Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-29-20 Full episode B&B 29th October 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-29-20 Full episode B&B 29th October 2020


  1. This is getting creepy more every time we see the Hope doll & Thomas & I love ❤️ Sinn❤️🥰

    1. Finn heard the music when looking back on Thomas..? :-D Also, did Hope walk back home? :-D

  2. i hope Thomas has an injury and Finn saves him so Thomas is redeemed thank you Star xxx

    1. I hope so too. When Pierson Fode was Thomas, he wasn't crazy at all.


    2. Me too, because Bell disappointed me on the scenario of Thomas and this damn doll. I understand that you need a villain because before it was Sheila, after there was Bill and Quinn and Thomas. But for me this story goes too far. When Aly was obsessed with Hope and HFTF it was under control and not in total madness. But when she started to be hateful towards Maya and Steffy, it was well done that scenario. But with Thomas it goes too far for my taste and Thomas has the right to redemption like the rest who have done much worse than him

    3. I hope so too! Thomas is hallucinating more and more. I hope Finn looks into his medical records and sees something the previous dr missed and can help him. Bell is dragging this out. Ugh.

      Love love love Sinn!!! How lovely is Fine Dr Finn bringing wee Kelly a mini bouquet! Hope they write JMW pregnancy in for Sinn.

    4. I agree I hope that Thomas have a head injury, and the writers STOP making Ridge and Taylor children suffer. Character Ridge we as long time fans hoped you made a difference to Eric and Brooke, and the fact she is the love of his life. Ridge you heard her tell Bill she will ALWAYS LOVE HIM, and today as always the character Ridge is WEAK. We as your fans were hoping you would have spoke up for Quin knowing Brooke interfered in Quinn marriage first. Ridge you are weak and Brooke, Bill, and Eric, your Mother, children know you are weak. They all know no matter what Brooke does you will always forgive her!!!!!

  3. i hope that steffy believe finn and dont get angry at him, they must thomas locked up in a crazybin

  4. Thomas is crazy and here we go again, Finn is right and Steffy needs to see it, maybe she should go visit him at home and find the doll.

  5. Too much of this foolishness with Thomas.

  6. Well folks.....the writers probably wanted to add a spooky Halloween scenario to the show with Thomas and the doll......maybe Thomas is just having a very BAD NIGHTMARE!!!! lol lol

  7. Thomas bumped his head on Pam's desk. I think that's why he is hallucinating.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. He isn’t crazy, he has a medical condition causing him to do this and he might have a tumor! He might do something to Hope like kidnapping her and at least Finn noticed Thomas was acting dizzy and out of it! Shows that a good Dr!

  8. I love hope but I love that steffy is moving on but I love it more when brook is fighting for her daughters happiness

  9. I think Thomas has a tumor from the fall he took on the cliff
