Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-8-21 Full episode B&B 8th June 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-8-21 Full episode B&B 8th June 2021


  1. Replies
    1. I can't wait for Eric to find out Quinn cheated on him for 2 reasons.
      1. Karma for Eric with he deserves. For real real.
      2. Quinn is a cheater n should be exposed rather Eric forgive her or not, which I know he won't ever forgive Quinn again for anything especially cheating....

    2. So because Eric couldn't forgive her for what she did it's his fault she cheated that's sounds so wrong lol who thinks like that quinn wanted what she wanted and it's her own fault she cheated if she didn't break her promise to Eric she wouldn't have been in the position to cheat

    3. My only hope is that they do not drag it out like they did with Liam and Steffy.

      I would not exactly say that Eric deserved his wife cheating on him but he certainly did everything possible to ensure that it did. He did not stand by his wife when she tried to break up Ridge and Brooke. He refused to understand her side and instead supported Brooke wholeheartedly, even though Brooke told him right to his face that she was going to do whatever it took to get Quinn out of his life. Eric should have been more understanding toward his wife. Then, he sort of forgives her and asks her to move back into the mansion but then doesn't want to have anything to do with her. As much as she tried to reconnect, he turned his back. So while he might not deserve it, he did make way for it to happen. And I hope he acknowledges that.

    4. I agree with Unknown. Whatever which kind of problem they could have between them, it doesn't allowed queen to cheat eric..
      If you really love, you don't cheat. That's it. No matter what.
      But about look - Queen looks great today.
      I also can't wait when truth will get out. I think Shauna will tell truth to Flo after at home. Some way will come that info to Eric. For sure again someone will come in during someones conversation about it

  2. zit er geen video erbij voor vandaag?

  3. Why is it that the wardrobe people seem to save all the normal, nice-looking outfits for Shawna, and dress all the other women hideously? Shawna is the only one who consistently looks great.

    1. Maybe Shauna gets to choose her own clothes! She has great hair! Flo’s makeup and earrings were pretty! Paris needs a support bra!

    2. True, Ren Chen and Debora

  4. Paris should not have opened her big mouth like that to Flo. How insensitive of Paris. Paris looks terrible in that dress and Paris' dress is hideous.

    1. I also think it's about time Paris shuts up. She already talked to Shawna about this matter even though it is none of her business. But to confront her again? NO!

  5. I do hope it comes out. Eric needs to know the truth. I wonder if Zoe would forgive Carter for lying 🤷‍♀️ I hope they don't drag this out too. We all know they're good at dragging things out all the time. It's annoying. I think Flo looked pretty in her outfit but Paris dress was hideous.

  6. Cheating is wrong but to Elle's point she was justified ...whats Brooke reasons for her MANY indiscretions??!!

  7. I like Flo. I like Wyatt. I like Flo and Wyatt together.

  8. the secret is coming out, and then is it the end of the road for quinn

    1. End of the Eric road. But there is also Carter highway waiting for her.
      Carter tries to convince himself and others that he is back to Zoe but he obviously can't forget Quin.

  9. It was great to not have Liam on.

  10. Yeah Koyasha think Paris was out of place ...last employee in the Company and I think she was a bit overboard and her sister doesnt even care for her ...should go and look for Zende
