Friday, December 18, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-18-20 Full episode B&B 18th December 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-18-20 Full episode B&B 18th December 2020


  1. Hopes been wearing that same ugly sweater all week! Its giving me a headache...please let the characters change clothes on Monday!

    1. I agree🀣🀣🀣🀣

    2. 🀣🀣🀣 true that!!

    3. You know,it's the same day. Everyone else is dressed the sane too.

    4. It must "pong" somewhat by now!

  2. TK moved me so much, this is the Ridge I had been waiting for for years as the father the character had to be from the start. Ronn Moss certainly had charisma, but his role as father of a family was mediocre. The actor mainly focuses on his charm or seduction towards KKL, HT or other female characters. RM didn’t have that instinct to be a protective father, close to his kids or to show his vulnerability when it comes to Thomas and Steffy as we see with TK. Regarding Annika, her role as a devoted and naive woman with Scott, I'm sorry, but old friend who plays family would say. Annika shines more in dramatic and intense scenes. Couples Lope and Steam have come to their end and it's time to see more couples. The same goes for Brooke and Ridge who for me no longer have their charm and are running out of steam. As much, Shauna pisses me off, but the chemistry the actress has with TK is really undeniable. It's a shame the writers must have made Jacqui's character betray with Tanner. These are the couple who were new to me and brought something fresh. Bell and writers have a knack for spoiling couples who are extraordinary together.

  3. This whole story line is getting so old....

  4. That was painful to watch πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  5. Well another talking same old story and Brooke stone faced couldnt care less about Thomas or Steffy Thank you Star xxx

  6. Just regurgitates the same storyline for decades. It is painful to watch at this point.

  7. Brooke is so cruel I cant believe she smirked and put a finger over her mouth to silence her self so Ridge couldtnt see her smile or laugh what a horrible person and she claims she cares about thomas :/

    1. I actually ended up rewinding a couple of seconds to hear what Ridge had said again because I thought I must have misunderstood something

  8. It would be funny if Hope and Finn already knew and was saying things to make Liam and Steffy nervous. Liam looked like he was going to cry at one point.

  9. Simple, kill Liam off, he is such a bore !!! Hope can have Thomas and Steffy, Finn. Nobody knows anything then, what goes on the road, stays on the road. Maybe Brooke could exit with Liam, and Ridge and Shauna could then get together (a most exciting couple).
