Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th November 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th November 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

Episodes 11-28-24 and 11-29-24 will not be on TV.


  1. Replies
    1. I think they have American Footy??? Not sure… show is premempted rest of the week and NO Thanksgiving episode this year??

    2. They usually all gather at Eric’s!

  2. I will watch reruns of The Young and the restless and the bold and the beautiful to make it feel like a weekday on both Thursday and Friday.

    1. I'm not Tim but thanks Unknown! I will look for it when I get home later!

  3. Finally ,some seriously good acting today. Can not imagine Carter coming back from this. His fate is really sealed and big of Ridge to give him the option if rectifying it. WOW...this is his down fall and Ridge has clearly has no respect for Hope.Big problems for him & Brooke coming fast.

    1. Agree Debbie....Ridge's speech was right on!

    2. Ridge's speech with Carter was powerful and spot on. Also the way he shut Brooke down when she started to say "it's inexcusable but" Ridge "please don't" Brooke, this you need to remember how it all began when Steffy jumped to conclusions, lets resolve this in a peaceful manner. Lol, she is still trying to make excuses for Hope.

    3. 100% agree @D, Ridge nailed it :)

  4. Thanks Bob.

    Wow the way Hope was creating to Brooke when she overheard. The tone of Hope was evil and is like how dare you mom. And gloat she got on sneak peek ..Carter file the paper!! Hope is manipulative!!! Hopefully Brooke see true color of Hope.

    Oh Ridge is definitely not happy..Carter hooking up with Hope. More so then his own son Thomas and Hope. Lol why!!!? Hopefully that means Thomas and Hope will never be together.

    Now FC please bring down Carter and Hope down. Don't give them second chance!!!!

    1. @CC 100% spot on, HOpe needs to be cut down to size, she is an absolute disgrace and she needs to grow up, maybe she needs to move out of her mammq's tool shed and act like a MOTHER!

  5. Well based on that preview, Carter now owns FC... that was not on my Bingo card. But this version of Hope was definitely in the making.

    She has her "IDGAF" attitude on. she is literally on her downward spiral. i guess they all need to go through the damage character phase, Stephanie, Ridge, Brooke, Taylor, Thorne, Katie, Bill, Steffy, Wyatt, Quinn, Carter... they've all had them. I thought Hope's medicated phase was bad... but this might be the badddd version of her. I mean even against Eric, poor Eric, he fought so hard for her. I said it before and i will say it again.

    Taylor was right, something is wrong with Hope and Brooke should get her some help. Her telling her mom Carter filed the papers, with ZERO care in her eyes, said everything. How will this going to help the Logan's? Donna is married to Eric, who is affected, Brooke is caught in the middle... what is Aunt Katie going to think when she learns about her involvement with Carter smh. She just helped her lover alienate people who treated him like family.

    1. I don't understand how Carter can file the papers knowing that Ridge knows. He is then purposefully committing fraud. Unless it's a setup and Ridge allows him to do it.

    2. Kae, the IDGAF is why we need Thomas back lol. Taylor warned her that Hope needs help, but Brooke thinks her daughter is a saint. Elle, I don't think he has actually filed them yet, it was just Hope that said he did? I'm having problems with buffering so didn't catch everything that was said. I'll try again tomorrow .

  6. Hope showing her true colours! Chucking a tantrum because Mummy told on her!

    Ridge 200% nailed Hope’s character! She’s manipulative, and she will throw Carter away once she gets what she wants!

    She’s a spoiled child, always has been! She doesn’t care about anyone but herself!

    Poor Beth!

    Hope in her Malificent costume 😈

    1. I understand Ridge's position on Hope. He loved her and trusted that she loved his son, only for her to keep him on a string the way she did. Ridge probably sees her very differently after that. No wonder he felt empathy for Carter.

      Hope had matured from who she was when she was younger. Now, it seems she has reverted to the Hope of old. Spoilt and entitled. Such a shame.

    2. 100% BBFan, i think if she moved out of her mother's toolshed MAYBE she would finally grow up and stop throwing tantrums to get what she wants, she is unhinged......didn't you just LOVE Rigde tonight....lmfao :) I think Ridge has been wanting to say this about Hope for many year's, finally he WAS able to speak his mind!

