
Monday, December 2, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd December 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-2-24 Full episode B&B 2nd December 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Wow. Carter's arrogance! He's not even one bit remorseful of what he did. I echo Ridge's sentiment - "Who do you think you are?"

    Brooke continues to impress me. I loved how she broke down exactly what Carter and Hope did and highlighted the poor justifications for same. As for Hope, smh.

    1. Brava 💯 % agree! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. I don't know how Ridge held back from punching him in the face. Carter was so insulting, ungrateful and arrogant. Could be why he can't keep a woman. He's showing his true colors.
      Hope really picked a winner this time.

    3. D, I was taken aback by Carter today. But he's on a mission to save Hope. So much so that he's not thinking straight. When he told Ridge that Hope loves him and they share a bond, I was hoping Ridge would have said "you mean the same way she loved Thomas and shared a bond with him? How did that end?"

    4. Y'all comments have me rolling D and Elle

    5. Elle, that would be a perfect come back. But I think Ridge was in total shock when Carter said Hope loves me and they share a bond. There was never any sign of them flirting or showing any feelings for each other. In a week they fell madly in love? He's not a love sick puppy, maybe a sick puppy who has been planning this for yrs.

    6. im not so sure about that, she is supporting a man who just had his side piece aka obsessed ex wife straddling his lap the other day. He can easily swap Brooke out for Taylor again. Then, I bet Brooke will be wondering where is Carter aka Captain save the Logans when I need him. It wont be long before Ridge shits on her head again.

    7. I haven't watched this show in 6 yrs, I've read recaps but the last 3 episodes I've watched just to see what happened today. Ridge was my freakin' hero today, I loved every second of it. Thing is I think Carter might actually take control for a while and a lot of viewers are going to get their minds blown when this storyline shows everybody that "When You Go Woke You Go Broke."

    8. 🤣🤣🤣👍 Good Luke from comin back from that.

    9. Good luck damn auto correct

    10. Hennessy and J, Carter is acting all kinds of crazy. I'm not even sure he knows why he's doing all of this but, one thing's clear, it's very personal for him.

    11. Peggy, you remind me of another poster who, no matter what the topic of conversation was, she always made it about Thomas.

      I'm not sure what Taylor has to do with my comment but I am pretty sure that Brooke can fight her own battles - as she's been doing - where Taylor is concerned. She doesn't have to look to Carter or anyone else for assistance.

    12. Cherrl, the show has been exceptional the last few weeks. I loved listening to Ridge tell Carter off as well. It's such a shame though because Carter was one of the good ones. Oh well.

    13. sound like you blaming Taylor for what just happened on this episode...lmfao :)

  2. Well, Ridge doesn't leave no other choice for Carter than file those papers when he said : "You're fired". Carter didn't want to filr those papers but he has no other choise now.

    1. Lol i think "moral" Carter has a choice, stealing the company for your girlfriend from people who promoted you to COO and treated you like family, is FOUL. Even Brooke said it, how has Carter been mistreated? Just like everyone else in that company... they all get their ideas shot down. Steffy didn't want Brooke's bedroom to come back, her ideas were shut down. Eric (Carter, Brooke and Katie didn't want Hope fired, he (their) pleas were shut down, But unlike the others, non of them chose to throw a coup or be childish about it.

    2. If Carter goes ahead with filing those papers, then he is knowingly committing a felony, especially since Ridge fired him for what he did. Carter is sinking deeper and deeper.

    3. I just hope Justin is on the up and up and can be trusted by Ridge before Carter files them. Or did Carter file them the day they were signed??

    4. I don't think they were filed as yet. It seems he was keeping them in his back pocket just in case, as Ridge and Brooke said, he didn't get his way.

  3. You are just love sick puppy, afraid waking up alone!!! WOW!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    You're no longer COO, trusted lawyer, brother and friend!!! You're fired!!!!!
    Get out my office, building, my life!!!!! GO Ridge!!!!!

    Hope still think is right, the way she talks to Brooke and defending her action!!! Manipulative little Hope!!!!!

    Can't wait for FC bringing Carter and Hope down.
    If they think they are that good, they should open up their own fashion house!!!

