
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-17-21 Full episode B&B 17th March 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-17-21 Full episode B&B 17th March 2021


  1. Thanks Bob, i was about to beat Liam over the head, so whats next?

    1. lol, those tears were for Steffy not for Hope :)

  2. I for one would have liked to of seen Brooke flip over backwards in that office chair! Miss Righteous herself cant help but keep the drama going where Thomas is concerned. I cant wait to see her face when Hope goes to Thomas and lets go of Liam! Its going to happen! Liam will show his jealousy over Steffy and Finn getting married and having a family. Hes going to remember what Finn told him about things changing if the baby was his....oh sweet bliss!πŸ˜‚

    1. Buwhahahaha! I totally agree she is the biggest hypocrite with her history, seriously. The look Ridge gave her was priceless! I see another split coming over Thomas and Brooke will run back to Bill and Katie will be left broken again.

      Brooke cannot stop hammering on about poor Hope seriously. Brooke’s like a spoiled child pouting in her chair. She can’t ever be happy for Ridge’s children. She was eyeing Thomas with a smirk when she said she was worried about Hope finding out then her incredulous looks and words she is horrid. Does Brooke always have to be such a witch?

      Ridge cannot have a happy proud moment over Steffy and Thomas.

      I’m so happy that Steffy will have a happy pregnancy this time. She deserves to enjoy every second of that miracle. She and Finn are so lock together. I hope the writing let them enjoy it for a while.

    2. Lovely not lock. The juice box scene is beyond adorable! Love these two together! Oh and poster yesterday, Finn said their family with him, Steffy, Kelly and new little son or daughter. He does love Kelly and accept her.

  3. why had Steffy those horrible lip injections again ???

    1. She didn’t it’s her lipstick they use shading to make them look fuller. She’s pregnant and not getting injections. Seriously grow up.

    2. Bullshit, you don't have any idea! And I'm 68 years old and a med.doc. in Germany - so I'm grown up already !

  4. I'm so glad that she and Fen is having a baby, she finally gets to be happy. It's about time they made her happy and in love with another man. Please keep her happy with Fen.

    1. Totally agree, well said!

    2. I bet it will not last. This is soap world.

  5. I can't put my finger on it ..but something ain't right.

    1. My thoughts as well. This is way to good to be true.

    2. I agree...there is a twist coming for all you Team Steffy’s too easy...the baby is going to be Liam’s...makes sense, everyone already started celebrating fans included...shouldn’t they wait until another paternity test is officially done...I wouldn’t take Vinny’s confession, he’s a liar...I’m thinking he said it because he felt pressured into it by Thomas & Finn...just told them what they wanted to hear so they would get off his back...I’d put money on it...remember it’s a “Soap”

    3. He’s going to admit to a felony because Finn and Thomas yell at him? He was worried about going to prison, he wouldn’t worry if he hadn’t done something. All they would do is run another test that would have the same result and Vinny would be off the hook.

      That being said this is a soap so in the finest soapy tradition anything and everything is possible. That my dearies is the point.

      What I don’t understand is why Hope fans would not be happy at this turn of events? Even if she never gets over Liam’s betrayal, at least she doesn’t have the added pain of seeing Steffy raising his illegitimate child. One wouldn’t wish that on her.

      I want to see both of these women freed of a selfish, self-centred tosser who doesn’t truly love either of them.

      The way Liam keeps both of them on a lead isn’t love. He feeds his ego having two women in love with him and pining for him. He never stops to think of the damage he’s doing to either of them.

      He’s cheated on both of them while married to the other that’s how Beth was conceived. You don’t become engaged to another woman while still married to your pregnant wife, the whole annulment thing was a joke. The writers should do some research, the only grounds would be deception going into the marriage- No, coercion-No ... remember the Australian wedding? Inability to consummate the marriage- Steffy was pregnant so definitely- No! Whether team Hope or team Steffy or somewhere in between, he was married and never should have slept with Hope.

      He did the exactly the same thing both times with both women. He assumed something that wasn’t true. He never bothered to ask his wife before running to the other woman, sleeping with her, and promising to make a future with her.

      Liam never thought about who he was hurting, just his need to be comforted and doted on. He’s hurt both of these women for over ten years and in spite of anything either Steffy or Hope may have done or failed to do, no one deserves to be toyed with like that. Liam doesn’t understand the meaning of love or self sacrifice.

      The worst part is Douglas, Kelly and Beth are all being hurt over and over by his reckless behaviour. It’s not just about Hope and Steffy anymore.

      Enough already, let Liam go. It would be great if he turned out not to be the father of either woman’s child.

