Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-6-25 Full episode B&B 6th February 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-6-25 Full episode B&B 6th February 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. I have a sympathy for Finn even if he slept with his aunt. He was 18. He was younger than her. He was a virgin. Poppy was older than him, she was sleeping around and she did lie to him and took the opportunity to enjoy having a daughter. I understand his anger and can some way justify what he did sleeping with her. But with Poppy I lost any kind of respect to her.

    With Hope and Carter I have an unpopular opinion but I disagree that Hope is using him. It piss me of that Steffy and Ridge only blame her. Well most of the people on this blog also. But it’s him who in this one episode came to Hope with a document and said 'I have a way to get the Company’. Also it was his idea with this leather goods and all that stuff. He gave Ridge the papers. Of course Hope reacted with enthusiasm. But HE iniciated the coup. Carter is just a doughbag with no 'values' since Quinn. He is a womanizer and a player. Quinn, Paris later Hope (he was the one pursuing her at the beggining, another thing everyone forgets). Later the coup. Carter's actor is one of the writers so he must really hated the 'good guy' version of his character if he made him that way.

    Long comment and probably with mistakes because english isn’t my first language and most of you will disagree with the opinion about Hope but I started to like commenting here 😀

    1. I agree about Hope and Carter. HE was the one who initiated it, but he came to Hope about it because he KNEW that she would want him to go through with it, considering how the Logans have been treated over the years. So, who was manipulating who? I think Carter manipulated Hope, not the other way around. Of course she would wanna get payback for a wrongful termination and for a lot of other things. Carter knew that Hope would understand him and help him go against his own better judgement, moral compass, whatever. He did this so he would go through with it, I think, letting her in on his plan was his masterplan to get the company and not question himself, even though he did that sometimes, I think he did that only for show. To show that he had some kind of conscience, this way he hooked Hope on.

      About Poppy....she sounded like a groomer when she said: Don't belittle what we shared! I mean... She might not have meant to at the start when they were sitting on that veranda talking all those late nights, but she was grooming him, even if unintentionally. Finn is right too, if he had known he had a daughter, Luna might have had a stable life, and no reason to become a murderer. Finn might have become a doctor anyways. There was no way for Poppy to know that. She could have told him and at the same time helped him become a doctor. BUT she was MOSTLY afraid of the shame and that Li would HATE her completely.

    2. Yes, Carter pursued Hope first but did you forget that she was not interested and kept pushing him away? It wasn't until she saw how voraciously he defended her and her line did Hope suddenly become super interested in Carter. That's why I believe she's using him. She realized that he was willing to stand up for her against the Forresters.

      Finn is acting like a petulant child making assertions that he cannot possibly be 100% certain of. He should have understood Poppy's reasons and shown a little gratitude to her for raising Luna on her own. Poppy didn't raise a murderer. Luna made the decision to kill 2 men all on her own, the same way Finn decided to sleep with his Aunt all on his own. Or does he blame his parents for making him sleep with his Aunt Poppy?

    3. I was calling her a groomer in my head since it was confirmed that they slept together and she was his first and about all this rooftop talking

    4. We haven't been given any evidence that Poppy groomed Finn. Grooming involves giving the child gifts, money and promises. According to both Finn and Poppy, they were consenting adults. Poppy also indicated that she was down on her luck, which is why she moved into her sister's home. I doubt she could have even afforded to give any kind of gifts to Finn.

      I do not like that the writers decided to go where they've gone with this storyline but it seems to me that Finn and Poppy developed a close relationship and, like any horny college kid, he wanted to experience sex. He didn't make the best choice in sleeping with his aunt and Poppy, being older, should have known better. She was living in Finn's home through the graciousness of his mother. That alone should have made Poppy not want to sleep with her sister's son.

  2. Olga, disagree or not with others, makes blogs interesting. I have to say I haven't watched since last week, just reading comments to stay in the loop. Was home early today so watched, and looks like I have missed nothing.
    Like you I do see Finn's anger for not being able to be involved with Luna growing up. Poppy is just thinking of herself.
    Did love seeing Finn's character actually getting mad for a change.

    1. Finally good acting from Novlan. And Poppy just thinks about herself because she is scared of Li. That is the real reason she hide the truth about Luna's paternity.

    2. Yes he's probably a really good actor. The script they gave him doesn't give him a chance to show it.
      My first language is English, and still make a lot of mistakes. 😂

    3. D you should definitely watch the previous episodes when Finn found out what you insisted all along 😀 I think you were the only one who never gave up on the idea he is the father and defended it.

    4. Unknown, totally agree. I understand Poppy's reasoning for not letting Finn know. She wasn't even sure herself so, why tell him. She chose not to entertain the thought that he could be her baby's father. I don't blame her. And, I don't often agree with keeping secrets but, in this case, I agree with Poppy. Noone needs to know. It's been a secret for so long, there's no need to go around telling everyone now.