  7. Sorry but Brooke really needs to open her eyes and stop defending Hope there is NO excuse for what she did!

    Still blaming Steffy because she didn’t have the true information and acted on what she saw and Hope’s previous behaviour toward her husband!

    Carter you are a complete tool and a traitor! You great numpty, she’s just using you!!

    Ridge should have kept his mouth shut until Justin could prevent the papers being filed.

    I do think they would have a case for fraud since Carter is in house council and lied to them about what his name means on the papers! He abused his position .

    I hope Justin crushes Hope and Carter!

    1. Ridge gave Carter an ultimatum - him or Hope. Guess Carter chose Hope. However, if he went ahead and filed it, he did so knowing that Ridge knows, which means he knowingly committed fraud, unless Ridge allows him to.

  8. Just wen it gets steaming hott, no episodes. I wonder why

  9. The question is where did Justin go with those Papers ? don't tell me that Dollar Bill will take over FC.

    1. Ridge mentioned that Justin was working with a renowned law firm. Maybe that's where Justin went.

  10. That's bolony Justin is a liar criminal the bottom line is this in null and void not legal ridge and steffy signature was under false circumstances its fraud conspiracy against forester creation s Stephanie and Eric's family company and that's really sick how hope jump s from man to man first liam then Thomas now her aunt kates X player lover Carter

    1. I don't care how concern that Justin seems. He is the guy who dumped Ridge out of a sky high flying helicopter, into a river. I would not trust him.

    2. @Melissa and @Brandy...totally agree......I don't trust Justin either, what if he himself files the papers, i would not have given him a copy of the document if I were Ridge, it's really concerning.

    3. Y'all forget that Justin agreed to be on call for Ridge whenever he needs him in exchange for Ridge and Thomas not pressing charges for locking Thomas up in a cage. Justin would be a fool to try and pull something.

  11. I want Thomas to come back single without Paris with Douglas... Carter will be going to get dumped unceremoniously.

    I want to see Hope grovel for what she's done throughout her life.

    1. 100% Meli, she's an absolute disgrace, she's so unhinged it's not even funny. Karma....that's all i can say!

  12. Look at Ridge placing all the blame on Hope. RIDICULOUS!!! Ridge willing to give Carter another chance as long as he dumps Hope….give me a damn break ! Carter is a BIG BOY!! Ridge you are disgusting!!
    And Hope’s reaction to Brooke was also bull!! Hope should have been groveling!
    Brooke stood her ground with Hope and did not allow Hope to play the victim. Brooke’s disgust with what they did was just as obvious when she confronted Hope. Brooke made NO EXCUSES for Hope!!

    1. I'm really very proud of Brooke, Lynn. I was cheering her on yesterday when she confronted Hope.

      Hope is far gone. I don't know what else to say about her. I was hoping for a turnaround but I'm not so sure now. She keeps sinking deeper and deeper.

      I think Ridge is incensed about Hope's part in the coup because it wasn't too long ago that he seemed to be willing to go against Steffy's decision to bring Hope back. He listened to Brooke and he went to Finn to find out what really happened. And now to learn that she is in on this with Carter probably has him reeling. It's why, I believe, he doesn't want to hear anymore excuses from Brooke where Hope is concerned.

      And to be honest, that's who Ridge is in a general sense. He gives people the benefit of the doubt like he did with Thomas, and now with Hope, and when he comes to the realization that he was wrong all along, he goes completely against them, just like he did when he told Thomas he had to leave the company. I guess it's Hope's turn now.

    2. LYNN Of course everybody is conveniently skipping the part how Carter and Hope were excited to potentially NOT to go through their plan. It's so much more fun to spew hate to them than look at their overall behavior, that's become painfully clear here.
      Ridge has no right to bark at Brooke about anything. She has every right to not directly hate on her own daughter and brand her as the devil, but to remind him of the whole picture. If it wasn't for her, I'd like to see Ridge's face when Carter comes in and kicks him and his daughter out. He should only have respect, gratitude and understanding for Brooke. He wouldn't do what she did in her place.
      It seems that next week will deliver some much needed smacks into reality for some of them. Good to see Justin.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

    3. And PS the way Ridge is talking to Carter about the woman he loves is the exact same way people have talked to him about the woman he has loved his whole life. He should remember how much good that did in his case. And Carter has shown that people trashing Hope is his biggest button, so smart move, keep pushing it Ridge, the previews are showing us how well that will serve you.

