
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th March 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th March 2021


  1. Thanks! Its time for Liam to be alone.

  2. Replies
    1. Just the way he went on like hope is stupid was funny. I mean why would she lie about that.

    2. What Liam was tea saying to Hope:

      “I’ll never tell that I really do not believe you again, but you’re a wee bit thick Dearie. We big clever men know things your wee brain can’t quite comprehend. Trust me, oh Thomas you believe that idiot? Listen to me explain everything without full knowledge of the facts because I know everything you are just a wee wife who eventually come crawling back to me. It impossible that Steffy should be carrying Finn’s bairn. I am very potent and cannot have anyone else father her child, I need my options open in car you do something daft like divorcing me. Awww you’re so adorable how you want to believe this isn’t mine.”

    3. Sorry for typos am in hospital using my not quite so clever smart mobile.

  3. thanks Bob. oh how stupid the Hope dragging this out.

    1. That was so obnoxious right?

    2. I was starting to get annoyed by her

    3. Aren’t everyone that comment on here get annoyed with Hope!

  4. Liam was such a tossed today, he’s so arrogant and dismissive . He was rude to both Thomas and Hope. Kind of like how Brooke was with Thomas today.

    Liam was upset that he’s not the father. He didn’t want to believe it. His behaviour and face said it all.

    Hope is getting ready to dump him ha he’ll be alone. Steffy has her happy wee family with Finn and Liam is out in the cold.

    Steffy and Finn were adorable .

    1. Yes I agree with you. He was rude to Thomas. I mean seriously the man spoke the truth. Then Liam comes with his denial. I literally face palm myself

  5. Tosser bloody mobile!

  6. As much, Thomas made some pretty lousy mistakes and mostly lying and using his son. But, Liam was arrogant, he was pretentious in his words to Thomas and rude as a jerk. Hope was not afraid of Thomas, she was kind enough and Mr. Liam dares to criticize Thomas. liam should look at himself in a mirror first before judging. i hope Hope will let him down, she really needs to throw this guy out because by cheating and halving love for two women, frankly he is getting tiring Liam

    1. I actually think Hope deserves Thomas. He has proven over and over that he only wants her. She should really give him a try. Thomas has been in love with hope for years now. And it's time he gets her. Thomas should really keep up his honesty role. Wow Finn and Steffy are both funny and sweet. They really deserve each other. It's time the show bring another lady into the bold and the beautiful. Or maybe they can just bring back Ivy and liam can have a romance with her.

    2. I don’t even like Hope but I agree, Thomas would be really good for her if she would let him in. She needs to grow up and take off her blinders, see Liam for the arrogant, self centred jerk he is. The man has zero integrity! Thomas would be a very loving devoted father and partner for Hope and the wee ones. Liam needs to go back the rock he crawled out of or follow Sally to Genoa City.

    3. Agree with both of you!

    4. Yup Liam need to be a loner he doesn't deserve any of those women , he is selfish !!

  7. Well Hope fans Liam face says it all and he dont even know Steffy engaged
    Its gona be fun
    Liam gona show his true feelings
    Thank you Star xxx

    1. Finn is going to tell Liam where to jump off too if he comes sniffing around Steffy! Finn warned him already that he needs like a co-parent not her boyfriend. As her husband Finn and out a stop to Liam’s games. I hope Taylor comes to town and rips Liam a new one. Ridge should have a go at that arrogant git too.

  8. Dunno if Flo was in this episode, but anyway her öföfsöfösöfsffö way of talking is annoying, along with her stupid face. Body is hot of course.

  9. Is it just me or is Brooke upset that Steffy may stay in LA? Brooke was so annoying going about “my daughter “ to Ridge like Hope is the only one that matters in that entire situation, please!

  10. Replies
    1. I do too, however didn’t like Finn’s comment about the little family of 3. Hey bruh wtb Kellie

    2. Finn dotes on Kelly, I don’t think he meant it that way. He mentions Kelly a lot, but she is still Liam’s daughter and Finn isn’t trying to alienate her from her father. He is gushing about being a father for the first time and how that will create a family for him and Steffy, that wee bairn will bind them together forever in some ways. She is giving a gift he’s wanted for the longest time and with his soulmate. I don’t think we should read anything nefarious into his statement.

  11. What's the plot gonna be with Thomas being hit in the face by Vinny.Anither brain injury and a relapse to his old ways???

    1. Please don’t give them any ideas LOL poor Thomas although Bell loves to make villains of Taylor and Ridge’s children despite all the things Rick and CJ even Hope did are glossed over as usual. Please let Thomas have some peace and happiness for a change.

  12. Will Steffy marry under the poster on the wall?

    1. Steffy is supposed to make a grand gesture so I think that photo is going to be replaced by something else. I’d say the fireplace is the best idea but that’s just me hehhehe.

    2. The Forrester family home by the fireplace, where it should be. Welcome Finn into the family properly and celebrate Steffy moving forward in such a better way. Let Brook fall off a cannon prior to the wedding while she is driving there, so that Taylor can again treat Ridge through counselling. They will finally reunite.
      Hope realizes the poison her mother fed her - sue Liam, gets with Thomas.

  13. So boring . Not to mention that it’s sooo obvious the women Finn is with is not the same person and they filmed Steffy’s parts before the actress gave birth.

    In fact it looked like a mannequin of Steffy from the back lol
