
Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-21-24 Full episode B&B 21st November 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-21-24 Full episode B&B 21st November 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. man you read a contract before you put you sign it ow lord

    1. Chief Baker to Hope and Carter… you’re under arrest!

    2. BBFan 🀣 if only, that would be comical. For once he would be doing his job.

  2. Hilarious how oblivious Steffy is rushing the signing of the papers and how the Loiterer of all people distracted them from the situation πŸ˜‚ Reminds me of Steffy's passport debacle. Fools rush in.

    Carter should listen to his conscience but we know he won't πŸ™ˆ I wonder if next time we see Charlie he'll be bringing someone moving boxes.

    1. I don't think he should fire Steffy and Ridge. Just that they have to go through Carter for everything would be punishment enough for Steffy at least. Steffy and Ridge could be his advicors. If he would listen, that is another matter all together πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Idk, I just want Steffy to grovel a bit, she has been so nasty through everything. Even before the kiss that happened at Erics with Finn and Hope. She has always hated the Logans, because of him leaving her mom for Brooke. However, Brooke had him first, and not like she bewitched him or could steal him from anyone, he was his own man making his own decisions.

    2. lol yeah that was just Stupid of Steffy. on one hand she's saying she doesn't trust Carter's judgement anymore... but on the other she "trust's Carter" so sign the papers lol. Well i hate to say it but i do look forward to this coup and whatever it brings. It will be interesting to see how Ridge views what Carter has done. How Brooke manages Hope knowing she was involved. How she intends to deal with it with Ridge. How Eric will feel, knowing this is the second time Carter betrays him. If Taylor is going to be going around saying i told you so. I mean it's obvious people will put 2 and 2 together when they find out Hope and Carter are a couple.

    3. Ooooooh and Zende who wants so badly to be head designer... where would that leave him with his family. Or RJ because this affects his dad. I mean the whole thing is all kinds of nuts.

    4. Kae very good points and I'm also looking forward to all that. But maybe Brooke will stop it and then we don't see any drama πŸ˜…

      Malin it's true they probably won't be fired or in some other way removed. Steffy will always be the way she is - a bully, but I doubt either her or Ridge will give up without a fight. I kinda feel bad for Ridge because he didn't cause this mess, he was not part of it and he even had the good sense to go to Finn to try to get him to think. Ridge didn't even want to be part of any managerial stuff, the guy wanted to design 😁

    5. Hope is turning just as devious as Steffy. I don’t like this Hope at all. I may dial back my support of her. What she is doing and how she is doing it is straight up wrong. Carter is going to be the biggest victim in all this. And Hope has to realize that. She is acting over the top selfish!!

    6. Lynn I think hardly anyone is supper impressed with Hope personally right now and especially her fans hate that transformation. But we can still hope for a good storyline of how this coup will unfold. It would be disappointing if nothing comes of it and there's no fallout for Steffy. Which I don't believe will happen.

    7. Lynn, I’ve always liked Hope but I think this is wrong. I do think she really likes Carter (hope I’m not wrong & she’s not using him) but if she really liked him I’d think she not support this or encourage it. I’m not a fan of Steffy at all anymore. She’s such a hypocrite. I think Brooke will tell Ridge but I think it will be too late. I think Brooke has came a long way.

    8. Lynn, now it's my turn to applaud your objectivity! Brava! Hope is indeed being very selfish. I am hoping that Brooke realizes that it might be time for Hope to speak to a therapist to help her sort out all that has been going on with her over the past few months. And you're right about Carter, he has the most to lose.

    9. Milla, Carter should indeed listen to his conscience instead of being coerced by Hope. Since Brooke now realizes that her daughter straight up lied to her, maybe she can be the voice of reason to Carter and tell him to carefully consider what he is doing and think about his friendship with Ridge.

    10. Kelly15 — agreed!

      Elle - thank you!

    11. Milla, Steffy seems to come away unscathed most often. I would really like to see her squirm for once!

    12. I still have faith that Brooke will do the right thing! 😊

      Can’t believe Ridge didn’t question Carter further and Carter didn’t get fired. He must have been SWEATING standing there!

    13. Lynn Brooke certainty won't get hypnotized by this insane idea like Hope did. She knows what's at stake and how it will cause so much more divide and pain for everyone.

