Monday, November 4, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th November 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th November 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. I can't wait for the truth to come out and see Ridge, Taylor and Steffy's reactions. I hope they don't drag this out.

    1. @Elle, me too....I can't fathom why the HOgan's THINK they should be placed on a Throne 🚩 as for Batman, "I won't let them get away with this" 🤣🤣🤣 since when does he own FC 🤔 maybe the gold chain gives him power like Bill's sword necklace 🤣

    2. She brought it al to her self 🤷‍♀️

    3. Agreed Iris, Hope brought this on herself but watching Ridge, Taylor and Steffy today made me think that they would be completely flabbergasted to learn that they were wrong about what happened. I am really anxious to see what happens when the truth is out.

    4. Elle I kinda liked that Hope recognizes that she doesn't need to return to FC and that it hasn't been good for her there. She and Steffy are just not right fit on so many levels and will never really get along. They are toxic for each other. And neither of them needs the other.

      I was mad at Hope for not speaking up but it was so big of her to protect Carter. All her reasoning made 100% sense. That's real Hope with heart and soul.

      Btw Charlie is so cute in these 2 episodes 🥺 for the first time not making lame jokes but being so sensitive...

    5. And PS Hope is not relying on Carter to save her, to the huge regret of her trolly haters. It's exactly the opposite - she wants to save him. That's who she is.

    6. Indeed Milla. I don't think she's being a victim either. Yes, she talked about Steffy firing her and not giving her a chance to explain but, as you said, she also admitted that she didn't want to bring Carter's name into it, which is why she didn't say anything to Steffy.

    7. Perfectly said Elle. Hope is sacrificing a lot by keeping their secret, but she's doing it fully aware and willing. I like you am looking forward to the truth coming out. I wonder also if Brooke will be too hard on Ridge, knowing that Hope was the one who basically sealed her own fate by keeping silent. Brooke can't bring a convincing argument to him without revealing the secret so maybe she should stay away from it.

    8. I think she will come down hard on him because of Taylor's involvement. Brooke will not be able to see past Ridge having Taylor there when Steffy fired Hope.

    9. Elle, the fact that Taylor is there weighing in on all this is grating on my last nerve. I can imagine Brooke will have an even more animated response. Lol

    10. Milla, exactly! When she explained her commitment about keeping the Carter thing a secret, I gained more respect Hope!
      Steffy is gonna get hers!! I can’t wait!

    11. Lynn yes having Taylor there while Hope was being fired was unprofessional and humiliating to her. I just keep forgetting Taylor 😂 because she doesn't say anything of value and is just there, like a plant. I can't get mad at a plant 😀

    12. @Elle i LOVED that fact that Brooke said 'Ridge would never do something like that without talking to me first" lol :) I would love to know where Brooke was when all the drama was taking place, probably with Deacon at his restaurant.

  2. She lied Steffy asked for an explanation Hope didnt give one Now Hope acts a victim typical Thanks Bob xxxx

    1. SFTV ALWAYS play victim, it's downright embarrassing that woman in the real world live their lives like the Logan's 🤮

    2. Steffy and Ridge ask Hope to explain herself multiple times. And she couldn't!!! Hope such a liar...oh Steffy wouldn't let me talk blah blah. Always playing the victim!!!

    3. @CC 💯👏👏👏 she's feeling guilty about something clearly because there should be NOTHING to hide if the two of them were in love....after three days🤣🤣🤣

  3. Batman and his Bat Mobile 🤣 oh Carter, FC doesn't belong to you 🤔 ran straight to mamma so she could wipe her backside. Oh you kidding Hopeless "Steffy will believe what she WANTS to believe" Hopeless sex maniac REALLY has a short memory....WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL HER WHO YOU WERE WAITING FOR....there's that 'VICTIM" card again 🚩 when Bill took over FC Katie fired Steffy for kissing Bill 🤣 oh the hypocrisy of it ALL. And there's Ridge, worried about HOgan withholding nooky when she finds out he backed Steffy, he is already in a panic 🤣 jellyfish will give Hopeless her job back 🤣 Steffy is right, HOgan WILL manipulate him 🚩 BOOHOO...CRY BABY HOPE...KEEP YOUR CLOTHES ON YOU TRAMP‼️ Blaming Steffy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 Hope always playing the victim!!