      There was also no need for Finn to be so cruel to Poppy telling her that she raised a murderer, as if he would have done any better. He would have been off at med school for many years, an absent father. And he certainly wasn't mature enough to father a child being that he was making horrible decisions back then, like sleeping with his Aunt.

    5. Milla, don't have time to go back to previous episodes. A few I have tried, I keep getting a playback error? So gave up.
      Elle, I have to disagree Finn acting like a petulant child?. I'm sure he understands Poppy's reasoning, if it was true. I think he knows she knew all along it was him and should have told him, she was saving her own ass at the time. I can also see the anger in not knowing, and if he had of been there for Luna maybe none of this would have happened. Saying that, watching the way Luna secretly watches Will is disturbing . And I still think there is something more with Bill and his reason why he is keeping Luna. None of that makes sense to me.

    6. D, I'm not against Finn being angry about not being told he had a daughter, I fully understand how he feels. My issue is with the things he is saying to Poppy about her raising a murderer and calling her a liar. We have seen all along that Poppy was not sure who Luna's father was. She was genuinely happy when the test showed Bill to be the father. So, I do not believe that she knew for certain that Finn was the dad. At best, she would have thought about him being a possibility but I also believe her when she said she didn't want to complicate his life.

      And, of course, she would also think of the implications for herself if anyone found out. Who wouldn't? I simply do not see Poppy's actions as selfish. She knew she messed up, she knew she was sleeping around and wasn't sure of who her baby's father was so, she decided to raise her child on her own. I understand that.

  3. Oh, and I can see Brooke teaming up with Steffy to persuade Carter into really think about what he is doing, and where his conscience really is.

    1. I think what is gonna happen is Brooke doing all the heavy lifting when it comes to having Carter change his mind, and then Steffy takes the credit for it. OR, Brooke almost persuades Carter to come around, but then Steffy says something that sways Carter back to keeping the company, and by doing so, ruins the whole plan Brooke had about becoming CEO, so she could persuade Carter. Brooke has been working on this slowly and steady ever since she became CEO, it was the only reason she took the job. Not because she wanted to be all high all mighty.

    2. Malin I can see that happening too.

    3. I still see Brooke teaming up with Steffy, when none of their plans are going as they first planned or fast enough. Maybe this will be the first time Brooke throws her daughter under the bus, and about time.🙂

    4. I'm not sure about Steffy and Brooke teaming up given how Steffy feels about the Logans but, since she and Daphne have already realized that they need to focus on Carter's conscience, which Steffy believes is still there somewhere deep down inside, Daphne might be able to get him to return the company to the Forresters. We already have Brooke speaking to his conscience, and Carter seems to be taken with Daphne so, he just might fall for the double whammy (Brooke and Daphne).

    5. I don’t see Steffy trusting Brooke. She backed Hope even after the coup! She chose Hope over Ridge so there is no reason for Steffy to believe Brooke won’t protect Hope as she always has.

      I don’t think Carter has a conscience anymore! He has NO remorse at all! He’s sorry Ridge didn’t side with him but he has no intention of changing anything since he has all the power and can do whatever he wants now.

      I hope Daphne can cut through Hope’s strangle hold on Carter! Hope is all about the power and her sense of entitlement which she’s always had! Hope is just showing us the same spoiled brat she’s always been! It is just more on the surface.

      She’s been pushing all of Steffy’s buttons and trying to provoke a reaction so she can fire her!

      Hope is the one with NO conscience! She sees nothing wrong with stealing a company and treating the true owners like garbage while giving out that she has the moral high ground! 🙄🙄🙄

    6. BBFan, I think Carter's lack of conscience right now is because of Hope being in his ear, telling him how proud she is of him etc.

      I think the more Brooke talks to him, and the more Daphne speaks to his morals and makes him see the error of his ways, his conscience will return.

      Hope is behind all of his actions right now. Even though the coup was his idea, she is the one that drove, and continues to drive it.

  4. People please don't forget that Carter was the one who was originally trying to get Ridge to discontinue Hope's line because it had not been productive over a vast period of time. Steffy kept extending the line to give it time for advancement. Once Carter got laid across the desk,
    and on the dirty office couch, Hope became "Sunshine" and nothing else mattered! They merged as one, and the Coup was planned! Hope is really hysterical to me walking around the office with her arms folded as if she is an experienced executive! 🤭🤭🤭

    1. Ms.P couldn't agree with you more, was thinking the same about Carter saying the numbers were low and recommending the line to be discontinued. Not a Steffy fan but she gave Hope several chances to get the numbers up .Carter is a player.