    4. I'm sorry, but planning a coup all the way to fraudulently signing the document and keeping it in their back pockets to use just in case Ridge and Steffy don't listen to their pleas, does not scream remorse to me. Excitement to not go through with their plan then Hope saying "Carter filed the papers" does not in any way absolve them from their wrongdoing. They shouldn't be relieved to "we may not have to go through with this illegal action after all." They shouldn't be doing it period. If it's bothering them so much to do it, then why go through with it? It's like applauding someone for murdering someone else because they had a moment of "I would be so happy not to kill you if you just give me what I want."

    5. Hope doesn’t love anyone but herself. Carter is such a gullible sap, he is a player and uses the same pickup lines on every woman he’s ever gone after. What’s funny is he is always the one going after someone and never has anyone truly after him. Always a preacher and never the groom, that should really tell him something, you’d think but it never does. Even old foggie Katie just wanted to be friends, not lovers.

    6. Milla, very valid points. And yes, the changes we have seen in Brooke are dramatic. I agree that Ridge would have never done the same (neither would Taylor for that matter) if it were Steffy we were talking about.
      I think Brooke is genuinely dumbfounded by the change she has seen in Hope.
      I didn’t like that Ridge told Carter that Hope is using him. I think Hope really loves Carter, in her skewed reality of what love is. Unfortunately, Hope is a product of her environment. She sucked up feeling not completely loved by Liam for such a long time, that now all she values is how far men will put themselves on the line for her. She truly needs some therapy sessions. But not from Taylor. Taylor needs therapy sessions herself. Lol.

    7. Elle, correct….the coup was never going to be a solution. And they shouldn’t have pursued it all. But I don’t think Ridge was sincere enough in his pursuit to stand up against Steffy. Ridge has always kowtowed to Steffy. He seems afraid to stand up to her. Ridge should have dug a lot harder to get to the bottom of it. The way they escorted Hope out of FC was disgraceful and humiliating. Hope was wrong for not giving more of an explanation and just expecting everyone to simply trust her without more information. But Ridge and Steffy were also cutting her off when she was trying to talk the day it happened. Both sides were guilty in how that whole thing went down.

      And there is zero excuse for Finn’s cluelessness other than he is so terrified to ever go against anything Steffy does these days….it just makes him look weak and dumb as dirt.

    8. Lynn i think you guys have forgotten the countless times he has reprimanded and/or fired both Steffy and Thomas. When Steffy was PR for Forrestor, and everyone had shares in the company, Ridge fired her (she was involved in some video if i remember correctly-- against Brooke) and he took away her shares... thats when Taylor got involved and gave Steffy her 12.5 or 25% shares. Then Thomas was reprimanded for that lie he told about being involved with Brooke. those are the most immediate ones i can remember.

    9. That's right, Mae. It's as I said above, Ridge's disdain for Hope is not just because she's Hope, he gives everyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove him wrong. Hope messed with his son and now, ridge is seeing her do the same to his friend. Of course he's angry.

      Lynn, I agree that they are all wrong and I said the same on a previous show's blog. You also know I've had my issues with the way Steffy handled firing Hope. That's not in question as far as I'm concerned. I just don't agree that Ridge is acting unfairly where Hope is concerned. Hope has targeted both his children and now, together with Carter, she is targeting their family. I simply cannot blame him for lashing out at her, especially since he was trying to get to the bottom of what really happened with her and Finn because Brooke told him it wasn't what it seemed like.

    10. Hope messed with Ridge son? How about Ridge son kept a womans baby away from her and made her think her child was dead. That is just pure evil. Thomas should be jailed by Hope not giving him her pum pum. Thomas and Ridge ought to be thankful that Hope was ever able to frgive him. Liam, himself, couldnt understand how Hope was able to forgive Thomas.

    11. @Peggy, funny how HOpe was willing to spread her legs for the very man that kept her baby from her......says a LOT about her!

