
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-12-20 Full episode B&B 12th February 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-12-20 Full episode B&B 12th February 2020


  1. Great show finally! Thomas is a piece of work but his silly plan is working. He doesn't care about his son one bit and that's sad.
    Omg! Hope was really She is only happy when men are pining over her. Still wearing that Raggedy Ann dress that looks like its for one of Douglas' classmates.
    Everyone HATED Zoe and her part in the baby scheme. Now all of a sudden they love her enough to have a party for and Quinn designing earrings for her WTF!!!!!
    And Katie.....guess no secret is save from her and she has no boundaries...them damn Logan sisters!!!

    1. Thomas is going to lose everything

    2. thank you Star Thomas doesn't mean to hurt Douglas He just wants Hope to be a family and he loves HOPE

    3. I think hope and Thomas deserve each other, she’s so naive

    4. I have been watching Bold&Beautiful since it first came on. I told myself if Hope and Liam broke up again that I was done with the show. It is no longer set to be recorded. It’s been along 40 plus years but good bye Bold&Beautiful.

    5. I’m with you too. Stupid overdrawn storyline

    6. I agree, this story line is so very stupid

    7. I like Steffi and liam together, He always seems to be much happier with her. Can't stand Hope, She and Brook act like they are so much better than Steffy and Taylor. Liam always has such fun with Steffy

    8. I agree, I also think Laim and Steffy, should be together , They are so good together, He is always so happy when He is with Stef, I would like to see Ridge back with Traylor , That would cut Brook to the bone,

    9. Love, to see Wyatt and Sally together, Ridge and Taylor should be together that would cut Brookto the bone Steffi and Liam A like Shona they need to bring back Thorn and them to get together, ,let Thomas have Hope, Laim is always happier with Steffy.


  3. Hope is annoying to the fact she shows Douglass all this love except beth who she mourn for till she got her now it's like she dont exist

    1. Dont blame the character Hope,blame the poor choice that the writers are making with the character Hope. Obviously it's ridiculous as I'm guessing none of the writers are mothers because it just doesnt make sense! Beth would always be her first priority, yet we never see her! My thought is that the writers think their viewers are lame. A lot doesnt make sense in some of these storylines! I feel very frustrated by the lack of details in this show.

    2. I agree..the writing is terrible!!

  4. I agree with the comment above all ugly hope wanted was Beth now she has Beth and is never with her I'm sick of hope Douglas and Thomas why is he so hung up on hope and when Zoe find out that he is using her I hope they takezoe back to the dark side then Thomas will know what it's like to use some one

  5. Katie did the right thing for Sally’s sake & Wyatt deserves to know. He cares for Sally & both should be spending so much time together. She needs his support as well. How sad if he didn’t know about it and if he missed chance to spend time before it’s too late. I hope that miraculously the terminal illness disappeared & with newly discovered treatment by a renowned Doctor; that her life is prolonged & no more cut off time of one month left to live.

    1. No more flow cause his going to marry Sally.GREAT

    2. KeepSteffy AWAY from LIAM! FAR, far away& let aLiam & HOPE HAVE HAPPINESS FOREVER! Let Zoe spew her venom on Thomas, he deserves it! Brooke deserves a little unhappiness, telling ERIC what to do, no less! I don’t want Flo to have happiness! Sally & Wyatt have earned it together! Please let THAT HAPPEN.. I’ll quit watching if it doesn’t! Wyatt is so sweet & so is Sally; I do NOT LIKE HER FATAL STORY LINE AT ALL! Kill Brooke Off! And let Ridge be happy!

    3. Did Katie tell Wyatt? What is Sally's illness?
      I think he still loves Sally. If Wyatt finds out then he'll want to spend more time with her and that will make Qiinn and Shauna mad and blame Sally. They might even threaten her.

  6. I agree about Hope. She's all about her and I think she likes the attention and the way Liam and Thomas fight over her. I don't think Douglas should be calling her Mommy. And yet, where's Beth? Its annoying the way he gets all of Hopes attention. And Thomas using that poor boy. Maybe Liam and Steffy belong together after all.