      Maybe Hope’s Milan lover could come in to spice things up? Bill would be after Steffy again, Brooke would be jealous, Katie would be after Ridge or Wyatt or even better Hope’s sexy Italian. Maybe Brooke will fancy him and steal yet another of her daughter’s men, and have a change of life oopsie pregnancy! There are so many fantastic plot twists available to the writers.

      Did anyone notice that Liam made a point of asking if it was the new baby they were talking about, maybe foreshadowing that Kelly will turn out to be Bill’s? Maybe $Bill paid to change results to save his relationship with Liam?

      Nothing stays happy for long. I hope the writers actually have something new to offer us. Like there is only one man in LA that Hope could go after lol. I hope she breaks free of Liam’s toxic orbit and Steffy and Finn can have some happiness with their wee family.

  6. Ik denk dat Hope en Thomas weer samen komen. Ik hoop echt dat Liam alleen achter blijft. Steffie is gelukkig met Fijn. En hopelijk straks Thomas en Hope. Ben benieuwd wat morgen komt

    1. Ik hoop dat Hope blijft bij Liam. Ik heb op 1 van de bb fan-sites, dat Finn een misdadiger is.

    2. ik hoop ook dat hope bij liam blijft, ik heb vernomen dat ook hope zwanger is.

  7. If i was Steffy I would take another test some other place, just to be sure.
    But it will not happen because this is a soap... The kid probably need a kidney or something to survive and they find out the baby is not Finns after all...

  8. damn you brooke or SFTV you just tried to acusse poor ol thomas again????? and lame you can tell he wants steffy with a passion lol
    cant wait for thomas and hope be a couple and let lame rot

  9. Hope and thomas would be a good couple. I'm excited to see it happen.

  10. Everything said about Brook is soo true... did ya all kno tht Thomas and her had some weird Thang going on back n the day..yah..they were stuck on a soo cheesy...she is such a hypocrite for for sure.. is appalling and disgusting lol..

    1. Today was so boring! The cheesy dialogue between Steffy and Finn is ridiculous. Nobody talked like that, especially ALL THE TIME! Let's get back to some other characters please. And I agree about the lip injections. I've never seen pregnant women's lips grow like that during pregnancy. Some of these people act like they worship Steffy. She's a character! Not your bff.

    2. Oh my gosh seriously? About her lips again? If you look carefully at the closeups you can see they used dark lip liner and lipstick in the bottom and then lighter tones and liner on the top to make her lips appear fuller! If you look closely you can see they are their regular size! I’ve always had big lips and was teased about it as a child. I never ever would let anyone with a needle near them! She has beautiful lips they we’re highlighting her happy smiles and pregnancy glow. JMW is even more lovely when she’s pregnant.

      No one is worshipping Steffy. We’re just glad to something good happen for Ridge and Taylor’s children for once. This show is always about the Logan’s. We’re not going to apologize for liking the Forresters. If you have attack the actress on her appearance that is just sad. She can’t control what makeup and wardrobe do with her character. She has done the makeup to look horrid and still shines.

      Why don’t you talk about Donna or Flo’s fake lips or teeth or etc.
      Seriously, everyone has their favourite characters and ones they despise. JMW can act unlike some of the others on the show.

      You are the same lot that mocked her sudden baby bump, when JMW gave birth last month so was actually very pregnant in these scenes! B&B just stopped hiding it all the time.

      Grow up! We here Brooke and Hope worship here all the time.

      Granted, the writers have been terrible with their dialogue and ridiculous aerial shots of LA as filler. Don’t blame the characters for that.

    3. Sorry for typos my bloody phone keeps changing the words for me grrrr.

  11. Not sure what th3 broke bashing is about? As a mum she has eveey right to be worried about her daughter. And Brooke did commend Thomas and if probably you all were in her shoes with what Thomas did to Hope and Liam in the past you would probably understand her being a bit sceptical. Smh. We are quick to forgive others for their past mistakes in bold and beautiful but so quick not to forgive Brooke for her mistakes. Please!! Too many hypocrital judges where Brooke is concerned. So happy for Steffy and Finn. They are great together and it will be great to see Hope get rid of Liam!! He is obviously disappointed that the baby isn't his. Such a waffler. Smh

    1. Brooke is a huge hypocrite. She always gets forgiven and she’s done some terrible things including shoving Thomas off of a cliff with no personal consequences. She caused part of the trauma to his brain that was exacerbated by his later falls, but has no forgiveness for others. She of all people should understand how important forgiveness is and give Thomas a break. She can forgive Liam anything and sees him hurt Hope over and over again. Yet she cannot stop trying to keep Hope with Liam. She undermines Hope when she tells her to ignore her own feelings and needs and those of her children to cling to a man that Brooke thinks is Hope’s destiny! Brooke has done so much damage and never has a thought about others. Honestly she is putting her need to win over her daughter’s wellbeing.

