
Monday, February 17, 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-17-25 Full episode B&B 17th February 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-17-25 Full episode B&B 17th February 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. I cried too, this episode is so touching and I'm so sick of Hope's fakeness. I hope Daphne & Carter get together, that would be a power couple and they would look great together!!

    2. I cried too, this episode is so touching and I'm so sick of Hope's fakeness. I hope Daphne & Carter get together, that would be a power couple and they would look great together!!

    3. Ridge is talking about morals? are you kidding me? calling your wife s doughter a slut and a bitch? come on people...

    4. Ridge has never called Hope names before. He was always good to her, and accepting of her, even when she and Thomas were together. And how did Hope repay him? By stealing his company! Of course he would have a few choice words for and about her. Anyone would.

      I personally hope that she gets kicked to the curb when Ridge and Steffy get the company back.

  2. sooo glad to see ridge & carter embrace. now he needs to kick hope to the curb, hook up with daphne & sign the company back over to ridge and steffi. and zende needs to tell ridge about brookes plan to win back the company...he realizes she didn't double cross him and kicks taylor to the curb. LOL sorry, i never liked taylor.

    1. @Wesa, but Brooke already told Ridge about her idea but she stabbed in the back by not talking to him FIRST before taking the CEO position. Anyways, what, Brooke spoke to Carter a whole two was Daphne that made Carter see the light not Brooke!

    2. Unlike most, I did not get the fuzzies about Carter embracing Ridge because Carter is still arrogant about taking the company and insisting that he was right to do so. I hope Ridge does not fall for his bs.

      Carter might be missing his friend, but he is still not willing to admit that what he did was wrong.

    3. Exactly and then there is Hope in his ear🐍 saying what a wonderful job he is doing not considering his feelings at all as long as she get to stay on the top of it. Am I right!?

  3. TY Bob.

    Hope stop talking and stop saying "I refuse"!!!! The look she have at the end. Let see, if she will support her boyfriend Carter or not. Or just care about her spoil self!!!!
    Seee you later Hope!!! Go find lame Liam!!! Lol

    1. Hope's next move - sex up Carter in the office to refocus his attention on her and what she wants, because Ridge should not want to get back HIS company which was stolen from him. It should only be about her.

  4. Loved that ending. But I really came on here to say that Hope's dress looks like a high school Home Ec project. Yeesh!

  5. I loved it today 🩡🩡🩡

  6. Very nice ending...made me tear up 😒..Hope is getting on my nerves just as Steffy and Taylor...hope they all go away for awhile...Hope/Annika is either pregnant (as I've been saying for awhile now) or just gained some weight maybe that's why she' s been dressing terrible lately 🀷🏼‍♀️... Thank you Bob ❤️🌷

    1. Yes I noticed that to about hope apparently she’s supposed to be pregnant with carters baby she’s probably pregnant in real life to

    2. wanted to say something bout Annika but she's sensitive due to miscarriages and although i dont like her character on the show, I wish her the best either way.

    3. Agree. I noticed that last week. And yes, Unknown 2, I wish her the best also.

    4. Hope is insufferable. I read an article saying that she's living on Delulu Island lol. She most definitely is. That bitch is crazy! I have long loathed Steffi, but just had a passing annoyance with Hope. Well I can definitely say that I loathe her too. She's awful. I like Brooke, but everytime I hear her calling Hope "honey" in that syrupy sweet voice I puke in my mouthπŸ˜† Same goes for every time Taylor starts on about steffi and/or Finn and their perfect relationship

  7. Very good scene with Ridge and Carter. I really felt the emotion and the loss of the friendship. I'm hoping it will lead to Carter returning the company to the Forresters, but I think something or someone (Hope) will get in the way. Hope sees that Carter is struggling and conflicted. A good significant other would encourage their partner to listen to his heart. Not talk him out of it, or get him to change his mind. I'm not a Hope "hater" as someone said Friday. But her character lately has been very hard to like. Bratty, power-hungry, just awful. I hope Carter thinks about what Ridge said about her and their relationship. He wasn't just name-calling. He asked Carter to think about what kind of person he's become.
    And my last comment (for now). I was disappointed Steffy didn't say anything positive about Brooke when she was talking with Daphne, Zende, and Taylor. Steffy witnessed how Brooke acted after the jewelry line launch. But she didn't mention that. ☹

    1. Hope already told Carter it's over between them if he gives the company her aim will be to screw him in order to manipulate him and change his mind.