    2. Ms. P, some time after Carter tried to discontinue Hope's line, he started getting eyes for her. He then started to agree with Hope, to get Hope over on his side for the takeover. He was working her good. He also was the one who told Hope about his plans, BEFORE he had told Ridge and Steffy about it. He knew Hope would be on his side. And then they started a relationship, because he had to reel her in, and Hope fell for it, hook, line and sinker...

    3. I was flabbergasted when Carter talked about Steffy ending the line without considering the numbers. He was the one who told Ridge the numbers weren't good and, was shocked when Steffy decided to give the line one last chance.

    4. Malin, I don't believe Carter is playing Hope since he would have had to be certain that she would put her morals aside to support his idea for a coup. Remember, she was Miss Goody Two Shoes. He had no way of knowing she would be fired and become the disgruntled ex-employee.

    5. I can’t believe we are trying to make Hope a victim!

      She wanted revenge pure and simple!

      She was hanging around the Exec office for months being completely insubordinate during meetings and in general and did NOTHING to save her line! She literally counted on being Brooke’s daughter to keep it indefinitely as she had before!

      Hope was not a sweet high moral person! She lost that facade as teenager when her fans caught her out sleeping with a married Liam! He was married to Steffy by the way! Saying he was Hope’s boyfriend before he married Steffy doesn’t justify her giving her virginity to a married man!

      She ended her engagement and relationship. Liam was a free man.

      End of the day, Hope had no claim in moral high ground. She was an entitled brat for years at Forrester that Steffy was forced to endure!

      Carter didn’t target or trick Hope!

      Hope literally put the pen in his hand and held it on the document to get him to sign it when he had second thoughts.

      It literally was an angry passing thought until Hope pushed him. She told him how abused he was and undervalued and other lies!

      He was promoted to the 2nd highest position in the company! Yet Hope told Carter he was overlooked etc to goad him into the coup!

      Hope drove all of that!

      Carter had been treated very well up to the point he pushed his conglomerate idea and the Forrester Family told him it didn’t mesh with their vision for their company!!

      Carter never once voiced any issues with the company until Hope started whispering in his ear!

      Sorry I don’t for one second see Hope as some victim targeted by Carter!!!

    6. Hope saw Carter liked her and gave him a big sob story to get him to reverse his opinion on HFTF and reframe the narrative to make him her champion and the saviour of FC which was just fine before he took over!

    7. Exactly BBFan. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    8. Well said ladies.
      As soon as Carter loses power and can't help her fantasy to be queen of FC, she will toss him to the side. She doesn't have feelings for Carter, never did and never will.

  5. Finn will want a relationship with his cousin/daughter. Steffy will not tolerate that. First Sheila now Luna. She will leave him and pursue Carter herself. Steffy will get involved with Carter and stick it to Hope

  6. I totally agree with you. Yes, we can say that Hope strongly encouraged him but it was his idea, his plan all along, he just wasn't brave enough to make the decision on his own and I think subconsciously (or not) he wanted Hope to push him to do it so he could have the motive and the perfect excuse to do such a thing. The fact that Ridge, Steffy, and Eric did not validate his ideas, alone, would not be a valid reason because they had the right to disagree. That's why every time someone questions his motives, he insist that Steffy has been disrespecting the Logans for too long and being unfair to Hope, which is true and wrong of her, and it's a perfect (not so perfect) excuse. In fact, after being fired, Hope appeared to be done with the Forester family and was ready to give up her future in the company. Carter was the one who convinced her not to give up and told her he would find a way to get her back to Forester and that's how he came back with this coup idea.

    1. Thanks for that fragment that he needed excuse and used Hope and Logan family for that. Exactly. He now pretty enjoys his new position because he can have his big luxury brand.

    2. I think he had a plan about the coup for a long time. He just needed the right angle to get in there. And then he eyed a hope in the distance, Hope... He worked on her for a while until they became a couple, and then suggested this to her. Knowing fully that Hope would support him.

    3. So why did Carter keep having second thoughts about going through with it? Hope was all in from the second he brought those papers to her. If he planned to stage a coup all along and wanted to use Hope, he got her from the get go.

      Also, Carter wasn't even concerned with the LLC. It took Ridge asking him for it again and again before he finally got the idea to put in his name as manager.

    4. Hope is the one that pushed the idea that Carter was abused and undervalued and mistreated by the Forresters which he totally wasn’t!

      Hope was dripping poison in his ear you could literally see and hear the difference in his persona, his mind set and that was ALL Hope! She wanted revenge and her line back, Carter was a means to get what she wanted!

  7. I really love that Finn is embracing the fact that he has a daughter instead of running from it. I just hope that he does not keep it secret

  8. Finn to Poppy "You raised a murderer!!!". No mention that murder ran in his blood from his mother, passed onto his daughter. His attempt at passing the buck was laughable given the facts. 😆