    2. @CC ALWAYS with those BIG massive crocodile tears.....Steffy wouldn't let me explain....oh my word......what a lie.....she had her chance to explain!

  4. I just want Steffy and Ridge to state also why HFTF need to end is because of the numbers; they gave the line lots of chances to recuperate BUT is still not performing. Lots of buyers are pulling out. Hope, Brooke, Carter and the public need to know. BYE HFTF!!!

    Steffy and Ridge ask Hope to explain herself multiple times. And she couldn't!!! Hope such a liar...oh Steffy wouldn't let me talk blah blah. Always playing the victim!!! Always that façe .

    1. To be fair, Hope also said that she could not tell them about Carter. So, she did admit to not being able to tell Steffy and Ridge the truth.

    2. @Elle, I agree with you but that was her choice not to tell so I don't understand all the Steffy blaming.

    3. I like to think that Steffy is smart and intelligent. How in the world could Hope plan to seduce Finn when Finn was not even supposed to be at FC to begin with?

      I blame Steffy because instead of focusing on getting a name from Hope, she could have stepped back a bit and thought about what Hope was saying. Maybe then, she would have realized that Hope could not have possibly known that Finn was going to be there so she couldn't have possibly planned to seduce Finn.

    4. I'm disappointed with Finn. He didn't say to Steffy that Hope didn't know it was him there until she stepped from behind the screen. It's not like she said "Hey, Finn. You like my lingerie? Come here. Let me get on top of you".
      I was annoyed listening to Taylor and Steffy. Hope might be better off moving on. If Steffy knew Hope was expecting to see Carter instead of Finn it would still be an issue. I wouldn't want work at a job where I always feel like the CEO hates me and anyone related to me.

    5. Why did Finn even go into the design office? He knows how Steffy feels about Hope, and he knows that Hope works in the design office. Pam's desk is right outside of Steffy's office. He could have stopped there. How did it not dawn on Steffy and Taylor that Hope had no way of that Finn was going to be at FC? If they didn't know that he was coming, how could Hope? Are they so blinded by hate that they do not have the logic to see that or are they just plain ignorant?

    6. Thank you, Joy. That's all I'm saying. It's also why I said that it was Steffy's dislike of Hope that drove her to kick Hope out of the company.

      I like the Steffy character, mainly because she's such a nuanced character who embodies a lot of what we, as women, experience in life and how it makes us stronger. Steffy has changed a lot from who she used to be and I hate that she cannot rise above her hatred for Hope. It seems, just like with Hope, that Steffy is regressing as a character. It makes it harder and harder for me to root for her when she acts like she doesn't have simple common sense.

    7. Forever36, you must not have seen Hope in the līngerie a couple of months ago. She was opening the jacket teasing Finn. He wouldn't tell Steffy.

  5. I guess hope have no right on a private life she need to always under steffy a Marone what a jock

  6. Brooke: "I can't believe Taylor was there!" 😂😂
    Where else would you expect the Loiterer to be? I wouldn't believe if she was at an own office working. That would be hard to believe.

    1. Lol true. Tay needs a job. And a man. And steffy a hobby.

    2. From the moment Brooke zeroed in on Taylor being with Ridge and Steffy, I figured this is going to be the start of the Brooke and Ridge fall out. 😂 😂 😂 Interesting times ahead!

    3. Elle it may be! I don't envy Ridge. He is always between Steffy's Logan comments (you can see they bother and hurt him every time Steffy shoots one) and Brooke's discontent. And Taylor is certainly not helping.