      At the end of the day we’re tired of seeing Brooke treat others with contempt for doing something much less than she’s done many times herself! She feels she’s the only who merits forgiveness that is just wrong! Liam can be forgiven, Flo can be forgiven, but Thomas cannot because he is guilty of being Taylor’s son. Steffy is never forgiven either for the same reason.

      We’re just calling her out on the hypocrisy that’s all!

    2. Thanks’re one of the few that can see it for what it is...a mom’s a mom and will always put their child first...there is enough blame and accusations to go around the whole lot of characters in a soap...they’re all hypocrites at some point and time...bashing Brooke doesn’t even come close to some of the back stabbing, bad choices & infidelities...come on guys they’re all guilty...LOL

    3. I applaud a mum looking after her daughter. The reason people are unhappy with Brooke is that she did some very manipulative things worse than Thomas in the past. Remember her knowing Taylor was pregnant with Thomas? Faking a pregnancy with Ridge, marrying him, faking a miscarriage and then withholding Thomas paternity for over a year? Just so she could win over Taylor and gave a daddy for Rick and Bridget who were Eric’s? She passed Bridget off as Ridge’s even when she knew she was Eric ‘s and denied him his daughter. Ridge in turn lost what he thought was his daughter, not to mention all her betrayals of her own daughters and sisters. She was always forgiven eventually. That’s wonderful for her. We’re upset that she cannot forgive or see anything good in Ridge and Taylor’s children. Her own children killed people drink driving, or had children with married men etc. She covered for Hope when she thought she murdered Thomas. She had no trouble forgiving anyone else who actively and actually were more involved in the Beth stealing and adoption etc. She’s no issues with Liam cheating and fathering a child with someone else. So why is it that she can’t forgive Steffy (which by her words and expressions she totally hasn’t) or Thomas who has worked so hard to rehabilitate himself? The whole point is, we’re supposed to believe that Brooke has changed why can’t she even try to give Thomas a chance? Why does she only blame Steffy when
      Liam sought her out, and she tried to get him to be reasonable and go home to his wife? He refused, he made the moves on Steffy, he was the one drinking... lying to Hope about where he was and what he was doing. Brooke acts like Steffy did it all. She shares responsibility for that night with Liam! He as a married man never should have gone near her.

      The point is being protective of your child is fine, but the way Brooke treats Steffy and Thomas with contempt is born out of her hatred and competition with Taylor. It’s utterly hypocritical to give everyone else a free pass and only be unforgiving to Ridge’s children with Taylor. Especially when Brooke herself has been forgiven for so much herself. She could try. If Steffy or Thomas were anyone else’s children there wouldn’t be an issue.

      There is already tension building between Brooke and Ridge. He’s seeing her true reactions to the situation. One would have thought Steffy’s good news would be a huge relief because her daughter would no longer be bearing that pain. Brooke seems to see it as a negative because Steffy doesn’t deserve happiness in her mind. It prevents Brooke from seeing how it might ease some of Hope’s pain, knowing her husband isn’t having a baby with his ex wife.

    4. Thomas couldn’t win on that one. Brooke was cross he “took it upon himself” to tell Hope. If he hadn’t she would accuse him of hiding the truth and trying to take advantage of Hope’s pain. He is damned in Brooke’s eyes no matter what he does. He did the right thing.

    5. OMG! Take a breath Bbfan, obviously you’ve been watching B&B a long time but so have I...this is exactly why Brooke is still around, she gets fans like you in such a rage and by that you make her character most popular and important...writing a mini series of comments tells a whole lot about you...take my advice “chill” before you have a heart’s a soap for crying out have a lot of valid points but as I said before they’re all guilty at some point and time...that’s exactly what makes a “soap” entertaining...I for one can do without the essays...keep your comments coming “less is more” just saying😜

    6. LOL am stuck in hospital in an isolation ward so wee bit bored, what can I say? Am enjoying the verbal jousting! πŸ˜‚

  12. You people are crazy! It's only a soap. The writers are reading your comments an I think they are laughing @ some of the dramatic comments. The person who believes steffi'slips are real is not that educated as he/she thinks. It's obvious that Steffi uses fillers. Maybe now that she carries a baby the hormones are popping out. That's why her lips are bigger again. It's called a pregnancy mask! Her nose is bigger aswel. So please B&B peeps let's keep this nice. Corona is already taking the best of us. Stay safe B&B fans

  13. LIAM is so ungentleman and no respect while talking about STEFFY AS if she was just a random casual woman in his life //??/ liam Steffy was your wife and the mother of your firstborn married steffy for at least 3times .....

  14. Something is not right with finn that ring this is to good to be true we know nothin about finn background was much as i like himi really like him with steffy

  15. Thanks Bob,from the land down under.
