
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-11-20 Full episode B&B 11th February 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-11-20 Full episode B&B 11th February 2020


  1. Thanks other days says pages can not be found. And people say Thomas has changed. Nope still crazy as ever.

    1. I was hoping Sally was pregnant. I hope she don’t leave the show. Thomas needs to grow up.

    2. I hate the guy! Always scheme ing to get Hope ! Wouldnt be sobad if he didn't involve his child " but he dosnt care " the end Justfies...

  2. Put your shirt on Thomas!! I mean long does a guy need to take to get his shirt on. I know the guy is taking his time to try to grab the attention of the ladies and or guys?? but come on you are not all that. Also, NEVER trust a Logan girl with a secret. Brook,Donna and now run your mouth off Katie can't keep their mouth closed for a day(just like they can't keep their legs closed either)The 3 of them need to go back to the valley IMO.

    1. This storyline with Thomas Hope Liam and Stephanie is boring I have really stop watching the way I use to

    2. I stopped watching The Bold and Beautiful a while back due to storyline being boring. The same with The Young and Restless. Had been a fan from show 1 but no one gets punished for anything and the Liam-Hope-Steffy and now Thomas, sickening!!!

    3. I really like Sally and hope they don't write her off the show. Flo needs to go!!

    4. Thomas can put his shirt on but Vinnie could keep his shirt off forever because that guy is freaking SEXY. In fact Vinnie is the sexiest guy on the show.

  3. Replies
    1. They are not saying what it is, but talking about palliative care doesn't give us hope.

  4. Brain Cancer, When Bill Blew Up The Bldg ; She With Liam; Thinking They Were Going To Die

  5. Don't want Sally to leave the show. But thomas and Hope could definitely leave. Sick of them

    1. I agree! I can’t stand Thomas or Hope. Wish a box of Forrester Creations would fall on top of them! But Sally? I love, love, love Sally! She was such fun when she first came on the show. They have made her into a little mouse and now this! I hope she isn’t leaving the show. Oh, I can’t stand Flow either!!! Get rid of those 3, not Sally!

  6. Replies
    1. Sally needs to remain on the show & be with Wyatt, not Flo!!!! I love Sally's character!!

    2. Thomas is Emotionally abusing His son, and no one is really paying attention to that and they all Know It.

  7. Totally sick of Hope!! She needs to go!!!!

  8. Thomas, Flo and her mom need to go not Sally. To me she is the best character on the show.

    1. I want Sally to stay. I can't stand flo

    2. Agree this Thomas and Hope saga is real tired now let a new man in the show and Zoe looks like a horse get rid of all of them or bring back the other Thomas...

  9. Yes, Please Don't Dismiss Sally Like That I Love Her Character. Get Rid Of Thomas Flo And Her Mom And Please Get Rid Of Steffy To She's Making Me Sick Of What She's Doing To Hope And Liam She's No Better Then Them When They Was Stilling Babies And Please Let Ridge Wake Up And Really Smell The Coffee ( Son ) Because Supposed To Have Brooke Side No Matter What.Now He Wants To A Father To A Grown As Man Please Wake Up Ridge Your Son Is Making You Like A Butt Head. When It Comes To Light Brooke Will Be The Victoery One. Can't Wait For That To Happen When All Come To Light Please Don't Take To Long.

  10. Hoping Brooke and Hope both get the boot from Liam and Ridge. Can you imagine how peaceful without those two!

    1. Then without Ridge and Brooke there is no more B&B

    2. A soap is not supposed to be peaceful :) Without the drama and constant conflicts, there will be no show.....Imagine everyone living happily ever after.....

  11. Love Sally. Please dont take her off. Let Bill get her the best Drs and they will find a cure

  12. I am hoping thomas ,brooke,shanna ,flo get gone i like steffy not when she playing dumb but usually

  13. Get rid of hope and shonna. Let ridge snap out it. Too late to parent a grown man.

  14. Please Let Sally find a cure.She is great Let Brooke loose ridge..More actions.I love this soap Retired GGGrandma.

  15. Zoey is so stupid. Never liked her.thomas is an ass. Wyatt has the worst role on this soap. Shona and Quinn are disgusting. Ridge is an idiot. I like Sally and Brook. Need to bring back Sheila to take care of shona and Quinn. Felony Flo needs to go!

    1. So what you are saying is you only like Sally and Brooke?? Why watch the show? I get that you like Sally but Brooke(WHY)?

  16. I hate what you're doing to Hope and Liam. The writers has it all wrong,getting rid of Sally Thomas,Steffy, Flo, Shona, and Quinn.And with that said Hope needs to grow up and stop being so clueless, will she ever stop giving her man to Steffy?

  17. Get rid of Quinn,Shauna,Steffy,Thomas

  18. Quit following Y&R you don't need to kill off Sally.Let Wyatt and Sally be together and have the family they wanted. Get rid of Quinn and Shauna and Thomas and Flo.

    1. What does Y&R have to do with the bold and the beautiful. I like both the shows even if they kinda use or steal the same storylines sometimes.

  19. Thomas and Hope are both a pair of head cases. So is Brooke. Just take Douglas away from them and drive the other 3 off a cliff face.

