
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-17-24 Full episode B&B 17th December 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-17-24 Full episode B&B 17th December 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

Now here is the full video.


  1. Guys I skipped a few episodes, how did Forresters loose company to Carter?

    1. Carter drew up some LLC papers, and made himself manager of FC. Ridge noticed Carters name on the paper, before he signed them, and asked him why his name was there. Carter didn't say why, but he offered to draw up some new papers if Ridge didn't agree with them. Ridge got distracted by Taylor coming by the office again, and he just signed the papers without getting a proper reply from Carter. Steffy had already signed the papers, without reading through them.

    2. Carter and Hope together decided to take over Forrester and tricked the Forresters into signing it over to Carter. The LLC was something Carter was assigned to do as part of his job. He changed the paperwork to give himself sole control of FC. He told Hope he was doing it for her and she kept pushing him to go through with the coup when his conscience told him betraying his best friend, Eric etc was wrong. Hope told him he was never appreciated or listened to, how abused she and all the Logan’s were etc. She also made him her hero for stealing the company.

  2. Wasn't Carter FIRED before the LLC papers were filed!??

    1. No, Carter had already filed the papers before he got fired. Ridge didn't know about them being filed though.

    2. Carter filed the papers after he got fired cuz Justin is lying to the Foresters ... he is on Carter's side!

    3. Yes Masters1313 your correct!

    4. Justin certainly is on Carter's side and yes, the papers were filed after he was fired. I hope Forresters wise up and hire another attorney, which we know that they will because then the show will go on. 😊

    5. Look at the back episodes, they were filed after he was fired.

    6. Yes, he was fired prior to filing them, Carter just said "we have to act fast BEFORE Ridge and Steffy put a spin on things. Carter thinks his the main man πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that will be The Foresters loophole and I Cannot wait to see Carter and Hopes face πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Is this the love boat 🚒 or forester creation s because seriously it's sick listening to hope and Carter having sex at Stephanie and Eric's family company and can wil stop acting like a love sick puppy over Electra she should tell ridge steffy Eric Kate Remy is dangerous like Sheila Carter and this is such nonsense because ridge and steffy signed documents under false circumstances and Justin is lying he knows this is fraud conspiracy and not legal at all its null and void he's back for revenge because Zander told Justin steffy s brother Thomas is responsible for Emma Justin s niece s death

    1. They should rename the show to the bold and the Brothel πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it's disgusting 🚩

  4. These past episodes since the dumb take over is excruciating to watchπŸ™ˆπŸ˜­ Carter & Hope should just go to an uninhibited island and stay there. And leave the real work to the people who founded the company and kept it up and running. Like who does Katie & Brooke think they are just firing Electra over photos she didn't even send or made. Where is the justice in that???

    1. It seems employees/interns at FC are just fired willy nilly without any investigation into the matter. Katie herself acknowledged that the photos came from an unknown sender, so why not look into it further before jumping to conclusions?

    2. Katie said something about FC not needing another scandal. Well, maybe a second scandal will distract from the first scandal . . . πŸ˜‚ Katie doesn't want to deal with 2 PR issues and she doesn't want her beloved son to have a girlfriend that does nude modeling which Katie is wrongly assuming is the case. PR is not HR, so she should not be firing anyone.

    3. 'uninhibited island'! LMAO I know it was autocorrect but that gave me a hearty chuckle. It sounds like another reality show. Yes. Their sexploition is boring now. Carter and Hope would do us all a favor by finding a far-off island for their romping.

  5. + this episode was a short one wasn't it? I get the idea when it finally airs on tv here there's pieces of the episode missing. It is with a lot of episodes posted here. It's a shame cause some scenes can change viewers perspective on things.

    1. It's only a half hr show on tv & cuz of the commercials being 5min long x5 only 15 or so minutes left of the show ... so by the time one gets rid of the commercials ... we get what Bob posts here...

