Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-30-23 Full episode B&B 30th August 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-30-23 Full episode B&B 30th August 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. RJ stop smirking when Eric asks you to help him. Eric is frustrated seeing his career over. RJ is helping but smirking at Eric too. Of course Donna knows he doesn't have the dexterity he used to. How could she have missed it? Block the view of Steffy's midsection with bag and everything else. News blurbs have said, she just had the baby, and she has already lost the baby weight. Riiight cough cough surrogate cough cough. Ridge railing on Sheila, fault her for everything Steffy has done too. Ridge fixed it so Steffy skated, maybe his guilt transferred all of Steffy's sins to Sheila and he wants to railroad her, and be judge and jury for his own persecution of her. Ridge is a total gasbag blowhard buffoon..

  2. I bet this time Sheila is going to either go back to jail, mental institution or get killed. I really hope Sheila get killed off because she is nothing but evil. Do she ever work she's been a leech most of her time on bnb. Deacon is trying to live right n Sheila being in his life will ruin that for him as well as Hope n Brooke n his grandchildren Beth n Douglas.

    1. JMW has shown her pregnancy on Social Media it’s her body and she has carried and given birth to her own children. There is no way she lost the baby weight because she was pregnant last week! Why don’t have to keep saying lies about the actress?? I understand you hate the character she plays but seriously JMW is a real person and the lies are not cool!

    2. I have seen both the Official Facebook and Insta for JMW and she has not said anything about giving birth yet! There was a strong statement put out about some psycho fan that has posted a bunch of lies about her not being pregnant etc. KKL even spoke out out last week at a fan event with her arm around JMW saying she is still pregnant. JMW said baby is due next week! She is visibly pregnant in the photos!!

      For LFs if someone was printing straight up lies about any of the actors, actresses on the show I say the same thing.These are real people who work hard to give us our favourite Soap.. don’t be putting lies out there because you hate the characters they play!!

    3. The fake news you referenced isn’t even online at any reputable source! Iif you google you won’t see that she’s had her 4th baby yet! Quit putting your hate out as facts on this board !

    4. Geez, you act as if you and Steffy are best buds and you are defending your friend. LMAO!! She’s an actor, that’s it. WitchyPoo can post as she sees fit. Who cares?
      And WitchyPoo is not an “LF” so please don’t refer to her as such like the LF’s are all on board with the surrogate baby conspiracy. No one even cares.

    5. Oh please I never said anything like that and Steffy is a fictional character, JMW is a real live person!! I remember when your good mate went on a rant over something someone said about KKL a few years ago and you supported that! I see it only applies to your favs! You lot shout when someone says something about Brooke you specifically said if anyone say lies about Brooke you will attack them! So why is it you are nasty to me when I stand up for a real person when Witchypoo is printing flat out lies about an actress???

    6. Brooke is a fictional character and you and your buddies castigate anyone saying anything you think is untrue about her. Hypocritical much??

    7. Just one remark to Lisa who will probably be terribly confused: it's not your comment that is meant 😅

    8. Oh BBFAN, we LF’s have endured YEARS of nasty attacks on Brooke. Same old tired garbage. So please no lectures on that topic. My issue is this - you assume WitchyPoo is a LF because she makes some assumption about JMW. But she isn’t. She has posted nasty things about the Logans, just as she has posted nasty things about the Forresters. So there’s my first issue - you are clumping her in the LF group and it isn’t accurate. Moreover, you wrote MULTIPLE lecturing paragraphs to WitchyPoo, which was WAAAAAY overkill. And if you honestly think JMW or whatever her name is, is actually reading this blog and cares even an ounce about what WitchyPoo says, then I’d say you are sorely mistaken. As I already stated - who cares!?!?! And your going on and on and on about it is ridiculous!

    9. Lol. Poor Lisa. She’s probably thinking….What the hell, people??!!

    10. Smh..and who cares LF's feel vindicated cause FF's might be wrong about Hope. Was really hoping this blog wouldn't go back to LF & FF bashing, who's right, and keeping track like it's a big win. It's childish.

    11. IT IS A BIG WIN, D!! 😂😂😂😂
      And as usual, you’re on the wrong thread and talking about something that wasn’t even mentioned here. I’ll tell you what’s childish - going on for FOUR PARAGRAPHS complaining because someone said something BBFAN didn’t like about her best buddy, JMW….because BBFAN is gonna have to report the pregnancy conspiracy theory when she and JMW meet for lunch this weekend!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    12. Who is even talking about Hope on this episode, let alone thread?😅 Smh.

    13. usual I'm quoting on comments I have read during the week and picked this thread to acknowledge them. So glad it's a big win for a ⭐️ And let me count the times some of us had to read more that 4 paragraphs of complaining because someone said something about a few of your favorites, and then all the condescending remarks that follow. "WitchyPoo can she sees fit". So can BBfan. "Who cares?"]

    14. It's not the same when it's lumping all LFs together on a wacko conspiracy theory on surrogacy when the original poster has never even shown LF tendencies. If we resort to this, I can make all kinds of stuff up about any of you, call you names and so on. Can I then post as I see fit?
      Please do count the paragraphs of complaining and tell us if they are more than the paragraphs of pure hate (not even in the same ballpark as a conspiracy theory in terms of language and outright fabrications) which caused the complain. I bet the ratio is rather 4 hate to 1 complain, not the other way around.

    15. Lynn and milla spot on ladies
      I guess the lecture is always one way 🥱🥱🥱 while it applies perfectly to the one who’s saying it and their group
      But yeah whatever

    16. Dear Lord @Lynn & WitchyPoo, you two need to get a life! NEVER come across woman who bring other woman down as much as the two of you, actress or no actress, you are both an embarrassment, sis!

