
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-31-21 Full episode B&B 31st March 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-31-21 Full episode B&B 31st March 2021


  1. I mean they shouldn’t be together they are technically stepsiblings and that’s weird if you were dating a stepsibling eventually marry your step sibling but it is a soap opera so I guess anything is possible

    1. Technically as you say, biologically and legally, they were never half-siblings. Eric and Stephanie Forrester's family have never considered Hope to be a member of the family. Rather, she was considered the daughter of Brooke and her stepson (Deacon). Eric and Stephanie never considered Hope to be their granddaughter. Ridge and Taylor's children never saw Hope as their sister. In the eyes of the state and the eyes of the law, Ridge never adopted Hope. Yes, Ridge helped educate Brooke and Nick Maronne did too. Ridge allowed Hope to see him as a father during his teenage years because of Brooke's scandal. But when Hope finds out that she was Deacon's daughter, her relationship with Ridge is gone. They no longer see themselves as father and daughter. You can see it since his return in 2018, they no longer like each other and have often clashed. Hope no longer calls Ridge "daddy," and she reserves that word for Deacon. But Brooke's hypocrisy is truly incredible, because of what I remember and what I've seen. He didn't mind encouraging his dear Ricky's engagement to Steffy. And let me remind you, that Legally and on Ridge's birth certificate, his father is Eric Forrester. Ricky boy and Ridge are half brothers. So Brooke encouraged and participated in her Ricky's engagement with her stepbrother's daughter. And she romantically and sentimentally encourage a relationship of her son with his stepbrother's daughter. Please don't go on this ground because frankly Brooke is really fake and hypocritical.

    2. Agree Hanan. Further, Brooke never accepted Taylor and Ridge’s children. Hope and RJ were raised separately from Thomas, Pheobe and Steffy. Brooke never considered them Family. It’s always “My daughter, my son, your daughter, your son etc etc.” Brooke always sees her children as perfect no matter what and Ridge’s children as bad people who deserve to have nothing and no happiness.

      Brooke’s behaviour has caused them so much pain and she just can’t treat them with any respect or kindness. She has forgiveness for every one else in the world except Thomas and Steffy.

      She who has been forgiven far worse should be the first one to have understanding and give them another chance.

    3. So agree with you on this, it s like promoting for step sibling to be together, no its not ok

    4. That's how blended families work. Yours, mine, and ours. My husbands son calls me by my first name, and daughter calls him by his first name. I say your son, and he says my daughter. We also say our son.

  2. I can't stand brooke why don't she just shut the hell up.

    1. I agree, hypocrites be like telling other people what not to do as she's done it all before :)

  3. I cannot understand why Brooke would want Hope to be with Liam after he slept with Seffy again and told Steffy that he still loved her! What is wrong with Brooke????

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking!!! What kinda mother would encourage her daughter to continue to be with a man who constantly cheats with his ex.
      Wouldnt she want her daughter to have someone better?

  4. I wish Thomas would snap one more time and take Brooke out. She is such an annoying ugly on the inside character.

  5. For someone who slept with EVERY man named Forrester, as well as her daughter husband and her sisters husband “CAN YOU SAY SLUT” - who in the hell does she think she is.

  6. The best line on the show was when Ridge told Brooke to play nice. Unfortunately, she did not.

  7. What was Hope wearing at the office? She works at a Fashion House.

  8. Brooke is such a stupid bitch slut. It's not up to her who Hope is with. I really really hope Hope & Thomas end up together and it makes Brooke so mad her and Ridge get a divorce and she moves away (or gets killed off from trying to come between Hope and Thomas) either way that bitch needs to be gone. And I'm sure Thomas will treat Hope sooo much better. Hope would never be hurt or wonder Thomas love for her.

  9. BORING! Brooke saying SAME thing. Liam saying SAME thing.

  10. I was a Brooke fan but not anymore. He was talking about how Liam as hurt hope and Steffi but she doesn't listen only things that Thomas is upset with hope

  11. Brooke need psychiatric therapy!!!! She has a major issue every time that Hope’s name is brought up. Perhaps delusional that Liam is good for her daughter. Of course Thomas will mention the name Hope, he works with her. He technically has the more rights to the company than Brooke or Hope ever will. Hope has the living arrangements with Douglas so of course Thomas mentions Hope’s name. He is correct that Liam is not good for Hope, or Steffy let alone anyone.

  12. I agree with Brooke. please Thomas, drop the act!

  13. Brooke is being such a witch. She is so far out of line with Thomas. She has no right to tell Hope who she has to be with or to force Liam in her or to order Thomas out of her life. Brooke wants to believe Thomas is obsessed and evil etc. She’s taking it too far! Enough already. Ridge better kick her dark ugly heart to the curb.

  14. How can Ridge stay married to Brooke when she always looking down on his children

  15. What a mother. (Brooke). Rather her daughter be with the waffler. She’s def got mental problems. Liam is a piece of shit. Brooke needs to back off

  16. What Brooke doesn't realize if Hope was to say she turning to Thomas now it's not her choice hope is a grown woman who can make her own damn decisions she need to stop being such a hypocrite I think for her it's all about winning since she end up with Ridge hope must end up with Liam and the fact that Steffy have a man now and hope may be without one eats her up!

  17. This is a soap, or has everyone forgotten that? They are who they are and do what they do because they have “writers!” This is not real and the ugly things that are said about them is hateful. Hopefully they never read them.

    1. We are not saying about the actions actors, but the characters and some of them actually agree with viewers. B&B loves the controversy because it keeps us all watching and talking about the show! Without villains 🦹‍♀️ soaps would be boring.

  18. Welp...Brooke you hypocritical bitch..stfu! Im thinking you have some kinda thing for Liam..being hes about the only one you haven't slept with...yet! You have no morals whatsoever so youre not qualified to give relationship advice!
    Thomas dont let this hag get under your skin, no worries baby..Hope will be back in your lap before long and I cant wait to see Brookes face when Hope tells her mommy that Thomas is who she wants lol!
    Gosh somebody rip that puffy sleeve off of Paris' outfit, shes too pretty to wear that garbage! Hope please change that pajama romper, youve been wearing it for days... The wardrobe designer on this show totally sucks!

  19. Thomas want hope again? Omg. Same story makes me so tired!

  20. Warum seid ihr alle gegen Brooke.Sie hat Recht mit Thomas,so wie die ganze Zeit.Keiner wollte ihr glauben,doch sie hatte immer Recht.Ridge und alle anderen lassen sich immer blenden,von der neuen Strategie von Thomas. Thomas hat sich nicht geändert er hat nur einen anderen Weg gefunden,wie er Hope bekommen kann.Die einzige wo Recht hat ist Brooke und sie lebt nun gefährlich.Sie hat seine Strategie durchschaut.
