Monday, May 3, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-3-21 Full episode B&B 3rd May 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-3-21 Full episode B&B 3rd May 2021


  1. What’s with the fashion...

    1. I know! I see better fashion in Little Rock Arkansas!

    2. Fashion, what fashion, did you see some? Lol

  2. If its you Bob thank you. tired of carter and quinn already, the little boy may be cute playing douglas but they ruin it all by him sounding so scripted adult in thinking.

  3. Quin and carter are on fire. Love this!.and Liam.. tell the true . F÷×ng baby

  4. We can tell that Zoe is going to find Quinn and Carter together. Then Zoe will blackmail one or both of them.

    1. Can’t wait, but she’s not leaving until July! That’s going like forever!

  5. The kid who plays Douglas is a great actor and he delivers his lines perfectly. I don't think he sounds 'scripted'at all. On a separate note, the 'fashions' today were ALL horrendous. Zoe, Paris, Hope. Just ridiculous!! What happened to the wardrobe budget for this show. I do believe that Zoe's outfit was couture but that just means a boatload of money on a design original. Not necessarily 'beautiful' as it wasn't but I could see the money spent in the fabric and that ridiculous reptile across her chest

  6. Does Zoe still have a key? Leave it to a soap opera where someone spends the night after an unplanned hookup, especially when they are both betraying Eric and they should be more discreet. That will cause all kinds of mayhem. Same as when Quinn and Shawna wouldn’t shut up about manipulating drunken Ridge into marriage, we could see that eventually someone would overhear and blow it up.

  7. Way to go Quinn !!jus remember when it gets out your not Brooke or a logan be prepared to sign divorce papers !!soooo sick of liam and hopelessness ....glad Vinny is haunting him !!

  8. Why would someone RUIN such a beautiful silk dress with evil looking snakes/dragon looking like thing? That is the most God Awful looking garb Zoey has on. It could of had flowers or any type of pattern then what it has on it.

    Quinn is and always will be Quinn. I have lost complete respect for Carter after today.

    1. Carter should have held himself back.He has no reason to mess around with Quinn.

  9. Carter and Quinn the "outsiders" they are OUT for sure !!

  10. i can even look at the screen with carter kissing that ugly old hag yuck yuck, ralph is calling, ralph, ralph, rrrrrrraaaaalllppphhh

  11. 1st. Why do hope and Liam have to eat in the living room if thats what you want to call it they both make money get a better home. 2nd. The wardrobe sucked! And Hope always dresses messed up! 3rd. Quin and Carter its gonna come out and there both gonna loose everything I lost respect for both of them. And I like Quinn hair short when she first came on the show it brought her face out more look younger.

  12. Zoe in another horrible outfit. What Paris was wearing did not look good either.

  13. Reptile DRAGON on Zoe’s dress represents her character; actually both Zoe & Quinn are dragons. Mean spirited & when they cause chaos, malice, manipulation and deceit to get what they want just like vultures; they thrive on that. Those 2 Godzillas will fight against each other and exchange fire out of mouths to have Carter but no matter who wins, it will be short term. None of 2 Godzillas should be with descent men such as Eric or Carter. The Godzillas want to secure financial status and lifestyles via questionable ways & any means to get it. Eric and Carter please don’t fall for it all over again when they beg for forgiveness & say they love you and promise to change & it will never happen again. You already know you deserve better. You don’t need havoc in your life. You deserve to enjoy a wonderful life with someone complimentary deserving of you. 🙂

  14. well i liked hopes dress a bit better today except for fact its was a lil too low cut on the chest. gawsh yawl leave something for the imagination dont show everything off with short and low cut dresses the way yawl been hazing the ladies in. liam isnt gonna be able to handĺe what happened hes gonna crack up and tell hope and the police and then he and bill both may wind up in jail and orcausing the end of liam and hopes marriage for sure this time leaving her wide open to fall for the new man thomas has become which is really gonna piss brook off will be funny to see brooks reaction to it .. and what she does to try to interfere and stop it.. when she really needs to back off and let hope make her own choices

    1. Right... Hope doing the school run in hideous pajamas and now Beth is in school what a miraculous one and half year old she is... and then that dress with 1989’s poofy sleeves made from drapes... blech. I can’t say enough how ugly Zoe’s dress was with that wretched creature coiling down the front. Seriously get a wardrobe person with some modicum of fashion sense.

