
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-30-21 Full episode B&B 30th March 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-30-21 Full episode B&B 30th March 2021


  1. 1st n Thank You Bob Klod stay safe🤗

  2. Replies
    1. I know! This show has gotten very boring! All they do is sit and talk, talk, talk!

    2. It really has taken a turn for the worst. The writing doesn't make any sense half the time. I mean, how is Ridge so shocked the sisters accepted Flo, yet is so demanding about everyone forgiving Thomas. Thomas was the most at fault when it comes to the people that knew about Beth. Now he is getting upset with Brooke for questioning Thomas' motives with Hope despite the fact he spent most of last episode questioning Thomas himself and basically saying that he doesn't believe Thomas is over her! Like come on writers! Everything you make characters do lately is in complete contradiction of the way the characters have been developed. I swear the writers don't even watch the show. Also, my usual reminder because everyone seems to forget and think Thomas is such a great guy; he killed someone. Got away with it, and it's never been mentioned since. Could've used the guilt of that to drive him crazy and cause his hallucinations with the doll, but no, he just bumped his head a few times...I hope these writers get paid well for all this effort. XD

    3. He’s any worse than Brooke’s drink driving offspring that killed Pheobe Forrester or Brooke shoving Thomas off a cliff and leaving him to die or covering for Hope when she thought she’d murdered Thomas? No of them is innocent. It’s hypocritical to pretend otherwise.

    4. DomiAvenger Have you bumped your head. Flo-P was a big part of the kidnapping. Signed papers, pretended it was hers and literally sold the child and received 50K to boot. Thomas overheard someone & ran with it but had nothing to do with the originally kidnapping or selling so GMAFB. If they can forgive Flo-P for all that, they can do the same for Thomas. Its plain crappy writing and BS! And that murder that Thomas did, allegedly, was just brushed under the rug as the millions of BAD things the WH**REgans did but are under that big rug too so not even going there. I will however agree with you on the crappy writing and the writers being clowns.

  3. Thank you! I love little dougie lol....Liam is a scum. B& B needs to do Thope right. B&B has to address the Emma thing. Hope looks beautiful. Brooke's red dress is amazing. I get that a mother would be protective and worry about Thomas' past but pushing Liam back to Hope rubs me the wrong way plus letting Flo back in the family

  4. Brook needs to STFU!!! No ones standing around judging her on her track record on being a slut!!!

    1. Absolutely---WH**RE! SHe graduated from slut more than 20 yrs ago!

  5. I feel so hurt for Thomas and I'm starting to love seeing him and Hope together. Writers need to give this a honest shot and don't mess it up. Have Hope be the one to go to him and let her tell Brooke
    back off.

    1. I would love to see Hope pursue Thomas. Then Thomas not let her. Be the honest man that he is. Hope will need to earn his trust first. She will have to work hard at this, Brooke will be mad that it is Hope (not Thomas) that is working at the relationship. Thomas is trying to not have the relationship. Won’t it be fun to see Brooke beg Thomas to get involved with Hope, lol.

  6. Thanks Bob, geeze i have no clue why i watch soaps for 50 yrs! Can't Brook ever stay in her own business????? Now she and Ridge will fight again and blah blah


    1. it's her fault once again, she pushes her marriage to the limit. and then when ridge leaves her she's gonna cry in eric's arms. like when, she pushed her marriage and said it was shauna and quinn. but, it was she who lit the fire. she annoys me, this woman. she quickly forgets the not very glorious past of her son because he has done the worst thing since his childhood.

    2. Brooke forgives everyone but Thomas and Steffy. She throws Steffy in there and still puts the blame on her and still believes Steffy was pursuing Liam which is not true. He was a married man who pursued his ex when he thought his wife did something. He even denigrated her relationship with Finn and promised her a family with him and Kelly.

      Brooke also rails about Thomas but Zoe, Flo, Shauna or any other person gets a free pass. Concern is one thing but making decisions for Hope and scheming to force her will regarding Hope’s life is just wrong. It’s manipulative and shows a complete lack of respect for Hope’s right to make her own decisions.