    4. True Milla. I feel sorry for Ridge sometimes. You could see that he was not on board with Steffy's decision. He just went along with it because he wanted to present a united front.

    5. Yes Elle. And I kinda get it. He also had only the information he got via Steffy's perception of the situation. And he wants to protect her marriage as well as show her they are partners in business. That's what I meant a few eps ago that both him and Brooke support their kids even when it's obvious they don't think what they are doing is 100% right.

  7. I like this story line that is coming. Hope and Carter and whomever else will branch off to create competition and as I said before Dollar Bill will be a financial backer. I just wish it had been Thomas who was paired with Hope as she has zero chemistry with Carter. But I hope it grows

    1. It would take a lot for Thomas to leave FC, would have to be a major falling out. It surely would be great to see them forming a rival company or in some other way externally sabotage FC (especially if Bill is involved, always! 😁) but I'm not holding my breath, that requires way more than what the writers are willing to create.

    2. Especially if Brooke leaves Ridge and Bill wants to get together with her. I can see Brooke leaving FC and going to the new company with Hope and Carter. She could even bar FC from using her image and name for the Brooke's Bedroom line. Ridge is already nervous about public relations, imagine if Brooke leaves and the bedroom line has to be cancelled. Zende and RJ may leave the company leaving Ridge and Eric as the only designers since Thomas is in Paris. Since Eric is mostly retired, it would all fall on Ridge's shoulders.

    3. Joy I would love that so much! 😀

  8. I am SO glad Taylor was there to support both Ridge and Steffy, Good to see that she's taking time out to heal ❤️ hypocrites here totally forget how much time HOgan spends at Deacon's restaurant 🤣 maybe that's where she was when HOpe's ass got fired, she couldn't have been at FC or else she would have been pissing up against Ridges leg like a dog to mark her territory due to her insecurities 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm thinking probably one of her ex's houses or Deacon's restaurant 🤔🚩

    1. A restaurant is a public place where people go to eat. FC is a private company, not a hang out joint. Taylor is like a leech that can't let go. Ridge and Brooke are in a relationship, and Taylor is the one that is trying to sniff around Ridge like she is in heat. Taylor and Steffy carrying on over a drunken kiss, but Taylor had sex with Brooke's husband the last time she flew into town, and Steffy was cheering her on. Yet those two hypocrites act like they are the virtue of morality.

    2. @Joy, oh you have GOT to be kidding me.....Brooke goes there to see Deacon not sit and eat.....a business is a business and the bottom line is, if Brooke can visit her ex so can Taylor! Ridge needs to learn to keep his hands off Taylor and stop flirting with her! Drunken kiss, oh Hope was NOT drunk, she might have been tipsy but certainly not drunk! lmao

    3. Really, because whenever I see Brooke there, she is either eating or discussing a problem about Hope with Hope's dad. She does not hang out there like Taylor hangs out at FC. And she does not try to tell Deacon how to run his business like Taylor does at FC. To be a world-renowned psychiatrist, Taylor sure does not have a lot of patients. I guess they figured out that she is a quack that cannot even take responsibility for her own marriage ending because she cheated on her husband.

  9. ridge is right...there are so many things that need to be carefully handled-like hopes' team/staff, all left in the lurch. the abruptness of the line shutting down without notice to potential buyers, etc. it could have been handled discretely and more professional.
    taylor can't start up her practice if she's always at forester batting her lashes at ridge.
    the writers always change people from who they are. this is not like carter.

    1. i don't see Taylor batting her lashes at Ridge, i see Ridge flirting with her and he can't keep his hands off her! She is taking time out from her practice to 'heal' surely you have noticed Brooke at Deacon's restaurant every second day too...lmfao :)

  10. Hope that's why I don't like you, you're a liar, Steffy asked you to explain why you were in lingerie in the office, you said you can't tell, so you did not try to explain a thing, all you were don't understand, she asked you to help her understand but you couldn' everyone blaming Steffy. Steffy was surely to quick on her reaction but she saw what she saw it's simple. You you didn't explain not even to your aunt Ketty.

