Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-6-21 Full episode B&B 6th January 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-6-21 Full episode B&B 6th January 2021


  1. Secrets coming out
    Thank you Star xx

  2. Liam been at Steffy house since Monday. Please let that fool go home. They been talking bout this all week. I hate when writers drag this shit out!!!

    1. hahaha yeah .......... move on!

    2. True! I'm sick of this Liam/Hope/Steffy triangle! I mean Steffy and Liam had sex, what, five minutes ago? Why in the world would she even be thinking that she's pregnant, let alone go and get a test? And how early in a pregnancy can a paternity test be done? I hope that the baby is Finn's, and also that somehow it will turn out that Kelly is Bill's daughter.

    3. Steffy and Liam had sex on the November 30th episode. It's been over a month.

    4. really? It feels like it was yesterday

  3. VIDEO MISING EVEN ON OTHER Days this week. pls fix it.

  4. If Liam ain’t gonna tell Hope tommorow I’m not watching this shit anymore 😠

    1. Okay, that is exactly what I was thinking. They keep dragging it out...OMG...

    2. Me too! So tired of the whole mess! Even Steffy sounds ridiculous!

    3. Yes they drag shit out way tooooooo long. Good grief it's seriously ridiculous

  5. this soap should be called “no more secrets”😂

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    Today's all-new episode of #BoldandBeautiful has been preempted. It will air tomorrow at our regularly scheduled time

  7. Page said page not found. May not have been shown due to the problems at the Capitol.

  8. My gosh please get it out! I hope nobody interrupt Liam! But now what will Steffy and Liam Have to do with their days now that they can’t sit and talk with each other over and over again whether to tell her not to tell… LOL

  9. That Zoe needs to fall flat on her face. She's a horrible sister. She's not good enough for Carter. I wish he'd open his eyes and see her for who she really is. And I hope Zende talks Paris into accepting the job at FC. And Liam needs to just leave town for good. Such a drama queen. Lol.

    1. I'd like to see Liam end up without either one of them

    2. Agreed. She's being so unfair to Paris. She's engaged to Carter. Why doesn't she want her sister to find happiness too? Unless she's planning to leave Carter for Zende. That might not be such a good idea though since it seems Zende is really into Paris.

  10. Once again Steffy doesn't know who the father of her baby is...

    1. Should have closed her legs to a married man.
      Writers not a good look!!

    2. B&B ppl go to the best universities but seem to never learn that having sex taking no precautions can cause pregnancies... 😏

  11. I am sick and tired of Hope always getting into the picture and claiming Liam. Liam should have stayed with Steffy when she had Kelly. This back and forth is unrealistic. Relationships are not like this in real life. People move one and stay married. Why are all the characters in the B & B marry 100 times?

  12. Zoe is horrible! Have her die or leave for London! She wants everything for herself. She is also so ugly! Paris is sweet and beautiful. Let her get the job at Forrester.

  13. My opinion, Liam is tired of Thomas being apart of his life. It saddens me Nothing Liam do, Hope will continue to keep Thomas in her life knowing the pain his present HURT Liam. It is one thing keeping him on her line at work, visiting him at home without Liam. Also Liam Watching, Douglas as he asked, not Liam but Hope if his Dad could move in with them! It saddens me to continue watch Hope defend Thomas to Liam. It saddens me that Hope defend Thomas, after he LIED about where the Mannigan is. It REALLY sadiness me that Liam used Stephanie LOVE for him, and slept with her, knowing she is Still in Love with him!! Afterwards, watching for years Liam go back and forth between Stephanie and Hope. If he is not pleased with Stephanie or Hope, as usual during the year's. Instead of leaving like a man should and be honest, he use there Love for him. Liam want out of his Marriage to Hope, because he see her loyalty to Thomas, (by the way is looking HOT) also see Stephanie is falling in love with Finn. Liam should tell Hope the TRUTH, he wants to be with Stephanie, because he wants Thomas out of his life! Liam should man up and not use Thomas kissing a mannigan for the reason he slept with Stephanie. I am hoping Stephanie tell Finn the true, that she slept with Liam, because she is still in Love with him!! The Picture on the wall speak Stephanie Love for Liam. Also

  14. I like Thomas, he deserves to be Happy! I know he made mistakes, however growing up with a Father, Ridge. What child would not have issues watching there Father continue leave there Mother for Brooke, especially after her son driving DRUNK, caused Stephanie TWIN and Thomas Sister DEATH. Also Never spent a day in jail. I also feel bad each episode watching Brooke bash Thomas, knowing his sister is dead because of her son, Rick! I don't Blame Liam for wanting out the Logan Family, Hope is just like her Mother!!!! Liam is just like his Father!!!

  15. Lameazz doesn't want out of the WHOREgan family. He knows exactly who they are and how they do things. Lameazz was always meant to be with Steffy bcuz the mini HO just couldnt be what STeffy is to Lameazz. They were really happily married with a child when the lonely, nobody wants her HO came back just to get Lameazz back and destroy Steffy's happy family. The problem is and always will be that HOpeless cant keep her man happy nor satisfied and that he has never for one minute stopped loving Steffy and the life they had. Steffy can handle anything and this too will work out but let this be Finn's baby bcuz Lameazz waffle needs to be with dumbazz. still living in disneyland, HOPeless. They are two perfect idiots for each other. Steffy is too good, too smart and to beautiful for all this BS. The writers keep making the mistake of building Steffy up as STRONG & then having her drop the ball and be weak. This pisses us Steffy fans off, thus why this show will lose so many viewers as it has and remain 3rd in the ratings. Couples are ALLOWED to be happy just not Steffy and this is BULL SHYT!! Well HO HO about to lose her marbles and have her whole little disney land scenario go up in smoke as she deserves. Im just sick of Lameazz and he needs to be killed off this show.