    1. It's about time hope gets a new man leave putty with heffy and be happy with baby and New man about time

    2. This is getting on my nerves Thoams does to much and hope Always falling for everything she needs to learn stop been stupid all the time believing thoans for that little boy who is not hers she need to raise here baby and get back with Liam evertime they try to tell her the true she don't listen to them at all .she needs to grow up and stop planning dumb and take back what is here. This sorry is working on my nerves and Thomas need to be taught a lesson and get caught all this he do. And his father just as dum as him. They all need to go off the story Especially. Thomas he be the first one to go I so tried of him and his sister

    3. The logans need to go they deserved everything Thomas does

    4. I think so too but I hope and Liam together.
      Thomas isn't right for her, keep steffy away they have tried to Minnie time

  7. 4 characters I dislike the most and I can’t stand their disgusting selfish bad behaviour and evil doer ways in roles they play. Then again disgusting bad behaviour is required; keep people invested & interested watching show and keeping the audience on �� their tippy smelly toes. ��

    These 4 made it to my cut it list of: bad, disgusting behaviour & unwanted evil doer characters:

    Quinn, Thomas & the 2 HO’s Shauna & Flo made the list. Please don’t add fuel to the fire by bringing other one on board such as Sheila. Both Sheila & Quinn; equal match & as evil as they come. Maybe those two will turn to each other for loving comfort - 2 to tango, evil witches or should I say B’s? ��

    Others should stay & we need to keep the longest time existing characters on show since 1987 because they worked hard to obtain and maintain their roles and they have made the most valuable contribution.
    They deserve respect & the successful long time running soap is mostly due to them; original characters. Accolades for them.
    They deserve to stay. We’ve already lost so many of that decade. It’s a disappointment.

    ‘Some’ new comers since 1987; they’ve learned so well from their best performer
    colleagues mentors from those decades.
    Good for you. Learn to listen first as you are protΓ©gΓ©s and take cues from best peeps who are your mentors so that you’ll benefit and to improve your chances of success.
    Accolades to you as well. ����

    (not like some spoiled & selfish over entitled millennial freeloaders who don’t care, don’t put in sufficient effort to work for it because they want all handed to them on a platter. Millennials, get real; THE WORLD IS NOT
    YOUR OYSTER. Duh ��. Some millennials I personally know are not described in that manner; they attained dream career working hard via honest work and they earned their rewards fair & square.

    Please don’t get rid of Sally. She’s sweet and caring character. She went through so many struggles, tried establishing her own Fashion business, did her best worked hard and she deserves a good happy life with Wyatt and to have their own family.

    Hope is annoying on so many levels. She’s not a perfect daughter nor a saint & she has flaws. She shouldn’t be with Liam period • Gee whiz; just have her & Thomas fall in love as long as he is changing for better; return to being good person for real and for the sake of their two children. Let them live a happy life with both Beth and Douglas.

    The no good Flo acting so innocent with a good heart; too superficial. She helping to save Katie’s life was 1 good thing. She might have tiny bit of goodness but she had plenty of other agendas in her mind; to win Wyatt’s heart. Remember Flo and her Mom Shauna chatting over positive outcome in her favour if she did it & new life they can have? So it wasn’t pure kindness nor a full selfless act or thing she did. I tell you; Flo has deepest and dormant secrets yet to be uncovered & it’s too shocking for anyone to take if opening a can of worms or Pandora’s box �� or give both Shauna & Flo a 1 way ticket to Vegas permanently.

    If that doesn’t work, hook up no good Flo with matching mate; Thomas of course & if writers don’t think it’s good idea: Quinn and Thomas together going on their merry way into the darkness �� lifestyle they drool �� in.

    1. I watch since episode 1 in 1987...and i agree with all the above!

  8. I dislike Zoey because she wasn’t upfront when she found out her Dad switched Beth into an adoptable child over to Steffy via her Mom Taylor who paid money ����to Zoey’s Dad & Taylor didn’t know that it was Beth. It caused many to be in so much pain over the loss and including Steffy who had to give up Beth. Zoey also concealed Thomas’s bad behaviour when he relentlessly intimidated others with his manipulative ways. Emma was scared & she was on her way to reveal the truth. Thomas went after her & happily stayed at scene watching instead of calling first responders immediately to help her. I thought he might have participated in getting rid of Douglas’s Mom & maybe suspicion in this case is unfounded; not part of story line.

