Monday, June 28, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-28-21 Full episode B&B 28th June 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-28-21 Full episode B&B 28th June 2021


  1. Replies
    1. Me too, I don’t want this storyline to drag forever; but, I think he is right!

  2. yes agree great acting
    Justin flash backs remind us of what exactly Bill did to people
    even setting up Hope n Liam with a photo and Hope being her mother in the dressing room to a newly engaged father of Kelly and Hope didnt care and the throwing Ridge out of an helicopter and blackmail setting up Steffy pretend love nest to get lope married and much more
    but when are logans gona pay too
    Thank you my Star xxxx

  3. I never understood when someone say: I love you... then the other has to reply with: I love you it's a competition. Why not just say: I love you too.

    1. I agree it’s dumb, for me it’s, “and I love you!” It shouldn’t be a competition… then again Hope is a Logan 😂

    2. Steffy said it as well right around when her water broke lol

  4. I love dark Justin! They better not get rid of him!

  5. Geeze guess i will stay away awhile this Justin thing is stupid
    Thanks Bob for the Vid

  6. Really liking Matthew Atkinson on Bold and Beautiful. Hope and Liam are boring.

    1. Liam and Hope are always boring it is so contrived, no one cares yawn. Let Liam and Bill rot.. Hope and Brooke will play the martyr and then Hope will find someone new because she can’t be without a man for five seconds.


  7. Notice to all, to all those who do not like my comments, thank you for going your way. As well, I want to have a constructive exchange, even if we do not have the same opinions, because that is freedom of expression. But as much, to those who tell me "who cares what you say", "it's the same thing you say", "shut up", "you bore us".
    First, I didn't ask you to comment.
    Second, freedom of expression, for some, is a word unknown in your vocabularies to some.
    Thirdly and frankly, it was you who was going to waste your energy to comment while I will not answer you when debilitates come out
    Thank you for your understanding. And I hope for some with whom I exchange constructive opinions will always be there to give their opinion on my comments.
    So, back to the episode. Justin's last word "Pay back Bitch, Dollar Bill", I loved it. Frankly, the acting of actor Aaron D Spears is really great. B&B really doesn't know how to use actors in the long run and especially Justin who has been misused since he saw Bill. Very unfortunate, even if the writing of the script could have been improved, that they give Justin aka Aaron something like that before he leaves. It's okay to have flashbacks where Justin did Bill's dirty work. See again the crazy and deranged side of Bill, the roles are reversed with Bill in bad shape and Justin the great new king of SP. There too, the dynamic of Thomas and Justin is really fantastic, still a shame to put that after Justin's departure instead of Aaron.

    1. Frankly, I understand why the Soap of Bell JR, did not win in the 3 categories of "Outstanding Drama Series", "Outstanding Drama Serie Directing Team" and "Outstanding Drama Series Writing Team". By dint of writing badly the scenarios, of putting couples that do not work. Annika aka Hope, made it clear in the live with one of the producers, that she is not a fan of Lope, that Hope should be independent, that she would have enjoyed other scenarios besides Liam since arriving in 2018 she would like to have a history with wyatt and she said she filmed a big thing for hope. SC aka Liam, who has lost some of his iconic aura since 2018, his acting with the rotten storylines that he has completely deserted him and who hasn't even been named for some time. Heather Tom aka Katie, she doesn't appear much anymore. TK aka Ridge is clearly fed up with being an emotional and sexual support for Brooke's character. KKL aka Brooke, other than being busy voyeuristic about whether Lope has slept together and having nervous breakdowns, she isn't much use. Darin Brooks aka Wyatt, since he's been with Flo, let's not talk about it, totally invisible, bland and boring (The actor in a comment a friend made, he would be delighted if Wyatt was Beth's father because that will bring him back in big dramas). DD alias Bill, he too has lost his charisma. KB aka Flo, she's really useless and her screen time sucks. JM’C aka Eric, he seems bored to be in a recycled scenario (Stephanie vs. Brooke) aka Quinn vs. Brooke and instead of saying amen to Brooke when she cries. DR aka Shauna, his on-screen relationship with Ridge should have been brought to the fore and done something new. RS alias Quinn, if B&B could give Quinn a little but really a little of his strong and dark side (his relationship with Carter was a surprise and frankly it's better unlike Lope who gives boring performances). JMW aka Steffy, frankly, she’s the only one that stands out with some poorly written storylines that makes it totally crazy and thrilling stuff. And TN aka Finn, I wait to see some more because Finn's parents will be in the next storylines

    2. Some people are obsessed with Bold and the Beautiful!

    3. Completely agree Hanan. They have all these great actors and don't know what to do with them. The actors lack of motivation is evident. The writers insistence on lack of recall destroys every story they try to create. I understand this "woke" idea of leave the bad in the past and move on. But that is not how actual people behave.

    4. @not concerned about chasity apparently not all, do not understand the initials of the actors because it was pointed out to me

    5. @debora If it's me you're talking about, it's a crime to comment on a soap, and then the soap has lost a lot of shine for a while

    6. @Anonymous, I think you can't read, but next

    7. @scarlet diva,
      Bell JR has really messed things up for a while

  8. I don't get it that you all seem to praise Justin's performance. I find him rather rigid and non-convincing. As for the rest, l hope they shift all the storylines into the second or even better into third gear. It feels like nothing has happened in weeks.

  9. If Justin didn't like what Bill was doing all these years, why stick around??? I'm sure Justin is getting paid really well.

  10. How did Justin transport Thomas from FC to SP without been seen?

  11. Replies
    1. Very good! Ridge has been wondering where Thomas is.

  12. Quinn’s face when Carter agreed to do the vow renewal was priceless lol. She had to know Eric would do that, the Forresters always get Carter to perform weddings, vow renewals etc. They had to get a priest for Eric and Quinn’s wedding because Carter didn’t want in the middle of the family drama at the time. It’ll be Zoe who will bring Paris and spoil things or Carter won’t be able to go through with it. Hmmmmm maybe Shauna will speak up and win Eric’s approbation maybe she will be the next photo over the fireplace hehhehe.

    1. Perhaps Quinn won't be able to go through this. Vows renewal is nothing than running away from her feelings for Carter.

    2. Agree and Shauna is looking more and more like she can’t take the fake luvie dovie any more. She might have enough and tell Eric.
