
Friday, August 13, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-13-21 Full episode B&B 13th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-13-21 Full episode B&B 13th August 2021


  1. Quinn and Carter will not last.

  2. What is Paris doing there. When your roommates get married. You find a rock to sleep under until the honeymoon is over. That is what friends do for friends. You wake up at 3 am make breakfast and tip toe back your room.

    1. Have you seen the size of that beach house? I'm sure Paris is lost in some other part of the home. She simply came to offer babysitting services so that the newlyweds can focus on each other. If it was a small house or apartment, then I can see the need for her to temporarily relocate, but it is not necessary given the size of the beach house.

    2. Next to main door they have stairs going up for second level of house.

    3. And a whole separate guest house too when you first come in, loads of space there. It was kind of her to offer .

    4. I agree! Steffy and Finn should be living with Hayes only. Even though they're married, the relationship is still new and the last they need is a woman who is gainfully employed and capable of finding her own place living with them. Also, I'm surprised that Finn instantly accepted Sheila as his mother without a DNA test and knowing nothing about her.

  3. She is going to be a very annoying character now. too bad

    1. She has always been a very annoying character and stuck her nose into everybody's bussines. She is the next psycho.

  4. Replies
    1. Poor Finn. He is torn. I understand his need to get to know his mom. I was not surprised when I saw the heart. I was actually sort of touched.

      My only hope is that he does not eventually turn out to be sinister like his momma and decide to help her in getting back at the Forresters. Sheila is playing nice for now but I am sure once she realizes she has Finn's support, she will want to turn him against the Forresters.

    2. Me too. Totally get that need to know where he comes from and questions only his birth mum could answer and that need to know her in some way. However, I also hope that psycho blood doesn’t run in his veins.

  5. Paris will understand Finn's conflict
    Steffy will not
    Don't worry Lame will understand you 😂

    1. Steffy seemed to be understanding today, and very apologetic.

    2. Steffy is understanding but of course she won’t want Hayes near that psycho. What mother would? Granny or no. She’s more likely to kidnap the poor bairn or do something terrible to him, than not. I love Sheila’s character she keeps things dramatic and interesting, but definitely don’t want to see her harm Finn and Steffy and their wee family.

  6. Eventually it will be Quinn who saves Hayes

  7. Can we try to have a good adventure out of Sheila without any Liam and minimal Paris? Asking a lot

  8. Thanks for the upload, Bob.

    I don't get it. When Finn received the text, sender was 'Unknown'. I thought Sheila sent the text anonymously or blocked her number somehow. How then was Finn able to respond if the number was unknown? Oh well. There goes Sheila back to her stalking ways pretending to be someone else just to get Finn's number.

    1. Loved seeing Carter and Quinn today!

    2. The name was unknown. The number, which we did not see, is always known.

    3. You don’t always get a name associated with the text if you don’t add the person to your contact list first. That is how a text can come up as unknown especially on an iPhone. Since the text was sent to Finn, all he needs to do (or did) was reply to a text he already received (yes can be done even if the name is unknown.
      Now that he does know it is Shiela - he clicks on the unknown at the top and goes to info part and then either choose add contact or edit contact to make the name Shiela. Then when that number is used it will come up as Shiela and the actual number will be displayed in his contact list.

    4. Unknown means you can see the number not who it belongs to. Blocked means you can’t see the actual phone number. That’s different.

  9. Thank you Bob. I am so glad to find your blogspot. Has a lot of catching up since they dropped it in South Africa. Just cannot believe Sheila is back, there is absolutely nothing good in her. Hope Steffys marriage can withstand the onslaught. And Paris looks dubious as well. Dont know when she came on to the show.

    1. Hiii fellow South African :) so grateful to Bob, Paris is Zoes sister (The Model), skip a few months back it's all there, Alot has happened since they dropped the show here at home, let the binge watching season begin. Enjoy!!!

  10. Yeaa hope the carter quinn story is gone soon , miss eric quinn so much!

    1. And I hope Sheila is the one to expose Carter & Quinn!!

  11. Why does Carter put everyone on speaker when Quinn is there. He knows better that anything business and personal with the Forresters is not for her ears. It’s extremely unprofessional..
