
Friday, December 27, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th December 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th December 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Looks like Will the intern is smarter than some of Forrester Creations more seasoned employees.

    1. Will the intern is definitely smarter then all the those ppl in that rooom. Will go find Electra.

    2. Will will find Electra just in time to ring 💍 in the new year! 🥂

    3. Dumbo Katie receives an email from an unknown sender and doesn't think to question the authenticity of the photos. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Carter should fire her for 1) doing a job that was not hers and 2) doing it badly.

      Go get your girl, Will!

    4. @Renee...more seasoned 😂😂😂😂😂😂 love it 🤣😉

    5. Seasoned still trying a way to turn on her notebook 😂

    6. So, here are the seasonings each would be:

      Katie: Mrs. Dash because she hastily fired Electra without just cause

      Hope: Salt because not only is she pale, but also her reaction to getting fired was salty

      Carter: Pepper because he is hot looking

    7. Lmao @ Hope 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8. The Bible says that Christians are to be the salt of the earth, meaning they should spread the message of Jesus everywhere. It's supposed to be akin to salt, which is used in almost everything.

      When you called Hope salt, I thought you were going to say that she is with everyone. 😂 😂 I was like 🫣

      Whew! 😂 😂 😂 😂

    9. Hope is definitely not the salt of the earth. She is salty & if she read the Bible, she would know that she & Carter broke commandments. ✝️

    10. I think it is time for Electra to file a huge lawsuit against both Forrester and Katie and Brooke personally for being fired without cause. Can’t believe they would be so stupid to fire someone and not investigate first, but to not tell her why is truly not professional. They are really going to ruin this company by making such stupid decisions.

    11. not that he is smarter, he is younger. my mom probably wouldnt know what an AI is either, but however, she does know people can put the face of someone onto anothers body.

    12. It is legal to be fired without cause. That being said, Katie is making huge assumptions about Electra's character. If she had posed nude, so what? What if the photo was personal for an ex boyfriend and he retaliated their break-up by forwarding it to her employer? It's not like she made a sex tape or was involved in illegal activity. Her employment contract should state causes for termination in its morality clause which highlights unacceptable behavior in the course of her employment e.g., posing without attire and fraternizing with other employees. However, WE know that fraternizing is not only acceptable but encouraged @ Forrester Creations. LOL

  2. So glad Electra confronted psycho sick Remy!!!👏🏻👏🏻
    And Will push Katie to tell him the truth. Mom this AI👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    I think Luna did the bruising and all to herself to get out of jail and get Bill compassion. She will do extremes measure that girl. Just hope Bill won't fall for it. And be smart like his son will!!

    The scene of on the perfume was hard to watch.

    1. And, they mixed scents! So, imagine how that office & the Logans must have smelled! 😂👃💨

    2. @CC 😂😂 re the perfumes, I laughed SO hard 😂😂 three dumb asses have NO idea what they are doing 😂😂😂

    3. Yes, the perfume scene was hard to watch and with all due respect to the actress, I wasn't impressed.

    4. @CC I agree with all you said. Not only was the perfume sampling scene hard to watch, it was a stupid, boring waste of time. This is a 30 minute show (actually 19 minutes). That scene did not need to be seen. It could have been described later. I love how Will said "mom, are you serious". As if to say "You idiot. You fired that poor girl over something that's not even real". And Remy is delusional! Yes, I did it, but I love you. And let's go to New York together. Sure, best friend. Let's go! 🙃
      At least from next weeks sneak peek she got out of his apartment.
      Bill, please don't fall for Luna's sad story! She did those injuries to herself, or she paid someone to do it. And she's blaming everything she did on her mother! Way to take responsibility!

    5. Yes, who samples those perfumes all at once without washing each smell off first. That was truly a waste of air time! But it did show that none of them clearly know what they are doing. Wasn’t Brooke hired as CEO? So why wouldn’t she be included in this interview and decision? Really shows that Carter and Hope don’t have a clue on how to run a company. Where is all the capital going to come from since no one is still actively producing anything on the HFTF line, and there is no one designing but distraught Zende? Is stupid Carter, who is not a shareholder, nor a real owner of this company going to fork over his personal bankroll to invest in a company that he only manages?

  3. Why is Bill entertaining Luna? You can tell she's lying using the same excuses - I wasn't myself. My horrible upbringing. Bill, please leave Luna alone and never go back to see her.

    1. Bill don’t fall for this line of bs from Luna. You should know that Poppy is not like her daughter is projecting. Luna is more of a psycho than Sheila and you trapped and tricked Sheila. You can do it again, forget about visiting Luna unless you’re willing to trip her up and show the psycho in her to the justice system.

  4. I hope Bill doesn't fall for Luna's lies.. she probably paid someone to beat her up... Thank you Bob 💕

  5. Ugh Bill, you're smarter than that! "I'm not making excuses for myself" but you are! And all this "we are alike" crap... You can't fall for that.
    LOL GenZ Will directly spotted the AI unlike the boomers. Look at him go on that bike 😍😅
    Aw Taylor "worried" that Brooke will try to get Ridge back. The nerve of her to want back the man she lived with up until 3 days ago! I still hope Brooke sees Ridge for who he is though - ungrateful arrogant ass. Even if that means him disappointing her once again.

