
Friday, November 22, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd November 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd November 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Wow Chucky looks quite normal in broad daylight 😅 and Electra is such a darling. "Not the fancy kind" 🥰❤️

    And PS - take that, Brooke haters.

    1. We totally called that, Milla and Renee!! Brooke haters gonna hate as Elle would say!

    2. Lynn you definitely called it (I was a bit undecided), you were really sure like with Thomas and CPS 👏🏼
      Btw I was also kicking when Ridge called Taylor a fixture 😂 We can start calling her the Fixture, it's a Ridge-approved term! 😅

    3. I am here to take my hat off to Brooke... a huge BIG UPS to her. I honestly wasn't sure what she would do, especially knowing it could get her daughter in trouble. Wow wow wow! Now this is real family wars. Logans going against each other is new, like that family sticks together through thick and thin, even when they are wrong. I mean Brooke is still close with Bridget after what she did to her, or with Katie, after what she did to her, or Hope after what she did to her. Even when Hope was making bad decisions she stood by her. So exposing this and telling Ridge that Hope is involved was BOLD! She could left that part out. I am honestly so proud of her for that... she really has been showing a more grown and mature version of herself lately. claps hands.

    4. Exactly Kae! Thank you!! Brooke did everything so perfectly that her haters have no leg, not even a toe to stand on: she said both Hope and Carter are conspiring, she said they are involved, she told Ridge all the risks and spelled out *exactly* what is happening. I don't think anyone has been as bluntly honest in a long long time here. And that despite defending Hope over and over for months. She didn't even barge in to confront them and listen to their story first, but went directly to Ridge, 0 denial. I hope he has the balls and heart to appreciate it.

    5. Brooke did good. I felt for sure she would have barged in and confronted them, but she didn't. Good on her. Can't wait to see Hope explain herself to Brooke.

    6. Elle Hope won't be too worried to explain herself to Brooke, I'm afraid. Brooke has caught her in the act with already 2 men and Hope wasn't at all ashamed, for this one she'll also give all her arguments she's been repeating 😅plus Carter will certainly take it all on himself. He said yesterday that no matter what happens, that's his thing, he's accountable. It seems that next week it will be Ridge vs Carter.
      I wonder if Carter will now rush to file that paperwork and arrive at FC as the new boss.

    7. Carter could still do the right thing. He could confess his plans & explain his reasons to Ridge. Then, he could resign saying that he doesn't expect them to ever trust him again. Of course, Ridge wouldn't accept his resignation. Next week is Thanksgiving, they have to get to a good place so they can all eat turkey 🦃 together...

    8. Brooke did the right thing here. She has changed, like I have said a long time already. She isn't the SFTV anymore. Hope has taken over that title. I must say I do not like this version of Hope. But Steffy has driven her to insanity now. However, if Hope had just admitted that she was waiting for Carter, and that was the reason she wasn't throwing herself at Finn, none of this would have happened.

      Another reason why I think Brooke told Ridge this, it to teach him a lesson of sorts. To show Ridge that you can be a parent, and not always agree with your child, like Ridge has been doing lately with Steffy. Brooke is protecting the company, Ridge hasn't been, when he allowed Steffy to fire Hope over personal issues. He should have put his foot down at Steffy, and explained to her properly WHY she can't fire Hope over personal reasons.

      I hope next week that Ridge will understand Carter, why it drove him to this, and make sure he will talk with Steffy to undo firing Hope. Or, he might let Carter steer the ship, as I said in another post the other day. If f.ex Ridge and Carter decides things, without Steffy knowing Ridge is also behind the decisions, Carter might not object to being the big bad wolf telling Steffy no to things.

    9. Malin, thank you! Yes that's a good lesson for Ridge for sure. I hope he sees it. To be fair, he's not blindly supporting all of Steffy's nonsense, but certainly isn't direct enough to tell her when she's out of line. He's bouncing back and forth and trying to keep the peace which doesn't work. I expect, however, that he'll disappoint Brooke somehow. She'll be very hurt that she put him and his company above everything and without a second of hesitation, only for him to do whatever Ridge thing he's about to do.
      Renee, I seriously doubt Carter will voluntarily give up his plan now that he has the papers. He's way too invested in his own interests and those of the Logans (= Hope's) in this matter. He may try to negotiate something though, like he'll give up his power if x, y, z happens.