  6. I didn't think Katie had the authority to fire people. Shouldn't that be Carter's decision?
    Where the heck is RJ? It's like he doesn't exist. He hasn't been seen or even mentioned in a while. πŸ‘€

    1. Katie is the Head of PR. She can't fire anyone.

    2. Katie is a Logan and does whatever she wants! She got Brooke to authorise it and Brooke is on the executive team.

  7. Oh logans hire and fire without ever consulting the board Now when Brooke run it last time she could not cope
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  8. Calm down Katie. You can forbid your son to continue seeing Electra but, you can't fire her. And you most certainly cannot fire her without telling her why.

    Zende is the sweetest. When he said that he was going to resign and stand with his family, I couldn't help but think that it wasn't too long ago he was also the disgruntled employee who felt that he was being treated unfairly by Ridge when RJ was chosen to work with Eric on his collection. Yet, here he is standing with them when he could have easily taken the lead designer position that Hope offered him. I applaud him for his loyalty.

    I hope either Sheila or Deacon take down Remy. Maybe one of them can pop by his apartment one day and see all the pictures of Electra.

    1. Elle BravaπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    2. I am starting to think that loyalty gets you know where, except maybe to be used.

  9. Carter isn't wasting any time wanting to turn FC into a global luxury brand. The audacity of him. Like this is his company. I cannot wait for his downfall.

    1. Right??? It’s daft too, it’s not an overnight process to change the company to a publicly held conglomerate! He’s been scheming , I guess during his long lonely nights he drafted all the paperwork needed? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    2. @Elle, he is hasty because he knows he filed the LLC papers AFTER he was fired, you heard him say to Hopeless "we have to act fast BEFORE Ridge and Steffy put a spin on things" I think he means before they figure out that the papers were filled after he was fired. He is an even bigger snake. Don't you just live it when HOpeless said "I'm standing right next you" πŸ˜‚ no she's not, she's standing behind him while he fights her battles 🚩

  10. This show really needs to employ consultants to the writing team. We, as viewers, are not idiots (i.e., Katy cannot arbitrarily fire Electra because she is not a Personnel representative or a member from the Executive staff; Personnel must reveal to the worker the reason for the decision to fire an employee and as I stated from the beginning that the LLC document was filed illegally after Carter was fired.) The looks that Justin and Carter exchanged In the meeting were very suspicious which gave signs that they were in cohorts. I also suggested that the Forrester's hire another attorney who could have easily overturned the illegal filing of the LLC. Writers, please do better!!!

    1. Ms. P πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ on all you said. I haven't watched since last week, just reading comments to stay up-to-date. Katie, as a PR rep has no authority to fire anyone. Guess she figures now Logans have power to do what they want it's ok. I also saw the glances between Justin and (a very relaxed) Carter at the meeting and said right away, Justin is in on this with Carter. Eric and Ridge will seek another attorney once the shock subsides a bit.
      Elle it won't be to long I hope, to watch the downfall. I can't wait either. Has Donna been seen yet? She must know by now?

    2. The thing is, even though Carter was already fired as FC's COO and legal representation, he had documents in his possession, signed by Ridge and Steffy, naming him as manager. As an attorney, I believe it was possible for him to file the papers independently however, I'm not completely sure. The act of having them sign legal documents which Carter purposely misrepresented, is what would/should incriminate him.

      I'm not completed convinced that Justin is in on this plan with Carter. It seems to me Justin was just brought on for this part of the storyline. I doubt we will see him again.

    3. Elle, I got the distinct impression that Justin is in on the coup as well. He was negative about fighting it from the go. Carter abusing his position as lead counsel as well as COO is grounds for being disbarred! So Justin’s not even trying!

      He absolutely was NOT instructed to name himself as the new manager of the LLC. He deliberately misled them and as their solicitor it was his job to protect their rights and explain to them what they were signing!!!

    4. @BBFAN πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘ misleading under false pretense to gain the upper hand is fraud....Hope being part of it is Conspiracy to commit fraud....she's not the brightest tool in the shed and I doubt very much that she's thought that far ahead 🚩

  11. The slut from the valley is so hypocrite!
    She having sex all over california and beyond, but she fires away a nice girl with no proof but a picture on a phone sent by an anonymous person !