      I was expecting exactly something like this with Carter and Ridge tbh. We know how it works on our soap - when it looks like someone is on the edge and there's no other way but to fall, they still make it. I didn't expect Steffy and Taylor to be the ones to contribute to it happening though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚that was a sweet serving of karma right there.
      Poor Ridge πŸ˜…

    14. Poor Ridge! πŸ˜‚ For once, he wasn't sitting there in silence needing to be hit by a pinecone! πŸ˜‚ Nope, his own daughter discouraged his questioning the paperwork by saying, "c'mon it's Carter". πŸ˜‚ Hurry up & sign so I can talk to Mom!

    15. Hahah Renee exactly! πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ that was as much funny as it was cringe for me to watch.

  3. These episodes are never of the best quality and the audio is just bad there no way you can fix this?! Or whoever uploads these episodes?!?

  4. And are we ever going to see Sheila again?! The halloween episode was terrible!!!!! She barely spoke a full dialogue and then she was gone again. Terrible terrible writing these past few months!!

  5. Ayeye Brooke... what are you going to do? Your sweet innocent daughter is a part of a coup against your husband.

    1. Poor Brooke. First, her sweet innocent daughter cheats on her husband, then gets into a passionate relationship with a man who Brooke does not approve of. Then, her sweet innocent daughter goes after a married man, and not just any married man, but Steffy's husband! And now, her sweet innocent daughter is planning a coup! Her head is probably spinning. Lol.

  6. Yes Brooke your darling little Hope the manipulator who dont care about anyone except herself
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  7. This is called Betrayal right ... Carter and Hope will pay dearly for this. What a disaster πŸ˜”

    1. Hope just might come away unscathed. Carter is the one who will get all the backlash.

  8. Brooke your sweet innocent girl is not innocent after all!! But a manipulator!!! Her true colors.
    She doesn't respect the Forrester.
    Ohhh i grew up there too blah blah.
    Don't even hesitating the potential takeover. More like...encouraging and giving Carter ideas that this is a good idea!!!!
    I want to see the look on Eric, Ridge and Steffy faces when they finds out. Carter is not a true and loyal , he claim he is.

  9. Brooke has always excused any inappropriate behaviour by Hope because of poor little Hope went through so much… blah blah. She was raised as a Princess in Mummy’s palatial estate and mansion. It was gifted to mummy by Ridge. Hope still lives in the grounds in the cabin! She has been spoiled and given everything her heart could desire on a platinum platter her entire life. She is a trust fund brat who was spoiled and entitled. That includes being given her own clothing line at 17 years old!

    I was cross hearing Hope and Brooke talk about Liam having a child with Steffy, since Steffy was actually Liam’s wife for years when she got pregnant! Hope got pregnant with Beth while he was married to Steffy!

    All those years “Steffy was around” … she was also Liam’s wife for most of them, which Hope and Brooke like to forget!

    The only decent length of time Hope and Liam were actually married was after they got baby Beth back!

    I’m really concerned that Brooke will back Hope again, make excuses for her again, and once again allow Forrester to be tricked and stolen by the Logans!

    Hope once again has Carter taking all the risk and will pretend ignorance and innocence when it goes down! She says it’s his decision then strikes his ego and pushes his buttons to get him to do what she wants!

    She was right he was the only man in position to give her what she wants… power, revenge etc!

    Her words about Logans being held to unfair standards??? Like you are expected to do your job, that performance is expected, and if your line is draining massive money from the company it gets cut like any other then … how unfair πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„.

    She is soooooo entitled! I’m a Logan and have a right to a big fat salary even if I do nothing and my line bankrupts Forrester!

    I have seen a lot of comments recently about how Carter is trying to save Forrester from Steffy’s bad management. Since when????

    Forrester is doing fine. Ridge and Carter were all for cutting HFTF because it ran its course and they can do use the money on current lines and to reboot the jewellery line as well.

    That is normal business practice. You don’t keep throwing money and resources at a failing line that is draining the profits from your performing ones!

    Forresters NOT wanting to change from a family owned and run Fashion House into a heavily debt ridden conglomerate held by public shareholders isn’t ruining the company!

    Carter and Hope are just rationalizing stealing something that isn’t theirs!

    Steffy showed that she does respect Carter and his contributions! She signed because she believed him to be the honest friend, and employee he has been in the past!

