Monday, August 31, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-31-20 Full episode B&B 31st August 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-31-20 Full episode B&B 31st August 2020


  1. Here we go again Bell writing Brooke as this Goddess men want.Bill is loganised now so he will stand by Hopeless too
    Thank you Star xx

  2. BNB always wants the actors to keep talking on the same topic till someone eavesdrop and hear their conversation till the truth comes out...

  3. I have come to the conclusion that brad bell is just stuck on

    1. Nope he is being PC, supporting black actors will take up a lot of air time. About time !!!! I am gone to Love seeing Carter half naked !!!!!

  4. Why Is Ridge so trusting with Shauna? Doesn't he remember she convinced Flo to keep The secret about Beth. That Also Hurt Steffy. He doesn't remember what happened in Vegas but it never occurs yo think that Shauna had Access to his phone.

  5. Ratings are low. Get some better storylines. Dragging the Ridge/Brooke/Shauna/Quinn drama isn't helping. And Bill needs a do over. These characters are too old to be stuck in love triangles or jealous stupidity. Good greif. I love B&B but not this storyline. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WRITER/WRITERS. You're losing my interest quickly.

  6. Yes! What happened to the fashion and glamour of Bold and the Beautiful! Flo and Shauna and all are they have done to Steffy are just forgiven so easily!

  7. who has been dressing Quinn dear Jesus get clothes remember her husband owns a fashion house

  8. better yet kill her in a leizure suit.
