Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-11-23 Full episode B&B 11th January 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-11-23 Full episode B&B 11th January 2023


  1. Surprise Taylor! Your wish didn't come true only your worst nightmare did. So much for justice being done for Forrester's and the Logan's.

    1. Taylor keep gloating, the kiss of death on this deal. Can't wait til she finds out what happened! Steffy come to your senses! STFU. Bill just walk away, she can rant to Finn all day. Finn needs a real or fake text about work. Medical Emergency butt implant surgery. Steffy understands that one.

    2. Taylor's face was as good as it gets. Now on to Brooke and katie's faces.

    3. @Booklover123 Finn is going to reach a point where he has had enough of hearing her about Bill. I'm surprise Finn doesn't get any emergency calls from the hospital, it makes me wonder about his professional, doesn't he have any patience to look at.

    4. Finn has had plenty of calls from the hospital about patients on screen. He took the day off to be in court, one wouldn't expect them to be ringing him up about something during that. It's not like they don't have any other doctors working there or anything.

    5. what kind of sicko will buy a judge for a criminal! And that judge, I hope he gets caught and loose his license.

  2. Thank you Bob!!
    So much terror is happening.
    Why don't the authors think of positive things instead of this cra#?

    1. Because that's what people want in general. Most of them love drama and unhappiness, fights etc...

    2. It's kind of sad for all this drama..
      I would love to see Taylor in love again as well as Brooke with news casts. New ideas to brighten up our days not a stupid sword on someone's neck.

  3. I was partly expecting Bill to strangle Sheila with his tie 😅 that his plan all along was to eliminate her himself to be sure she's out of their lives forever (because not even prison is forever for her) and turn it into a slasher soap 😅 no such luck...
    Steffy and Finns faces at 00:53 were 😂😂 they looked like the Simpsons 🤣

    1. PS that judge is so embarrassing (like most "professionals" on this soap). Just 2 weeks on the yacht "changed his life"? He could have asked for the whole thing plus the cook. And the best part is a little thing called double jeopardy, meaning that Sheila technically can't be on trial again for the crime she's been exonerated. She has to commit new ones. Won't be a problem for her.

    2. @Milla Sorry dear but Bill has obviously got a thing for Sheila, unless she drugged or hypnotized him, which we may find out later. Now, I am waiting to see Katie's face when she finds out about Bill and Sheila are living together. Steffy & Finn's face was like their going bananas, and Taylor didn't get her wish. These people should know that she is very sneaky in getting herself out of jail, prison, and the crazy house🤪🤪🤪🤪

    3. She has not been exonerated or even 'tried' so Double Jeopardy would not apply. The case simply did not move forward for lack of evidence. It was dismissed. That is not the same as a acquittal. Should new evidence come to light she can be brought up on charges. If you are going to turn a drama into reality, please be correct when you are talking about the law. Otherwise take it for what it is. It's Make Believe/Drama/Entertainment, as in truth, this meeting would NEVER have taken place in a criminal proceeding. It's ridiculous. That was no deposition. It wasn't a prelim. It was a circus, created for entertainment. So please stop inserting realistic legal standards to this crap, especially when they are incorrect.

    4. Elizabeth indeed. Bill seems to be infatuated or under a spell, doesn't seem like he has a plan... :/ Sheila is definitely going to be visiting them soon, Taylor's encounter with her is something to look forward to. And Brooke's.

    5. Actually Sheila never went to trial so double jeopardy doesn't apply here. The charges were just dropped. She was arrested and held but never arraigned etc. because she escaped before any of that could happen. Soooo, technically they could come back with evidence ie Steffy, Li and Finn's testimony to try the case. Of course they do NO research for this show so it won't happen.

      LOL at slasher soap Milla. I cannot believe that Bill is falling for Sheila. I kept waiting for him to see Sheila with Deacon and Mike and suss out that she is just using him. Bill is way too cynical and savvy to be caught up by Sheila's nonsense.

      I agree it's embarrassing to legal professionals, medical professionals etc the way they are portrayed on here. UGh. It's hilarious to me that Bill is best mates with the same judge Ridge pushed to let Katie keep Will in their custody suit when Brooke chose Bill's interests over her own husband. Hmmm... maybe that's why the McMullins had a lovely holiday on the Stella Maris. A wee thank you for services rendered to Bill.

      How can Bill so blithely put both of his granddaughters at risk like that? He has really lost it completely. I don't blame Steffy and Finn for going out of their minds with worry. The next thing will be Sheila kidnapping Hayes and Bill helping her flee with him to have a do over at being a perfect daddy ugh.

      Taylor may go turn herself in and notify the police about Bill's blackmail. Baker will want an explanation of why Sheila is walking around free.

      Finn isn't going to turn on Steffy over Bill especially since he threatened Li as well. Both of their mothers were included in the blackmail. Finn is furious that Bill forced his mum and mum in law as well his wife and children to be in danger.

      What did you expect Steffy and Finn to do? Throw a party? Brooke and Taylor were both celebrating yesterday about Sheila and I don't see you slagging Brooke off. Why Taylor? Sheila shot her, ruined her life, shot her daughter and son in law. She has every right to want to see her rot in prison.