    1. Weirdly enough i want this to play out. Though i am not surprised with Hope's "not so conflicted" reaction to this takeover, i would like to see her continue to encourage Carter to do this-- not realising the affects not only on Steffy and Ridge, but her mom too. This certainly will put Brooke in an awkward position especially how it will affect her and Ridge, but also her and Hope, because she will need to come to terms with the fact that Hope is indeed out of control and that she isn't as innocent as she plays, because even if Carter does this, for someone she claims to love... he has way more to lose in this decision than she does to gain. This whole decision could potentially destroy FC because the same buyers they are worried about, will have questions about why Carter is now running the business called Forrestor Creations without the Forrestors. Hope's line was still suffering so this decision may not help it, because people will have questions-- at least i hope they do. We haven't even addressed how Katie might feel about Carter and her niece. Like the whole thing is a MESS.

    2. @BBFan you nailed it. Carter is in two minds, HOpe is pushing him, she planned this ALL along, she knew he would come up with a plan one way or another if she played victim long enough, shed a few tears and spread her legs‼️🚩 her words "finally I found a man who is willing to fight for me" 🀣🀣🀣 did Thomas NOT fight for her πŸ€” she wasn't READY for marriage three months ago but I bet my bottom dollar if Carter proposes she will accept without hesitation which confirms that she DID use ThomasπŸ€” Steffy is πŸ’―% correct, Hope IS A BITCH ‼️

    3. Carter's idea is not a bad idea. And if FC decided to go in that direction, they can be very successful because they are already very well respected and very successful as an international company. The thing is, they just don't want to move in that direction and it seems, Carter is not understanding that. While his initiative is good, he needs to listen to the owners of the company and respect their decision on the matter. I wonder if he does go ahead with the coup if he would implement his ideas for the company?

  10. That Taylor barging in at the wrong time...Ridge was onto something.Carter is making a huge mistake he will live to regret it.

    1. Seriously, there needs to be a secretary outside that door that polices people from barging in whenever it suits them. The amount of interruptions they get is crazy! Either make an appointment or the secretary will check to see if they are able to receive a visitor. Relatives should not be dropping by every day to chat!

    2. Why do people have a problem with Taylor visiting her family? Really? What is it?

    3. Do your relatives visit your workplace daily? Most businesses would not tolerate that as it is disruptive to conducting business. It is not because it is Taylor. It wasn't right when Poppy visited Luna regularly either. If Taylor hadn't interrupted, I believe Ridge was about to get to the bottom of why Carter signed the LLC paperwork. But, Taylor interrupted & Ridge & Steffy rushed in on thru. It would have been interesting if Ridge had figured it out. So, nothing against Taylor personally. I just don't think anyone should be visiting daily at a place of business where they aren't employed.

    4. Family run businesses, it's not unusual. One thing I noticed yesterday, if that was 2 copies of the LLC, the first one Steffy and Ridge signed didn't have Carter's signature, it was the second one Ridge noticed Carters name was there. He even glanced over at what Steffy was signing, then lost where he was in the paperwork. Might re-watch that again before watching todays

    5. I agree that it's odd for someone to drop by their adult child's place of business so often. I've been at the same job for over 10 years. Not one family member has ever dropped by to see me. They have jobs, kids, and things to do. I would be too busy for a visit. Maybe we meet for lunch somewhere.

    6. Agreed D. Family run business AND they are owners/executives, not lower level employees.

      Renee, my job is pretty flexible and they don't sweat about this stuff. My daughter used to visit me on a daily basis and, a lot of times, spent the day with me. Another one of our employees has his wife frequently (not daily) vist him. Another one not only had his wife, but his kids there frequently as well.

      Taylor doesn't visit on a daily basis. It may seem that way because one day in the soap world spans 3 - 4 days in real time, sometimes even an entire week. We actually saw Taylor working at home recently when Brooke stopped by to visit and we know some time would have passed because Brooke had on that lovely long-sleeved white top which she no longer has on. And another thing, if Taylor isn't visiting her family at the office, they all, at some point show up at her (Steffy's) place. If it isn't Ridge, it's Brooke.

    7. Luna was not an owner/executive, yet her mommy visited her in the office regularly. When the owners/executives allow their family members to loiter at the workplace, it sends the message that it is acceptable for all employees to allow their families the office anytime. This policy will make it easy for Electra's stalker to drop by whenever he wants. Hope should start dropping by FC daily to talk to her mommy. That wouldn't be any different than what Taylor does...