    2. Did anyone else wonder why Hope needed Beth to carpool when supposedly Beth is in the Forrester crèche which is on-site at Forrester Creations? Did she someone else to drive Beth to work and drop her off so she could swan around her wee cabin like Lady Muck?

      I don’t understand Hope at all. She made such a big deal about getting Beth back and the first thing she did was pinch Steffy’s nanny to look after her, or Aunt Donna, or the crèche at Forrester?

      Or worse the poor one and a half year old tyke is left to her own devices in her bedroom or outside with her 6 or 7 year old brother playing in the Forrest that surrounds their free cabin! Seriously, does no one else wonder where the wtf Hope is thinking as a mum?

      She and Liam live in a dingy cabin that apparently, as previous poster pointed out, has the dining area in the sitting room. They are both wealthy and could easily afford a nice light airy house with a wee garden for Beth and Douglas to play in. Somewhere not decorated with taxidermy horned heads on the wall and always looking dark and gloomy.

      I get that they get to live there for free while mummy pays all the bills and the staff bring down meals from the big house and they use mummy’s pool etc. Seriously though Hope and Liam you’re in your 30’s with two bairns, grow the hell up!!!!

    3. What I want to know is why the heck is Douglas still living with Hope? Thomas is clearly in a much better state of mind now and his relationship with his son has grown leaps and bounds. Why doesn't he have Douglas move back in with him instead of with a mother who continues to make poor choices and a step-father who's so darn stupid?

    4. Elle didn’t you know that once a Logan grabs someone else’s bairn they own them? LOL... I agree though Douglas belongs with his father. Hopeless keeps making worse and worse choices and like her mother isn’t caring how they affect her children. Hope doesn’t want to be a single mum and her mummy puts so much pressure on her to cave in, so she takes Lame back. Those poor wee bairns.

  15. Who dresses these people nowadays??? Hideous!!!!

  16. It's funny how Quinn judged Brooke and called her a slut but now it's turning out that Quinn is a slut! Cheating on Eric 2nd time and betraying his trust before.

    1. Emmmm Quinn has cheated only the once on Eric...

      Brooke literally cheated on every single person she’s ever been with and stolen other women’s husbands, fiancé’s, boyfriends etc.

      Everyone seems to forget that Ridge was engaged to Caroline Spencer when Brooke first saw him and decided he was her “destiny “. She did everything possible to break them up. She slept with Ridge when married to his father Eric, she slept with her own son in laws and brother in laws too while married to someone else, the litany is endless.

      There is literally no comparison to Quinn seeking comfort in Carter’s arms because Eric is still so fixated on Brooke and can forgive her anything ( he’s forgiven her so bloody much) and not forgiving his wife for fighting back when Brooke openly tried to destroy and undermine Quinn and Eric’s marriage.

      Eric literally couldn’t see Brooke doing anything wrong even when she physically attacked Shauna!!!

      Not that cheating is right or that Shauna and Quinn should have done what they did to Ridge in Vegas. However it is understandable.

      Brooke on the other hand has never once thought of anyone but herself and her “heart “ regardless of whose life she was destroying to get what she wanted. She betrayed her husband with his son, her daughter’s and sister with their husbands and boyfriends. Her husband with his brother and half brothers. And just plain cheated.

      Brooke has and will always be forgiven every single thing she does no matter how bad it is.

      Quinn never will because she’s not a Logan.

    2. You tell them 'em, Bbfan! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  17. Hope’s fashion sense has always been an anathema.

    She literally grew up in a mansion with a mum who wore couture and surrounded by Forrester models, and people dressed in couture clothing. How did she never learn anything?

    Her clothing after childhood (which were lovely wee dresses etc as any posh wee lassie might want to wear) was either skin tight and short in hideous fabrics, billowing table linens and drapes in hideous patterns or like now low cut, mini skirted baby looking dresses in hideous drapery fabrics.

    I mean today she was going into work at a world class fashion house, as the head of a line without brushing her hair or putting on makeup or even trying. Seriously??

