Monday, August 24, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-24-20 Full episode B&B 24th August 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-24-20 Full episode B&B 24th August 2020


  1. Okay. I'm really not liking the storyline. It's not worth watching anymore. Is it the COVID or are writers just losing their touch. Need to come up with something better than old Characters doing the same ol' same ol'.

  2. Good grief! This is making me sick! Can’t stand Quinn and her scheming, maybe I will give this show a rest until she is caught!

    1. You make me laugh, the Great Stéphanie DOUGLAS FORRESTER was the same as Quinn. It changes us from Hope, Liam, Brooke, Donna and their whining and 'I haven't done anything wrong'. What a joke, Quinn is admittedly deranged at times or manipulative, but need I remind you what others like Bill have done, he was never charged for his crimes against Sally or Liam, the fire at the Spectra premises and the attempted murder on Ridge while in Dubai. Not to mention the rest of this big family, be careful, I would never stand up for what Quinn did. However, the kiss between Bill and Brooke was between two people completely consenting and that to degenerate because again instead of telling the truth and well they still hid it and each was still a couple.

    2. I have my opinion, I just don’t like Quinn or Shauna

  3. These people are all basket case and damaged and deranged. What about some sanity...please!!! Too much craziness gets old. Need better plots.