    8. I didn’t hear anyone complaining about all the times Liam shows up at the office for Hope or Steffy. Or when Katie had Will there when he didn’t work there or when RJ was always stopping in before he starts there. How many times did Brooke show up and even crash board meetings when she wasn’t working there. Flo had her mum there all the time, Donna drops in whenever she wants too! Wyatt used to pop in to see Sally and the list goes on and on and on!

      It’s so hypocritical to only bash Taylor or Finn when so many other people just pop in whenever! The Forresters own the company and run the company! They have every right to have whoever they want drop by!

      Taylor was specifically told by Ridge, Eric and Steffy that she is family and always welcome at Forrester.

    9. Elle, yes alot of family run businesses are like that. A few inlaws run their own business, and it's nothing for other family members to just drop in and hang around.

    10. Agreed BBFan and D.

      I still haven't heard a real reason as to why it is forbidden for family members to visit family at work. Where Taylor is concerned, a lot of the time, either Ridge or Steffy ask her to come in to see them as well.

    11. Renee, and if Hope starts doing that, it is all well and good. Brooke is her mom and, as far as I am concerned, Hope can visit her as often as she likes.

    12. Elle, Hope's badge was taken away. She was told she is not allowed to enter FC any longer.

    13. Elle, with regards to your comment about wanting a real reason as to why it is forbidden to visit family at work, clearly it is not forbidden at FC & many real companies. It depends on the business. Government employees are badged & you don't even get on the property without a badge. We are going to have to agree to disagree on this. Can you imagine a surgeon just stopping an operation or a judge stopping a trial or the Senate stopping their proceedings because somebody's family member dropped by? My point was that it can be disruptive. Taylor clearly took Ridge & Steffy's focus off the important paperwork. Her interruption could cost them FC.

    14. Of course, family visiting will depend on the type of business. It's why we said that FC is a family run business, so it's quite okay, in my opinion.

      Regarding Taylor, I don't know if I would put that on her since Ridge found it strange that Carter's name was there before Taylor showed up. A simple interruption should not have thrown him off so much that he could not return to the business at hand. Steffy told him to go ahead and sign it and that's what he did. He should have combed through the entire document if he had concerns about Carter's name being there. If Carter goes ahead with this coup, can Ridge honestly look at Taylor and tell her that he blames her for interrupting him?

      But, as you said, we will agree to disagree. :)

  11. HOpe you ARE A BITCH... Steffy is right‼️πŸ’―πŸ‘

  12. And there it IS, people on the blog blaming Steffy 🀣🀣🀣🀣 Steffy gets called a bully because she can see right through the HOgans bullshit lies and manipulation therefore she takes NO crap from them, calls them out on their BS and then people call her a bully for it 🀣🀣🀣🀣🚩 it's HYSTERICAL 🀣🀣🀣🀣 GO STEFFY, GIVE These SFTV a run for their money πŸ‘πŸ’―

  13. So, all of a sudden, after literally forcing Carter's hand and using manipulation tactics to get him to move forward with the coup, it "doesn't sit well" with Hope? Since when? If it didn't sit well with her, why didn't she discuss it with Brooke when Brooke asked her what was wrong? Matter of fact, why didn't she discourage Carter if it didn't sit well with her. She knows how much he stands to lose. If she really loved him, she wouldn't want him to take such a huge risk.

    I loved Taylor bringing some perspective to this whole situation when she suggested that Ridge and Steffy needed time to come around where firing Hope is concerned. And when Steffy said it was already done and she wasn't changing her mind, Taylor questioned whether she would feel the same if Ridge asked her to revisit her decision. For today, Taylor was the adult in the room. Brava!

    Brooke seemed to be pretty shocked by what she was hearing from Hope and Carter. I wonder if she will now support Taylor's suggestion that Hope seek professional help?

    1. I wish Brooke would get Hope some help. Honestly Brooke believed all the lies Hope just fed her! She literally just showed in one conversation that everything she just told Brooke is a complete lie and betrayal!

      Brooke always finds a way to justify her daughter’s bad behaviour!

      You can love your child and still hold them accountable! Brooke refuses to do that! She always covers for Hope!

      I remember when Hope thought she killed Thomas in the vat of acid… Brooke lied to Ridge’s face claiming Thomas did a runner abandoning his son, FC etc. She told Hope she would fix it! If she is capable of covering up her daughter killing someone, what is a bit of corporate espionage and stealing, betrayal etc???

      I have a terrible feeling Brooke will just keep quiet and foolishly try to convince her brat of a daughter and Carter to change their minds which they won’t!

