Friday, October 23, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-23-20 Full episode B&B 23rd October 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-23-20 Full episode B&B 23rd October 2020


  1. Nooo dont make my boy Thomas go thru this AGAIN with HOPELESS!!!

    1. I agree with you. Writers how dare you continue to hurt Taylor

    2. I agree with you. Writers how dare you continue to destroy Taylor and Richie children, after Richie design's made this company. This story line sucks with his song. How long your fans have to watch you hurt Taylor and Rich children, and NOT see but happiness for Brooke and her family. This story line sucks with Thomas. It is time to see some of the pain that Brooke and her family done to the Forester. We wanted to see Richie move on, we are sad that you continue to allow Richie to be with a woman that her song drunk KILLED his daughter. Stephanie is right when she spoke of her pain, that the Logan's get away with everything. We thought this Ridge was going to bring some peace to his children.

    3. Jordensmom29 come on, your boy is and always be psycho nuts!!
      Hearing a doll with Hope's voice. It's hoe freaking psycho evil mind that make these words in his had and wanting! to hear Hope. The obsession is sickening and nauseating!! Ugh. Thomas always was evil of you can remember what he did twice with Rick!!!!!!!

    4. VERY GLAD that Psycho Thomas is back! Its giving edge to the show! HATERS will Hate whatever! Writers do not touch the Logans, Logans are sacred! Good Jib until now

    5. Logans are TRASH. Donna is sweet and Katie is a good person too...But Hope thinks she's better than everyone, even though she is with a guy that can't keep his eyes off another woman for more than 10 seconds. And Brooke....what a whore....and at HER age..she should be ashamed of herself...

  2. At this point I'm hoping the talking Hope doll is Vinnie being a jerk and "punking" Thomas somehow. This storyline is just too ridiculous, even for B&B.

    1. Lol I was thinking the same thing. Someone is punking Thomas, maybe to make him think he's crazy? I could see Brooke cooking up a scheme like that since she hates him so much.

      What was with the bitch remark about Taylor, seriously? Brooke is a nasty piece of work. Am sooooooooo over this stupid story line to prop up Brooke and Lope, sigh!

    2. No, that's the HFTF doll that was delivered to Forrester. Thomas took it home. Remember, he bumped his head on the table.

    3. Exactly, so if Taylor is the cause of Thomas being “crazy”; why isn’t Steffy? Why wasn’t their sister Phoebe? What does that say about Ridge (don’t laugh as we all know he is crazy cause he is with Brooke yet again after she sleeps with anyone and everyone including every blood relative she can find of who she sleeps with - let alone her daughter’s significant other, geeze)!!!!

  3. And here it goes ,Thomas the nut case is back.

  4. come on writers! what is wrong with you.. leave Thomas alone

  5. Creepyyyy
    What happened to Sally btw? Is she out of FC and out of the show now?

    1. She left town and is now on the Young and Retsless starting November 3rd.

    2. Really? That is very interesting, I watch Y&R, as well. Thank you!! :)

    3. She left town in a flood of shame and humiliation. And unless Sally comes back as the old Sally, tough and ready to rebuild the House of Spectra Fashions,,she can stay gone..

  6. Eewee Thomas has a sex doll.😂😂😂 This show has sunk to the bottom of the barrel. Boring secondary characters, lame storylines and ridiculous plots.

    1. stop watching it then for fuck's sake, why you even bother commenting?

  7. The Zoe, Zende Carter triangle of boredom is just getting worse. Do we really have to listen to Zoe's terrible excuse for singing again and again as Zende looks on wistfully? And Zoe talking about how she's always taken advantage of... em you stalked Zander half way round the world, hooked with Thomas for his Forester last name, and were with Carter because he's mr. big powerful attorney turned COO until Zenede Forester came back and now you just can't get enough of him. She's leading Carter on until Zende makes his move then she'll take whatever jewelry etc he buys her and scamper off to Zenze. Ugh...hate these story lines...bring us on some Sinn please for the love of God!

    1. Actually, we don't HAVE to listen to them or see them at all. I have started fast forwarding over all scenes with Zoe/Xende/ i truly believe these characters are literally RUINING the show. Who CARES about these people?

  8. You are right, Zoe doesn't need to quit her day job. Why won't they give zinde adequate lighting? Without it he has a dark look. The writers skipped a pill, pitiful Thomas story line, we suffered flo and Brooks light blue outfits for months :\

    1. Xende looks like a woman, like Michael Jackson post surgery. he's disgusting. I'm glad they shoot him in darkness; they should turn out all the lights to film that clown...

  9. Replies
    1. Quinn? Oh...she's a whore. Hope that answers your question...

  10. The writers are twisted with Thomas story line,why they have to go back and forth with Thomas and Hope?move on to a better story that's becoming too old!


  11. It's the remake of Psycho ... Norman Bates is back ... Bell doesn't know how to write anything except destroy everything that isn't a Logan ....

  12. And again a Forrester is ruining the live of Logan! Logans Arendt allowed to be happy because of Bell's stupid writing.

    1. I only started watching this show last year, so I have no idea, but to me it seems as if the Logans are the ones that always end up getting what they want, even at the expense of a Forester if 'necessary'.


  14. Let Thomas be good. This had been played before with him being to demanding with hOpe. Move on from that. It is time for some new material. Do not let that girl break Carter heart. He finally open up to a woman do not play with his heart with that flaky girl. He need a real woman to be with. KeyhOle doubt Liam because he want both of those women. He was jealous. It is time for Brooke and her family to suffer some because they have done wrong to.

  15. Did brooke seriously just say "Thomas is messed up because he had Taylor as a mother?" What?!?! Who writes this?
    Brook has done way worse things to everyone around her including her own children!!!
    Taylor is my favorite and I hate what the writers turned her character into!!!