    2. Regarding Steffy, it was the last scene with them in it. Maybe it will continue today. We already had Steffy tell Hope that even Brooke knows what Carter did was wrong so, we know that Steffy believes that Brooke is not into the takeover 100%. Of course, she still doesn't like her but she is aware that Brooke isn't fully supportive of the coup.

  8. Hope is a nasty piece of work the time of Steam proved that too getting pregnant demanding Steam split even though it was clear Liam always wanted Steffy
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  9. Hope lost her mind. But on the other hand Brooke is showing time after time that she is changed but I still see Logan haters bashing her and treat Brooke and Hope the same and hate them equally. Everyone should look at the characters individually not "Forresters" vs "Logans” and hate all the Logans. Hope behaves sickening, yes, but Brooke told Ridge that she overheard them about the coup etc. etc. Everyone has past. No one is saint. Brooke has past like people in real life have past. But she is changed and I can’t agree with Ridge and with some of users in this blog. She wasn’t ever support Hope and Carter. She accepted CEO position but she wasn’t ok with that coup even for a second. One thing that I don’t like is that she regrets that slap and want Ridge back.
    That’s my opinion.

    1. it's actually Logan's VS Forester's, not the other way around. How many times have the Logan's stole FC...i think this is the THIRD or FOURTH time...let's be honest here.....

    2. Love for a particular family goes way back Olga. It's not just on this blog. But I do agree that it is better to support the individual characters rather than support (or hate) them based on which family they are from. It would make people more objective.

      Regarding Brooke, you are right, she was never supportive of the coup in a general sense, but she justified why Carter and Hope stole the company and insisted that Ridge understand why they did it. By doing that, she technically supported the coup.

      Then, to make things worse, she took the CEO position without even discussing it with Ridge first. So what are the Forresters to think? First, she justified the takeover, then she accepted the CEO position. Of course it would look like she sided with Carter and Hope.

      I really cannot blame Ridge in this case. Brooke should have just supported him and the Forrester family by standing with them. It would have also sent a message to Hope that her mother was not in support of what she did.

    3. πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ but will she ever let her sweet precious daughter know thatπŸ€¨πŸ€”πŸ€”

  10. Stephanie is going to take credit, but it is Brooke influence on Carter that is given him guilt, not Stephanie Ideal with her friend!

    1. what, Brooke spoke to Carter a whole TWO it was Daphne that pushed Carter over the edge when she said 'Hope has you wrapped around her little finger" then Hope came into the office and that's when Carter said 'this is Eric's office so no it certainly wasn't Brooke's doing!

    2. In the grander scheme of things, what matters most is that the Forresters get their company back.

      Both Daphne and Brooke said things to Carter to make him think. So did Ridge. Ridge had an entire conversation with him. It's not just one person who can take credit if Carter gives the company back.

  11. It looks like Carter is now seeing what Ridge has told him over and over again that Hope is using him after the way she walked out after he told her he was feeling guilty! How ever I can't complete blame Hope for using men to get what she wants after her role model is Brooke!

  12. Taylor u r going to get hurt again by falling for Ridge again knowing he is still in love with Brooke, although you are a better person than Brooke! Taylor when Ridge leaves you again for Brooke is because the ❤️ wants what the heart wants!!!

  13. Carter and Ridge embracing... Yesss 😍
    Zende knew that Brooke accepted to be CEO just to try to give the society back to Ridge and his family, Brooke told herself as soon as accepted. So, Zende could prove that Brooke was sincere and make Steffy and Taylor stop telling bullshits about Brooke!

  14. Moving episode today.This is a pretty rare event on B&B. Nice to see some solid acting. Even good script writing...WOW. Keep it up.

  15. The jewelry line died when Quin left. Carter brought IV back to relaunch the jewelry line. It was his idea and the fact that Ridge is still not giving Carter his props only prove that Hope is right about how poorly they treat their most valuable employee. I remember clearly when Carter brought IV and Electra to steffies office to get her to relaunch the jewelry line and Ridge and Erica agreed. Steffie herself probably would have said no. So Gad dam. It Ridge, give Carter's his props. He brought that line back under IV. IV was Carter's vision.

  16. It's unfortunate that Steffie will always look at hope and Brooke as sluts. Her focus is to get rid of the Logan's when Brooke is trying hard to give her her company back. She will never accept you Brooke over her mother's love for Ridge.

    1. Brooke says that while rationalising her daughter’s vile behaviour! Brooke sided with Hope and Carter and is still defending the theft if Forrester! She chose her entitled brat of a daughter over Ridge! That isn’t love!!!

      If Brooke had walked away and sided with the Forresters then Steffy would see she had changed! But she didn’t and she hasn’t! Brooke is just trying to have her cake and eat it too!