    The really sad part is Beth is Hope junior! The first thing Hope did when she got Beth was get rid of the gorgeous adorable outfits Steffy had been dressing her in and put her in ghetto chic ugly frumpy outfits. Even the hair bows looked like a two year old made them.

  18. I agree with you about Brooke. She’s a bully. When she came into Quinn’s house repeatedly and promised to kick her to the curb, did Eric ever overhear that? A lot of us where glad Ridge married Shauna after Brooke was caught kissing $Bill. Where is Shauna and what are they going to with that character?

    1. I like Ridge and Shauna together as well. He actually looked happy for once. Living with a harpy ages one so... 😂 Brooke has always been such an ugly person inside and treats others so poorly, I never knew what Ridge or the other men saw in her .

  19. ‘AGE’ Some earlier comments regarding ageism, some of characters being old, etc & a younger person should play a particular role?
    You have the right to your opinion but here’s my opinion as well: Whether old, a heavier weight body shape or other; there’s a place for everyone and a role for everyone to play especially when they’ve earned it. The world doesn’t revolve around younger over entitled people. When good opportunities presents itself to anyone of us in whatever aspect of life and for us to enjoy it, as long as you’ve earned it and landed it via an honest good way; all should be included. We all need to do our best and live a good honest & happy life whenever possible. These older people have the best talent. Some still original from start of ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ and they were the ones that have contributed most to the soap’s long time running success. By the way; consider yourself lucky if you do reach many milestones. Those people refined and wiser than you’ll ever be at your very young age. They worked hard for everything they have & their achievements accomplishments.
    If it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t be a fan nor have enjoyment watching it. Show only exists because of them, producers and all involved, like a functional healthy Family working well as a team for success. To be older wiser and refined is a gift. Life no matter what our ages is a gift for all to enjoy whenever possible. Of course bumps along the road & our journeys.
    We all do the best we can with whatever we have and if we don’t have much or life isn’t the way we expected nor with bells whistles, we count our blessings whatever they are as many people unfortunately in worse scenario.
    Whatever age, size, body shape, background ethnicity or other, I wish you the best life you can live possibly, good health, peace & love. Wishing that wonderful beautiful things come your way and goodness. 🤗❤️🦋🌸

  20. Bob, thank you for creating your blog and posting for all of us to enjoy viewing; for me it’s another venue when I miss watching it & not updated. Wishing you a wonderful day.

  21. Oops, apparently same post went through twice. Sorry for mishap.

    While here I need to say I’m grateful that we are all different and special in our own ways.
    Imagine how boring it would be only to have young people running and ruling world; being
    vultures they can be, creating havoc, greedy.
    I know so many good young people and they wouldn’t be that way but many young people selfish with many undesirable bad qualities; same goes with people of all ages, etc. My point is to please stop being mean to people over their age & the way they look. In every age there is beauty surrounding us either on the inside most importantly with a good heart possessing good desirable qualities and on the outside especially with natural beauty & without any cosmetic surgery & alterations. I’m adding humour; imagine if all looked the same, too perfect via looks but not real and face too stretched plasticity & whatever, you might as well have a chip on your forehead and use it like a credit card & convenient. All you have to do is bend over and swipe your forehead & item is paid. I know many actors choose to do drastic cosmetic surgeries & it makes them feel better cheating their way to beauty. If it makes you happy, all good but I hope others won’t feel pressured to do same and feel that the only way to be beautiful and confident or to have good self esteem and to get everything out of life is to resort to that.

    I hope older original actors both genders remain because they make the show and if focused mostly on younger ones they’ll break the show for me. I’ll be watching less of it. A show must have all types of diversity & ages.

    Eric is handsome and so are some other men on the show. 🙂 winky 😉

  22. I am so sad about the storyline over the last several months. Wish directors would listen to supporters on some issues. Especially of all the cheating and the uglyyyyy outfits the ladies wear, especially Hope and Zoe - badddd, badddd!!!!!!!

  23. Forgot Fran in her diapers....

  24. Hope is so stupid. If she had excommunicated thomas. She still wants to be supportive of thomas???? WOW.

    1. Excommunicated? Did Hope become Pope when we weren’t looking??? Lol