  7. Brooke is such a nameless hypocrisy. I'm sorry for the Brooke fans, but I can't stand her anymore. She forgives her niece in a flash and the welcome to her "Logan" family. She soon forgot that her beloved niece was involved from the start and more than Thomas in this deception. She herself told Bill her love when she was married to Ridge. At the time, Thomas never denied having feelings for Hope again. But, oddly, she doesn't blame or comment to Liam about his still existing and undying love to his ex-wife he slept with. She doesn't even tell her own daughter about Flo. She gives Ridge again ultimatums and puts her marriage in jeopardy again (I wouldn't be surprised if she blames someone in her place for destroying her marriage herself). So what Thomas did to keep it a secret and play some pretty ugly tricks is to blame. But, it was Brooke and Hope who went out of their way to secure custody of Douglas. She pushed it to the limit and Hope played with Thomas' feelings for her. And no one forced Hope to marry Thomas, she made that decision on her own. They played devious blows at Ridge, Steffy, and Thomas to make Douglas their own. And when Brooke saw that her daughter was starting to lose her relationship with Liam. Madam the Great Hypocrite, told Hope to drop Douglas and cancel shared custody papers. So Brooke does everything to provoke things but Madam washes her hands of it. How many times has Rick done dastardly things, manipulate his sister, manipulate his mother, manipulate his father, he treated badly "Ally, manipulate Ridge and used the love Steffy had for him, stole his father's creations? in order to help Sally Spectra senior, Take Stephanie's pistol and shoot Caroline, he poses as a cripple in order to take it to his advantage. But, when it comes to the son to her husband, no, no forgiveness and no benefit of the doubt.

    1. Bravo Hanan!! The show has turned into the WHOREgan WHORES win everything and can do no wrong. Sick of it! The picking on Taylor's kids and all the bad things that happen to them is not FAIR! The show has been blonde biased for a very long time. Something needs to give. The show just keeps getting worse and worse.

    2. I agree, Bell favors the Logans a lot, but frankly that will be his downfall. if he continues to do this, he will lose a lot of audience. do not believe, there are many who are for the family of ridge and taylor contrary to what we think

  8. Brooke is a joke
    She forgives a baby seller
    But not Thomas
    She acts so high n mighty
    Come on writers we know Brooke kept Thomas a secret from Ridge years ago so she could marry Ridge over Taylor
    We know all history Bell even if you lot forget
    Thank my Star
    Stay safe

    1. She has memory loss like Bell. Many forget that Brooke did worse and did everything to get Ridge while keeping the truth from him and knowing he had a son in Taylor's womb. She manipulated, schemed, lied etc. I can not stand her anymore

    2. Not to mention who insists their daughter stay with a man who hurts, cheats on and is so disloyal regardless of who he is with. This concept of destiny is ridiculous!!!

    3. Brooke acts as if she is a saint. She went through all rhe Forrester men like she changing underwear then she slept with her daughter’s husband so who the hell is she to judge Thomas

    4. YES MANDY!, YES Bbfan 10!, YES Nancy!!! YASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

  9. Brook does not like or love any of ridge kids

  10. Would Thomas cheat if he and Hope are a couple or even married. For Thomas its Hope or nothing. What a perfect time to go for the kill. Go Thomas teach Liam what true devotion looks like.

    1. Hope needs to choose Thomas. She needs to realize that he is perfect for her, NOT Liam

  11. I'd like to know why Hope is wearing a dressing gown to work

  12. and we all know in the end thomas will be with dope and brooke will be alone like lame and throw her shelf to bill
    another logan drama grrr

  13. Lol the Brooke hate on this page geez!! Well I loved that red dress on her and understand perfectly well why she does not trust Thomas around her daughter still. She wouldn't have gone ahead with this whole Flo show if Kate had not pushed. It is up to Thomas to prove himself so Brooke will have nothing against him if he and Hope end up together. I mean I like the new Thomas but the guy did some crazy things not too long ago...

