
Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-6-25 Full episode B&B 6th March 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-6-25 Full episode B&B 6th March 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Taylor - why do you always feel the need to call her Luna Nasawaha?? How many “Lunas” do you know??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    1. True 😂 And turns out she’s in fact Luna Finnigan 🤯

    2. Ridge and Taylor served no purpose on today’s show. Always filler and replays. So boring.

    3. 😂😂😂😂 I did not even realize Taylor did that. Lol.

    4. Why doesn’t Taylor shut the hell up? That’s all she ever does run away then come back trying to get Ridge back.

    5. Li calls her that too.

  2. I cant watch B&B anymore. This son of William Bell is such a lousy writer. Boring boring boring. The same situation the same "drama" dialog etc after 10 episodes . Over and over again. I started to watch the old episodes from Season 1 and forward. It s wounderful Such a different. So much more quality.

    1. And if I see one more flashback of Finn busting through the door to save Steffy........

    2. i's boring. i liked it when courtney hope (sally spectra) was on. at least it was interesting. btw, i keep asking where rj is. did the writers forget brooke & ridge had a kid?

    3. Elle--right? I know that they do that in case somebody missed it or is new to the show, but pullease.

    4. I have no idea where RJ is, he didn't leave the show (unlike Wyatt lol).
      It's really weird we haven't seen him in a while.

  3. Another episode of rehashing the same conversation.....!! Beyond tiresome...!!

  4. I really don't care who Lunas dad is jack or bill Tom but isn't finn hazes daddy it doesn't erase Lunas criminal history caged up steffy finns wife and drugging steffy kidnapped her and Luna murdered two innocent sweet men Tom and hollis in cold blood and April the lab technician faked the test for poppy and lunatic he's not the daddy at all and hope got her Karma long over due

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. Why would April fake the test? Nothing has been shown to indicate that. Wouldnt you think that she would have made it so that Finn wasnt the father? Doesnt make sense. Would think that Poppy would have hidden the truth rather than having her ‘nephew’ turn out to be the father.

    3. it would be great if the paternity test was rigged by the lab assistant, but what would her motive be?

    4. It might be that the assistant is trying to protect Li? Only thought I have.

  5. I wonder where they found all the actors that dont know acting. Luna dont have teara and fake crying face, Dafni act lik Robot and taylor. Omg

  6. Well, look at Hope threatening Daphne and creating a toxic work environment. All she needs to do now is fire Daphne for kissing Carter. Lol!

    I am really, really, really sick of Luna. Omg! Pleeeeeeeaaaaasssssssseeee get rid of her and let Finn and Steffy be happy!

    And Taylor, okay, we understand you're concerned for your last surviving daughter but really.... she's grown. No use repeating the same drivel over and over again.

  7. Is anyone seeing any future on Bold &Beautiful right now ? I am struggling with the new Taylor and Daphne. I feel some of the actors paying more attention to their own business on social media to this show. sad.

    1. Funny how Hope is doing the same thing she accused Steffy of doing. Karma really is a bitch. She certainly doesn’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot. Daphne is just telling it like it is, hypocrite Hope, manipulator Hope!

    2. I have to admit that I don't understand how B&B could still be on. The repetitive dialogues are an insult to our intelligence. But here I am, still watching this show, so, who knows? :)

  8. isnt Taylor a psychologist who probably had to bring some of her sick clients back from childhood dramas and lack of a father issues??

  9. This show is really going downhill fast. It has a shorter time period than the other soaps, then they rehash what happened on the previous episode with what happened for about 10 minutes, then show once again Steffy being rescued from the past, then Luna reliving what went on yesterday without telling Bill but just hinting around like he’s supposed to read her mind. You are left with about 10 minutes of new dialog.

    1. This show is really great for people who are learning English, they hear the same dialogues like 99 times.
      But why everyone else is still watching is a mystery to me, why are we still here? :D

    2. 🤣🤣🤣. Great for people trying to learn English. Too funny!!