    12. Yes Peggy, Hope messed with Ridge's son. This whole business about Thomas keeping Beth being alive a secret is moot now since Hope turned around and discarded her marriage quite easily to be with Thomas AND gave him access to said child (Beth) when they were together. Also, according to Hope, even though she did not want to get married right now, she wanted a relationship with Thomas, which included both Douglas and Beth as a family unit.

      But even if it wasn't a moot point, what Thomas did does not make what Hope did to Thomas right. Ridge was very welcoming of Hope to his family and told her so directly. Then, she not only turned around and broke Thomas' heart, she also went after Steffy's husband, and now, she's coming after his company. Why in the world won't Ridge be angry or have some negative emotions about that? Especially since he is now seeing her do the same thing to his friend.

    13. Kae, I wasn’t watching B&B during those years. So I never saw Ridge go after Steffy. He has always given her her way for as long as I’ve watched the show.

    14. Elle, Ridge should be coming down on both Carter and Hope, not just Hope…that’s my point.
      And as far as Hope “targeting” Thomas. Sorry, but that is too ridiculous to even respond to. Lol

    15. And Steffy has targeted Hope for decades!!

    16. Actually it was Hope targeting Steffy for decades because Steffy was married to Liam and Hope didn’t like it!

      Not seeing history doesn’t change it. And yes Ridge always sided with Brooke and Hope instead of Steffy and Thomas and it really hurt them . Hope got it all handed to her because she’s Brooke’s daughter. They had to keep doing this challenge and that challenge etc to move and have the position they have now. Eric made them do competitions etc. Hope never had to do any of that. So for people to sit and talk about Steffy being whatever Ridge said it best. He told Brooke there was no comparison between Hope and Steffy! Steffy earned her place over a lot of years! Hope got it and kept it because Brooke kept her there!

    17. BBFAN, you always see things with rose colored glasses when it comes to Steffy. So I would need another less biased long time watcher to confirm or deny what you say to be true.
      But the most current 5 - 6 years aren’t any less relevant than the years you mention. And during those more recent years, Ridge has absolutely favored Steffy.

    18. Steffy has plenty of faults but she isn’t trying to pretend she doesn’t! I have said numerous times I don’t agree with her behaviour, decisions etc.

      However I have seen the history on the show and can understand underlying motivations and why she acts as she does!

      Hope did a lot to hurt Steffy over the years and it is never acknowledged and called lies etc.

      Steffy is made out to be this horrible monster when she is dealing with a lot is crap she out up with!

      A lot of her resentment of Brooke and Hole came directly from demands over and over that Ridge choose Hope’s pet project or her this or that over Steffy! No matter how solid or how much work Steffy out in, Brooke literally told Ridge if he loved her he would side with Hope. So he did! Every time!

      Now that she has her father’s support at last, it is very personal for Steffy! Hope knows that too!

    19. Hope grrr bloody autospell is putting my head away!

  13. Lynn totally disagree with your comment, if I could stay connected long enough I would say why. Happy Thanksgiving. We have you to blame for the 2 days of no B&B. :)

    1. D - well of course you disagree with my comment. When have you ever agreed?? Lol. The list is SHORT!
      I stick by what I said. Ridge totally gave Carter a get out jail free card even though HE’S the one who had the idea to do the coup. And even though it was CARTER who got Ridge to sign the papers. I never said Hope was blameless. What I said was…Carter was DEFINITELY NOT BLAMELESS. But that’s the way Ridge handled it. Totally and completely SEXIST!! Makes me SICK!!!
      Yes, you are welcome to blame the US for the Thanksgiving holiday. But I’m grateful because I get a 4 day weekend! 👏🏻👏🏻😊😊

    2. 🙂 enjoy your extra long weekend and all the 🦃(doesn't look like a turkey to me). 🍺 cheers

    3. Thank you! Looking toward to a day with much extended family from all over the US. ❤️

    4. Happy Thanksgiving Lynn! I love spending time with family too. Enjoy it to the fullest and enjoy your 4-day weekend!

  14. Ridge nailed it regarding tramp HOpeless......lmfao :) could not have said it any better myself Ridge, see what WE offspring from the acting Ridge......gave me chills :) i wonder if Ridge REALLY is giving him another chance......or is it a plot and plan from Ridge's side....i hope so, vajayjay whipped Carter deserves NOTHING but to be fired, alongside his manipulative over sexed girlfriend......