    10. I am hoping good will win over evil. Hope needs to do some soul searching. She has changed & not for the better.

    11. I have to say Brooke really impressed me today! She did the right thing and completely broke with past habits by not hiding Hope’s wrong doing and rationalising it away!

      She was a class act today!

      Hope is a snake. She has always been manipulative man’s selfish it’s just coming out into the open!

      Ridge backed Brooke and Hope over Steffy all his life and when he finally stands up for his daughter he gets blasted for it.

      Hope has it wrong way round… Hope has ALWAYS gotten whatever she wanted on a platter. Her mum made sure of it! It is the height of hypocrisy for her to say anything about Steffy at all!

      Carter I hope they kick you and your nasty brat out of the company.

      Carter hasn’t filed those papers yet and they can walk that back by getting ahold of them and shredding them.

      Hope is using all her tricks to keep Carter doing what she wants. Apple never did fall far from the tree!


    12. I said yesterday that Brooke wasn’t the same Brooke & that I thought she was going to tell Ridge. I’m so proud of Brooke (character)

    13. Milla, Electra really is darling. Such a classic beauty. Hoping she stays humble and kind.

    14. Lynn that's true, Electra is just such a breath of fresh air. Her lines are also good and not too cheesy. I can't wait to see what this guy wants. I just don't believe deep down that he is just an obsessed stalker, there must be more to the story. Someone said that he'll probably start working at IG, I believe so too. Under Sheila's wing 😅🙈🙈

    15. Electra has a bit of Audrey Hepburn about her! She’s really lovely!

  2. So proud of Brooke for doing the right thing! You go, girl! 👏👏

    1. I never thought Brooke wud of told Ridge wat was happening
      But she did
      Bravo Brooke

    2. Yes, me too. She went direct to Ridge, couldn't believe how evil her Daughter is. Brooke and Ridge forever

    3. I am really proud too, what a move.

    4. Aw Unknown is a Bridge fan 😀❤️ I used to be too. Let's see if he's worthy of her or pulls a waffler.

    5. I'm so proud of Brooke today!!👏🏻

    6. Also in STEFFY & TAYLOR’S FACE….what are they gonna say about Brooke now that she did the right thing by telling Ridge. 😂

    7. @Kelly15 it's just a pity that Brooke is NOT forthcoming ALL THE TIME, if she was there would be LESS Brooke haters 🤣🤣🤣🚩 honesty is the best policy and she needs to realize that keeping secrets doesn't count in her favour BUT I am skeptical, did she only tell Ridge because she was scared of losing him 🤣 could it be a typical Logan stunt for self gain 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Ridge to Taylor — “You’re really becoming a fixture around here.”
    Fixture, loiterer….whatever!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. "Maybe we should get you a badge & a parking space...". Taylor can't take a hint.

    2. And, you know that Taylor wanted to hear what Brooke had to say. The tiniest bit of encouragement & Taylor would have stayed.

    3. I just LOVE it when he teases her and jokes around, she seems to bring out the humour in him and it was so cute when he said "you are family, you are welcome here any time" I don't see his humour when he is around Hogan🤣🤣🤣🚩

    4. Renee of course poor woman wanted to hear what Brooke has to say. I'm so glad she left for once and didn't stay to chime in on every matter that is literally not her business. The writers may not be the brightest but that high stakes pressure just needed to be between the two main characters.

  4. Eh eh, so Brooke has a conscience. I'm not a fan, but I say ...muff respect to her. Guess she weighed the pros and cons of her destiny..

    1. As Hope used to say "people can change". Brooke has changed for the better & Hope has changed for the worst.

    2. Right!!! been noticing the change in her character lately... she has her moments but since attempting her "bestie" friendship with taylor, she really is more mature than the destiny version.

