Monday, January 9, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-9-23 Full episode B&B 9th January 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-9-23 Full episode B&B 9th January 2023


  1. Why they assume locking up Sheila finalizes anything is the mystery. The bets should be on how long it takes her to escape. Taylor and Brooke look at each other as delictable morsels. Now we're both single and they can go for what they really want, each other. Salacious! Sordid! This is getting good! When does Steffy come to "her senses" and realize she can't dictate to everyone. We know what you want Steffy- no one cares.

  2. Since when did Bill change from an arrogant, conceited, self assured persona? Now he is just a desperate, insecure pathetic wimp. He really is scraping the bottom of the barrel settling for Sheila Carter. Bill has either developed a personality disorder overnight or the producers are suffering from writers block!

    1. writers block, thats funny.

    2. The writers have been letting the fans suffer from their
      Writers block for such a looooooong time, I’m surprised this show hasn’t been cancelled by now.

  3. that judge has taken away his parentage from bill, i wouldn't be surprised if he also forcibly releases sheila

  4. How does Bill manage to get a camera in the judge’s chambers? Stupid. Steffy should have confronted Taylor with the info before going in to make her starement.
    All these very attractive men who have “feelings” for this 60 year old psychopath!! So incredibly unlikely!! Ready for all this Sheila nonsense to be over!!
    I love the way Taylor greets Brooke. Exactly the way she used to greet Ridge. Lol

    1. I wonder the same about the camera. Is Bill a super spy all of a sudden 🤣 Also agree about Deacon and Bill wanting Sheila. Yuck! Besides the fact she's psycho, I find her very strange looking, not attractive.

    2. He is Dollar Bill who has connections you know! LOL

  5. Even Pam looks better than Sheila.LOL!!

  6. Ridge isn't soul searching he's just upset 😭 that the two woman actually grew a backbone and stopped the waffling

  7. All unpredictable bet it won't have the outcome we ecpect

  8. All the episodes from last week or deleted please fix