    1. Or in this case steal an already sucessful company and see how they do trying to run it. Hope doesn't even know how Brooke struggled at first when she took over... AND she still couldn't have done it without the Forrestors. Both Ridge and Eric still worked there at the time. What's going to happen now should they wish to take over. After that showdown with Ridge, i highly doubt Ridge would want to work there, nor Steffy and i know Eric would not be happy knowing Carter is betraying him AGAIN.

    2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    3. @CC 100% agree with you.....

    4. I don't get Hope's concern for Carter losing his job and not deserving this injustice. Where was her concern when she was holding down his hand as he signed? Where was her concern when every time he voiced his reservations, she kept reminding him of how unfairly both of them were being treated? She was on top of the world thinking that Carter would be running FC and he would bring her and her line back. She wasn't concerned then, was she?

    5. Hope is only concerned because of Carter gets the boot she won’t get her way! She wasn’t counting on anyone finding out and attempting to stop the coup!

  4. You are just love sick puppy, afraid waking up alone!!! WOW!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    You're no longer COO, trusted lawyer, brother and friend!!! You're fired!!!!!
    Get out my office, building, my life!!!!! GO Ridge!!!!!

    Hope still think is right, the way she talks to Brooke and defending her action!!! Manipulative little Hope!!!!!

    Can't wait for FC bringing Carter and Hope down.
    If they think they are that good, they should open up their own fashion house!!!

  5. Ok this is getting good. But Carter though... I understand not wanting to grovel or look weak etc, but he was truly out of line. I am shook. He spoke to Ridge like he has been waiting YEARS to say all of this. Like a secret enemy. This was a terrible switch to his character. But perhaps it was always coming.

    1. At least with Quinn he showed remorse. But this?

  6. Yes Brooke has done worse so as Donna and Bill but Carter was trusted and he is just an employee I'm sure one day Carter may of hs shares but remember they fiercely protect Forrester Creations

  7. We have to recall Carter and Erics wife Quinn

  8. Did Carter file the docs? They'd only be valid if he wasn't fired when he filed, right?

    1. Good question - in what capacity is he filing the documents? As a former employee, that should invalidate them. It's odd that Carter supposedly will be able to rule Forrester Creations as 'Manager'. A manager can control a company but is such a generic term which could mean managing the steam room, kitchen or janitorial staff. Wouldn't you think he should deem himself the sole CEO on the documentation to show real authority?

      I don't see Justin as being an issue, D. He can simply file an injunction and have a hearing and when in soap time did Ridge and Steffy sign? I think a 'Right of Rescission' is only for consumers but I'd like a legal eagle to comment on the legitimacy of this single document in a hostile takeover. It sounds bogus to me but it's a soap taking poetic license I suspect.

      It makes sense for them to start their own company but Hope didn't even have a successful line before her firing let alone the creative capacity for an entire business and B&B doesn't have the budget for another set. LOL

    2. I think the fact that Ridge and Steffy signed while Carter was still with the company has some bearing on the validity of the papers.

    3. @Blair, i agree, if not filed and he was fired then they aren't valid but my gut tells me Justin might have already filed them, i just don't trust Justin.....i am HOPING i am wrong......

  9. And think all of this could have been avoided if Steffy wasn't such a b****, her Daddy didn't kiss her ass so much, and if only hope would have told the truth that she was seeing Carter 🙄🙄🙄

    1. What does she say? That she was in lingerie at her workplace as an employee and was going to have sex with Carter to manipulate him? Not to mention that she already had a relationship with her boss's first husband and got pregnant, that she forced a kiss on the second husband....Who is the bitch?

    2. Melissa 👍. Maybe if Hope and Carter were truthful, none of this would have happened. It shows they're not trustworthy. And it's happened many times before.

    3. Meli, sorry auto correct 🤨

    4. I agree kidd. All could have been avoided if they just came forward about being a couple. Now it’s out anyway but not on good terms. I did see preview that sounded like Justin telling Ridge it doesn’t look good. I think Carter will take over at least for awhile.

    5. @kidd.....Steffy a bitch....why.....because she refuses to be like her mother and allow the HOgan's to walk all over her and manipulate people with their victim BS makes her a, it makes her wise! She can read Brooke and HOpeless like a book and every single time Steffy say's something like 'Hope is getting in Carter's head' ' or 'I don't trust Hope around my husband' Steffy has proven herself right every single Steffy is no bitch...on ONLY Bitch here is HOpeless who uses men to get what she wants.......