  5. Tks and have a nice weekend Bob 🙏

  6. Way to go, Brooke! I expected her to barge into the cabin and try to talk some sense into Carter but, she slipped out without either him or Hope knowing she was there and went straight to Ridge. Can't wait to see what happens next. This is the second time Carter has shown that he cannot be trusted. First with Eric, and now with Ridge. And I wonder how is Hope going to react when she finds out that her own mother ratted her and Carter out. Serves her right for blatantly lying to Brooke.

    Finally, the truth about Carter and Hope is out. It's only a matter of time before Steffy, and everyone else, realizes that Hope was not after Finn! Bring it on!

    Remy looks very creepy. Clearly, Electra doesn't know his dark side. I'm excited about this storyline too.

    1. Elle totally agree, Brooke really surprised us all.. mainly because this affects her daughter. But now the problem is, even when everyone discovers that Steffy and Finn had it all wrong, the coup will take center stage, and further antagonise Steffy because it will prove what she's being saying all along that Hope hasn't been the same since officially divorcing Liam. So even if you weren't after Finn, she's going to say "i told you Hope was getting into Carter's head" etc and that she warned Carter that Hope's influence may be bad for him. So this is still going to be bad for all parties involved.

    2. I only caught the very end. Have to watch all later. I too thought Brooke would barge in first and try and talk them out of it. I'm surprised she went straight to Ridge but, even more surprised she named Hope. That took alot, to out her daughter like that.

    3. Hope & Carter should have told Steffy/Ridge the complete truth from the very beginning! So all this, is really ON Hope & Carter!!

    4. We will find out next week, but I am not so sure that Ridge will tell Steffy this. He might just have this talk with Carter alone, to get a feel for what Brooke was saying to him. And then he might even tell Carter to go ahead and file the papers, if he agrees to discuss things with Ridge before doing any huge moves. This way, his hands will be clean and he can agree with Carter in private, and just for show agree with Steffy so she thinks she has her dad on her side, which won't matter anyways, if Carter is able to decide everything alone.

    5. Malin, you may be right. Carter is like a brother to Ridge so, Ridge will speak to Carter alone without Steffy and her sassiness. And, he just might understand why Carter did what he did and allow him to file the papers "as is." If it goes down that way, it would be interesting to see how Hope fits into all this. Would Ridge allow Carter to reinstate Hope knowing that it will upset Steffy?

    6. The problem is Carter now has sole control of Forrester and answers to no one! He is going to turn it into a conglomerate which all of the Forresters agreed was a NO GO!!!

      Carter staged a coup and Hope will be right there and she wants Ridge and Steffy gone from the company they own!!!

    7. Malin & Elle I highly doubt Ridge will tell Carter to file the papers as is😂 That’s definitely not going to take place.

    8. Elle I just can't imagine what can Carter say to Ridge that he hasn't said already when he was trying to convince him with good. What argument can be strong enough to convince Ridge his brother/lawyer going behind his back, committing felony and targeting the power of his family company was justified. If they can pull this off I'd be impressed. Steffy won't be though 😂 Carter certainly ain't her brother!

    9. BBFan and Milla, excellent points. If Ridge agrees to this, there will be certain conditions, of course, such as the company remaining a family company.

      I don't think Carter can justify his actions because he knows it's wrong and is very conflicted. Steffy firing Hope or the Logans being treated unfairly is not a reason for staging an attempted coup!

      I read that Justin gets involved so none of this may not even happen.

    10. Elle I'm glad they are bringing Justing back and not just as a red herring like on the Luna storyline. He was supposedly hired at FC over a year ago but we never heard anything after... If Carter hasn't filed the docs then I can't see any of this happening, Ridge can report him directly and have him disbarred if not worse (not that he would, it's not Suits). Justin would have to fight Carter if he already has taken over...
      Btw it seems Hope will turn it around and blame Brooke for "betraying" her 😅 apparently following the famous tactic here that an offense is a best defense.

