Monday, December 21, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-21-20 Full episode B&B 21st December 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-21-20 Full episode B&B 21st December 2020


  1. Oh man! I will bet Lameazz loves those PJS on his wife! SO SEXY!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! What a drab and dumpy girl. I can't for the life of me figure out why they keep giving her a clothes line when she can't even dress herself. I will bet Lameazz sexing Steffy has been the most "excitement" hes had in months, maybe years, LOL!! This why Bag-girl DopeyHo keeps losing Lameazz to Steffy.

    1. Guess what, Steffy is acting like a slut! Maybe she is the new Brooke!

  2. OMFG STOP WITH THE PRAISING OF THE HOMEWRECKING HO!!!! AND QUIT WITH BLAMING THOMAS FOR THE WHOLE KIDNAPPING DIABOICAL!!! Thomas DID NOT sell the baby nor did he collect any money. That would be the doctor and that waste of airtime FLO. and then there is ZOE!! I'm so sick of the MAMA HO blaming Thomas for everything in life and then some. Well, LOOKY HERE, those are sommmmmmmme PJ'S Steffy has on, LOL! About time we saw some Steffy/Finn action even though its not STeffy. And thank the powers that be that we NEVER EVER have to see HO & Lameazz. The wall bang is seared in my mind. Like mother, like daughter. And do we really need to see the old Hag Ho's 60 yr old breasts, REALLY????

    1. I agree that Thomas isn’t one hundred percent to blame. Ok, he has to manipulate and play on the feelings. He also used his son but it was Florence and Zoe's father who did the biggest lie and the kidnapping of Beth. Reese won $ 200,000 and Florence got $ 50,000 for the trick. Zoe and Zender also participated in this lie, too easy to blame on one person when there was a whole herd to start.

  3. RUN LAMEAZZ!! Tell her you got called to the office. He sure wasn't worried about fixing that lie. Only the lie about making love to the beautiful, sexy Steffy who he will always love. Sorry DopeyHo. NOT SORRY. Please, no more wigs or added hair for Steffy. Her own hair is perfectly fine. I'm very chatty today, lol

  4. I agree with these comments i was looking for the trumpet and fanfare for Hopey lol
    Thank you Star xxx

  5. Show was borning as hell how long before hope and finn find out.hope and find she be next hot couple its borning with liam and sfetty.liam dont have balls to tell hope the turth.gave it a o rating the show

  6. i dont get why the writers of the show. cause this is a soap opera want to keep bashing a character like that .i am talkin about thomas.the way they wrote this whole storyline,we saw that thomas wasnt entirely responsible for what happened to that baby.for flo and zoe its all forgotten but thomas keeps getting the blame for this? and in real life there is no way a father would keep blaming his son for something that others played a big part of that scheme.not only ridge but zende is blaming him but he doesnt blame zoe for this cause he has the hots for her?lol this line oh if i was hope i d never forgave him are you serious???? he didnt steal the damn baby he only kept a secret.and he kept it cause he loved hope and he didnt want to lose her.he carried away.
    also if hope dumbs lame she will prob hook up with that its ok for the dotctor or even wyatte in the past to be with hope but not thomas?
    and what about ridge obssesion with brooke the past 30 years and while he was already married.and vise it was ok for brooke to keep chasing ridge and vise versa but its not ok for thomas????
    why dint the writers wrote thomas as a psyco from the start so we could the audience hate him too.the way i see it is that all these hypocrites attack to some 28 year old man when they did much worse in the past
    even that old fart forgave queen

  7. Everyone knows what’s going to happen, Steffy will get pregnant and won’t knwho the Farher is!

  8. Steffy is really acting like a slut

  9. I agree fans, Stephanie should not of slept with a greiving man, Liam. However I am still a Stephanie fan. Hope Never should Compassion to Staphnie or Thomas after All the Madness her Mother, Brooke caused their Mother, Talyor. It still hurt Stephanie and Thomas. I love that the writers allowed Stephanie to expressed that pain is still there, after her motorcycle accident. It looks like Liam is trying to use sleeping with Stephanie to get out a Marriage to Hope. I always felt he left peace with Stephanie because he found out that he has a Daughter with Hope. Liam is FINALLY seeing life with Hope is just like Hope's Family , DRAMA!!!!!! Writers we are waiting for Taylor!!!!!

  10. Thomas and Hope if it is ok for Hope to approve of you LUSTING at a Mennighan of her, and Lying that she did not know where the Mannigan is. It is should be okay after it is Revealed that Liam Also Cheated and Lied!!!!!

  11. Writers, Brooke son CAUSED the DEATH of Thomas SISTER and Stephanie TWIN, and yet you CONTINUE to Hurt Ridge and Taylor Children. Writers you are Continuing Allowing them to be apart of Brooke life without Their Mother, Taylor to be there for them. Writers BRING BACK TAYLOR!!!!!!!

  12. Ridge really, you can say to Brooke that you don't know how her daughter, Hope can forgive Thomas, knowing, that he kept her from her son. Ridge, Really you are saying this to a person that Son CAUSED the DEATH of your Child. Ridge, Brooke son was DRUNK, and Caused the DEATH of your CHILD, and yet you are Still with her!!!!! Ridge the Next time you ask yourself why Brooke Will Always Love Bill, look back on your WEAKNESS!!!!!

  13. I meant Thomas also kept the secret from Hope as far as her Daughter, not son!!!! Liam is not wrong in my opinion, Doc have a Secret!!¡!!!

  14. Is this the same Ridge who wanted to keep Thomas' son from HIM when he discovered Douglas belonged to Thomas & not him? Is this the same Brook who lied to Ridge to cover up Thomas' death when she & Hope thought Hope had killed him?

  15. Writers it also hurt that Thorn, Ridge brother is not here for him, along with his Sister!!!!!? Writers these are Characters that we miss!!!!!!

  16. I love the FORRESTER lovers on this page! Remember when B&B had the runway shows & Brhooker was always being a whore? The show was about the Forresters but it seems like the writers, if you can call them that. want to tear every Forrester down just to make a WHOREgan look good or to win over a Forrester. The whole show has become the WHOREgan show and we older fans dont forget crazy azz Prick who married a he/she & got written out of the show. Thomas NEVER was crazy or had the hots for HO HO HOpeless. All this BS and the tearing down of the FORRESTERS makes me sick. Brhooker will always be a homewrecking, gold digging WHORE. HO HO HOpeless will always be the bastard family stain, Ridge's words. This show should have been cancelled when Stephanie died. Its gone to shyt ever since. Its no longer a soap but a comedy show, a very bad comedy show. SMDH!!

  17. I really think this show has run its course. The younger generation are not interested because they can see the faults but are not willing to gloss over them like we oldies did 30 years ago. Shame, but that's life.

  18. If people hate the show so much why do they even bother to watch and comment.....🤔

  19. The hate comments my, they are the laughing stock.
    Haters gonna hate, haters gonna hate!!!

  20. I was reading some comments.
    Wow... you people are crazy..
    It's just a soap peeps. 🙈

  21. Ich hasse die Beleidigungen an Brooke und Hope.Steffy und Liam betrogen ihre Partner.