  10. Well done Ridge 👏👏👏👏👏

  11. Hope and Carte HOgan are detestable and full of themselves! Carter HOgan is being manipulated, I can't wait for Thomas to come back, we're going to have a good laugh! She'll throw him away like an old sock!

    1. No Hope is done with Thomas, Thomas left to go be with another woman and took Hopes adopted son with him. This will be the second time Thomas has took a child a way from her. And besides he listened to Steffie and left the company and his position as head designer of HFTF, which was the beginning of HFTF demise. As CEo steffie knew then that she was pulling the life line out of that line. I think Hope is done with all Forresters, especially now that Carter has been fired. She is going to fight hard for him as he been doing for her. And personally, I would love to see Hope fight back, she has always been the goody good shoes girl that people has been walking all over on, firstly, Liam, who couldnt love only her. Hope is ready for a fight. And B&B always allude you to some clue as to what will happen next - today Hope reminded Brooke of the time when she took over the company, so I do feel a take over is on the way. But I feel it wont last, because I sense that Hope and Carter dont really want to take the company, but they will shake things up and put fire under Ridge and Steffie and thats exactly what does two need. Brooke better duck because she is going to get caught up in the cross fire.

    2. Peggy I love you blame Thomas alone for Baby Beth!

      Dr Reece stole that baby, for Money!!!

      Hope’s cousin Flo took. a huge payout and participated in an adoption scam to poor Steffy who had her adopted baby ripped literally out of her arms by Hope!

      Flo kept her mouth shut to protect herself from going to prison! Flo gave Katie a kidney so she got a free pass!

      Zoe knew what her father did, knew and went to work and was friends with Hope all the while knowing her baby was alive and with Steffy. Bonding with Kelly and Steffy as a family.

      Zoe did it to protect her father yet all is forgiven!

      Thomas was the way down the list of people and the others were continuing to hide it but you always blame Thomas! You claim he took the baby away! He didn’t!!!!

    3. Peggy did you forget how Hope pretended to be in love with Thomas and that she wanted to marry him to trick him into letting her adopt Douglas???

      Brooke tried to make it right force him to sign his son over to Hope and Liam to raise (which Liam straight up said no to!!!) and when that failed, Hope set out to con Thomas!

      Then she took his son completely away from him and didn’t even let him see him for years! Sue wanted to replace baby Beth! Even when she got her back she wanted her insta family.

      She and Liam talked shite about Thomas constantly to Douglas then out him through that terrible court battle where he chose to live with Aunt Steffy!!!!

      Hope traumatised that poor little boy because she was selfish!

      Thomas didn’t TAKE Douglas away from her to Paris! Douglas CHOSE to be with his father! He saw how much Hope had hurt him and by the way, her playing with Thomas’s emotions hurt Douglas!

      She made him think she wanted to be a family with them and then she pulled her usual boklucks… she got her way, used Thomas and tried to keep him on a string so she could keep manipulating him! It backfired!

      That is ALL on Hope!

      Hope is just using Carter! She magically fell in love in five seconds when she’d never given him the time of day?

      When she was obsessing over Finn for months, trying to break up his marriage, even using little Beth to try and hook him?

      Hope is doing what she’s always done. She manipulates and uses men!

      Steffy has had decades of Hope’s manipulative behaviour and seen how she disrespected and disregarded Steffy’s marriages to Liam and eventually Finn!

      She watched Hooe get pregnant with her husband and make her own pregnancy hell and rear Kelly like rubbish after her birth because she was jealous Liam had a baby with his own wife!

      She dealt with years of Hope being insubordinate and having her own father side with Hope and her line because of his relationship with Brooke.

      Hope always threw it in Steffy’s face! She queened it over Steffy that she had seduced her husband and that he was with her and their illegitimate baby now!

      Hope hurt Steffy when she ripped her adopted daughter, whom she named for her dead twin and was raising as a single mum so her daughter could have a little sister to love and grow up with!

      Legally Steffy could have kept Beth until there was a court hearing and integration and all the things that would have happened IRL.

      Instead she allowed Hope to walk into her home, yank her beloved child from her arms and take her fiancé and walk away!