  14. Who the EFF does Brooke think she is !! Ridge better hold his ground

  15. How DARE this WH**E Biatch talk about Thomas like that? First of all why isnt Ridge addressing if they are forgiving Flo-P for everything then the same should be done for Thomas. How DARE she say Thomas is being intrusive when she has been INTRUSIVE to how many families??? HOW MANY MARRIED MEN DID SHE INTRUDE UPON??? Does she have dementia or just selective memory??? LAME is NOT her daughters destiny otherwise he would not keep marrying and turning to Steffy so try again WH**E! She was NEVER RIdges destiny. She was worse than a stalker the way she kept going after him while he was married, GMAFB! Ridge looking across the room while married to CAROLINE?? WTF?? You mean you dont want Thomas to use one of your old moves WH**RE???? Does DONNA have a JOB??? Why cant Dopey who doesn't do a damn thing, watch her own kid??? She couldnt wait to get Beth, now we never see her at all. Is she in the closet?? HOW DARE she talk about IMPLUSE CONTROL!!! From the WH**RE who couldnt control her VAGE! But she trusts waffling Lame the cheater and liar, of course cuz shes the same person. IS Dumber wearing pajamas or a bath robe? This is what I dont get about Dumb & Dumber. Dumb was quite upfront about loving Steffy from day one going back years & Dumber knew this and accepted it. Dumb also cheated on Dumber before. Dumber made Lame cheat on Steffy many times so how or why would she expect Dumb to be a different way than he has been all these years. I know Dumber is brainless but everyone knows this about waffler Dumb. Yes, hes always said he loved Dumber but he has always said he loves Steffy too. He's been perfectly upfront about that period. Thomas NEVER loved Dumber. This is all the writers. Why is this WH**RE so hard on Thomas after forgiving Flo-P who was highly involved in the kidnapping of Beth. This show sucks BA**S!!!It never keeps to the history of the show and just makes up crap as it goes along. Brooke is the biggest WH**RE of all the soaps & they want the long time fans to accept her as different, NOPE! NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!! SHE IS THE TOWN MATTRESS AND SHE WILL ALWAYS BE!! HER OPINION MEANS NOT A DAMN THING!!!And ole Flo-P there shoulda googled Logan aka WH**REgan before taking that disgraceful name. No worries. Hope shes the one thats murdered soon. She has NO FANS at all. KILL HER OFF!

  16. I saw this coming, brooke and ridge separating me chills 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Anytime Brooke waxes poetic about how perfect life is there is drama soon after. I think Brooke should be the one getting murdered but then Bell would never take his precious Logan off the show. Ach well.

      Maybe it will be Flo, they keep saying how perfect her life is etc etc. I think they just want us to think it’s Vinny who will die. Otherwise where is the mystery...?

    2. Brhooker should have been killed off long ago by a sexual disease for sure or murder by one of the wives but all this foreshadowing about how wonderful Flo-P's life is points me to her murder. Its too much Flo-P this week and too many good things happening to trash. Besides all that she has no fans and everybody hates her character in all the blogs and rooms. DUMBbell cant fix that one. We just dont like her period. As for hooker & DUMBbell, Since our beloved Stephanie left, this lowlife has been running the show as to why no one ever calls her out on her character whoring. DUMBbell's wife lived abroad for a long while and you could just see that KKL's knees were very dirty. There has def been something going on for years before the wife came back and KKL picked up the accused pedophile. Sooooooo

  17. Liam should be killed off the show. That way Hope could be with Thomas.

  18. Has Hope still have something to say about it 🤔 or is only Brooke in charge of everything?

    1. Mother knows best.
      Hope should grow up and do what's the best for her and that isn't her idiot of a husband.
      Brooke as a loving and overprotective mother doesn't understand at all that Ridge loves his Kids too.
      Selfish bitch.

    2. Every Mother is selfish at that point. And of a Mother doesn't protect, but in, THEN she is selfish.

  19. Replies
    1. Shauna has the WORST acting skills. Way too much surgery

  20. Hope ITS CALLED A DIVORCE. UGH, pleez.