    11. Justin against Carter. Hmm. Both brilliant minds however, Justin has street smarts after working with Bill for so long. Justin should be able to make this problem go away. It's what he's good at.

      As for Hope, I'm not surprised she would turn around and blame Brooke. Brooke has enabled her, covered for her and ensured that Hope always got what she wanted all her life. Hope will see what Brooke did as a betrayal.

  7. I'm glad Brooke did the right thing. Even as angry as she was at Steffy for firing Hope and cutting HFTF, she knows what Carter and her own daughter are doing is wrong. Not fair to Ridge, Eric, and even Steffy. I'm excited to see Ridge confront Carter next week. Fire that rat!🐀
    I wonder if Electra's stalker will ask Deacon for a job at the restaurant, because the place is so busy now.

  8. wtf is wrong with Brooke?!! If she started telling everything to Ridge, why didnt she told him that Hope being in lingerie was also for Carter..?
    She acted like a kindergarden stupid girl.

    1. Save something for next week... Ridge was struggling to process it all as it was.

    2. If I was Brooke I had started to say after she said Hope and Carter are involved that Hope was waiting for Carter in lingery and she didn't know at all Finn was there! "I told you Steffy was wrong about that and wrong for fire Hope but you wouldn't listen. So Carter was mad and ........".

    3. For sure the lingerie episode will be mentioned next. Brooke was sticking to the headlines in this conversation 😅

    4. If Brooke had taken that tack Ridge would have shut down and not heard anything she said. He is struggling to believe his best just stole his company out fr underneath him while lying to his face!!!!

    5. Celinah….Brooke didn’t tell Ridge about Hope being in lingerie bcuz Hope asked her not to. That is a personal ordeal. However, the backstabbing is on a whole different level of personal business that needed told. Huge difference.

  9. That doesn't look like the same Chucky as the first time he debut on the show. He looks different with that hat he's wearing.

    1. I know right? But it's the same Chucky aka Remy. He found our favorite doe Electra ❤️

  10. Thanks Bob.

    Proud of Brooke, told Ridge what is Carter and Hope up to!!!

    And the music that comes on when Hope and Carter kissing and all is cringe!!!!

    Can't wait to see Ridge confronting Carter!!!

  11. Well done Brooke now you are behaving as a True Forrester
    But Hope is manipulating Carter so we have to see her evil little mind twitching
    Thank you Bob
    Have a nice weekend xxxx

    1. Yup ...Hope is manipulating Carter as she sees his anger she fuels it for sure to get him to do what she wants! This is the lowest I've ever seen Hope ... she's become dangerous! Now the take-over begins & she grabs his emotions with sex so Carter will now register the papers just for her! He's such an idiot!!!

  12. When Hope and Carter are going to kiss i fast forward, everytime 😂🥴

    1. they have zero chemistry... prefabricated couple and no passion, no story...

    2. And especially the song in the background 🤢🤦🏻‍♀️

    3. 🤣😂 ... so do I ... Every time LOL not interested in watching Hope & Carter get it on! YUK ...YUK ...YUK!!!

  13. Wow all you Brooke haters and now what, all of a sudden she’s a hero for telling ridge , wow , that’s a bit odd , I always loved Brooke since day one , and without her the show would be so boring , good on ya Brooke I hope you stay on the show forever , and don’t pay any attention to these Brooke haters

    1. Brooke has been a really good woman for a long time. The Brooke fans know this to be true. So when all the SFTV stuff gets spewed on the blog, we know better! Brooke is awesome!!

    2. Georgie, Whether I like Brooke or not she did the right thing and I give her total respect for that!

      It was difficult to out her daughter and it couldn’t have been easy telling Ridge that!

      I respect that she didn’t try to talk Carter and Hope around like she normally does but went directly to Ridge to warn him!

      That took courage and myself and others who are not her fans have acknowledged that accordingly!

      I don’t think we should be castigated for recognising her positive behaviour!