    The HOgans are narcissistic hypocrites!

    1. The Logans are nothing but narcissistic hoes. Especially Brooke. Like the nerve of her to accept the CEO position after what her daughter and Carter did to the Forresters. No wonder Ridge dumped her ass lol.

    2. And Brooke will make a better ceo not like that tramp steffy, I’m so glad Steffys out sucked in bitch

    3. History does not support your claim, Georgie. The last time Brooke was CEO, she almost ran the company into the ground with her insipid ideas.

    4. Elle Brava exactly! Brooke was a terrible CEO! She has no qualifications for that!

    5. @Georgi1 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Noemi was talking about Brooke not Steffy 🚩 the truth really pains the HOgan lovers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @BBFan, the only qualification Brooke has is laying on her back at the Serta warehouse πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  12. I find it interesting that Brooke didn't throw it in Ridge's face that she never called Steffy as s*** when she relentlessly pursued Liam when he was committed to Hope and even when they were married. That's the show s***. I wonder if Brooke will take that position at Carter is going to offer her and be a mall for the foresters like zende

    1. Steffy wasn't a slut for fighting for Liams love and if Liam was so bothered by Steffy coming at him then he should have stopped her but he didn't cause he loved the attention from Steffy. Hope just jealous Liam still wants and loves Steffy over her lol.

    2. Steffys a big slut big time end of story don’t care what anybody says

    3. As CEO, she will have to be on board with turning FC into a GLB (global luxury brand) and will have to sign off on those documents showing her agreement. So let's see what her approach would be to Carter's plans knowing it's not what the Forresters want.

    4. Steffy NEVER pursued Liam while he was married! Brooke actively supported and promoted Hope pursuing Liam while he was married to Steffy.

      Which Liam did 3 times and was engaged to remarry her after his father tricked him into annulling his last one (which was bad writing they had been married for years and his wife was pregnant! There were NO way it met the criteria for an Annullment)! Hope slept with Liam many times while he was married to Steffy so maybe know what you’re talking about before you call Steffy names!

      Steffy was married to Liam longer than Hope ever was. Hope never respected Liam’s decision to move or his love for Steffy. The ONLY reason Hope ended up with Liam again was because she managed to get pregnant by him while he was married to Steffy!!!

    5. @Kidd, please don't forget that Hopeless did the exact same thing when Liam was married to Steffy AND she fell pregnant 🚩 bottom line, Hope is jealous of Steffy because Liam has always loved Steffy more, that's our girl πŸ˜‚ we can't always blame one and not the other, they ALL did terrible things‼️ of course Brooke will take the position, DEEP DOWN she is LOVING the takeover, she will tell Ridge that she "keeping an eye on things" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    6. Noemi, are people really fighting for love? It dosent come naturally? i m just asking

    7. Kidd respectfully disagree, the only one fighting for Liam’s life when he was married to someone else, was Hope! Steffy NEVER chased Liam while he was married to Hope! Not once!

      Hope is the one who repeatedly slept with a married man then made demands!

