Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-15-21 Full episode B&B 15th June 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-15-21 Full episode B&B 15th June 2021


  1. Thanks Bob. Quinn on the floor begging priceless. Well we know she and Carter will cont at some point. Good acting Liam, i do believe Thomas has changed but guess we will see if thats so as well.

    1. I do think Thomas is sincere and his brain bleed changed him, but everyone knows Brooke is not going to be happy

  2. Thanks Bob.

    The scene between Thomas and Hope was good. I'm not a fan of Hope's but I think I will be able to tolerate her more if she's with Thomas. This actress is also my favorite one so far. She's very talented. I just hope they build them up right and not rushed.

    I'm starting to think there's a real connection between Carter and Quinn more than just rebound sex. It would be nice to see them together.

  3. Really disappointed that Paris didn't approach Carter on her own. That would have been something to see.

  4. I see a connection between Hope and Thomas
    Once again Bell has the cast fawning over Hope
    Has Ridge forgotten Kelly too?
    Liam mentioned one daughter again
    Am so sick of Bells bias against Steffy

    1. Personally I think they setting up Kelly to be the next Steffy. And by that I mean they want to have her competing with Beth for Liams attention. At least this time both girls are Liams.

    2. Agree Scarlet same stuff next generation.

    3. He mentioned Beth because without him she doesn't have a father figure where as Kelly does

    4. I don’t think so. Liam forgets Kelly unless he’s around Steffy. Hope has this dream world where she and Liam play happy families with Douglas and Beth and Kelly doesn’t exist. Liam literally didn’t mention or make any attempt to see Kelly in months. It’s always about Hopeless and Beth. He rarely mentions Douglas but then Douglas has a Father, Thomas who is very present in his life! Liam is just too self absorbed.
      Hope hates any reminder that Liam and Steffy were married or that she she cheated with Lame and got pregnant while he was still married and had a very pregnant wife and then newborn daughter Kelly!

      She is such a hypocrite!

  5. hope don't believe thomas, she thinks he's getting obsessed again.

    1. I agree that she thinks something is off with Thomas.

    2. He’s not obsessed and no she isn’t! She’s cross that Lame is giving up on her perfect dream world she created for them to live in. She’s still just a wee lass playing house! She doesn’t want to face any reality just listen to her whinging.

  6. Quinn and Carter will end up together, I just know it!

    1. Yeah me too, he really does care about her and what she thinks. This whole thing being kept a secret is because she asked him to. In just this episode alone there were instances of him caring. When he found her on the floor, he sounds so concerned and he doesn’t even pay any attention to Paris. When Quinn tells him that Paris know, he tries to deny it to Paris because that’s what he believes Quinn would want him to do. He asks Quinn to leave even though if he truly believed deep down that both of them thought their night together was a mistake that Quinn could have just stayed and backed him up, but instead she has to leave so he doesn’t say the wrong thing in front of her. Also when Quinn is leaving he doesn’t even look at her once, because he doesn’t want to feel guilty about the obvious lies he has to tell Paris. He tells Paris that he loves her sister not that he is IN love with her sister. Wording is everything. You can love anyone or anything, but being in love is a whole other level. As for other proof, they both cannot stop having flashbacks. Quinn daydreamed about him in this episode for heaven’s sake. Before he proposed to Zoe, who was he thinking about? Quinn. Last Friday, before calling her best friend, who urgently needed to talk to her and Quinn even acknowledged that, she decided to call Carter to tell him about her night with Eric. While we are on the subject of that phone call, did you see the hurt/confused look on his face when she was talking about that night with Eric? Those two can deny it until the cows come home when they are away from each other, but as soon as they are together they just light up with undeniable chemistry. Also if they didn’t have feelings for each other then why do they always say they need to stay away from each other? You would think that if it was a couple no-strings attached sex secessions and they were just friends now that they could be in the same room together and forget about the whole thing in the first place, but no they are always talking about it. They are in denial right now, but come July when all of this gets out and they are outsiders they will start to open their eyes to what was there all along.

  7. I believe the reason is because Steffy has been off, but when she comes back full time and planning her wedding things will be different

    1. JMW has been back full time supposedly they had taped her to show during mat leave. Instead all we saw was bloody Logans every day.

  8. Shauna's outfit is cute. The style of Hope's dress is cute, but the color is blah.

  9. Loved Wyatt’s suit very smart!

    So bored of the Hope show. Liam really doesn’t give a toss about Kelly. Apparently he has to ignore her so Hope can live in her fantasy world where she Liam have two children being Douglas and Beth. He never mentions Kelly wtf?? Grrrr. Douglas is NOT Liam’s child, he’s Thomas’ son.

    Paris needs to mind her own bloody business. She’s way out of line. Carter doesn’t owe Paris anything he was broken up with Zoe he never cheated on her. She on the other hand tried to cheat with Zende.

    Quinn and Shauna were hysterical wondering how anyone could eves drop at the office. Lol.

    I hope they keep Liam and Bill in prison and have a Thomas and Hope get closer.

  10. i'm with what wyatt said about thomas to liam . of all people you pick thomas

  11. Replies
    1. Paris needs a hair color that looks real. Longer hair would help, but the color is horrible.

    2. Yes, Scott is very good at the suffering facial expressions. He does it well.

    3. Paris' hair is just fine. Her look is quite natural. I would hate to see them do to her what they do to Zoe. Zoe's hair is horrible.

    4. I agree! Zoe looks like she has horse hair glued to her head. Paris looks so much better.

    5. Agreed! Zoe's wig is hideous!!!!

    6. Paris' hair color clashes with her skin.

    7. Paris’ hair was pink and now it’s yellow. UGH.

  12. can they please hurry and give thomas a new love interest... this hope obsession is getting annoying....

    1. Helping someone you love isn’t obsessing. That is Brooke’s take because she hates Thomas for being Taylor and Ridge’s son! She can’t stand to have anyone or anything take Ridge’s attention from her.

  13. Brooke and Ridge need to go visit Bill in jail.

  14. Ya'all just wait until VINNY'S girlfriend comes forward about her play in Vinny's death....Liam & Bill get outta prison BUT depending on how long it gets strung out and Liam in prison.. WILL HOPE establish feelings for Thomas??? Hmmmmmm🤔