    1. Brooke definitrely doesnt see Ridge the way you do. She's about to go fight for her destiny....dumbass. I dont respect her or Taylor when it comes to Ridge.
      I think Will will run over Remy on his bike and daddy now will have another of his 'kids' to visit in jail since it looks like he'll try to get Luna out. I dont get how the man has a. whole empire and cant sniff out bs. He must have killed a CEO and took the top spot because HOW?!!!!!!!!

    2. Milla, that preview with Taylor saying that was so stupid! Taylor already thinks she and Ridge are the hot new….old….new item!! 🤣🤣🤣
      I swear Taylor acts like a 13 year old girl with a crush on the guy in her science class! Ridiculous!
      And what’s up with Katie keeping this whole Electra photos thing a huge secret?? There was ZERO reason she or Brooke or any of the Logans now running the company couldn’t have told Electra what she was being fired for….and at least give her a chance to explain. Such stupid writing as usual. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
      Remy has taken creepy weirdo to the next level. That guy is a serial killer in years to come.
      Can’t wait for Will to come to Electra’s rescue!!
      And the whole Bill / Luna thing is so dumb!!!! If he helps her….OMG!! She is a manipulative little psychopath!

    3. When it comes to Ridge, I don't think these ladies can help themselves. Sigh.

      I say bring on a new man for Taylor and let Brooke keep Ridge. She seems to enjoy him walking away from her time and time again.

      "Look at him go on that bike." 🤭🤭

    4. Unknown I have the feeling we'll see more of Remy, I don't know why. And can we mention how good he looks shirtless 😁 the previews do mention a fight between him and Will! I'm so glad they won't go with another drawn out hostage situation like with Steffy.
      Lynn yes Katie keeping that "secret" and then telling everyone but the person in question was terrible. At least she finally caved and said something! Brooke also should have questioned it and made her be transparent. And Carter 🤦🏻‍♀️ "I'm so glad you handled it"...
      Elle yes for a new man for Taylor! So overdue! As long as it's not Bill. She'll have to climb him like a tree he's so much bigger 😂🙈

    5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh lawdie

    6. Lol…..”She’ll have to climb him like a tree!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    7. Yes, Elle….Brooke is a glutton for punishment as well. Like we’ve all said….this show is clearly written by male chauvinist pigs!!

  6. Well Bridge will be together and Will and Electra and I think that perfume creator will go see the Foresters
    Hope you have a Happy New Year
    Thank you Bob xxxxx
    And all guys in the comments Happy New Year xx

  7. where in the hell have they been keeping rj. if they're going to disappear them, at least give us a story line to explain their departure.

    1. He went to Paris but the show isn't doing well financially that's why we hardly see Liam , Beth, Kelly and Haze, they can't afford to air them as much, I have read Liam will be making an appearance soon.

    2. Dam. I hope that the show doesn't go under because of bad writing. That would be a major shame.

    3. RJ's girlfriend is in jail. He's probably off somewhere licking his wounds. We'll see him soon enough.

  8. Grandma Katie you are making the SAME mistake with Will that Brooke made with Hopeless, treating them like babies and wiping their grown ass backsides. Will is a MAN, you don't need to moddy coddle him, he is not 2 year's old‼️ Lunatic Luna beat herself up clearly, said it two weeks ago, Bill is falling for her 🚩🤣 Hope seems to be enjoying standing behind Ridge's desk and everything is "WE" 😂, she really thinks she owns FC 😂 I thought FC already had a fragrance line 🤔

  9. Remy, electra, will 's storyline is going too fast.

  10. Remy is a physcopath he needs serious mental help hurting Electra and I want to see will ivy steffy ridge Eric zende expose Carter and hope s deception stealing Stephanie and Eric's family company there's nothing legal about it and Justin knows it he's a criminal liar

    1. The last time Bill/the Logans took the company, at least we saw Steffy getting things done to get back the company in the hands of the Forresters. Now, it seems there is very little interest in getting the company back. I hope they do something soon.

  11. ♥️ Remy & Luna ♥️

    They would be an interesting pair.
    Both of them should be patients of Dr. Taylor Hayes.

  12. Charlie was mentioned today (thankfully just mentioned, not seen). Did Pam mention him the other day at Eric's? I might have missed that. Been a while since they've been seen together. And I remember he was flirting with Esther at the fashion showdown. I don't care that much about them. Just curious.

    1. At the fashion showdown, Charlie mentioned that he and Pam were no longer an item.

    2. Charlie & Pam broke up, but Charlie still has a sweet spot for Pam's lemon 🍋 bars. 💛 Pam made her famous lemon 🍋 bars for the Forrester family for Christmas. 🎄

  13. Luna needs to take out the logans and carter