      Hope NEVER stopped for a second to think how Steffy or Kelly felt! Poor Kelly suddenly no longer had her daddy with her and in fact Hope actively kept him away from Kelly demanding he gave Beth and her all his time!

      She never thought about poor little Beth who didn’t know her ! She ripped her from the arms of the only mother she knew, from her big sister, her home, and even her name!!!

      Hope didn’t stop to think how it would damage that baby! It was all about her!

      I hope someday Beth gives her hell for it!

    4. Hope is a schemer and manipulator! You watch when this eventually blows up in their faces, she will drop Carter in a flash and move on to the next victim!

      Thomas has reformed and gotten treatment for his physical and psychological issues.

      Hope is just being who she truly is and has kept hidden all these years.

      She’s was choking a huge tantrum with Brooke because she always gets her way in the end! How dare Mummy interfere with that!

    5. Chucking not choking… bloody autospell!

  12. Ridge is such a wanker!!! Again, blaming it all on Hope. So sick of his BS!!!
    Yes, Carter stood up for Hope! Now maybe they will do what I suggested weeks ago and start their own company!

    1. lmfao @Lynn, he didn't blame it all on Hope, Ridge said 'Hope is encouraging you to do it' and Carter looked down which means that Carter himself confirmed it to be true what Ridge just said.....the only wanker here is

    2. Ridge held Hope accountable for her part in all this!

      Ridge pointed out how out of character Carter’s behaviour is! How yes it was his original idea but how Hope had been leading and pushing him to implement it! That is 100% true!

      The fact is Carter was NEVER mistreated at Forrester! He was given advancement and opportunity and treated with respect, and like family!

      One idea being shot down does not make him some oppressed, dismissed, poorly treated employee!

      That is what Hope has been saying in his ear for weeks! She poisoned him against his best friend!

      What did Eric ever do to Carter? He forgave him for having an affair with his wife!

      Eric told him NO once on an idea he had every right to! Even Brooke said it to Hope!

      That isn’t what Forrester is about!

      Brooke was there, she saw how Carter was treated and Ridge’s private thoughts and feelings about him!

      She was stunned at the betrayal! She was stunned by her OWN DAUGHTER’S behaviour!!!

      Brooke is blaming Hope for her significant role in this!

      So how do you sit there bashing Ridge? Hope’s own mother is horrified at what she’s doing!

      Hope is screaming at her mother and acting like the spoiled brat she is!

      Ridge has every right to try and rescue his former best friend from a woman who is using him and will throw him away as soon as she gets what she wants and he isn’t useful anymore!!!

    3. Ridge is looking at a man who has been loyal and honourable and is now committing a felony all for Hope who DOESN’T love him!

      He was desperately trying save his best friend who threw it in his face!

      Hope chose to lie and manipulate! No one made her do that!

      Steffy would not have fired her if she had told the truth!

      Carter would not have been fired either!

      The ONLY reason Hope didn’t tell the truth is because she wanted Carter to keep her line and if Steffy, Ridge, and Eric knew the truth they would know why he suddenly went from pushing to cut HFTF to being it’s biggest champion despite it’s continuing demise numbers wise.

      Hope would have been given something else to do at Forrester and her employees would be redistributed through other lines, which is exactly what happened to them! They weren’t fired or made redundant!

    4. Little u - I know no one will talk to you, but that’s your problem! Stay off my posts!!

    5. BBFAN, Ridge helped raise Hope. He knows who she is. She is a very good person at her core, but she has lost her way. And it started the minute she became interested in Thomas - her abuser. It’s been downhill ever since!! But that’s not who Hope is at her core. Something snapped in her.
      For Ridge to offer Carter complete and total absolve as long as he dumps Hope is the most unrealistic, ridiculous thing I have ever heard!!!
      As I already said….Ridge is acting like the good ol boy! Sexist bullshit!!
      I stick with what I said!!!
      I’m not interested in arguing about this. My comment stands.

