
Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-6-19 Full episode B&B 6th June 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-6-19 Full episode B&B 6th June 2019


  1. Xander better be careful. Zoe may hit him over the head.

  2. Thomas, get a freaking life! Go watch your child instead of constantly lurking around and plotting all the time ��

    1. He's a creep.. manipulative and evil.

    2. Thomas is s evil self centered privileged jerk. I wish they would have just cast a brand new man for Steffy instead of bringing Thomas back

    3. I have never liked Thomas. Not the smarmy previous actor, and definitely not this one.

  3. thank my Star well Xander has a death wish lol. Could be someone knocks him down.Flo you $50,000 to give back and say goodbye to your new LA life and Wyatt because girl you better practice for Las Vegas return

    1. And it will be Flo doing the knocking. But now Thomas knows! She even asked the question! Why would I tell you? Well, that was really stupid!

  4. thank you you are a star and love watching the show night night

  5. This show is stressful. Everytime Hope is happy, somebody from the Forester family does all they can to ruin her life. Thomas is a biatch and a womanizer. I hate his facial expressions. I'm starting to not like BB anymore. The writer sucks. She deserves to have the life she always wanted with Liam. Flo and Zoey should have something eat their conscience up to come clean. Liam doesn't want Steffy and Wyatt's going to disown Flo after this secret come out. I can't wait till it does.

    1. Feel the Same here- why creep it all up with the facial expressions when his story line is alraedy annoying as it is!
      New hot guy please and send Thomas back to New York!

  6. Χander gave me goosebumps at the end of the episode...really glad that he didnt wait for the spaced out lion Zoe and opportunist Flo (with the 50K in the bank from the adoption) to decide. Reece belongs to jail for this hoorible action and everyone need to get what they deserve....Let's do this Xander!!! THANK YOU BOB FOR THE UPLOAD!!

    1. Finally someone with a conscience! Go Xander!

  7. Please let Xander tell the truth now. Let Zoe and Flo rot in prison if they won't come clean. This is all so wrong on so many levels. It's way past time for the truth to come out.

  8. Zoe has the blackest heart ever she is just as self centered as Thomas. All the times she's interrupted when Flo tried to tell Hope that Phoebe is Beth. And Flo needs to run to Liam and Hope and tell the truth now. She should be there with Xander confessing and begging Hope and Liam and her entire family for forgiveness.

  9. ..aaaand Zoe walks right in when Floee is about to go tell Hope, how else...