  13. All ya'll haters bashing the Logans need to step back. Yes, Ridge was initially married to Taylor but after he divorced her how many Forrester men did Taylor sleep with? Taylor's stupid because she knows Ridge always goes back to her when he's upset with Brooke and when things cool down, he's right back in Brook's bed leaving Taylor heartbroken. And yes! Steffy is jealous of Hope. That's why she pushed her brother to leave knowing darn well that he was the head designer and that's why Hope's line was such a success. For years, Steffy pushed Thomas to fall in love with Hope so that she could have a clear shot at Liam who was in love with Hope. And just like Ridge, Liam always goes back to Hope and chooses Hope over Steffy. And if anyone is a slut, it's Steffy. Who sleeps with their father-in-law because your husband kissed someone else? Then she didn't know if her daughter was Liam's or Bill's. Just like she didn't know if her son was Liam's or Finn's. That sounds like a slut move to me!!! Steffy needs to get her own man instead of Hope's leftovers ( Liam, and Wyatt) who both loved Hope more than Steffy). Granted Finn is the first guy to stick by Steffy but he is a whimp who does everything Steffy says. There's nothing manly about him other than he has a penis. All major decisions belong to Steffy. She dominates Finn like she did with Liam but Liam had a little backbone to challenge her not like Finn who's her lap dog. So when you talk about sluts, remember all the Forrester men that both Taylor and Brooke slept with and Ridge was out of line calling Hope a Bitch or a Slut. And as you can see, Steffy is still keeping the conflict going by saying the Logans this and the Logans that. It was never about Hope's job performance it was all about getting revenge because her whimp of a daddy left her mom and tore their family apart to love Brooke. Oh, so was it okay when the "Slut from the Valley," helped raise Taylor's kids when everyone thought Taylor was dead?
    And the last thing is , Yes, this is sloppy writing but how is it okay when car dealerships sell cars under false pretense and when people are frauded out of their homes by signing and not reading paperwork put before them? So why should it be any different for Ridge. He challenged Carter's name on the document but signed it anyway. There's nothing fraudulent about that. How many times do people tell us to read before you sign. I personally hope it sticks because, Ridge and Steffy are assholes!

    1. Well said πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    2. Brooke wasn't called the slut from the valley because of how many Forrester men she slept with, it's because she used men to get the life she wanted and had no concern about whether they were married, engaged or otherwise involved. So maybe you should ask how many marriages or committed relationships Taylor relentless tore apart to get what she wanted. The answer would be zero.

      The difference with what Carter did is that he was hired and paid by FC to protect the company's interests. He breached his contract and their trust. He also colluded with Hope in the takeover plan. It was premeditated.

    3. Well said Elle! Carter’s position as head Legal Counsel means he was paid and it was literally his job (yes he was also COO which makes the betrayal even worse) to protect the Forresters from this kind of hostile takeover! He breached every duty he had as their legal representative and counsel!!! They paid him and trusted him to his job, NOT steal their company!

      He deliberately misled them regarding what they were signing! It’s completely fraudulent!

      Justin is in on the scheme with Carter! There is no way that would stand!

    4. OP as Elle stated so well, it wasn’t about who slept with whom. The difference is that Brooke targeted married and engaged men for money, power and to hurt their wives and partners! She did it to prove she could! Brooke slept with her so in laws! Hope’s father Deacon was married to Bridget! Brooke’s daughter and she slept with two of Bridget’s husbands!!

      Eric and Ridge were both married / engaged when Brooke met them and treated stealing them like sport! Brooke relentlessly chased Ridge while he was married to Caroline and Taylor, meanwhile she was married to his father after she was his mistress!

      Both mention stealing Bill from Katie her own sister! Do we need to mention her sleeping with Hope’s teen age date? He was a minor child legally! M

      Oh and sleeping with brother in laws while married… yeah!

      Taylor never did any of that!

    5. πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ thankyou for clarifying that all up.

    6. Thank you tired. You spoke for the both of us.

    7. At the end is the day, unless you are trained to read and understand complex legal documents and know the laws surrounding them, one wouldn’t automatically know what they were seeing even after reading it!

      That is why they have in-house counsel! They pay a solicitor to draw up the documents and word it appropriately and follow their exact instructions! And first and foremost to protect the owner’s interests!!!

      That solicitor carries the responsibility and legal burden for what is in that document.

      It is also required that counsel go over the document and explain exactly what they are signing on to, especially when it means changing the current power structure!

      What Carter did was abuse of his position and clear fraud using his role as head legal counsel for the company!

      Much different than a shady car salesperson!

  14. Oh yeah, and why isn't anyone talking about how Steffy killed her cousin and tried to kill Ivy as well. At least Hope hasn't killed anyone. And that brings us to Taylor who shot Bill. WoW! two psychopaths that people are defending like they were saints yet there past are as wicked as the Logans.

    1. πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

    2. Wow. I guess the Logans cannot be defended on their own merits without bashing Taylor and Steffy. It still doesn't take away from the fact that Carter and Hope are wrong and, if Brooke joins them, she will be wrong too. It is what it is. No amount of deflection will change that.