  20. I hope Sally stays on the show and end up with Wyatt. Hope needs a much better row. Brook needs to wake up take responsibility. Flow needs to go.Steffy and Liam need to marry.

  21. Get rid of Brooke, Hope, Flo,Thomas and Shauna. I love Sally and Wyatt togather.

  22. The show is so messed up. I'm confused. What does Sally have to go? I am so sick of Thomas and Hope. Let him get together or take them off the show.

  23. It's as if they've run out of ideas. They keep recycling the same old story with Steffy underminig Hope to get her man. And Thomas is everywhere eavesdropping on everyone and no one seems to be present to overhear his conversations. Time to change the theme and bring something new to the game. How about some good and positive things about life.

  24. So sick of these writers for making these women so weak allowing these men to keep going back and forth and the women keep taking them back.

  25. I'm sooo sick of Tom and Dope too, but also I'm equally disgusted with Liam and Stephanie JR.,seriously shit or get off the Pot!Ridge's idiocy is BS to, get over your Adult childs behavior, stop being a mega brainfart!!

  26. Let Hope get pregnant by Thomas an send that little family away, let Liam keep baby though , an go to Steffy !

  27. Thank you B&B for streaming this.

  28. Hi, I love Sally and Wyatt. Please get rid of Flo. Thomas is sick! I love Douglas. Zoe is too stupid. Bring back Sheila. Don't like Liam, Hope, Steffy and Shauna.

  29. Iam sick and tired looking at Thomas fucking with people life,it time for him to go πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

  30. 4 characters I dislike the most and I can’t stand their disgusting selfish bad behaviour and evil doer ways in roles they play. Then again disgusting bad behaviour is required; keep people invested & interested watching show and keeping the audience on πŸ˜… their tippy smelly toes. 🦢

    These 4 made it to my cut it list of: bad, disgusting behaviour & unwanted evil doer characters:

    Quinn, Thomas & the 2 HO’s Shauna & Flo made the list. Please don’t add fuel to the fire by bringing other one on board such as Sheila. Both Sheila & Quinn; equal match & as evil as they come. Maybe those two will turn to each other for loving comfort - 2 to tango, evil witches or should I say B’s? 🀣

    Others should stay & we need to keep the longest time existing characters on show since 1987 because they worked hard to obtain and maintain their roles and they have made the most valuable contribution.
    They deserve respect & the successful long time running soap is mostly due to them; original characters. Accolades for them.
    They deserve to stay. We’ve already lost so many of that decade. It’s a disappointment.

    ‘Some’ new comers since 1987; they’ve learned so well from their best performer
    colleagues mentors from those decades.
    Good for you. Learn to listen first as you are protΓ©gΓ©s & take cues from best peeps who are your mentors so that you’ll benefit and to improve your chances of success.
    Accolades to you as well. πŸ‘πŸ™‚

    (not like some spoiled & selfish over entitled millennial freeloaders who don’t care, don’t put in sufficient effort to work for it because they want all handed to them on a platter. Millennials, get real; THE WORLD IS NOT
    YOUR OYSTER. Duh πŸ™„. Some millennials I personally know are not described in that manner; they attained dream career working hard via honest work and they earned their rewards fair & square.

    Please don’t get rid of Sally. She’s sweet and caring character. She went through so many struggles, tried establishing her own Fashion business, did her best worked hard and she deserves a good happy life with Wyatt and to have their own family.

    Hope is annoying on so many levels. She’s not perfect daughter nor a saint & she has flaws. She shouldn’t be with Liam period • Gee whiz; just have her & Thomas fall in love as long as he is changing for better; return to being good person for real & for the sake of their two children. Let them live a happy life with both Beth & Douglas.

    The no good Flo acting so innocent with a good heart; too superficial. She helping to save Katie’s life was 1 good thing. She might have tiny bit of goodness but she had plenty of other agendas in her mind; to win Wyatt’s heart. Remember Flo and her Mom Shauna chatting over positive outcome in her favour if she did it & new life they can have? So it wasn’t pure kindness nor a full selfless act or thing she did. I tell you; Flo has deepest and dormant secrets yet to be uncovered & it’s too shocking for anyone to take if opening a can of worms or Pandora’s box πŸ‘€ or give both Shauna & Flo a 1 way ticket to Vegas permanently.

    If that doesn’t work, hook up no good Flo with matching mate; Thomas of course & if writers don’t think it’s good idea: Quinn and Thomas together going on their merry way into the darkness πŸ‘Ώ lifestyle they drool 🀀 in.

  31. I think Liam and hope should be together because he loves her first and there is no show with doubt ridge and Brooke,steffy is just like Thomas she been doing things to hope for years it's time for her to get it back to and Thomas need to get it to,ridge need to wake up.

  32. I don't watch it anymore!!! I have been an avid watcher since the very beginning but it's so boring.. the same thing day in day out!! Sorry!!! 🌹

  33. I need to put my name to the prior comment. So sad !!

  34. Storyline with Thomas is much too long. End that. One more thing Gwen needs to cut her hair!!!!!

  35. Stop watch ,
    The story line is sick to watch

  36. Wow Bob, impressive amount of comments. Lol. As always, tumeke Bob.