    17. Go be a troll someplace else, unknown with a little “u”. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      No one cares what you have to say! And the “Get a life” thing is so lame!! Why don’t you try stepping out of the 80’s!!

  3. I love Eric and RJ together that way 😍

  4. Replies
    1. I was thinking today how confused pot RJ must be, Aubtie Donna is his grandfather’s live in lover!! I’m glad he’s helping Eric work.

      The shaking Eric is experiencing isn’t not arthritis!! Sounds more like Parkinson’s!

      Happy to hear that unlike LFs have been claiming, Steffy LOVES her husband! I hope they fix things soon.

      Nice to have a break from the Liam and Hope drama for once!

    2. Arthritis does not make you shake. My mother had it and no shaking.

    3. I have it too and it keeps you from gripping things but doesn’t cause shaking.

    4. Also arthritis doesn't cause you to forget words, am I correct? (Don't know anyone with it so really asking)

    5. No it doesn’t, dementia and Parkinson’s would though!

  5. Finally finally a beautifully written storyline: RJ and Eric collaborating. JM really is doing a splendid job showing Eric‘s internal struggles. RJ finally has the chance to *do* something. And the technology angle that he will bring - amazing. Of course RJ can bring something to the table and guess what - maybe more than any of them. Whoever nowadays dismisses a GenZ is living in denial and living in the past. Please whoever wrote this, storyline, become the boss of all of them writers!!!

    Not to mention a great break of the neverending never-anything-new Steffy and Finn yadda yadda. But I loved the last scene with Sheila's image creeping over them 😈😅

    Ridge don’t bother with Deacon. He’ll always put the psychopath ahead of his own family. Most backboneless person on this show forever. Sheila bringing the "as a father" as something they have in common should tell him enough but it doesn't.

    1. I love the idea of RJ introducing assistive technology on the show! It’s amazing the things they have now to assist persons with disabilities! It is really life changing!

  6. Maybe Deacon is afraid of a revenge. That's why he will keep Sheila happy. I think that he is too weak to throw her away his life

    1. Agreed!!! Sheila is a dangerous person to cross. Deacon keeps telling her to leave town and leave him alone!

    2. If it wasn't for Deacon, Sheila would be behind bars immediately after she shot Steffy and Finn. That moron deleted the security cam footage and oh, yes, housed her for months when the police knew it was her. Deacon will be to blame for whatever she does next. And not even he can believe at this point she will leave when he tells her. Plus, some women may consider constantly having sex with them as sending mixed signals 😒

  7. I thought that he will think Sheila would be mad if he's not helping her

  8. Finally Finn man’s up and admits it’s his fault that he and Steffy aren’t together. About time! If Steffy loves you, Liam poses no threat. So quit obsessing over Liam and make good on your promise — NO SHEILA EVER!! This whole plot is just a lazy repeat of what we had last year. Have zero desire to see round 10 of the stupid Sheila nonsense.
    RJ and Eric are cute together. RJ is such a sensitive, caring young man.

    1. I agree with you for once! But Inget Finn not wanting Liam in Steffy’s ear trying to manipulate her 24/7 especially when he tells her that Finn’s a danger to her and their children!

    2. Agree. Steffy needs to set boundaries with Liam. But thats on Steffy for not doing that. Steffy is giving Liam his platform. Just like she allowed the kisses to happen.

    3. Exactly Lynn. Steffy keeps hiding those kisses with the man who is every other day visiting her and trying to brainwash her and she allows him without the slightest hint of discomfort. Then he even goes on and on about his (soon to be) ex wife and trashing Steffy's own brother in the process - not even that is enough to make Steffy retort. Of course if Finn ever knows any of this, it will only prove him right to worry about Liam. But that's again on Steffy for allowing it. In my country we say - it's not to blame the one who eats the pie, but the one who gives it to them.

    4. Yes lynn RJ is a caring young man like his mother
      Good he is not arrogant like his father

    5. Milla, so true. And I’m really disappointed that the kiss thing between Steffy and Liam hasn’t come out yet. I thought for sure Finn would have found out weeks ago.

    6. Mmysh, maybe this will inspire RJ to go to work at FC. Just happy they are giving him something to do on the show. As Milla said, he needs his own storyline….not just the wanna-be marriage counselor to his sister.

    7. Indeed lynn
      Maybe he will as ridge said the best designer fc ever seen
      And its interesting what we learn today and why eric couldn’t design for HFTF
      It seems thomas was needed for only a technicality not only because his designs are that unique
      Be as we saw the line was a hit for so so many years without thomas being in the picture

  9. Wishing JMW a happy "Labor" day! 😂♥️

    1. 😂😂 love it. I too wish her a happy labour day.

  10. Deacon I can understand why you feel sorry for Sheila after she is being JUDGED by people that have NO RIGHT to JUDGE ANYONE, especially the way Ridge and the rest of his family treated you and Eric tried to kill you!!!

  11. Sheila, stop hiding from those HYPOCRITES and go and get a job and make something of yourself to EARN your son LOVE and SUPPORT!!!

  12. Gosh, maleficent at the end gives me the heebie-jeebies. So tired of Sheila, nothing she does will ever get her in trouble with the authorities, heck she can't even stay dead! Talk about 9 lives in keeping with her 9 toes....

  13. boring story Eric and RJ, same storyline that we had with Ridge and Caroline

  14. Posted elsewhere:
    In regards to bringing up the facts of Deacon bonking Sheila and Ridge knowing about it. -
    Considering how scared Steffi is for her kids why was Deacon allowed at Beth's birthday party? Why didn't Ridge voice any concerns then?