      By the way, Steffy didn't try to kill Ivy. That's very untrue.

    3. Elle the amount of deflecting that Steffy do on hourly basis is astonishing. But when one person mentions what Steffy has done it's a "wow"?! That's the worst double standard in this blog that is keeping me away (along with the invasion of trolls). Why are you never complaining about all the walls of irrelevant, one-sided stuff BBFan brings literally every single day? How about we let people comment especially when they are talking intelligently and concisely? Or is the goal for the blog to be invaded only by Logan haters eventually? It is close as it is anyway.

    4. @Milla as soon as anyone says anything about stefi r taylor it's direct attacks. and stefi lovers never ever say anything objective about anyone else, only ugly language about the logans. it is only the logan fans who discuss both sides. and criticize both.

      and the many trolls - no comment 🀦🏼‍♀️

    5. To be fair Carter and Hope’s behaviour is indefensible so we blame Steffy and Taylor for whatever and oh it is okay for Steffy to be called a slut 15 times in a rant!

      Trying to expose the ongoing lies about them is unforgivable too!

      Steffy defended herself from her mentally unstable cousin who was actively trying to murder her! She didn’t mean to kill her she was just trying too get away!

      Poster is acting like she just murdered her ! Same with Ivy who was out to destroy Steffy over Aly’s death!

    6. Yes, I have complimented Brooke etc when she’s done the right thing even. Said how proud of her I was when she acted rightly!

      I have called Steffy out for bad behaviour and I absolutely don’t want to see Taylor falling Ridge’s BS again.

      I’ve been on this board a long time and see constant sniping at Taylor when she wasn’t on the show for years! She was still being blamed for whatever was happening!

    7. Milla bringing up the fact that it was Hope chasing Steffy’s husband Liam not the other way around is irrelevant how? Steffy so bashed and called a slut here constantly for that and it’s not even true!

    8. BBFan I don't have the time or mental energy to argue about the same old thing. All I want is for logan supporters to be able to state their points the same way you do without anyone going on your post to rant at you in walls and walls of text whenever you say something. But I know that it won't happen. I just want to encourage this poster and all others not to feel intimidated to say what they want to say.

    9. Wow...yes I said it πŸ˜‚ so Meli Melo posted her comment at 7.34,on the 17th, talking about the HOgan's and Georgie1 jumped in an called Steffy a slut on Meli Melo's post....why is it that the Hogan lovers can jump in on the Forester fan's post but ALL hell breaks lose when a Forrester fan jumps in on a Hogan lovers post...WOW, THE HYPOCRISY OF IT ALL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ therefore I WILL proceed on commenting because the Hogan lovers do it TOO‼️🚩 @Tired, well my dear, Ally shouldn't have attacked Steffy with a tyre iron then when Steffy managed to get the tyre iron away from her Ally grabbed a rock and tired to smash Steffy's head in with it, Ally LOST HER BALANCE AND FELL AND HIT HER HEAD ON A ROCK, STEFFY DID NOT AND I STRESS....DID NOT KILL HER‼️🚩 well Taylor thought Bill had taken advantage of Steffy, knowing FULL well Steffy was vulnerable he STILL went to the guesthouse...if it happened to my daughter I would have done the same thing...preying on his sons wife, why, because Bill has ALWAYS wanted STEFFY‼️ now let's get back to the HOgan's, BROOKE tried to kill Stephanie, she pulled her life support plug out when Stephanie was in hospital, that right there is ATTEMPTED MURDER‼️ Hope THOUGHT she had pushed Thomas into a vat of acid....her mamma told HOpeless not to worry, the acid would disintegrate the body and she never told Ridge either🚩 anyway, NOBODY said the Forester's were saints...NOBODY is a saint, they have ALL done bad things ‼️

    10. @Elle and BBFan πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
      Milla "I just want to encourage this poster and all others not to feel intimidated to say what they want to say". Seems to me you're the only one who it bothers. Everyone does say what they want to say LF or FF without feeling intimidated

    11. D, I disagree. In some cases, it is just easier to boycott this blog as opposed to dealing with the toxicity.

    12. Renee as usual you understand perfectly.

    13. Thats your choice if you want to boycott and not get involved. What I disagree on with Millas post was telling others they shouldn't rant or post walls and walls of text on a post,especially hers, if you disagree or are trying to point out facts.