    6. And for the record - I absolutely believe Hope DOES love Carter. You ladies are hilarious - she never told Thomas she loved him because she couldn't bring herself to do it. But I had to hear 10 + times a day how Hope was absolutely in love with Thomas from all the Thomas fans.
      But now that Hope ACTUALLY SAYS THE WORDS “I LOVE YOU!” to Carter, now you’re convinced she doesn’t actually love Carter. I have an idea….just listen to the words that come out of her mouth!! Yes, SHE LOVES CARTER!! No, she was never in love with Thomas. Thomas is absolutely yesterday’s news.

    7. Lynn, Ridge is ridiculous for sure. I can't wait for Brooke to find out what a weasel he is, pushing to throw Hope under the bus, while giving a free pass to the actual mastermind behind this coup. If he hadn't been such a ballless idiot with his ridiculous holier than thou speeches, I'd be on his side. But now he deserves for Carter to kick them all to the curb in one way or another and to lose Brooke.

    8. Hi Milla!! 😁. Absolutely!!! I’ve missed you!

    9. @Lynn, you don't own this blog so i will comment ALL i like and i don't give a rats ass about the hate you carry! The only reason you MISSED Milla is because you cannot fight your own are a bully! Really, you know no-one will talk to me....that's so mature, funny how nobody bothers with you, could be the botox that puts them's only your side kick bully that talks to you....bwaaahaahaahaa :)

    10. Little u, now that the other trolls disappeared, you're just sad. Is it really so hard for you to at least try to talk like the normal people here? Or do you enjoy being the sad blog troll sh*tting on every post trying to get attention? I somehow don't think you do. I think you would much more enjoy having a normal conversation, even if it's disagreeing, but you have fallen into the troll trap and don't know how to exit it. But it's not who you have to stay. Just something to think about.

  13. I'm going to go out on a limb, as Brooke would say. Carter and Hope will have to go and start their own "luxury brand" company because they will never be trusted again at Forresters.

    1. That’s exactly what they both agree on….taking a fashion house to a whole other level.

    2. Right. But that's not what the Forresters want. They want to keep their family company, a family company. If it's Carters dream to run a conglomerate luxury brand fashion house, he should start one or take over another one. Not stab Ridge and Eric in the back, who gave him so many free passes and treated him like family. He and Hope have 1 thing in common. Entitlement

    3. That’s literally what I said above…Carter and Hope will go off and start their own company.

    4. My comment above @ 7:02 pm.

    5. The fact that good ol boy Ridge blamed the entire thing on Hope and said those disparaging things about Hope, but was willing to completely give Carter a free pass was beyond disgusting!

    6. @D agree, i said it the day Carter pitched his stupid idea that NOBODY agreed to.....start your own company IF you have the Capital for it, Carter did say he could invest so i agree totally with you.....he needs to move on with his over sexed new

  14. Why do we want Ridge to win???? Carter deserves to take over. Ridge has been allowing his daughter to run that company to the ground based on her hatred for the Logans. She hates Brooke, she hates Hope and she dosent hide it. No respect for her father and none for her grand dad. ive seen Steffie disrespect Brooke right in front of Ridge and he said nothing. When Steffie fired Hope, he allowed it without trying to find an alternative solution knowing very well that this was the of the woman he was laying with every night, the daughter of the woman he had loved most of his life and the step daughter he helped raised. Ridge fired Hope and Brooke ran to Ridge about the possible take over. I feel this is going to back fire in her face.

    1. @Peggy.....please enlighten us ALL about FC being run into the ground, they have ZERO debt, where do you see that it's been run into the ground.....are you watching the same show that we are watching....lmfao :) I was watching a few of the old episodes, going back many, many year's and I actually felt quite sorry for Steffy, she started in shipping, she had her OWN line after she worked her way up in the company. Hope was living with Brooke and Ridge, Hope had just graduated from College and Hope was brought in to work at FC, Ridge cancelled Steffy's line to make way for HFTF. Ridge, Brooke and Hope sat down to evenings dinners together, she called him dad and he referred to Hope as his daughter.....Steffy and Thomas were pushed aside, Ridge ALWAYS stood up for Hope and NEVER for Steffy and Thomas! Hope was given a line without ANY experience....Hope was given EVERYTHING on a silver platter! Steffy and Thomas had to FIGHT for affection from their own father because he was SO caught up in the Logan web! I think Ridge has been dying to say what he did about Hope, she's manipulator and gets everything that she wants by playing the victim. Both Steffy and Thomas were pushed aside because Hope was the 'golden child'.....I remember when Steffy and Hope both agreed to put their differences aside for the sake of their children, they got along just fine but Hope hates the fact that Steffy is the boss because Hope herself wants to be the boss, she thinks she entitled to it! Hope hates the fact that Steffy is married to a loyal man and they have a beautiful house, Hope still lives in her mamma's back garden. Everything that Hope does is to 'get to Steffy' from going after Thomas to get to Steffy, to kissing Finn to get to Steffy and now going after FC it's to get to Steffy....Hope is the one filled with hate and jealousy. FC is Steffy's legacy NOT Hope's but she's out to get to Steffy. Carter has NEVER been undermined in the company, Ridge made him COO, how is that undermining him! Carter and Hope are spoilt brats who deserve nothing but a downfall!