  15. I am wondering if Justin didn't file the papers............

  16. Amazing acting, Thorsten and Annika!
    And well done, Brooke!
    I don't like how Hope and Carter's characters are now. Bad changes.
    Maybe Brooke will ask Hope to leave the cabin after betraying FC that way. Well Hope and Beth join Carter? Would Liam agree? (Where does Liam live after the divorce?! Don't know yet 😂)

    1. *Will Hope and Beth, not "Well", sorry

    2. Lol. I think he's staying with Bill.

    3. Elle, I think she meant Will as in the verb form, not Will as the person. 😊

  17. Why does Ridge say to Brooke, "your daughter'? He knows Hope very well. He helped raised her. Why cant he call Hope by her name. And why is everybody blaming Hope for her and Thomas' demise. Hope forgave that man for letting her believe her child was dead, but how could she ever marry him??? Taylor was at the office and interrupted Ridge signing the papers, then she was back again. Why is she constantly around the man who gave her a broken heart. She proably lay in her bed at night and fantasize Ridge laying with her. If she had interrupted Ridge would have been more focused on those papers. So does having grown adult children give you the right to be around the father's office 24/7 knowing very well that his girlfriend works in the same building. Taylor go home, you can see Ridge on family gatherings or on Grandparents day. And all you keep saying every hour you come there is, "thank you for heeling my broken heart". The same man who broke it and is continuing to brake it, because youve always been the woman ridge goes to only when he and Brooke is at odds. You love being Ridge's side piece, and that to me, is more sickening than having a broken heart syndrome. Your heart isnt broke, your head is.

    1. @Peggy, if HOpe was that disgusted in what he did even after forgiving him, why would she sleep with him.......that's on her, she kissed him, she kept having sexual thoughts every time he touched her when they had fittings in the design you not hear what Ridge said to Taylor the other day 'you are family, you are welcome here any time' Taylor has made NO moves on Ridge, the problem is Ridge HIMSELF who gives Taylor mixed signals, he cannot keep his hands off her and why can't she be grateful for helping her, he cares about her, after all, she IS the mother of his three children! I think it's wonderful that they have such a great friendship, not many divorced couple can say that they are still friends with their ex spouse!

    2. Taylor wasn't even in this episode but sure, bash away. There certainly isn't any defense for Hope, Carter and their behaviour so there must be someone else to blame.

      Funny, I did not hear Ridge blame Taylor for interrupting him. Matter of fact, he acknowledged seeing Carter's name on the document and questioned Carter about it. Steffy was the one that interjected telling Ridge to "just sign, dad" because it's Carter and "we trust him."

    3. Taylor isn’t in any of this yet you have to bring her up and blame her for Hope and Carter staging a coup and committing a felony!

  18. I don't see chemistry with Hope and Carter. She seems somewhat uncomfortable with him in the intimate scenes.

  19. Ridge you're acting as if Carter is your best friend/brother when in all reality both you and Steffy treated him as no one but the mailroom mailbox! 🙄

    1. Oh yes he was so mistreated! He had an affair with the owner’s wife and all was forgiven!

      Carter was consistently promoted and given respect and responsibility and invited as a member of the family to every Forrester do!

      Carter was consulted and Ridge stood there and defended him when he wanted to cut HFTF based on the bad performance and his projections! Etc!

      Shooting down 1 proposed idea and now suddenly Carter was treated so poorly???

      What a load of twaddle!!! That is utter nonsense!

  20. There is absolutely no chemistry between Carter and Hope. But at least the show has finally got interesting.

  21. This was a very good episode, finally! Watched the scene with Ridge & Carter over 3 times. Can't believe Carter could be so blind. So you tell Hope ur interested and all of a sudden she shares those same feelings😓 like how stupid can you be. In no time they're together. No development, no let's see where this goes, just have sex and where together all of a sudden. I definitely believe Hope is using Carter for her own agenda. And hey if she gets a few joyrides out of it why not.
