
Friday, June 7, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-7-19 Full episode B&B 7th June 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-7-19 Full episode B&B 7th June 2019


  1. Rite now I'm getting sick and tire of BB ,,,,,Flo not bold enough to tell the 1 person she trust so much,Wyatt but tells Thomas,,,,The writer for BB is a jackass

  2. This is the most insane story line ever. I am totally sick and tired of this boring story line. Get it over already and on to something new.

  3. This has become the most stupid plot ever. Even for a soap. I hope they never find out and we can just move off this story. Everyone is so weak and morally corrupt that it blows my mind this show has any following left. I am unable to continue to support bold and beautiful. I will find a different show to watch.

    1. Me too. I've watched from the very first air date and I'm done. There had to be another soap that isn't this ridiculous

    2. I know I heard Wyatt is even going to find out and not tell Liam and Hope. Wtf. These are the most evil cruel people in the world. Come on. Is everyone on the show going to be a criminal and keep this secret

  4. It is to bad that Xander did not go back in the house and push Thomas down the stairs. Maybe some one will murder Thomas.

    1. We can only hope. I wish they'd never brought him back. They need a new boyfriend for Steffy. No woman as strong as her would ever be pining away over the likes of Liam or every take his wishy washy ass back. This repeat crap with Steffy Liam and Hope is ridiculous and the same old story as Ridge Brooke and Taylor. Done over and over and over again. Come on writer's get it together

  5. So true! I stopped watching about a month ago stupidest storyline ever!

  6. Extremely dissatisfied with the writers of this show. Thanks Bob

  7. Xander shouldn't be afraid of Thomas and his threats. Hope could protect him from anything Thomas could try to do

  8. um! we have cell phones now!call her get this crap over.

  9. Not watching this stupid story line anymore. I'm switching to another soap. Anything has to be better than this

  10. Havent watched more than twice since Hope went into labour and now keep a look out for these comments as whether to watch again or not "NOT" And people get paid to write this garbage. 😤

  11. What a bully Thomas is! the creep! Someone get rid of this villain!

  12. Seems eventually everybody else is gonna know, but still not Hope & Liam.. this is bad..