    2. Please enlighten us to where FC is being run into the ground....lmfao :)

    3. Ridge also stood by when Katie and Brooke fired Steffy and Thomas because they were Ridge’s children with Taylor!!! And no other reason!

      They actually had to earn their places there!

      Ridge and Brooke both said Steffy was doing her job! Agree with her decision or not, as CEO it was her place to make those decisions!

      Eric made her compete to be promoted to Co-CEO!

      As a majority shareholder, which Ridge is NOT she has a significant say as well!

      Ridge gave Steffy authority over HFTF which she consulted with Eric, Ridge and Carter in by the by! ALL agreed it should be cut!

      Ridge didn’t consult anyone when he unilaterally brought Brooke back to Forrester, rebooted her line and made her a member of the executive team! He should have consulted Steffy but he didn’t!

      Ridge is backing his daughter in her ROLE as CEO!!!

      Brooke is actually backing Steffy’s right to continue running Forrester with her Father! I give her big props for that!!!

    4. Carter is an employee staging a coup because One single Idea got shot down!!!!

      Did you listen to Brooke at all??? She NAILED it!!!

      Hope made a MESS at Forrester and she won’t take any responsibility! She doesn’t care that Carter will lose everything in trying to get her what she wants!

  15. If Carter takes over Forrester, Ridge and the whole design team needs to go on strike and prove that nothing will get done while Carter and Hope are in charge. They are not under contract with Carter, so they can quit and shut production down.

  16. You know what I don't understand? Why was it okay for Brooke to bad-mouth Thomas who she helped raise because he was a bad boy and deserving of all that was said about him, but it's a crime for Ridge to bad-mouth Hope just because he helped raised her, even though she is now being a bad girl? Hope Is deserving of it all. She's not some innocent in this mess. She lied, scheme and acted immorally.

    1. May be because Tom tried to kill her son repeatedly.

    2. Oh please like Rick the pyro didn’t try to kill Thomas? What a bunch of rubbish! Rick was an out of control punk!

    3. And Hope had an affair and got pregnant by Steffy's first husband, then tried to seduce her second husband, and is now trying to take their company away! I'm not sure I understand what your point is. My point is that it seems only Brooke can badmouth Ridge's children but Ridge can't badmouth Brooke's daughter.

    4. point is that it was undoubted fact what crimes tomas committed towards brooks family which established her opinion of him and justifies her badmouthing. crime is way worse than what ridge is assuming hopes role in this is. he doesn't know for a fact. Brook knew.

    5. I see. So unless Hope commits a criminal offence against Ridge and or his family, Ridge should just keep his mouth shut about Hope.

      Oh wait, didn't she and Carter collude to commit corporate espionage by allowing Ridge and Steffy to sign the LLC under false pretenses? Collusion, espionage and fraud are all criminal offences and Ridge has every right to say what he wants about Hope based on what she, together with Carter, tried to do.

    6. yeah attempted murders are the same level as corporate espionage sure 🤣 ridge can say what he wants about hope nobody's stopping him. you're the one who brought up brooke "badmouthing" her son's attempted murderer and I explained why she has the right to badmouth him.

  17. I'm personally sick of Carter and hope acting like they are victims of steffy that is so ridiculous and hope and Carter should be charged with fraud conspiracy trying to steal Stephanie and Eric's family company and brook needs to stop coddling hope liam and WYATT s X wife

    1. 100%'s quite shocking that Hope has turned into an evil vindictive BITCH!