    3. BBFan👍. As I said above, that took a lot of guts to out Hope like that. She could have just said what Carter was up to

    4. @Georgi1 she only told Ridge because she was scared of losing him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🚩

    5. She did this only to keep her man and not out of charity.
      Her daughter comes second, behind her man....

    6. BBFan considering the avalanches of hate to Logans on daily basis repeating over and over AND OVER the same, I can understand why those who don't dare to write so much (because are on the other side) feel satisfied now.

    7. Maybe if some posts were written more balanced, that wouldn't be the case.

    8. If people dislike a character, they dislike a character and it's their perogative to discuss that character in any way they want. And if the character does something positive, and gets praised for it, even from the haters, that's a good thing. It doesn't mean she's suddenly a hero, it just means she did something positive.

      Taylor subtlely called out Ridge and Steffy the other day for their firing of Hope and all we heard was about her loitering. At least the Brooke haters can be objective when it's necessary.

    9. Elle yes they can discuss a character in any way they want. I'd like this to go both ways when people dare to express their opinion about Steffy. They don't necessarily need to be met with all this negativity that I see under literally every post about her.

      Do you see ANY Logan supporter jump into the same lengthy offense under the hate posts about them? Or any response for that matter? I don't. Because we are tired. At least I am.
      So now that the hate mouths can finally be shut for at least one episode (and only about Brooke), it's normal those who don't feel like they can freely post feel this type of justice.

    10. And no Brooke haters are the least objective as it's painfully obvious. It's her fans like me and Lynn who are able to discuss in a more calm manner and regularly give credit to the other side and critique to their favorites. I don't know what comments you have been reading but it's not these here.

    11. Milla I spent months not daring to post anything positive about the Forresters because of the hateful personal attacks that ensued ! There are quite a few people that left the board either for an extended duration or permanently because anyone daring to like Steffy, Taylor, Thomas etc had extended rants and abuse thrown at them.

      There is a huge difference in attacking the behaviour of a fictional character and attacking actual posters themselves!

      I can totally disagree on characters while having full respect for you, Lynn, Malin, etc who usually (not always) land on opposite sides of the spectrum.

      I don’t think it’s fair to count the trolls that are very rude on here and happen to be Forrester fans. They certainly don’t represent me and other posters likely feel the same.

    12. I would just like to point out that calling a character out for their bad actions, hypocrisy etc isn’t = to hating! That gets thrown around a lot!

      There was Mmysh that literally used to call FFs liars every time we posted anything positive about Forresters or tried to tell about past history that impacts the current SLs, especially the revisionist history Brad Bell has done! His poor father is rolling in his grave!

      End of the day, as Elle said whatever character you like or not, everyone should have a voice.

      It is okay to disagree with another poster’s comment especially when they have been watching for a short time and don’t know the backstory which makes a huge difference in how one views the current situations!

    13. I’m sorry for posting walls. Honestly it’s difficult to read some of the comments that are based on a short viewing span and cast certain characters as villains without taking the past into account.

      I’m glad Brooke is making positive changes but her past behaviours have had far reaching repercussions on the current characters.

    14. Very well said, BBFan.

      Milla, all I was trying to say is that because the Brooke non-supporters give her credit for doing good, doesn't make her (Brooke) a hero as the OP stated. It just means she did something that, for once, we can all agree was something good.

    15. Your 'walls' are appreciated by many of us, BBFan, and the way you write to make your posts easier to read might make them seem longer. I, for one, have been watching from the beginning but enjoy your refreshers in history because I surely don't remember details like you and some of the other posters. Thank you. 💐

    16. BBFan, as not a long time viewer, I enjoy your walls of past history. I didn't want to bring up names but Mmysh was the worst to attack people "personally". There's a huge difference between having a different opinion, and personally insulting somebody because they have a different opinion. I and others were called, pathetic, sick, no morals, supporters of abuse and murderers, twisting facts of history to support your own narrative, hypocritical, I can go on and on but yes, alot of good people got tired of it and left. Sorry for the rant, it was a bad day . BBFan your posts are well said and enjoyed by alot.