    1. She didnt explain to her aunt Katie, yet Katie believed her. no matter what comes out of Hopes mouth Steffie will never believe it. Even if Hope had told Steffie that it was Carter she was trying to seduce that still would not have made a difference with the outcome bcause Steffie had already warned carter to stay away from Hope. That would have resulted in Steffie not trusting in Carter. Anyone who aligns with the logans she hates.

    2. @Miah, 100% then she pretends to be protecting Carter when all she is doing is protecting herself!

  11. Steffy is so insecure.... And her Mammy as her tail.

    1. Taylor is still a helicopter mom even though Steffy is close to middle age.

    2. @Verda, name one thing she's insecure about! She's got a wonderful family, amazing children, is COCEO of FC, lives in a stunning house by the ocean.....Hope has a failing line, sleeps with men on the OFFICE desk and lives in her mamma's back garden!

  12. In my opinion hope Beth's mom Needs serious mental help not another failure of a relationship with Kate zoe Paris Quinn s X player boyfriend Carter her behavior in the work place is a disgrace disrespectful to Stephanie Eric's wife memory

  13. This is too funny. Brooke and Carter, are both mad, but don't know the real reason why Hope was fired. They think it's only because of HFTF. If they do venture off to start another company, Carter will be surprised to find out that Hope doesn't know what, and how a pair of scissors work.

    1. Hahhaha.
      Hope just knows how to walk around the building, day dreaming and complaining.

    2. What has Steffy really contributed to the company? Both her panty line and the California Freedom lines were both failures and never mentioned again. She got most of her shares of the company by blackmailing Bill when he legally bought the shares. She got her position by Quinn trying to kiss up to her and talking Eric into giving it to her. She is undereducated for the position and leads by emotion and spite work. She has created a hostile work environment for both Brooke and Hope with her personal attacks, name calling and snide remarks which the company could be sued for. She can't do the CEO job by herself like other CEO's do because she freaked out complaining about her workload when Ridge wanted to go back to designing. She is just not CEO material.

    3. And she can't remember to get her passport when she travels! 😂

    4. When did the Intimates line fail? I remember Sally Spectra running that line until she left the show. Don't know if the line was dropped or if it has just faded into the background. However, it was a very successful line, from what I recall.

    5. Elle when Hope came back and Brooke begged Ridge to reboot HFTF, there wasn’t enough capital for both lines. He chose Hope over Steffy and shelved Intimates Which was a successful line!

  14. Why is Taylor always at FC..? She should go and heal her "broken heart" somewhere far, far away and never come back!!! And take her bitchy daughter with her. Ridge is going to catch hell from Brooke 😅😅😅... Thank you Bob 💕

    1. @Ariel, why is Brooke at Deacon's restaurant on a daily thing!

    2. Brooke and Deacon have a daughter together AND she' s not after him...unlike Taylor, yes they have children together, BUT she' s after Ridge and sticks her busy-body nose into things, business and others, that don't concern her... karma is coming for Steffy 💪🏻💪🏻... can't wait 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  15. Anyone else have noticed that Steffy speaks highly Forresters this and that, but the real case is that she is not a forrester, neither is Ridge..they are really Marones wtf she blabbering about all the time🤣

    1. Her Grandmother actually put the money up to start Forrester and owned it for years! Eric claims Ridge as his son, regardless of DNA! Steffy , who is a majority shareholder has every right!

    2. Yes I've noticed that years ago. We don't have any blood Forresters anymore and even when we did, none of them cried "Forrester" as loudly as Steffy who isn't. It looks a bit like a complex she's trying to overcome.

  16. I think Steffi is just being vindictive and so insecure in her raltionship.