    6. @anonymous thank you and the way you corrected me is factual and without insulting tone. I was wrong about the DJ and admit that.

    7. And yes I agree Taylor will turn herself in, it's a no-brainer for her considering the alternative is a life with Sheila.

    8. NO worries Milla, that was good thinking though. I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor comes forward and wants to have her arrested again and the lovely writers here decide to play the double jeopardy card to keep her out and causing mayhem.

      There is no reason to insult others. The nasty tone that is often displayed here puts me off the board many times. I just cannot read it every day.

    9. Well I hope you stick around :) there has been lack of comments recently. I liked your comment, sense of humor and great memory especially the name of the yacht 😀👏🏼

    10. @Milla I read what "non concerned about chastity"' wrote, that was uncalled for that person didn't have to get downright nasty.

    11. Elizabeth - agreed. That was a very snotty response from “Not Concerned About Chastity.” No reason for that.

    12. The Judge doesn’t have much to work with but is being played by the super sexy Joe Lando. Remember him from One Life to Live and Dr. Quinn? He could lose the glasses and be a regular on this show, other than the Judge.

  4. So if Bill or Sheila wants something all they will do is blackmail Steffy
    It aint gona stop
    Next Sheila will demand time with Hayes
    Thsnk you Bob xxxx

  5. I hope it's all just an act from Bill's side. That he has something planned for Sheila, since she always gets away with things. He might be taking care of her himself and make her trust him completely and then make sure no one ever finds her body. I am pretty sure he has taken part of illegal activities like that in the past. And with the sword on his neck, he is in warmode. You can see the darkness in his eyes. He doesn't love Sheila I think, he hates her guts, but he needs her to trust him so he can make sure she is gone... forever!

  6. What the hell!!! …Mike Guthrey is head over heels in love with Sheila too, and is happy to spend years in prison while Sheila walks free because he “has his memories”??? 🤣🤣🤣 And Bill and Deacon are completely smitten with Sheila too! Because of course they are! 😂😂😂. On what planet / solar system would a scenario like this ever be possible???!!!
    I am so disgusted with the fantasy land B&B lives in. I actually don’t even look forward to watching the episodes any longer. I just keep hoping against hope that somehow the show improves. What a let down it has become. 😔😔😔
    At least Steffy is finally gonna tell her mom. She should have told Taylor BEFORE they met with the judge. But gee, no one ever thought of that possibility. 🙄🙄🙄

  7. And I’m sure the judge makes enough money in his profession to charter his own damn yacht!

  8. In a way Taylor caused this if never had shot bill shela would be in prison

  9. Bob? Can you reload the video ? Not that I probably need to see it but it's a hockey night here and would rather catch up on this thanks ❤️ . Lynn I know your in "sunny California " hope your ok where you are.

    1. Ahhh yes, D….sunny California has been anything but sunny!! Lol. All silliness aside, some cities have had major flooding damage. And in Santa Cruz….Northern Calif, the pier got destroyed from huge waves that tore it apart. I live in a higher elevation and don’t have flooding concerns. Thank goodness.
      What’s weird is that all that rain they had on B&B on those episodes a couple weeks back were kind of a foreboding for us. It’s been raining for real ever since!!! 😲😲😲😲

  10. Hi bob video removed, can you please reload, thanks mate..

    1. Colly? Long time have to catch up. ❤️ very soon.

    2. Hi love, how are you.. sorry love, been really busy over the holidays here.. will catch up soon love.. not on here much, not worth commenting on recently.. this story line is rediculous!!

  11. I'm hoping you can put video back up tonight please 🙏🏽 Thank you Bob for all that you do to make this happen for us much appreciated:-)

  12. I can't wait to see what happens to Sheila. This is getting very interesting. Mike has mental problems , there is no way I'd go to prison over anyone unless it was for my kids or immediate family. I think Sheila will end up getting caught by Bill as she is making love to Deacon. Bill will then be plotting on how to kill her, hide the body without anyone finding out . Not that anyone would care . Maybe Bill & Li have already planned Sheila's death. And Deacon won't say a word cause Bill will blackmail him as well. In the meantime Katie will hit the roof when she finds out. As far as Brooke is concerned, I think she can change Bill's mind about Sheila . All she has to do is act like she wants to spend her life with him . It's definitely going to be a major twist to this drama .

  13. Even if Taylor owns up to shooting Bill now can't he just deny that it was her and he doesn't know what she is on about? Then they have to prove that Bill was blackmailing them. How will they do that?
    I really can't stand the saying " Never see the light of day again". It has been used too many times. Chuck them in the "Hole" and let them know all about it and what it entails. Especially some of the punishment they get while they are there. Legal or otherwise.
    Rant over. Sorry if I have offended anyone. 😒

  14. I have just watched the episodes from the week so`s so much bs!! Good to hear from you`s good to her you are safe.

  15. what with the blinking eyes #ridiculous

  16. why all episodes of january have been removed WTF
