Hope, at first agreeing with Ridge and Steffy the line should be pulled. It was losing money. Then when he saw his dream of turning the company into a luxury brand being cast aside, he needed a way to take control. Hope getting fired was perfect timing. His defense to Ridge will be that Hope seduced and manipulated him to sign the papers.
DeleteI'm so tired of hope brooks daughter and kates X lover Carter they are truly SICKNING and they just committed fraud conspiracy against forester creation s Stephanie and Eric's family company by tricking steffy and ridge into signing documents under false circumstances its automatically null and void
ReplyDelete"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
DeleteI want Thomas back to dynamite Cope.... For Carter to cry when Hope dumps him for Thomas... I want Thomas to block Hope!
ReplyDeleteRidge is a weak man. He has no backbone.
Thomas might be the only one at this point, to talk some sense into Hope. I still say her change in character has to do with him leaving her and her belief that Steffy caused it.
Deleteyes, when Thomas left he took Douglas with him. Hope is Douglas mom. Hell damn yeah she blames Steffy. How many times are they going to take a child from its mother, first Beth now Douglas. That has to be a lot on any woman to lose a child.
DeleteHope is acting like a succubus. A female demon in dreams that seduce her men. She is using up in a bad way. My goodness, Ridge couldn't believe Carter would betray him. Took a lot of convincing.