  9. Let Sally and Wyatt be happy some. What is actually wrong with Sally? They never told. Let everybody see how mean and evil Thomas is.

  10. I love Thomas and Quinn! I can't wait to see what their going to do to get rid of that skank Brooke! As far as Wyatt and that disease Flu goes even if Sally dies I will never like those 2 together. NEVER!!!

  11. The writers need some creativity. It's the same story lines over and over. Hope needs a backbone and a new guy as does steffy for that matter. They could do so much more with the characters including Brooke. She's nutty as Thomas lately

    1. Brooke need to focus on her own relativitionship with Ridge,and leave Thomas to mess up on his own, it is what she does best. If she is not so focus on Thomas she would know more what is going on around her.

  12. I have had enough of Thomas, he needs to get ousted. Quinn, she needs to go as well. Hope is crazy and deserves all that she gets, why is she obsessing over Douglas when she has her own baby. And it's messed up that Wyatt left Sally for Flow, I'm sick of Flow and her mom.

  13. When thomas stop have creepy feeling over hope

  14. I love it! I can't stand Thomas, but like Quinn, Shauna, and Flo. Can't wait for Brooke to get her drinkin' on. What is wrong with Sally?? Last, Zoe, are you out of your mind??? And absolutely LOVE Douglas!!

  15. Have a miracle save sally. Brook and Hope should try not to be so selfish and judgemental. It is about time Brook remember her past instead of Quin

  16. I love it Hope is so holier than everyone she needs to hurt go back to France or marry Thomas.

    1. I think it would be intresting if Hope gets pregant for Thomas, and has twins, also please bring back Brooke's sons.

  17. I love the Bold and the Beautiful ❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️πŸ’—πŸ’— All the people who are on the Bold and the Beautiful are cool and talented πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ’–πŸ’—

  18. B&B writers need to come up with a different story line, I mean making Thomas a villain and then he making everyone else a part of his plan, this is the same story line as the baby stealing.. COME ON ALREADY

  19. They need some new writers. get rid of this Thomas,zoe, Flo,Shauna,and get the old Ridge back. This is a tired ,wack storyline. Get the original Hope back evev though she was a patsy too.

  20. What a bunch of nasty characters! Except the gorgeous Douglas.
    I'm not sure if I am watching "musical beds" or a swinger's club!! They all seem to have slept with one another at one time or the other!! Boring, repetitive story lines!

  21. This hole show got me so so mad hope needs to let douglas go with his dad an focus on her an Liam an her family all them Forster's teaming up working together to make steffy happy they got poor Liam all gone why is Thomas here anyways

  22. Hope dose deserve to be happy and I wanted her with Liam. But he is so weak and just so sick to think that Hope is just gone to do what he demands buthe is allowed to be getting phone calls with love and kissrs and he can spend the nite at Steffey and at a moment's. Notice just move back in with Steffey. Steffey has always won with lies and any other crap . I am sick of this then they tot what a great person Steffey is. She is as sick as her brother and her shallow. Father.

  23. I have been watching this show from the beginning I'm 75 years old and a faithful watcher but I'm done and encouraging others to be done you keep trashing the same people over and over I know the story line to well, I came back when you gave Hope her baby back and you turn around and write more pain it is no longer enjoyable I'm done for good

  24. Does Hopes baby Beth even exist. She mourned for so long now she's focused on Douglas

  25. Thomas is getting old!! An Hope's character is so STUIP!! Just wish a NEW story line comes soon or I'm done! I'm down from watching every day ta once a month an it's still same Havnt missed anything in between! THATS SAD!!!

  26. So tired of this thomas shit, its getting so boring, hope is crazy as hell she dont know what the hell she want

  27. Anyone else think that Vinnie is the sexiest guy on the show? I wish they would give him more screen time.
