Friday, January 4, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-4-19 Full episode B&B 4th January 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-4-19 Full episode B&B 4th January 2019


  1. So sick of BraT Bell craziness. What's his problem? Is the guy mentally deranged or what??
    Those storylines are so stupid, it reminds me about Novelas, bad and poor writing

    1. I agree why put such horrible on here. Does he not want anybody to have a lasting partner. ???? If Liam the emotional asshole , if he goes back to Steffy after this. I will quit this dribble of a show. Make's people think happiness on B&B is not possible..

  2. So NOT cool. Great acting, but so upset with this storyline. Poor Hope, another baby "lost". She never gets her happy ending. Dang Dr. B gonna sell baby Beth to Taylor for Steffy to "adopt" to pay off his debt. Gave Hope that other patients dead baby. I was gonna say hope someone hears the other baby cry, but they won't know it's really Beth. Ugh! I do not like this at all! :-(

  3. Baby Beth either way (be it with Steffy or Hope) winds up in a loving happy home with a mom who loves her, Hope...I have 0 sympathy for. I have not forgotten how she twisted and manipulated Liam to drive a wedge between Steffy and Liam, how she took advantage to get what she wanted and broke up a home that was yes, broken but NOT beyond repair (we we saw Liam was going to make things work) and then she got pregnant as a result of her (and Bills) manipulations. Karma baby, that's all this is. Sure eventually the truth will come out - it is a Soap after all and that will be a mess there is no mop big enough to clean up but right this moment, I've no compassion for Hope, I've seen her true face and it's ugly, the only time she's nice - is when she's gotten what she wants when she wants it.

  4. Pls help says video is not available

  5. yep I don't feel sorry for Hope she twisted and manipulated to take Liam and in the end Steffy gave up liam to Hope because she knew Hope wouldn't stop until she got Liam So It is Hopes fault she wanted to prevent Liam seeing his Kelly New Year and Steffy was hurting I don't like you Hope and I hope one day Liam returns to his true love Steffy