    14. D as usual you jump on my comments without recognizing that the very same thing you so love to disagree with me on is what has started the conversation. Or do you just like obsessing about my comments on general?
      If you don't see it, let me point it out for you - it was Elle who told the original poster how he/she is "deflecting" by sharing their points on Taylor. To that I responded how ironic it is that someone writing two sentences is a problem but the rants of others with irrelevant "facts" (which are biased) are not.
      I suggest if my comments (to others! I never address you) trigger you so much to just ignore them. Because I can't have the same obvious back and forth with you over and over. If this continues don't be surprised if I just ignore your interjections.

    15. You don't need to point anything out to me. I applauded Elle and BBFan because what they were saying was true. I merely said I disagreed with your comment to BBFan.
      I'm far than obsessed with your comments but if I disagree I have a right to say it.

    16. This blog used to be an enjoyable place to discuss & debate B&B episodes. Not so much any more. It doesn't take much to receive a hate filled response. There are also too many inappropriate comments. It is not that I want to boycott the blog. It is that I find navigating the blog without being attacked more effort than it is worth. Also, it is not time well spent reading day after day that this one or that one is a slut & how much someone hates the character.

    17. I agree Renee. The hateful, inappropriate comments and attacks are not from long time posters. I just disagree with telling people they can't post 'walls of texts" if they have a different opinion, on anybodys post.

    18. The point is not which posters are the source of the comments and attacks, but rather the fact that it is now the normal daily dialogue on this blog. Also, continuous arguing over comments that have nothing to do with B&B is not something most people want to read. State your side once & then agree to disagree.

  15. Well, well, well Carter thinks his the main man, removing Ridge's things πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Skank HOpe, you are a liar, you aren't standing right beside Carter, you are standing BEHIND him while he fights your battle, you are a coward πŸš©πŸ˜‚ Carters vajayjay whipped, why because he hasn't been with a pathetic woman before, his been with strong women like Katie and Quinn, this must make him feel SO powerful πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ don't worry, the Foresters will find the loophole that you filed the LLC papers After you were fired, you are a loser like Hopeless πŸ˜‚πŸš©

  16. Its freggen obvious that Carter wanted to run Forrester Creations. Straight of the bat, his first order of business is to turn FC into this international brand. The same said idea he brought to Ridge, Steffie and Eric and they turned it down, these same people who claimed to have all the faith and trust in him. That must have been a huge slap in the face. I mean he worked on this project for years, he said, doing all the research and necessary ground work. He probably was up all night until 2 am wanting to make FC this fashion power house. Yet his little girlfriend, which is Ridge, chooses to blame Hope. How stupid is that. Hope being fired was just the right catalyst that Carter needed to make his devil move. Hope for the Future was probably a grand slam in his plans to turn FC into this power house. Yet, we want to say Hope is using Carter...what if Carter is using Hope????? She was soooooo ripe for the picking, wasnt she.

    1. Problem is he doesn’t want a fashion powerhouse they already have one! He wants an international Conglomerate!

      He wants to take a family owned very successful business and make it into a publicly held corporation that buys out other companies!!! That is not what Forrester is about or was ever meant to be!

      Ridge said it beautifully, it was a place for artists and designers to explore and share their creativity and grow! It was very much about their way of working with clients etc.

      What Carter is forcing will destroy all of that! Will turn Forrester into an umbrella with lots of unrelated stuff. His PERSONAL dream! NOT Eric the creator / founder and part owner or any of the family who OWN it wants!

      Not to mention the astronomical debt Carter is taking on to do all of this!

    2. His job was to pitch ideas NOT force the company to follow them! He had a different vision for Forrester than the owners! They had every right to say NO!

      In what reality does the COO have to right to steal a company because they shoot down a pitch? That is asinine!

  17. How big of Carter to keep the picture of Erick and Stefany