    2. I still think Carter might not go through with it, at first. He's showing a lot of quilt and hesitation. It all depends now on Brooke and her reaction and what she persuades them to do that won't implication Hope of course.

    3. Agreed BBFan. Brooke molded Hope and made her what she is today. She always covered for her and gave her whatever she wanted. Even when wishy washy Liam cheated on her, Brooke justified it and ensured that Hope stay with Liam no matter what. As you said, Brooke can love her child, but she also needs to let her be accountable for her actions.

      D, I really hope that Brooke talks Carter down. If not, and she decides to cover for the both of them, once Ridge realizes that Brooke knew all along, it would be the end of them.

    4. I really need to stop posting so late at night. Didn't catch alot of the auto correct words.
      Elle, it will be interesting to see how Brooke handles this andshe sees what her daughter is really capable of.
      I still question the 2 copies of the LLC. The first didn’t have Carters signature. That's when he noticed what Steffy was signing didn’t but the one he was signing did. Then asked Carter, "what's this, why is your name here "

    5. D I think Carter signed both. Ridge caught it because he lost his place in the second document. He’d already signed the first where Carter marked it.

      Ridge wouldn’t have seen the signature except he lost his spot and had to flip through. Carter had it opened to the initial page that was later in the doc than his signature.

      We saw him turning over that page and then handing it to Steffy and Ridge to sign.

      Either way Ridge and Steffy should have had him redraft the document and shredded the signed one.

      By the by, those documents while signed are not in force until they are filed and executed. Until then, they are not in effect.

      So theoretically if Brooke spills the tea, Ridge and Steffy could get the documents back and destroy them. Then deal with the traitors.

  14. This is the true face of the "slut from the valley"!

    She can't stand being told no! And will manipulate that asshole Carter with what she has between her two legs... He's so stupid that he obeys like a good doggie...

    Brooke will shut her mouth because she hates Steffy and Thomas. Hope comes before Ridge!

    I CAN'T WAIT FOR THOMAS TO COME BACK and get rid of the bitch from the valley!



    1. Yeah true steffys the biggest bitch ever

    2. And Hope married and divorced both Wyatt and Liam! Sooo? What?

      So when Hope slept with Steffy’s husband Liam and got pregnant with him that was just fine!

      When Steffy had a miscarriage and Hope slept with her husband Liam and demanded he dump his grieving wife that is fine?

      When Hope gave her virginity to Liam, Steffy’s husband to try and break up their marriage that is fine?

      When Hope cheated on her husband Wyatt with his brother Liam that was fine? Steffy didn’t do that.

      When Hope cheated on her husband Liam with Thomas, then used Thomas for sex while leading him on that was fine?

      When Hope repeatedly tried to seduce Steffy’s husband Finn, that was fine?

      When Hope refused to do her job, was openly insubordinate and horrible to her boss Steffy, that was fine?

      But of course Steffy is the villain.

  17. Blah blah blah everyone relax it’s only acting and go hope get that bitch steffy out of the office , good on ya hope

    1. Oh yes committing a felony or being an accessory is such a classy behaviour! Let’s support that selfish entitlement!

      Hope is a spoiled narcissistic manipulative brat!

  18. Did anyone else catch that Carter had to tell Hope he would be in charge? He would give her and the Logan’s power but it was him that would be the big boss!

    Hope smiles and nods and knows she can manipulate him to do whatever she wants!

    1. Hope said you have a choice but not between two things, just grab his lapels, give him the big doe eyes and tell him to throw Steffy and Ridge out and Take over!!

      Poor Brooke , how much do you love Ridge??? Now it’s truth time!

    2. Brava, BBFan. Hope is really coming undone. I will say it again, Thomas needs to return asap!

  19. No no , hope is getting steffy back for firing her for nothing so go hope all the way and stuff steffy , she deserves everything she gets , sucked in steff

    1. That is all Hope’s fault for doing something totally stupid then refusing to tell the truth!

      Nothing would have happened to her if she had! Hope deliberately created this situation to get Carter on side! It’s on her!

  20. Funny, where is Beth all this time that Hope has it on with Carter? Surely Liam must know about Carter by now. Guess Hope’s job and Carter are much more important than taking care of her child.. would certainly love it if Hope has a chocolate bun in her oven as a remembrance of her tryst with Carter and won’t auntie Kate have something to say about that!!

    1. Oh that would be a great storyline! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