    17. Thanks ladies! I enjoy the lively banter here! It’s boring if we all see things the same way.

  14. Wow, FINALLY HOgan was forthcoming, if ONLY she was like this all the time, there would be less HOgan haters, but I'm skeptical, did she ONLY tell Ridge because she was scared of losing him 🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣 SO glad that Ridge told Taylor she's family and welcome at FC any time, I love the way he jokes and teases her 🤣 he only seems to have humour around her, probably too scared to bring out his humour when his with HOgan 🤣 I absolutely love Elektra and Will ❤️ There's that manipulative HOpe, convincing Carter to do it and sealing the deal with nooky.... typical 🤣🤣🤣🤣🚩

  15. I see that Brooke is putting "her keyhole destiny" first. She's afraid of losing him to Taylor.

    Her daughter, if she has to sacrifice her to keep her boyfriend, she'll sacrifice her. That's how she got Hope, by stealing her daughter's husband....

    Charity begins at home! Ha ha ha! I'll never be a fan of a woman who breaks up families to make her own!

    1. So, you're not a Steffy fan either, given she needed paternity to determine both of her baby's daddies? The first paternity test was between Steffy's husband & father-in-law. The second paternity test was between her ex (now with a new family) & her beloved Finn. That is all kinds of homewrecking. Save the Hope history. Hope is also a homewrecker. Steffy & Hope should be BFFs. Two peas in a pod.

    2. Steffy doesn't pretend to be a saint and doesn't blame others for her faults. Hypocrisy at its peak.

      The only fault was sleeping with Bill! Hope sleeps with Steffy's husbands because jealousy eats away at her. Steffy, despite everything, always manages to move forward and find happiness. Hope is a notorious dissatisfied! HOPE IS THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITE!

    3. 😂😂😂 Steffy's only fault is sleeping with Bill. 😂😂😂 Don't forget Steffy slept with Liam while he was married to Hope & she was with Finn. That is why she needed a paternity test to determine who was Hayes's daddy. I guess Steffy just hadn't found enough "happiness" with Finn at that point in their relationship (despite being pregnant with his child) to move forward with only Finn. 😂😂😂 Hope knows she is not a saint. She has even asked "what is wrong with me?" Nobody considers her to be a saint! 😂😂😂 Steffy seems pretty miserable for a person who has found happiness. Lately, she has been acting like Cruella. 😂😂😂

    4. what husband of Hope? the one she took when she got pregnant with Liam, Kelly's father?
      She wasn't married to Finn and then blame Steffy for still loving her daughter's father...

  16. I haven't liked Brooke for a very long time, but wow today she proved her worth.
    It was really mature and I came to love her for it.

  17. Kudos to Brooke. I hope Ridge and Carter can make amends and that Ridge realizes his pompous dismissiveness of Carter deeply insulted Carter, causing him to take action for the good of FC. I also hope that Brooke and Hope get apologies for not being believed by the Forresters when they insisted the lingerie incident was a misunderstanding. I also hope Finn's big ego gets knocked down a few pegs when he realizes he's not the man of Hope's dreams.

  18. OK! Somebody on a Facebook thread pointed out that Ridge DID NOT sign 1 of the copies. If you watch closely, he hid his signature and the camera focused on it. He then kept the signed copy and gave Carter the unsigned one. It's a possibility. Now wouldn't THIS be interesting!

  19. J, l noticed only 1 copy had Carters name but not sure how that will play out or if will mean anything. Next week will be interesting when Ridge confronts him.

    1. J, you're right. Had the time to watch that again more closely. Ridge did just hand over one copy. Next week should be interesting. 🤞

  20. Oh well no carter as of next month he’s leaving the show either he’s going to prison or they gonna kill him off

    1. They say it's just a rumor, that he is staying on B&B. He's not listed as a cast member on The Gates.

    2. When is this gates show gonna be showing and is the bold still gonna be on

  21. I never liked him with hope anyway , they didn’t suit each other at all ewww
