Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th June 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th June 2021


  1. Replies
    1. And he accept the big pay off bills give him I think it's greed

    2. I know, sometimes people would rather have get a thank you instead a big ole paycheck 😂

  2. Replies
    1. Thomas was doing his best talking him down!

  3. If I was Charley's boss I would have fired him in an instant! How is it possible he never saw how Justin carried Thomas out of fc to put him in a cage at sp? He always sees it when someone come in or parks wrong. Why can't he see Thomas being kidnapped? Justin is just having another 5 min of fame. He will let Thomas go and disappear himself. He is now acting axactly how Thomas said. Like Bill! You know in Holland Bill's name means ass? And Brooke is the way they say pants...

    1. We should at least see Charlie come under a little fire from Ridge and Steffy.

    2. Maybe thats the point, "you're parked wrong", so maybe he's got some footage on his cameras etc

    3. Arse pants buwhahahaha! Oh I love that! Agree it suits that pair!

      What today showed clearly again is the Brooke couldn’t care less about the trauma Ridge suffered or nearly dying after Bill threw him from the helo.

      She was in her usual defend Bill mode. Given their history Ridge needs to wake up and see Ms nasty panties for the selfish self-centred narcissist witch she is!

      Steffy does care, look what Bill did obsessively pursuing her and trying to destroy her marriage so he could be with her. However she does have a child to think about. Liam is a tosser so I think Kelly would be better having Finn being a guiding influence then Lame’s selfish whiny self.

      Thomas is good and strong and clever! It’s nice to see Matt in action, he’s a good actor .

      The prison yard scenes were funny, it almost look a group of fellas were making a move in Liam and Bill. How can someone as intelligent as Bill not realise that Justin isn’t doing anything to get him or Liam released?

    4. Charlie definitely has cognitive issues and in no universe would be head of security for a huge fashion house like Forrester! He’s a comical character, always has been.

      It would be hysterical if he did see Justin in video because he parked in someone’s spot lol. I couldn’t believe him telling Ridge off on the phone last week for parking lol.. yeah Mr Co-CEO we can’t have you utilising the wrong spot, never mind your wife probably stole yours, you aren’t a Logan so wise up bucolic” ahahahhahaha

    5. Bucco not bucolic bloody mobile lol

  4. i thought this was about thomas killing emma

    1. Since Thomas never killed Emma that would not be the point would it?

  5. Thank you Bob for fixing and a big hug from Germany 😘👍

  6. Oh my goodness, I found it a bit comical; both Father & Son bonding in prison. I’m so happy Thomas is becoming a good grounded stand up man and he wants to do the right thing tell the truth to release Liam & Bill, etc. I hope all will be revealed soon regarding this story line, Quinn Carter cheating & that they discover a surprising new villain bad person Justin and hoping Thomas will be saved and that all will have new restored faith and trust in Thomas. He wants to see Liam free from prison and to be united with his Family. That’s wonderful.
    Wishing all fans a beautiful weekend 🤗🦋

  7. I agree with the comments about making Thomas not to be for any Woman, after the suffering he watch his Mother go through because of his Father'S Love for a woman, BROOKE!!!! Also, WATCH his Mother, TAYLOR being to WEAK from walking away because she Loves Ridge(notice I said loves not loved). I too are happy that his Father, Ridge NEVER gave up on him. Ridge continued to tell Thomas don't let love and revenge determine who you are!!!! Although he is STILL OBSESSED with Bill, just saying!!!

  8. Two black men, Justin and Carter, the ONLY black characters on the show! Both have been " YES MEN" for years! It seems like the TABLES ARE TURNED!!! Just Saying!!!

    1. What are Zende, Zoe and Paris?

  9. Writers/Publisher's, Don't let Carter and Justin lose their jobs for the mistakes they are making. We
    Watched for years and years of their Loyalty to their Employees. ALL of them and their Families they they protected are STILL employed!!!! Don't let Carter and Justin get Fired!!!! Just Saying!!!!

    1. You so realise for the 20 millionth time that this is a fan blog?? NO producers or writers EVER read this!!! (Publishers) is the wrong moniker since this is a television serial not print media!

      Our kind Bob makes it possible to watch the videos and post our fan opinions here. It’s beyond annoying to read the same crap every day that you post like anyone who works for B&B would be reading this!!

      End of day, Carter was single and unattached when he slept with Quinn. It was literally no one else’s business. Paris had no right to say anything about who Carter slept with or didn’t sleep with when he wasn’t involved with her sister who had betrayed him while they were engaged!!

      Her reasoning that he and Quinn knew Zoe wanted Carter back is asinine. He had no obligation to give Zoe her own way. He had every right to move on. Granted, sleeping with your boss’s wife if not a good precedent ( pun intended) but given the situation, understandable. He shouldn’t have lied to Zoe but he had no obligation to tell her who he slept with when they were broken up. He had no intention of beginning another relationship with Zoe and her refusing to accept no for an answer and entering his house without permission and having the audacity to go to his bedroom, with a closed bloody door??? She had a cheek and got what she deserved!

      Sleeping with your wife isn’t considered a legit reason to fire someone as high up as Carter is. Not to mention Ridge and Quinn had their flirtation, Ridge gets that pull to Quinn he nearly slept with her himself!!

  10. Justin, Carter and Sense, are the only 3 African American guys on this soap. Might be down to a lonesome one.

  11. Ridge’s face when Brooke was defending Hope slacking off at work was so funny. He’s over her pampered pet routine lol. We are all distracted but still do our jobs, lol. Others have dealt with worse and still came to work and got their stuff in on time. It’s not like Hope is ever at the office anyway. What a joke.

  12. Why is it that when i try to watch a episode i often have a error message saying “page not found” then i have to wait till the next day to watch it. Does this happen to anyone else

  13. It had be more interisting , IF this was about his daugher , Emma . Just saying
